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What episode(s) do you think are underrated?

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Here are some I think peope don't appreciate as much.


Swarm of the Century: A lot of people seem to forget how fun season 1 was. I enjoyed this episode a lot. This episode reminded me of the Gremlins and I love the gremlins franchise. So this episode won my vote


Cutie Pox: An episode that was just plane fun. It was interesting to see Apple Bloom getting all these cutie marks. It was also fun and exciting, making me wonder what cutie make she will get next.


May the Best Pet Win: How is THIS and underrated episode. This episode was great I don't know what people have against it. They need to rewatch it because it was great.


Dragon Quest: Now a lot of people didn't like this episode, and I understand. However the episode was interesting. It was interesting to see that Spike really cares about learning more about himself and his heritage. He wants to know and it shows that he is not ignorant that he is a different species ten everyone else an has to deal with it. This episode could have taken things a lot further and developed Spike even more as a character. But in the end we got what we got


Just for Sidekicks: Now I don't know I this episode is underrated or not, but I don't see a lot of people talking about it so I'm adding this. It was nice to see all the pets come back. It was a fun episode. All te pets where there, Spike acted a bit greedy (again) the CMC where there. It was an episode that I enjoyed. Also it crated the first tie into another episode (being Games Ponies Play).


Secret of my Excess: Another Spike episode (I'm sensing a pattern). This is Spike at his best. The relationship between Spike and Rarity are sorta implemented. Spike goes Crazy. King Kong. It was a great episode. I can't explain it all here because it would be too long, but it was great.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm seconding the Merriwether Williams support. She's pretty good. Hearth's Warming Eve and Wonderbolt Academy are great episodes. MMDW was good too. I can see why people wouldn't like it, but thought it was a great RD episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think Baby Cakes needs a fair bit more attention. That was one of the first episodes I ever saw, and I found it incredibly funny. Also, that scene where Pound and Pumpkin Cake say Pinkie's name in their sleep is absolutely adorable. wub.png


I'll post more later, when I think of more. derpy_emoticon1.png

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Double Rainboom

Just for Sidekicks. It's one of the few good Spike episodes, and it gave some more personality to Owlicious, like how he's helping (oh frig is it a she? bah, it's vaarsuvius all over again..) Spike with the mass of pets, and has a general disdain towards Angel. Which was another reason I liked this episode, I really enjoy seeing Angel on screen. Yes, he can be a bit abusive of Fluttershy, but he's also there for her and she needs an aggressive counterpart to get her to her goal sometimes. It was a good episode, and I know plenty of bronies appreciated how it combined with Games Ponies Play.

  • Brohoof 1


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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I love Mysterious Mare Do Well! It's a great involvement of all the mane 6 (well, sort of. Rarity only designs the costumes but still) and whislt Dashie gets a little boastful, she learns her lesson. She's allowed to be boastful anyway, I mean, she is the most awesome pony.



Whilst it is clearly called apple cider in the episode, I doubt it was actually originally portrayed as alcohol. I think they were referring to the non alcoholic apple cider. But, it is American, so I could be wrong. But surely, Pinkie would be seriously drunk... More drunk than she already is!

agrred i found this episode so fun to watch it was more than just darkwiing duck refrences and such it is was disney on the hub type of episode 


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INB4 Stellafera, since I imagine she has something to say on the subject smile.png


You mean about the GREATEST RAINBOW DASH EPISODE EVER? The Mysterious Mare Do Well is in my top 5 favorite episodes for the way that it shows the consequences of Rainbow Dash's hidden insecurity in a much more damaging and dark way than Sonic Rainboom ever did. It's an important milestone in Rainbow Dash's character development, being her lowest point, and overall I freaking adored RD in this episode. Sure, the rest of the Mane 6 were kind of jerks, but I could forgive it all for the lovable jerk that is Rainbow Dash, the great camera angles/music, and the hilarious moments peppered throughout. I rewatch it often.


Hearth's Warming Eve is easily the funniest episode in the series. The only letdowns were the unicorns, but Applejack and Pinkie were so great that it actually made me reconsider my opinions on those two when it aired.


The Last Roundup's ending was what got me to start really looking into Applejack as a character. 


Apple Family Reunion was like, the opposite of boring. It was one of the most engaging episodes in the series, although that might just be because Applejack is in every other frame.


Owl's Well That Ends Well is a whole episode version of the scene with the doorway into your worst fears for Spike. I do not comprehend the hate for it. At all.


Just For Sidekicks had fabulous Spike and Angel characterization as well as a really heartwarming/funny ending.


Baby Cakes was another not boring "boring" episode. Filly please, the adventure episodes are the real snoozefests.


