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private Press Your Luck! (RP)


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OOC TOPIC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/55793-press-your-luck-ooc/


The flashing lights... The amazing views... That one random drunk pony you see hanging from a dumpster from a hangover.... Where are you at? Detrot? Foalida? No, silly! It's Las Haygas, home to many casinos, shows, and the famous Hoofer Dam! Here, 10 ponies find themselves in the luxurious hotel named "Wynny", after winning a glorious sweepstakes. What awaits them? Fame? Fortune? Romance? Anything can happen... But, that old saying "What happens in Las Haygas, stays in Las Haygas." might not be applied...




The first pony of the sweepstakes walked in into the lobby of the Wynny Hotel, brown as soil and the forest green mane sticking out like sore hoof in a sea of gold and flashy. The sights amused him quite easily, taking in everything.


"Wow...", Percussive Force quietly said to himself, as his suitcase was already taken by the bellcolt close by. "This place is amazing... I wonder who else will show up? Wouldn't it be crazy if I met somepony I knew here?", he asked himself, taking a seat near the middle of the lobby. 


"Nah, I highly doubt that. I mean, no pony that I know great of would be here in the Wynny... That would be near to impossible... But, ehh. Let's just see who's coming in." At that, Percussive pulled out a MP4 player, and a pair of earbuds, popping them inside his ears, and shuffling through a playlist of the band named "Pontera".

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Ramona was so happy and excited that she was about to faint, she had never, in her life, won a sweepstakes. Ramona was also so happy she wouldn't move her hooves, she just stay frozen, staring at the beautiful hotel. Eventually, she took a deep breath, and trotted in.


"Helloooooo!" she said in a singing tone as she trotted up to the hotel clerk at the front desk. "I am one of thou winners of the sweepstakes!"

"You sure are...." the clerk said, "A bellcolt will take your suitcases...." the front desk clerk said. The bellcolt took her suitcases. She was so excited, she just had to look around and see the sights around this hotel.

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Aquaris the third winner of the sweepstakes entered the hotel called 'Wynny'. "So this is the luxury hotel that im staying at" Aquaris said admiring the whole place as the bellcolt took his bags to his hotel room. "I guess I should just sit and wait" Aquaris said as he took a seat in the middle of the lobby.

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((Oh, NOW it mentions people...))


Percussive had seen two other ponies walk inside, one that was extremely loud and boomy with her voice, the other being a colt siting nearby. No one yet... Well, time to make some new friends. He took the earbuds out, placing them back in his saddle bag, and walked over to the colt, a smile on his face.


"Hey! You're one of the winners, I presume?", he politely asked.

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Cliff Chaser flicked a sheaf of his mane out of his eyes and trotted into the sprawling lobby of the Wynny. A smartly dressed bellpony jumped forward to take his suitcase, and the burly pegasus acquiesced with a smile. Neon lights flickered and danced over his blue coat, and his dark hooves barely made a noise on the plush crimson carpets. All around him, he heard the dings and ringing bells that came with the winning slot machines. Not far away from him, he saw the casino arena where ponies held their cards close to their chest and collected heaps of bits and small chips. Still others were ejected from the arena, penniless and with tears in their eyes, although Cliff didn’t notice these much.


A rich aroma of cooking food wafted across his nose, and he sniffed the air appreciatively as he stretched his wings a little. A fountain in the middle of the lobby added a nice cacophony of white noise to offset the sporadic rings of the casino, and there were thousands of glittering bits at the bottom of the pool. The handsome pony circled the lobby and blinked, grinning to himself.


His sister, Cloud Chaser, had been the one who suggested he enter this contest, and boy was he glad he did! There were sweet looking fillies all around, most of them wearing glitzy, frilly outfits, and already he felt at home. First, he needed to get something to drink. The long flight here had tired him, but a little bit of liquid courage never hurt anypony. And then, he would see about his room.


"Well, well, well. Time to have some fun." He chuckled to himself.

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Aquaris noticed the brown colt trying to talk to him"Yeah im one of the winners im guessing you are too since your here and you mentioned it." Aquaris said as he got up. "My name is Aquaris it's nice to meet you what is your name" Aquaris said putting his hoof out for a hoof bump.

