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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

request shop I want to get better, so I am taking sig requests!

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Vodka_Mutini, on 29 May 2013 - 4:28 PM, said: Text: Vodka_Mutini Color scheme: Vertical thick black and white stripes 0w0 Text Font: Goudy old style Images: http://24.media.tumb...cyyspo1_500.gif Size: 600 x 200 Extra details: Maybe have Mutie as one of the white stripes? Thanks.
This would have come before Unique's (order) but I made a mistake in judgement on which one was next. However, 600x200 will not work on this site for you, since that is the donor limit. Do you want me to do this one 600x100 instead?


Oh! Right! Sorry, that's what I meant. Sorry for the mixup. I knew it was either 600x100 or 600x200, but I couldn't remember which one. Thanks again!

Edited by Vodka_Mutini


Quid pro quo is not my policy. If you need an OC idea/lineart/fanfic help, just ask.

Signature by the amazing Kyoshi!!


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Can I have a change to this signature please..? I want to change the words to something else, if it won't cause you trouble.


I want to change the words to:


Never say dreaming is useless, because life is useless if you can't dream.


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Text: Vodka_Mutini
Color scheme: Vertical thick black and white stripes 0w0
Text Font: Goudy old style

Images: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt33lnDKlb1qcyyspo1_500.gif
Size: 600 x 200
Extra details: Maybe have Mutie as one of the white stripes? Thanks.

This was a simple request but I hope I was still able to get it right. I am unsure if you wanted this to be animated or not, so I went with not just in case.



If you have any Spare time, mind handling a request of mine? <3

Text (if any): "A real warrior doesn't dash off in pursuit of the next victory, nor throw a fit when experiencing a loss. A real warrior ponders the next battle." And "Leafeon"

Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Something that would Suit a Leafeon.

Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Cursive, Not exactly sure on the font, But something Cursive.

Images (Any images you want to be used): Leafeon, Not any Picture In particular, any is fine :3

Size (What size do you want it to be): 600x200 Please :3

Extra details: That's about it, Thank you a lot,

Thank you so Much in advance, With all my Gratitude <3

~Leafeon <3

Your request is completed as well. Hopefully I did this one right as well.


As with all of my requests, if there is anything that you want changed or added, let me know. My goal is that you are happy with the result. smile.png

Edited by Kyoshi



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As with all of my requests, if there is anything that you want changed or added, let me know. My goal is that you are happy with the result. smile.png



Thank you, that's a lot better than what I expected from the sig,

I'm glad I requested it,

Thank you a Lot :3




(Fills In Characters To Be able to Post....)



✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Wait. Ignore my post up there ^^^ Can you do a Signature for me?


Text: Minty Wintergreen (in a cute font of course :3)

Color scheme: Hmm. Mint. Mint colored.

Text font: (anything cute enough to suit the sig :3)

Images: tumblr_mevaskFjBm1rz5hbgo1_500.png


Size: 500 x 200 :3

Extra details: Can you make the signature a little sparkly?


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Wait. Ignore my post up there ^^^ Can you do a Signature for me?


Text: Minty Wintergreen (in a cute font of course :3)

Color scheme: Hmm. Mint. Mint colored.

Text font: (anything cute enough to suit the sig :3)

Images: img-1532450-1-tumblr_mevaskFjBm1rz5hbgo1


Size: 500 x 200 :3

Extra details: Can you make the signature a little sparkly?

I will try to start this one soon. I am feeling a bit bleh right now but I will try to begin it at least today. I have a question though. The size that you are wanting will not work for you currently, since the that goes to donor limit (the height does in this case) Are you still wanting this? 



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I will try to start this one soon. I am feeling a bit bleh right now but I will try to begin it at least today. I have a question though. The size that you are wanting will not work for you currently, since the that goes to donor limit (the height does in this case) Are you still wanting this?

It's okay if you crop the image a little in the sig. I don't mind. Just a simple, cute sig is all I ask please. Take your time :3 Ask me for anymore details.


