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Well, hasbro hasn't been doing very well too lately with a bunch of screwups and i wasn't exactly happy about twilights "enlightenment" so i was wondering if anypony else was worried about how S4 might be like? Im interested to hear about peoples opinions.


You might be. Not because nobody else will be worried. There are surely other people worried about S4.

The main reason is best summed up in this question:


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I don't see anything that could bring worry.  I also don't see what your talking about with the "screwups". I'm not worried at all, season 4 like megan said will be awesome.  

  • Brohoof 3


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My main concern isn't the writers or DHX. It's Hasbro. Executive meddling can potentially ruin an otherwise excellent work, and needs to be kept to a minimum. I'm sure the writers can do something interesting with Season 4, but I'm not sure if Hasbro will let them work to their full potential.


Aside from that, I'm actually (cautiously) optimistic about the next season. I'm still not over Twilicorn, but I can live with it if Season 4 is well made. 

You might be. Not because nobody else will be worried. There are surely other people worried about S4.
The main reason is best summed up in this question:

Same way they hold an apple, roast marshmallows, and change diapers (which begs the question of why Mr. Cake still ended up holding them in his mouth). Ponies must have invisible digits. That, or space magic.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've only been a brony for a short time, but I've "survived" 2 full blown end of the fandom moments. After experiencing the mega feels of magical mystery cure and learning EqG didn't jump the shark, I'm nothing but excited as hell for S4. If they can pull those 2 things off, I can't wait to see what they'll do this winter.

  • Brohoof 4

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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At first I was very worried about season 4 in large part due to my concerns over twilicorn, but since seeing the Equestria Girls movie though I am still not completely sold on the idea I am no longer opposed to it. The best way to describe my current position over both twilicorn and season 4 is that I am optimistic yet neutral. As has been said before excessive executive meddling can easily ruin even the best shows and twilicorn struck me as a very dangerous step in that destructive direction but Equestria Girls actually being good gave me hope that Hasbro might actually let the writers do what they need to do to make this work. Hasbro knows how upset this sort of meddling has made some fans and may realize that they could lose their newfound brony fanbase if they push too hard.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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all they need to do is...


ALL DEH EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!




(You know you want them, come on.)



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I'm not worried about season four because its going to rock! I just hope we get to see more of Luna and Rarity in season four. Those are my only concerns. Oh and I hope we get s better developed villain then Sombra. He was just horrible!

  • Brohoof 2


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I've recently become pro-Twilicorn after seeing Equestria Girls on Saturday. I am not worried about season 4. I think it will turn out just fine, just as Twily herself sings.



Edited by Nagisa Misumi
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I think S4 is going to be just fine, as good if not better than it would have been without the Twilicorn change.  Most of the "problems" with Twilicorn are actually story hooks.  "It's too soon"--will she be ready to handle the new level of responsibility?  "Will she still have time for her friends?"  "Will she get cocky, or go the other way and spaz out because everypony's deferential to her all of a sudden?"  The latter I hope, since that's more consistent with her character as portrayed in the first Trixie episode.  "Will her friends get jealous and/or uncomfortable trying to 'just hang out' with her?"  "What happens as the other characters start achieving their dreams as well (RD as a Wonderbolt, Rarity as a famous Canterlot designer)?"  "How does that affect the ones who are content where they're at (Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie)?"  Good writers can use these kinds of things to make great episodes, and this show has good writers.  Plus, there'll be the continuing adventures of the CMC's (what happens if one of 'em gets a cutie mark?), and probably some more character development for Spike.  There's also room for episodes centered on Discord, Luna, and Celestia.


I'm more 'worried' about S5--what happens after the Twilicorn transformation has become the new normal, everypony's used to it, and the issues for Twilight and the others are resolved?  I think that's the more likely place where FiM could jump the shark as the writers try to figure out, "OK, what can we do to top that?"  IMO one big danger for a show like FiM is that it could wander into the swamp of cliched romance plots.  The writers subverted this in the Galloping Gala episode where Rarity found out that the dude in the "Prince Charming" role wasn't so charming.  But, with the prospect of FlashLight looming, perhaps bronydom ought to be grateful for the Twilicorn change, because it staves off "fairy tale romance" plot lines for a whole season.  