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The tall unicorn mare made her way up the bustling main street of Las Haygas, looking uncertainly around at all the tall buildings and drunk and gambling ponies. All it took was one look at her to determine that she belonged nowhere near a city like Las Haygas. Her yellow coat was matted with dirt, and her mane was a mossy tangle that fell down her neck haphazardly. The only part of this mare that looked like it belonged in a city such as this was the flower she wore behind her ear, for it was no ordinary flower. It was the Star Rose, a beautiful star ruby carved delicately into the shape of a rose, with a stem of finest emerald; despite the fact that this flower was a gem, it was quite as alive as any other flower that ever was.


The mare hurried, ever more quickly, into the Wynny, and sighed once she got inside, happy to have gotten away from the crowded streets. A bellpony came up to her, and she didn't miss the slightly disgusted look he wore as he noticed her unclean appearance before it disappeared, being quickly replaced by a falsely pleasant demeanor. He took what few possessions she had brought with her after glancing at the ticket that announced her a sweepstakes winner, and with nary a word of conversation coming from either, they split ways, the bellpony to the mare's room, and the mare towards the counter to check in. 


She veered away when she noticed the pony standing at the counter, talking to the clerk, when she spotted him


No no no no no no okay Eve, act natural.


It somehow figured that after not hearing from Cussie... no, Percussive... in such a long time, that he should turn up here, of all places.


Why did Rag make me come? I would gladly have given the winning sweepstakes card to her...


She ended up at the counter regardless, her cheekbones slightly pink, and turned to talk to the mare. Well, maybe she'd be able to hide from Percussive during their entire visit here. Yes, that would work.


"Hello..." Evergreen said, diminutively.



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"Yep! That's right!", Percussive announced, returning his hoof bump. "I'm Percussive Force, but you can call me Percuss. Just... not something stupid like Percy or 'Cussie'... Ech.", he said with a bit of a grimace, but jumping back to his happy mood. He didn't want to hear that nickname after what happened... *Cussie*... 


"Anyways, great to meet you, Aquaris! Where are you from?"

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"I'm from Manehattan" Aquaris said as he heard the name of the pony he just met. "What about I call you Force or do you prefer Percuss instead" Aquaris said as he looked around the place. "This place is big hopefully I won't get lost when heading to my room" Aquaris joked. "Oh by the way you can just call me Aqua" Aquaris said

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MillyMusic walked in to the hotel where she would be staying and checked in then she went to sit down, she looked around the hotel room "Wow so amazing" Milly whispered to herself, she had never been in a such a big room before. Then she got up to see who else was here from the sweepstakes "Uhh....anypony here from the sweepstakes?" Milly said a little shy but hoping she could meet somepony, cause she is always less shy when she at least knew one pony!

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It really wasn’t any fun drinking alone. Cliff cast his gaze about quickly and lit upon two mares chatting near the front desk. His shoulders straightened as he tossed his mane out of his eyes and went over to them, half-smiling already. Talking to fillies was something he was extremely talented at, and besides, this was Las Haygus! Ponies were supposed to kick back, relax, and let loose with other ponies. What happened in Las Haygus stayed in Las Haygus, right?


“Hey,” Cliff said cheerfully, winking at the tall unicorn mare with a striking green mane. She appeared to be covered in...dirt? There was a streak of mud on her cheek and more mud flecked into her coat. Surprisingly, the smog of Las Haygus hadn’t worn away the faint scent of clear rainwater and roses which hung about her, and the deep, richer scent of earth. Next to her was another tall mare, with a soft pink coat and too many accessories to take in. “Name’s Cliff Chaser, can I interest you two fillies in a drink? I just got here myself, and figured I should kick back for a bit.”


He flicked his tail idly, and winked at the earth-covered pony. “I like that scent you’ve got on, sweetie. What’s that, roses? Very nice.”






((OOC: @@Glaceon, @, forgot to add.))

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The tall unicorn mare made her way up the bustling main street of Las Haygas, looking uncertainly around at all the tall buildings and drunk and gambling ponies. All it took was one look at her to determine that she belonged nowhere near a city like Las Haygas. Her yellow coat was matted with dirt, and her mane was a mossy tangle that fell down her neck haphazardly. The only part of this mare that looked like it belonged in a city such as this was the flower she wore behind her ear, for it was no ordinary flower. It was the Star Rose, a beautiful star ruby carved delicately into the shape of a rose, with a stem of finest emerald; despite the fact that this flower was a gem, it was quite as alive as any other flower that ever was.


