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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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I remember my worst pain. Has anyone ever had a tube stuck down their penis? I have. It was a medical procedure I had to go through that was incredibly painful! I hope I never have to go through something like that again.

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I remember my worst pain. Has anyone ever had a tube stuck down their penis? I have. It was a medical procedure I had to go through that was incredibly painful! I hope I never have to go through something like that again.

[sarcasm]What are you talking about? Catheters are the best thing ever. Seriously, whoever invented that thing was a brilliant person.[/sarcasm]

I forgot to mention the time I got stabbed in school. You can bet that the stabber had a broken femur and clavicle to go with his expulsion, and I got of punishment free. Stab wounds don't hurt terribly at first, but they suck whilst healing.

Edited by MidnightBlue
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona, MidnightBlue: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-blue-r3098

Signature by Love4shadow~. Thank you! Avatar by me.


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  • 2 months later...

If this thread aready exist, sorry, couldn't find it.


Well, I went to the hospital and suffered a lot today (I'll explain below...), so I decided to make this thread. :)

So what are your biggest pains or injuries?


So my worst injury...: (Pain level: 9/10)


When I was in second grade, I was playing in the playground, when suddenly, I received a slap of wet sand in both eyes. I mean a lot of sands, so much that I couldn't see anymore when I opened my eyes, it was pitch black. So they cleaned my eyes with brown paper and sent me to class. A terrible move, since now I am astigmatic... :/ (I can't believe how stupid they were to do this, seriously, now I see all blurry.)


And now my worst pain! :D (Pain level: 11/10)


So well, I have some difficulties while eating, since the food get stuck in the throat. I passed a couple of tests, and there is nothing for now. Anyway... today, I had another test here. So at the hospital, they made plenty of mistakes everywhere so we had to wait for two hours, it seems they never noticed we were here waiting lol. They technically explained me that they would pass a tube in my nose to the stomach. Okay... that's quite interesting I guess. So now they are preparing to pass the tube in my nose, and they ask me which nostril.


So I choose the right nostril. Well, they pass it in my nostril, and OMG IT BURNZ!!!!!!1! I was like "omgomgomgomg...". (like if my sinuses were burning, for real) So finally they reach the bottom, and it won't pass! :D So we need to start all over again! The tube succesfully pass in the left nostril, even more painful, and it reach the throat, feels really weird and hurt.


So we get past here with plenty of heaves, and we slowly get down... then I start to cough, but really hard, and they just continue. They will later realize the tube went in the wrong path, in the pharynx, after I coughed terribly hard. (It hurted hard too, that is where I cried lol) Then they slowly get down to the stomach, and now I need to pass the tests.


Technically I need to drink water and eat Jell-O to see if it block. After we finished, they just pull of the entire tube in one shot. And finally it's done.


I guess everyone here got a cold once. Well you know, when you sinuses get irritated and it hurts to breath, it burns? Well, imagine this, x50. This is seriously the worst pain I've ever had, it beats the time when I almost drowned and got sand in the eyes.


And guess what? If they find nothing, I'll pass this test next year again! :D

I really hope you never get to endure this. :/

Edit: Also, when they removed the tube, I almost lost consciousness, it hurted that much.



So finally... what was your worst injury and pain?

Edited by GhostPony750
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Worst Pain Level: 8.7/10 -- Broken Pinkie Toe


So I was running to grab the phone in the other room and I catch my toe against the side of the sofa. I felt a massive pain and fell to the ground. Limped my way over to the phone nearby (it was an important call I was waiting for) only to be greeted by a telemarketer. It wasn't a major breakage, but my goodness it hurt! For the next week or so, I was walking around college in a pair of slippers because shoes hurt too much...


Runner Up: 7.1/10 -- Paper Wasp Sting


At work in the summer, I was putting away my weed wacker and a paper wasp flew right at my face and stung me above the eye (thankfully I was still wearing my eye protection.) Much of the pain might have partially been from shock, I had never been stung by any bee or wasp before. It felt like someone shoved a hot needle through my eyebrow.

  • Brohoof 1
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Only significant amount of pain I can remember - maybe 6/10

It was when I was about 6 or 7. I was mucking about with the levels of speed on my family's treadmill, I hopped on, and I flew backwards into the wall. But, that isn't the worst part. There is a plastic flap at the end of the treadmill for some reason. My hand got stuck under it, and the skin from the top of my fingers was slowly being shredded off like a cheese grater. I had to go to a clinic, then I found out that I had to go to a hospital later so they could plant more skin on there (which was taken from my ass, mind you). Funny thing, actually: before then, I sucked on the two fingers that were shredded on the treadmill, so my habit was broken by this event. Now, if I do that, I am pretty much sucking what used to be my ass.


Cool story.

  • Brohoof 2

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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The worst pain I ever felt.
A retrospective.
By yours truly.

When I was but a wee Thorns, I was fully cognizant of that fact of what a handsome/beautiful young person I was growing up to be. I have strong memories of walking down the hallways in grade school before morning class began. I would stroll on through while flipping my hair back, dramatically cocking my head to one side or the other. Young men tip-toeing at water fountains would turn and stare as I brushed against their Spiderman backpacks; the water would keep on streaming against their face, but they would continue to stare, transfixed at my obvious beauty. Girls would close their locker and turn to me, eyeing me down with cold, jealous eyes as they clutched their pink binders to their flat chests. Teachers would raise their eyebrows as I made my way to my 1st grade English Class. As I passed a custodian exchanging out a light fixture, he let out a small yelp as sparks began portruding from the exposed cyclindrical socket within that small indention in the ceiling.