Romance for the M6 is kinda inevitable.  Since they're equivalent to teenage girls or young twentysomething women, it will probably be difficult to keep them completely celibate for, say, 10 seasons.  A major problem with romance is that FiM, by the nature of its primary target demographic, can't spend a whole lot of time developing male characters.  The only exception is Spike, because he's "the little brother."  He's also the only male character in a (semi-) starring role.  Among ponies, the most developed male character communicates solely with "Eeyup" and "Nnnnnope."  Shining Armor: cardboard cut-out, and he's already taken.  Flash Sentry: probably a cardboard cut-out too.  So, sooner or later the writers are going to be backed into the corner of shipping the M6, but without the ability to generate a stable (*ba-dum-tish!*) of male characters as well-developed and likeable as they are.  Bewaaaaare the cardboard cut-out Placeholder Studs!  Bewaaaaaaaare!


So, thanks Twilicorn transformation, for (probably) putting that off for at least one whole season.

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Nope not worried at all, except for one thing. There is a certain cheap curveball that many cartoons like to do after a change within the show. The show would officially be broken for me if they did that. From what I can tell though, they are not going to do that. (For those who do not know, the curveball would be reverting Twilight in some way) Like I said though, I am certain Twilicorn is here to stay, so it is a pointless worry.


Beyond that, I am not worried at all. I loved season 1, season 2, season 3, I have heard Equestria Girls is great, and I love Twilicorn, so I am very much looking forward to season 4. There are so many new possibilities with episodes and now, with Twilight achieving her destiny, I can look forward to the others achieving their's down the line. I love character development like this and these are such great characters that I cannot wait to see what they do next. Twilicorn has opened that door completely. To me, the future of the show is very bright. All of the negativity lately has been incredibly idiotic in my opinion.


So yep, my enthusiasm is quite high. :) Luckily I am not overhyping season 4 either. The only thing that I absolutely want to happen is confirmation that Twilicorn is permanent (for the reasons mentioned above and others). This is probably obvious already, but I am weird like that. I worry about stuff like that. :P Like I said though, I am certain that is a pointless worry, because it is a bit obvious that it will stay. Beyond that, they can surprise me.


So, to all who look forward to season 4 as well, I say brohoof to you all. /) Yay for positivity. :D

Edited by Kyoshi
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To add another prediction, I think Spike will reference having been a dog once sometime in Season 4, for humor.


Twilight may very well mention having been human once, too - but I think the Spike reference is a lock.

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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It doesn't have to be an entire episode but I'd love to hear how Applejack got her hat, it can't be as simple as she just went to a shop and bought one. There has to be a story behind it.


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The enitre season will be leading up to a climatic clash between good and evil! As the ponies must rely on Discord and Twilight's powers to overtake...








Oh, and probably a cutie mark crusadre getting her cutie mark but hiding it least the others judge her - rightfully so the selfish little filly.

Edited by DiscordAnarchy
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I don't really have any specific plotlines I'm hoping for, other than moar Wonderbolts and maybe a Trixie appearance, but I really do hope they tone down the fanservice.  I'm fine with the little winks to the fans like Derpy appearing in the background, but something like Magic Duel, which was just wall-to-wall fanservice, is a really bad road to go down (though I didn't actually think that was a terrible episode)

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I'd love to know how Fluttershy discovered that she could do The Stare.


There absolutely has to be an episode where Rainbow teaches Twilight how to fly.

  • Brohoof 1


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Any guesses as to what the reference is? Early 90s...hmm. "The Bodyguard"? "Boyz n the Hood"? Tonya Harding gets Nancy Kerrigan whacked in the leg? (The latter two, probably not.)

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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They really need to show an episode where the Wonderbolts are actually being as awesome as Rainbow Dash makes them out to be. Out of all the times they appeared, NEVER do they do anything really in particular that I found them to be as amazing as everyone makes them out to be. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust both seem the kind of fliers that could form a team like much better than the Wonderbolts hadn't been for their conflicting personalities. 


