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The month you hate the most?


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-April: Holy Week, basically, the hispanic name of eastern. It's uncomfortable because it's in the middle of the semester, and my parents insistently take us in a trip which I don't want to participate because It's more comfortable to study at my own home

-December: I used to love Christmas as a kid, but now I don't careless. Not to mention all that hassle of buying gifts and spending time with persons you grown unattached, while you have to study for the last exams in Januray (since the semester is not yet over in my case. Oh, and in my stupid country is criminals season, and you know that Venezuela is criminal's paradise  >_>


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My least favorite month is August it starts out yeah in summer vacation but it feels like you're on the edge and can barely enjoy yourself anymore, there's no holidays or special occasions the only month of the year without any true holiday excluding first day of school or feast day(holiday I basically made up), and yeah this is by far my least favorite month, even though this is the wrong thread opposite to that my favorite month is December or May.

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November. It's pretty much an empty buffer between Halloween and Christmas. Despite the holiday being over 50 days away, that doesn't stop advertisers from pushing Christmas adverts extra early... There's also Black Friday, the once-a-year event that really shows what greedy jerks we can be.

  • Brohoof 1
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I dislike July and August. It always feels like it's 1000 degrees out. No wonder Summer is my least favorite season :P


As well, I'm no fan of January either. It's a really slow month, the holidays are over and it's way too cold out to the point where I get a crapton of colds.

Edited by Skarloey
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July and December. July seems to take forever and December has both Christmas and summer... well, where I live, anyway.

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One word, February.


Not only is it the month of Valentine's day which I hate, it's also the month where I'm just like, "Snow can you just leave?"

A close second would be July/August. They are the months where I start to get sick of summer vacation and end up getting really bored. They also feel like they move really slow. Also, August has no holidays besides, *gasp* the first day of school which I don't consider a holiday.

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April is pretty bad with all the tree pollen. I'm not particularly susceptible to pollen but it can get pretty bad. Second is July with all the heat. Winter FTW!

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May. You wake up bleary-eyed to a nice, sunny Saturday. You shower. Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Have breakfast. Then you sit down to a pile of books and paper, sitting disorganised on your table. You breathe a heavy sigh as you begin the daily cycle of revision for the many exams which creep closer with every tick of the clock.


I don't like May.

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Same, but that's because summer time is filled with horrible storms mosts days where I live, and I hate it.  I live in the Pit of Tartarus, as I call it.



Oh that doesn't sound good.... I like storms better then heat though! I rather have the storms.

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July for me at least because i feel that in murica's independence day everyone in America act like They're the kings of the entire world and like America is the next best thing since Jesus (am not hating btw)

Edited by Desert guardian
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I hate January and July.

January: It's too cold! And my mom is always out so late on the 1st! I hate that!


July: I've gotten in some really deep s@&? in July. I always seem to get in trouble that way.


Why life! Why!!

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