Long story short, I was always good looking. My pain was that I could not legally marry myself. The end.

13/10 on the SCALE OF TORMENT.


"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils;  they differ enormously on what evils they will call excusable."

"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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I'm not sure if I can describe this in the great detail that is needed to help you even begin to comprehend the pain, my worst pain was childbirth.  Let's just say, he was a big baby + I was too small = RIP!  and the meds didn't kick in until everything was done and over.


100000000/10 pain

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First [- I was about 8 or 9, I was learning how to ride my bike and I had ended up crashing head first into a metal gate.


Second [9/10]- this was about a few months ago. I was playing basketball with my cousins and some random people at the park. I was crossed, which is what they call ankle breakers, and got the biggest charlie horse in my leg. And since I had never experienced that much pain before, I was actually close to crying


There are much worst moments of pain that I had, but these two came to my mind at the moment.

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Well if a tube going down you nose and into your stomach (with mistakes and torment along the way) is a 11/10

Then I think its safe ta say mine was a 15/10


I was about 9 years old, riding on my bike and going off my very first jump. Landed on a bolt on the handle and Pierced my nuts. went to the hospital and the nurse opened the womb some more to see if it effected my balls. Gotta wonder now that I think of it >.> *shrugs* I was only 9 D:


Anyway, I might not be able to have children now and I am gonna be 18 this month, should be interesting....

- Maxos

  • Brohoof 1


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I once dislocated and sprained a ankle, and walked on it for three weeks that way until popped back on it's own because I didn't know it until I felt it crack back into place. It happened when I fell through a uncompleted deck and my foot went completely sideways against the beam I wound up straddling. I can actually pop that ankle like popcorn and completely twist it a unnatural amount(with no pain) to one side because everything is so loose in it.  



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Well, my thread got fusionned with another thread. So here are some other stories about my painz.


One day I was running, and I slided down on rocks. Well, it seems a rock pierced through my skin and made a hole into my bone. It hurted a lot.


Another day I was playing with my friend in the park and fell down from quite high, smashing my chin 3 times on metal bars. I went to the clinic because it was in quite bad state. They had to do some stitches, so they decided to sting me in my neck... Quite an horrible experience.


When I was seven years old, I was in vacation somewhere, and I decided to run everywhere. But I tripped over a rock and was sent flying... I landed the knee on the corner of a stair. Imagine the pain.


I've been quite unlucky in my life with this, I have more stories but I will post them later. But the worst was this test with this tube, painful.

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Thank goodness this has only happened once, and hope to never feel it again, but a couple years ago while washing dishes, I leaned forward and out of the blue an ultra sharp fine pain struck my lower back. Wasn't pain, but total torture. It put me on the ground instantly, with such pain I couldn't even move or make any noises or cry for help. It just felt like a needle-nose pliers pinching my spine nerves. I could only lay still on the kitchen floor on my back, clenching teeth until thankfully it passed maybe 30seconds later. For a while after there was some sensations through the night. Never got figured out what it was.

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Worst pain I've ever experienced:


Emotional pain. 


No matter how much physical pain happened or was caused to me, it wasn't as bad as this. It was when my dad told me that I was just a nobody that will never find a job, and remain lonely for the rest of my life. I cried for a week or so and he never apologized.


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I've been scooped by a car before, but the most painful was when my shoulder completely cramped up. It completely locked itself in the most painful way possible. Only lasted a day luckily.


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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Its actually been a couple things for me. 



First it would be Cramps... LITALLY I couldn't even get up on the first day... 


Second one would have to be: Ear infection, THEN kidney infection 


AND lastly stomach problems... I can't even eat anymore I get so sick and my stomach hurts so badly >.> 


LAST night WAS the worse though... MY STOMACH felt like someone was stabbing me from the inside ><

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe you guys should try falling into your neighbor's driveway on a bike.


...okay, don't actually try that, but that happened to me when I was 10, and I was in so much pain my body couldn't keep up with what I was feeling. Effectively, I couldn't feel anything, but my body was telling me I was in a ridiculously severe amount of pain.

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I'm sure I've had worse but two incidents come to mind: I left a bottle of water inside the freezer too long inside a gatorade bottle so I started stabbing the ice after I got the cap off, well I missed once and stabbed myself.


There's nothing worse than eating spicy food and then having your asshole disagree with it so it burns like hell as it's coming out. I love spicy food but apparently my asshole doesn't.

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I was hanging with my guy friends one day and they were going to do the "Salt and Ice challenge." Where you put some salt on your arm and apply an ice cube on top of it. It causes a burning sensation and you try to withstand the pain for as long as possible. They dared me to do it with them. So as the dumbass I am, I did it....and I kept it there until the ice melted. There was an gross and yellow mark on my arm after that. Then after a while the mark changed and looked like a hickey. I still kind of have the mark. At least I didn't end up in the hospital ._.


I'm stupid.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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