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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

writing Sixth month (Revelations)


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I dreamed

If that was my only crime then tell me so now

I dared to feel

If this was of any virtue to my impenetrable soul, show me

I witnessed a true beauty

And if it was not meant to be, why was it so?

Will you allow me to express my newest of revelations?

Even though I know that you may never hear them…

Even though I may never see you…

May I confess just one more time?

I was guided

Your words served above most others

I felt what I could only dream of

By you, for you, and never against you

I thought I fell in love

Is that what happened?

I learned by you, and oh so much I did

Even if it was only for a short while

And through it all, I had much to show

Unto you, and my own achievement


Would you care?

Would you wish?

Would you waste your night away?


As many as there are

To which we dare to attempt to number

And to which we all are

Just stars, in whole and in part

Which star are you, may I ask?

I wish to look upon you this evening

A heavenly body compared to the full moon

A glistening, angel of great reckoning

A star you are, my star you are

Share you glow with me

If never again, just this evening of open revelation

I know that you hurt

That you cry out in sorrow

And I sit where I am

Unable to help

To lift a finger in your aid

Yet I keep you in my thoughts

Keep you, yes, and my heart suffers for it

If only I were there

If only I had known

I wish I never lost faith


If you love me

Just like you said

Then know that I love you too

I always have

Even before I knew I did

I failed

Only because I gave up

I mean it well that you are the star I seek

So show me now your glow this night

I showed you my revelation

Now reveal yourself, just this once


Come back to me… please.



-David Favret


February 23

  • Brohoof 2
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David an excellent job you did as always :). You certainly are the most notable brony poet on the forums I think(Maybe the only one, not sure) Certainly the only one I remember.


Good job! Keep writing! You've got a real talent for it :).

  • Brohoof 1
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