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What is your idea of love?


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Love most certainly exists, in many different forms. I have love for my family, love for my friends, love for myself, love for life, and, in some cases, romantic love for another - all of these are love, but different modes of love. I will comment specifically on romantic love, as, unless I am mistaken, it is the focus of this thread.


One way to interpret true romantic love for another person is that they make you feel complete. Neither of you are perfect, yet you love, care for and accept each other regardless of mistakes. The person is your best friend, but you also feel romantically attracted to who they are as a person. You feel a deep, inner connection to that person.


One phenomena that I experienced with a girl I used to be romantically in love with was synchronicity. We would often think of or say things at the same time, and it happened often enough that I cannot simply discard it as a coincidence, particularly given the vast amount of physical distance that existed between us. I believe this goes back to the feeling of a deep inner connection to the person. Perhaps, on some level, your being unites with theirs.

  • Brohoof 1



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Love is when you like a person and stuff happens and you get married and more stuff happens.


I am incredibly ignorant about this kind of stuff.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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  • 2 months later...

So personally I had little to no love throughout my life, but I'm kinda curious, I don't exactly know what love is, and I don't trust the dictionary. You know My Definition Of love, which is my sig. but I want to know yours. What do you think love is?

  • Brohoof 3


And I won't allow you to blind those who are important to me!

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OCs: Faron Trail Burning Ash Wendy Skies

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Ah, a truly classic question:




For me love is the ability to share yourself with another and be comfortable with what they share back with you. Like, they don't 'complete' you or any of that bullcrap. That's the basis of an unhealthy relationship, a lot of classic romantic tropes. Real love is finding the one person who you can grow as an individual with, not as a freak double-headed monster.

  • Brohoof 6
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Hmm, for me love is the feeling blocking me from achieving any of my goals, but for others I would say love is an action created when someone saw a person and their nerves fired and sent a brain wave causing the emotion of love, or in other terms: April fools.


But in all seriousness:

For me I have to stick to love, as hate is too big of a burden to bare.

Edited by child of the night
  • Brohoof 1



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Basically what your sig says. 


Loving one another knowing each others faults and accepting those things. Just loving one another out of the sheer fact of loving that person deeply that nothing would damage that relationship because you both honor it that much.


That is why I think true love is so awesome only if you can find that person who would love you that much in return.

Edited by Lucky Dice
  • Brohoof 2



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There are many different forms of love. Love can be as simple as having respect for the feelings and overall well-being of another, in addition to respecting their natural and inalienable rights. 
Other examples include, but are not limited to love for family, love for friends, love for a significant other, love for world and love for life itself. 
I don't feel that any of these types of love are more or less important than any other.
One type of love that I find to be particularly fascinating is romantic love. That type of love is one I don't fully understand myself, and one that I very rarely feel. 
To me, romantic love is finding a person (in this case, a woman, since I'm a heterosexual male) you feel a deeper connection with. Someone who you're able to relate to. Communicating with them feels as natural as breathing. It's almost like they're, in some way, a part of you, and you a part of them. Someone who's personality you find attractive. Someone who you not only view in a romantic way, but someone who you also view as your best friend.

  • Brohoof 3



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The only love I feel is my deep rooted love for , otherwise known as Aquila. I also extend man crushes to @FadedSkies, , @Something Floaty, and the almighty . Other than that.... Ermm...poniez? :Drarity_vector_3_by_regolithx-d4i5hn4.png

Edited by SCS
Fixing this.
  • Brohoof 5


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I don't know why but I feel this captures the basics of it quite well


I've had far more casual relationships and one-or-two-night stands than I am comfortable admitting to, but when I wake up in the morning in those situations, it's always just gross to me until everyone has brushed and showered.


When I love someone though, and I wake up with them, I'm so happy that I woke up next to them that all I want to do is snuggle and go back to sleep. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature created by Champion RD92

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To give sacrificially of yourself for the good of another despite any faults or flaws they may have.

  • Brohoof 2

I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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Love is when you grow a strong bond with another person and are willing to sacrifice your own needs for theirs.

It is realizing that they are something that you don't want to lose.

Love is unconditional, patient, kind, and keeps no record of wrongs.

Love is when you realize that you don't matter; they matter more.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think "love" is a feeling that speaks for itself. When somepony truly loves you, they wont have to reassure you, and when you love somepony you won't have to reassure yourself. It is a feeling with multiple definitions, because we all have unique emotions relative to our thought patterns and it also could depend on situational circumstances. Love is powerful, it  is a very passionate and beautiful thing, often poetic, and it could also be a a very dangeous thing depending on ones devotion. Love is something that can't be summarized by anypony in particular, because everypony will always have their own way of seeing things, their own friends and family to love, their own experiences altogether. We can't define an idea, we can only embrace how it speaks to us as individuals.

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What I believe is love is something that entire groups will enjoy. It is not that love in where you find your soul-mate and be high on happiness (though that is pretty much what majority of life is anyways.) Love I believe is that bond that is deeper than mere friendship, it is that bond between best friends, siblings, cousins, family, and closely-knitted groups. That love for one another (that isn't, "I'll like to go on a date with you,) that drives people to protect one another; to help each other in times of need. It is the ability to know that you have people behind you to support you if you stumble, fall, crash, or burn.


Then love takes on another form, that is what a real love-life is--the one that you know, no matter what, will help you through all the way, the one that you can simple state, "I have someone I know I can trust 100% in." Now, this may be naive and all, but I really believe that there is that kind of love. But, most people just jump in the minute they believe they felt love. For love is the one you know is perfect for you; love is not the person you'll stop dating after a few months, love is the person who you will stay together with years on end.


Good day. 

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

I'm just curious as to everybody's opinions on the definition of Love. Is it romance? Sex? Attraction? Commitment? Are there different types of Love? Different levels? Is there a difference between the Love between husband and wife and the Love between platonic best friends? What is that difference? How does Love happen? Does it come about of its own accord? Does it take a conscious choice?


It just seems that people often tend to have their own specific ideas of what is meant by Love, but everyone's ideas are different, so no one understands what everyone else is talking about half the time.

Edited by Henny Penny Benny
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Honestly, I don't know what I expected.

It is almost a rule at this point that on the internet, and time the question "What is love?" is asked, it will be followed by that song.

  • Brohoof 3
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