The mare hurried, ever more quickly, into the Wynny, and sighed once she got inside, happy to have gotten away from the crowded streets. A bellpony came up to her, and she didn't miss the slightly disgusted look he wore as he noticed her unclean appearance before it disappeared, being quickly replaced by a falsely pleasant demeanor. He took what few possessions she had brought with her after glancing at the ticket that announced her a sweepstakes winner, and with nary a word of conversation coming from either, they split ways, the bellpony to the mare's room, and the mare towards the counter to check in. 


She veered away when she noticed the pony standing at the counter, talking to the clerk, when she spotted him


No no no no no no okay Eve, act natural.


It somehow figured that after not hearing from Cussie... no, Percussive... in such a long time, that he should turn up here, of all places.


Why did Rag make me come? I would gladly have given the winning sweepstakes card to her...


She ended up at the counter regardless, her cheekbones slightly pink, and turned to talk to the mare. Well, maybe she'd be able to hide from Percussive during their entire visit here. Yes, that would work.


"Hello..." Evergreen said, diminutively.




Ramona turned over, hearing a soft voice. It said Hello. "Hello! I do suppose that you are one of the winners of the sweepstakes!" Ramona replied, not being able to hide her excitement. She was bouncing up and down while replying. She immediately stopped bouncing, she didn't want to look like a fool in public.

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Aquaris saw another mare sit down and thought to introduce himself. "Hello there miss you must be another winner of the sweepstakes my name is Aquaris what is you name" Aquaris said while smiling as he wanted to make some friends here since he already met one pony already.

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Milly looked at a blue pony with a blue and white mane "Are you talking to me? Uh no thanks" Milly said awkwardly not knowing what to say. Milly went over to get a snack and sat down wondering why she came on this trip..or why she entered for that matter, she felt awkward and young, thinking shes probably the youngest pony from the sweepstakes here. 

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Ramona turned over, hearing a soft voice. It said Hello. "Hello! I do suppose that you are one of the winners of the sweepstakes!" Ramona replied, not being able to hide her excitement. She was bouncing up and down while replying. She immediately stopped bouncing, she didn't want to look like a fool in public.


It really wasn’t any fun drinking alone. Cliff cast his gaze about quickly and lit upon two mares chatting near the front desk. His shoulders straightened as he tossed his mane out of his eyes and went over to them, half-smiling already. Talking to fillies was something he was extremely talented at, and besides, this was Las Haygus! Ponies were supposed to kick back, relax, and let loose with other ponies. What happened in Las Haygus stayed in Las Haygus, right?
“Hey,” Cliff said cheerfully, winking at the tall unicorn mare with a striking green mane. She appeared to be covered in...dirt? There was a streak of mud on her cheek and more mud flecked into her coat. Surprisingly, the smog of Las Haygus hadn’t worn away the faint scent of clear rainwater and roses which hung about her, and the deep, richer scent of earth. Next to her was another tall mare, with a soft pink coat and too many accessories to take in. “Name’s Cliff Chaser, can I interest you two fillies in a drink? I just got here myself, and figured I should kick back for a bit.”
He flicked his tail idly, and winked at the earth-covered pony. “I like that scent you’ve got on, sweetie. What’s that, roses? Very nice.”

Evergreen took a hasty step away from the mare she had approached, blinking in surprise. Somehow it figured, the first pony she would talk to would be just like Pinkie Pie. She didn't really like Pinkie Pie.


"Yeah," She murmured in answer to the mare's question, her voice quite as quiet as before. It was then that she turned to the new pony, a hunk of a pegasus with a scrubbly beard. Her cheeks turned pink again, although it was not visible under the dirt she wore. The Star Rose seemed to perk up, the petals suddenly becoming taut and curious. 


After all this stallion's flirts and compliments and winking, she had managed to turn a very visible shade of beet red in embarrassment. Could he hint any less subtly? Yes, Las Haygas, the City of Subtlety. Yeah, right. Her voice was barely a squeak when she said, "Yeah, roses... I... I don't drink."

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"That's cool. I'm from--" Percussive never got to finish that sentence, as he saw that Aqua had left to talk with some other ponies. 


"Ah well... I'll get to talk with later. I wonder who else is he--" Again, something else prevented him from completing the sentence... 


No... bucking... way... Out of everypony in the world... Her...


Percussive was talking about the golden mare right close by, also sporting the green mane color.... Eve, er, Evergreen... OK, just calm down.. I'm sure that if we don't make much contact, then this will be fine... Though, I don't think she would want to be seen with me... Or... GAH, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!