The Stare Master actually had Fluttershy having flaws other than being shy! I'd love for them to explore this prideful aspect of her more often.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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You mean about the GREATEST RAINBOW DASH EPISODE EVER? The Mysterious Mare Do Well is in my top 5 favorite episodes for the way that it shows the consequences of Rainbow Dash's hidden insecurity in a much more damaging and dark way than Sonic Rainboom ever did. It's an important milestone in Rainbow Dash's character development, being her lowest point, and overall I freaking adored RD in this episode. Sure, the rest of the Mane 6 were kind of jerks, but I could forgive it all for the lovable jerk that is Rainbow Dash, the great camera angles/music, and the hilarious moments peppered throughout. I rewatch it often.


When I invented Stellafera, I wanted people to think she was weird. That's why you love The Mysterious Mare Do Well so much. wink.png


All kidding aside...while it's not in my top 5 episodes, I still like it because it was the first all new MLP episode I watched. And I agree that it gets an unfair bad rap.

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  • 9 months later...

The Crystal Empire: I see people mixed with this episode but personally I liked it. When you get past the underwhelming villain and climax it's very funny and has some great character moments. 


Daring Don't: Yet another one that seems to be mixed with the fandom. It has some of the best action scenes in the show. Oh and the whole Daring Do being real thing doesn't bother me.


So discuss away.


The Cutie Pox: not many people talk about or they don't like it. I know it's filler but it had some funny moments 



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Just for Sidekicks, Mare Do Well, Show Stoppers,and Spike at Your Service.



Just for Sidekicks was hilarious and entertaining. I don't think Spike was out of character. I also liked how it tied into the next episode.


Mare Do Well wasn't amazing but is much better than people say it is. Dash was just being her normal self and her ego was escelated by the fact that she just got a fricken FAN CLUB! Of course she's going to be boastful when someone like her gets a big fan club and everyone's showering her with praise. I also don't think the rest of the Mane 6 handled the situation poorly. They did exactly what they needed to do. Some say that they should have "talked it out" with Dash, but Rainbow Dash isn't a "talk it out" kind of pony. They needed to set an example to show her that being so boastful is bad and that's exactly what they did.


As for Spike at Your Service, a recent blog post I made points out the reasons why this one was underrated: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1474/entry-9543-why-spike-at-your-service-was-a-good-episode/


I thought the Show Stoppers was funny. A lot of people complain that nowadays with the CMC still not having their Cutie Marks, they ruined it by "revealing" their true talents so early. But honestly, I doubt these will end up being their talents when they finally do get their cutie marks. It sounds like a scrapped idea to me or they would have done it already.


Actually, all Spike episodes are underrated now that I think about it.

Edited by Rivendare
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The Crystal Empire - This is what A Canterlot Wedding SHOULD have been. Smart villain that's truly menacing despite his lack of lines, a spooky atmosphere the whole way through, characters who are not Twilight actually DO STUFF, and NOBODY HOLDS THE IDIOT BALL! My second favourite villain two-parter after RoH.




Exactly; no Idiot Balls, not even from King Gak.

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Hearth's Warming Eve, Spike at your Service, The Crystal Empire, Mystery on the Friendship Express, Magical Mystery Cure, Hearts and Hooves Day, Dragon Quest and the Stare Master easily.


Also, I agree with Stella 100% on the Mysterious Mare do Well. It wasn't a bad episode.

Edited by Shift

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I think that Games Ponies Play is often unfairly maligned.  Yes it revolves around a very obvious idiot plot but it still has the best gags of the entire season, and I loved the way it intertwined with Just For Sidekicks. 


Also I see a lot of CMC episodes downgraded, whereas I think they are consistently entertaining, especially "The Show Stoppers" and "Hearts and Hooves Day".  The latter is, IMO, the funniest episode of the entire series. 


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Put me on the list of people who think May the Best Pet Win is underrated, I still think it's one of the better portrayals of Dash in Season 2, and in the series overall.


I also agree that Baby Cakes is an underrated episode, I liked more than the other S2 Pinkie Pie episodes, with it giving her a more responsible role than the other ones.


Spike At Your Service, I don't think it's as bad as everyone else says, I mean sure, Spike is clumsier than usual, but there wasn't much weight on the episode, it was just dumb fun in the end. And it still did Spike more justice than Dragon Quest(which I will say is also isn't as bad as everyone says)


Wonderbolt Academy, mostly because I think most of the complaints are really dumb, and it doesn't help that they're actually pretty common


Griffin the Brush Off, mostly because I'm probably one of the only few people here who actually likes Gilda


In fact, I think most Charlotte Fullerton's episodes are pretty underrated, the only one that seems to get noticed is Dress for Success

Gonna go ahead and add Apple Family Reunion and The Last Round Up to my list.

People loved Last Round Up at first then it got a ton of hate once they changed Derpy, wtf fandom


Apple Family Reunion gives me a ton of fuzzy feelings

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Gonna go ahead and add Apple Family Reunion and The Last Round Up to my list.

People loved Last Round Up at first then it got a ton of hate once they changed Derpy, wtf fandom


Apple Family Reunion gives me a ton of fuzzy feelings

Really? Even without Derpy I would find the Last Roundup to be a really good and funny episode. It's got memorable moments like Pinkie's rage about breaking a Pinkie promise.