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Heya, just stopping by Kyoshi ^_^ Just checking out some of your work, trying to get in to this myself. I really enjoy your work. 


I was wondering if I could ask if you've ever considered recording your process? Uploading it to Youtube? I'd really like to see how you work everything. 


Also, one more (Sorry!! DX) question, where do you get your fonts??? I love them.


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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How does this look? Me trying custom stuff strikes again! tongue.png If there is anything that you want changed, let me know. I want to be sure that you are satisfied with it. wink.png




Sorry for responding so late! I lost my internet for a couple days!


And it was worth the wait to get it back, this is amazing! Thank you very much!


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Hey Kyoshi!


So I think it's time for another signature, one thats more Music and less roleplay. In fact this one is a monstercat themed one.


Whats that? You've already made one? Well this one is different. This is gonna be a bit more complicated.


The Symbols below are the famous symbols for monstercat artists. All I want is A black background All the symbols (can you color the Noisestorm one white?) are the same size and equal distance apart.


Here is the tricky part.


Can you make all of them flash like in the other signature you made me. If it is too hard than you don't have to do it but if you can please do.














P.S: The words 'Ninja Cat' are sorta below and centered. If you could make them white and if you are making it a gif signature could you make the text flash as well?

Edited by Rave Ninja


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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Heya, just stopping by Kyoshi ^_^ Just checking out some of your work, trying to get in to this myself. I really enjoy your work. 


I was wondering if I could ask if you've ever considered recording your process? Uploading it to Youtube? I'd really like to see how you work everything. 


Also, one more (Sorry!! DX) question, where do you get your fonts??? I love them.

Hmmm.....This is an interesting idea. A friend of mine has recommended that I do video tutorials or something similar...That could be a possibility in the future. I was also think of maybe doing some type of live stream thingy. I think that would be neat. :)


About the fonts, more or less I find them with search engines, but most commonly they come from Dafont and Fontspace. Those are good places to start. ;)


I am glad that you like my work! I personally do not see myself as too great, but I truly appreciate positive words like that.



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Hello there, I really love what your doing here, and I was wodering if you could do a signature for me?

Text: the stars are not the limit, they are the begining

Color scheme:Something green or a starry night

Text Font: does not matter

Images: I'll leave you some images of my OC and can I please have luna in there as well, maybe flying

Size: 600x100

And thank you so much if you do this for me



This request is next. It should have been next, but I somehow jumped over it and I did Minty's first. I do not do that unless under certain circumstances. Second time in a recent amount of time.....Either way, I will be starting this one shortly. ;)



Wait. Ignore my post up there ^^^ Can you do a Signature for me?


Text: Minty Wintergreen (in a cute font of course :3)

Color scheme: Hmm. Mint. Mint colored.

Text font: (anything cute enough to suit the sig :3)

Images: img-1532450-1-tumblr_mevaskFjBm1rz5hbgo1


Size: 500 x 200 :3

Extra details: Can you make the signature a little sparkly?

 How does this look? Hopefully I was able to get something right here, the color scheme especially. If there is anything that you want added or changed, please let me know. :)






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This request is next. It should have been next, but I somehow jumped over it and I did Minty's first. I do not do that unless under certain circumstances. Second time in a recent amount of time.....Either way, I will be starting this one shortly. wink.png



 How does this look? Hopefully I was able to get something right here, the color scheme especially. If there is anything that you want added or changed, please let me know. smile.png




I love it!! Thanks so much! I wish I can repay you back somehow.. too bad I'm not that popular and I don't know how to make sigs D: Oh well, thanks!! :D


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Hello there, I really love what your doing here, and I was wodering if you could do a signature for me?