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Para looked at the hotel. It was huge. What if the ponies in there were mean? Or if the sweepstakes was actually a trap? So much could go wrong. Maybe she could just turn back? No. Mirror wouldn't have wanted that. Paranoid had to go on. She carefully trotted into the lobby, avoiding anything even slightly dangerous looking. Upon entry, she realised how crowded it was getting. She shied away and hid in a corner. The city was a dangerous place. Anypony could be bad. She whimpered. She should have just stayed at home. 

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Ocean pushed open the two doors of the hotel. She stood at the door with her bags floating behind her before she turned around and began to leave...then she stopped and sighed. She turned around to face the room then made her way towards the front desk. "Ocean Wind...I won the prize." She said, in her usual relaxed Trottingham accent.

The mare behind the desk nodded and pulled out a room key. "The bellcolt behind you can take your bags up t-" "I can manage thank you." Ocean Interrupted, taking the key from the mare and looking around for the elevator...or stares...

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Oh, isn’t that just the cutest thing, Cliff couldn’t help but think as the mare in front of him flushed a deep shade of scarlet at the attention. It wasn’t often, but occasionally instead of flirting back, the filly in question would just stammer and stutter and blush, horrified and delighted at the attention. His sister’s friend Flitter had been like that, until years of hanging around him had sharpened her edges a bit. “That’s all right,” He said cheerfully, “It’s a bit early, anyway. What do you say we have a bite to eat? I heard the restaurant here’s supposed to be excellent.”


The other pony standing next to her seemed as though she was barely suppressing a bounce. “You’re welcome to come with, Miss Excited,” Cliff grinned. “To be honest, I’m pretty psyched about this myself. I won a free vay-kay for this, and I am so looking forward to a break from everything.”





{{OOC: @@Glaceon, @

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Aquaris sat back down and wondered. "I wonder what I should even do here besides talk to other ponies" Aquaris sighed as he noticed Force was looking at a golden mare. "Hey Force do you know her or something" Aquaris asked wondering if he knows her or not.

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Oh, isn’t that just the cutest thing, Cliff couldn’t help but think as the mare in front of him flushed a deep shade of scarlet at the attention. It wasn’t often, but occasionally instead of flirting back, the filly in question would just stammer and stutter and blush, horrified and delighted at the attention. His sister’s friend Flitter had been like that, until years of hanging around him had sharpened her edges a bit. “That’s all right,” He said cheerfully, “It’s a bit early, anyway. What do you say we have a bite to eat? I heard the restaurant here’s supposed to be excellent.”
The other pony standing next to her seemed as though she was barely suppressing a bounce. “You’re welcome to come with, Miss Excited,” Cliff grinned. “To be honest, I’m pretty psyched about this myself. I won a free vay-kay for this, and I am so looking forward to a break from everything.”
{{OOC: @@Glaceon, @

Ramona decided to stop bouncing, she was very excited, that it embarassed her. She could hardly hold in her excitement. "Thank you." Ramona tried to say in a mature way, but it still ended up coming a bit squeaky. She trotted off towards a seat, she decided to just sit down and relax a bit. Other ponies were there, mainly just some stallions.

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Though, something had managed to catch his eye... Percussive saw a mare dart for a corner of the lobby, scared for her life... Was there something wrong? He trotted up to her, but not in the way that she would be scared and run off again.


"Excuse me... Are you all right?"

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((You don't have to put the name tags in OOC. Also, by no means is this going to be easy for you.)) 


Evergreen watched helplessly as the mare she had moved to talked to flitted away to whatever new thing caught her fancy, like a damselfly might. She looked back at the stallion, with whom the mare had tactlessly left Eve alone with. She couldn't just say no... But she wanted nothing to do with the city or its inhabitants. But she couldn't simply decline... 


"I... um... just ate." 


Okay, it was a blatant lie, but she had just met the guy, after all... She wasn't about to just up and isolate herself into his presence. 

Edited by Glaceon
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"Um..." She whimpered again. She tried to move back, but remembered there were two walls there. He's going to try and kill you. Or try and rob from you. Or kidnap you. She sunk down "I'm... fine. Thanks." She was absolutely frightened, and it showed. She was on the verge of bursting into tears. She should never have come here. 

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((Hey, it would help if you used mention or quotes to signify who you are talking to. Considering I just missed an entire conversation with Aqua...))


"It's all right... I'm not going to hurt you or anything... Promise.", Percussive softly said to her, kneeling down to her. "My name's Percussive Force... who are you?, he said in one of those types of voices where you would try to calm a scared foal.

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