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People like it, but I thought it was amazing. It's one of those that people say 'It wasn't bad, but it wasn't super great either'.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • Rarity Takes Manehattan - Didn't even get it's own fuggin' banner on here because of stupid fricken' Flutterbat the week before. This is easily the best episode in the series for me, and I think it should've gotten much more love than it did, and it would've had it not been sandwiched between two episodes that made people flip their nipples inside out.

  • Sisterhooves Social - I think this episode displays Rarity very well. Why? Because, even though people bitch about how she treats Sweetie Belle, I don't know too many siblings that don't bicker every now and again, and, in true Rarity fashion, she puts her own preferences aside and gets all muddy for her sister at the end. Since people seem to vicariously live through hatred and negativity, only Rarity's mistakes in handling her caring for her younger sibling seemed to get much attention, nevermind she went to extreme measures to make up for it, even getting...*shudders* dirty.

Over A Barrell/The Last Roundup - Probably just because they were AJ episodes, these seemed to get looked over. They provide insight to her character very well, but they  get lost in the fold just because it isn't a Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy or Twilight episode -_- Only bitch I have about these episodes is the way RD just completely threw her element off to the side and forgot about Rarity and Pinkie. Pissed me the fuck off at the end, but everything before that was flawless.

Mysterious Mare-Do Well - The hate for this episode is flat out petty, and the fact it'd go as far as to tarnish a writer's reputation amongst the fandom was just fuckin' stupid. Honestly, Rainbow Dash was a huge bitch in this episode, but her fans CONTINUE to push it off onto the other 5. Literally the most childish damned thing I've ever seen. While it isn't that great, it doesn't deserve the hate it gets at ALL, and neither does Merritwether Williams. I strongly defend this episode, not because I like it a lot, but because the hate it gets is nothing but petty fans not being able to handle their best pony looking bad and pushing it off on the other 5 and the writer of the episode rather than nutting up and facing it head on. It's a subject I feel VERY strongly on.

  • Brohoof 2


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People like it, but I thought it was amazing. It's one of those that people say 'It wasn't bad, but it wasn't super great either'.


Same here. It felt like a really, for lack of a better term, epic episode. Like something important was happening. We got a lot of back story too

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GFK, one of these days i'll make a Rarity Takes Manehatten banner.


...one of these days. 

  • Brohoof 1

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My all time favorite yet underrated episode has to be the crystal empire premiere of season 3.


No one hardly mentions this 2 parter episode, no one labels this as the best premiere, and it's also overhated and labeled as "meh".


Also suited for success, not only did this episode show me how great rarity can be, but it was a very great episode overall.


Many hate it for the incompetent attitudes of her friends, as well as calling the episode boring, and it's not, it's entertaining, funny, and a great way to introduce why rarity is best and most smartest pony! :D

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Same here. It felt like a really, for lack of a better term, epic episode. Like something important was happening. We got a lot of back story too

Yeah I found Heart's warming eve to be a decent episode. The only problem I found with it was that the holiday setting felt like an after thought. Like the writers saw this episode would air around Christmas so they put in some Christmas cliches in the background in the beginning. 



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  • Rarity Takes Manehattan - Didn't even get it's own fuggin' banner on here because of stupid fricken' Flutterbat the week before. This is easily the best episode in the series for me, and I think it should've gotten much more love than it did, and it would've had it not been sandwiched between two episodes that made people flip their nipples inside out.

Really?  Because I've seen A LOT of people saying that was the best episode of season 4, or one of the best in the series.  Meanwhile, while Bats did get a lot of love, I've also seen a lot more criticisms launched towards it than Rarity Takes Manehattan (Mostly with how the conflict was portrayed and people disagreeing with Fluttershy).  Meanwhile, do you know how many people I've seen saying RTM was one of the most realistic episodes in the show?  The only complaints I really see are about the heavy handed Generosity song and Twilight's alicornhood not being noticed, but I haven't seen people write the episode off due to those complaints.

  • Brohoof 3
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Really?  Because I've seen A LOT of people saying that was the best episode of season 4, or one of the best in the series.  Meanwhile, while Bats did get a lot of love, I've also seen a lot more criticisms launched towards it than Rarity Takes Manehattan (Mostly with how the conflict was portrayed and people disagreeing with Fluttershy).  Meanwhile, do you know how many people I've seen saying RTM was one of the most realistic episodes in the show?  The only complaints I really see are about the heavy handed Generosity song and Twilight's alicornhood not being noticed, but I haven't seen people write the episode off due to those complaints.



Then again, I don't think you've met me :D


Hi! I'm ghostfacekiller39, but most people just call me ghostie. I'm a highly subjective Rarity fan and winner of the best Rarity fan of MLPForums 2014 vote. Nice to meet you! :D


But yeahh, I'm not even gonna waste the time denying subjectivity in my opinions when it comes to mah best pone :D



He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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