So a wish for me: Actually make the Wonderbolts do something!

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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Well, most of what I want involves more of seeing the backstories of the minor characters(Ex: Derpy, Trixie, Vinyl Scratch, Mr and Mrs Cake, Zecora, the Apples)


Plus I would also like to see(Even in movie form) the origin of Celestia and Luna and how they became Princesses.


And is there any way Hasbro can get the rights to the song "Run with us" and have Ashleigh Ball sing it?

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I'd put my money on Twilight stepping down as a princess after the two-part premiere. It would be stupid for her to lose her wings, but I'm guessing that she quits after the new villain shows her how tough being a princess is.

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I really want a Celestia and Luna episode, one that doesn't involve or barely involves the Mane 6, just Celestia and Luna doing stuff together, maybe talking about their past. I guess Cadence could be in that too.


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Some random ideas I had for episode plots:


- Apple Bloom has to hang out with Twist again for some reason (maybe the other CMC are unavailable or something?) and realizes that she has been neglecting her old friend.

Lesson: Make new friends, but keep the old (one is silver and the other's gold! *shot*)

- Pinkie Pie must choose between moving back to her family's rock farm to help them or staying in Ponyville.

Lesson: Our parents/family may influence us, but they don't always dictate our destiny

- Twilight and Princess Celestia get into an argument

Lesson: You can disagree with someone even if you respect them.

- Applejack realizes everypony finds her "boring"/"ordinary" and tries to combat this by changing her personality to be more "interesting"

Lesson: Be yourself (derp)

- Rainbow Dash and Rarity suddenly realize they have some hobby in common and start neglecting the rest of the Mane Six

Lesson: Don't leave your friends out

- Sweetie Belle develops a crush on Spike and begins following him around

Lesson: Dealing with unrequited love

- Rarity gets sick with some sort of unicorn flu which makes her powers go out of control, but continues working anyway, leading to chaos.

Lesson: Sometimes, it's okay to put your own needs first

- Discord begins acting clingy with Fluttershy and she has to learn how to say "no" to him

Lesson: Dealing with "toxic" friends

- The CMC argue about which species of pony is the best and start to hang out with their own "kind"

Lesson: Eh, something about accepting differences I guess

- Twilight helps Princess Candace get over a crippling phobia

Lesson: Nopony is perfect! (Also, it would be nice to see her actually have some character flaws)

- The Mane Six somehow get transformed into dragons

Lesson: Lol, none I can think of. It'd just be cool.

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Nope not worried at all, except for one thing. There is a certain cheap curveball that many cartoons like to do after a change within the show. The show would officially be broken for me if they did that. From what I can tell though, they are not going to do that. (For those who do not know, the curveball would be reverting Twilight in some way) Like I said though, I am certain Twilicorn is here to stay, so it is a pointless worry.


I'm pretty sure that Equestria Girls established that Twilight's transformation into an Alicorn and subsequent coronation are permanent.  I can't really see them backtracking on that at this point.



To add another prediction, I think Spike will reference having been a dog once sometime in Season 4, for humor.


Twilight may very well mention having been human once, too - but I think the Spike reference is a lock.


Spike:  One time I turned into a dog and she helped me.

Edited by SBaby

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I hope for Vinyl Scratch AND Octavia to have speaking roles, and maybe even episodes all for themselves. I want them to be recurring characters. That'd make me the happiest sentient lifeform ^_^


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I want to see the CMC get their Cutie Marks, that would be great.


And yes, another Luna episode.


Also, I heard Season 4 may be the final season, I hope it's not true, but it may be..

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I want to see the CMC get their Cutie Marks, that would be great.


And yes, another Luna episode.


Also, I heard Season 4 may be the final season, I hope it's not true, but it may be..


I hope its not true, but when they announced season 4 they would of said that its the final season in the beginning. I think its going to end when they cant find anymore lessons of friendship


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