Text: the stars are not the limit, they are the begining

Color scheme:Something green or a starry night

Text Font: does not matter

Images: I'll leave you some images of my OC and can I please have luna in there as well, maybe flying

Size: 600x100

And thank you so much if you do this for me



Here is this! I went with the starry night theme. Hopefully it is to your liking. smile.png If there is anything that you want changed, added, altered, or whatever, please let me know. If you are happy with it, then I am happy with it. wink.png




Edited by Kyoshi



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Text (if any):SugarDashJack
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Blue Background, maybe Orange Text, I don't know, hehe
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Something cute I guess, but readible?
Images (Any images you want to be used): Like some of Applejack and Rainbow Dash would be good!
Size (What size do you want it to be): I personally don't care.
Extra details: Cute but pretty!


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Text (if any): Princess Mi Amore Snowwie 
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Snowy night with full moon
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): something whimsy and fancy 

Images (Any images you want to be used): post-7306-0-02164400-1371049772_thumb.jpg

Size (What size do you want it to be): average signature size

Extra details: none that i know of right now lol



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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Text (if any):SugarDashJack

Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Blue Background, maybe Orange Text, I don't know, hehe

Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Something cute I guess, but readible?

Images (Any images you want to be used): Like some of Applejack and Rainbow Dash would be good!

Size (What size do you want it to be): I personally don't care.

Extra details: Cute but pretty!

Hopefully this is what you are looking for. I kinda feel like something might be missing, but that could just be bad judgement on my part.





Text (if any): Princess Mi Amore Snowwie 

Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Snowy night with full moon

Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): something whimsy and fancy 

Images (Any images you want to be used): attachicon.gifalicorn recolor.jpg

Size (What size do you want it to be): average signature size

Extra details: none that i know of right now lol

Your request is completed as well. I think I was able to get the theme that you are wanting. smile.png





As with all of my requests, if there is anything that you want added, changed, or whatever, please let me know. ;) My goal is that you are satisfied with the result.

Edited by Kyoshi



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Text (if any): rouge wind
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): black and white brick wall

Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): graffiti type or similar

Images (Any images you want to be used):

my oc: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rouge-wind-r3592


Size (What size do you want it to be): you chose

Extra details: none


thanks in advance and if you need a different pic just pm me

Edited by rouge_wind


All right everypony, line up alphabetically according to your height. ~Casey Stengel

link to my oc is in the signature.  sister of oc terra bendr

signature was created by the most awesome-tastic person: kyoshi

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I love your signature creations, @Kyoshi! It's kinda sad though, that all these requests have made your life too busy, therefore, I'd just watch your request topic instead of requesting.



Edited by ~Alaskan Changeling~

Equestria's Lone Ranger and dedicated ex-prosecutor...




Watchin y'all.

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Hopefully this is what you are looking for. I kinda feel like something might be missing, but that could just be bad judgement on my part.





Your request is completed as well. I think I was able to get the theme that you are wanting. img-1559775-3-smile.png





As with all of my requests, if there is anything that you want added, changed, or whatever, please let me know. wink.png My goal is that you are satisfied with the result.


I LOVE IT!!!!! it looks amazing and i think it has everything a mare could ask for! thank you!!! (you know i could of done this with my tablet i just got but i am WAAAAAAAAYYYY too lazy to do it so great job!!!)



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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Kyoshi! :D


I request your beautiful talents again.

(I have an addiction to your signatures if you haven't noticed. ;) )


Two more sings to my never ending order.


Dead Space

Dead Space 2


In a similar format to the Zelda ones.


Thank you. Again :)


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love your work! i have a request as soon as i get a better drawn OC from someone else. i want to see it first, but expect the job sometime within the next 2 months. would be sooner, but the guy i wanted to draw my OC has a lot of other requests as well. thought it might be best if i informed you before hand, so you could let me know if something will come up before that.

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This was a simple request but I hope I was still able to get it right. I am unsure if you wanted this to be animated or not, so I went with not just in case.




Um! I hope this doesn't sound pushy or rude, but I was kinda expecting the stripes to be completely vertical, kinda like picket fences. 


I hope you don't mind!


(Other than that, it looks great!!!)


Quid pro quo is not my policy. If you need an OC idea/lineart/fanfic help, just ask.

Signature by the amazing Kyoshi!!


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