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The month you hate the most?


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Well, I don't really hate any month particularly, but I guess if I had to pick one I dislike more I think it'd be May or August, because May is the last bit of school before summer and theres all that anticipation and tests, and August is when we go back, and it's a pain to get back into school after summer.


All the other months I don't really put over the other I guess, unless you count I do tend to like colder weather in winter a bit more than the heat.

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January. Januaries in Nebraska are an awful time. The holidays are over, but the nasty ice and snow remains. :( Bluuuurrrrrrrrrggggg.

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Right now. July. In Australia it's usually too cold and everyone seems to get seasonal depression but me!  :o

Then again... December... The flies!!!! Oh the flies are unbearable!!!! Why!!??

This country... I tell you what.  :okiedokielokie:

Oh well, I love summer so ignore the last part!  :lol:

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March, just kind of depressing middle-of-the-school-year and shit is still cold outside sorta deal.

  • Brohoof 2
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February. Even though it's 28 days long it feels like forever. 

How in the world can you say that! that is the best month ever. I was born in February! xD my least favorite month im gonna say is the month school starts xD

Edited by The_Doctor
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My most hated month is probably August. The feeling of having to lose a time of relaxation because of school or work gives me dissapointment. Also, you aren't really doing any work at school at that month. You always gotta start at Ch.1 in the beginning of year for anything, which is just a review and is probably not interesting to learn.

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June and July, I might be the only one who hates the summer. I'm one of those people who actualy likes to work.

 Edit: I'm not the only one hates summer yay. :lol:

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September. Just school starting to pick up pace and drift into work. Eh, I hate school. Well, high school. One more year left for me, hopefully college will just come really fast for me cause I'm so excited. :D


I'd wanna say August, but my birthday is in August so I can't really hate it all that much. PRESENTS AND CAKE HOORAAAAAY.

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*WarningRANTWarning* I don't want to say that I hate May, because it's my birth month. But I have all of the summer months, because it's always too hot outside where I live. And then people always want me to go outside. "Summer's the time to be outdoors!" No, it isn't. It's a time for staying out of the heat and in air conditioning. *WarningRANTWarning*

Edited by Midnight Gaze
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  • 8 months later...

Any of the summer months. Warm weather doesn't really go down well with me, and it always seems to be the time that bees and wasps start to appear... >_<

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