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Spike was Rarity





Two deer walk out of a gay bar. One deer turns to the other and says, "Man, I can't believe I blew thirty bucks in there."


Neither can I. Always of those bucks I wasted never gave a single fuck to me while I had them right beside me.


its actually not as bad as it sounds

I know. But hey, this is you. I'd rather not take my chances initially. :P


can i at least come get you with them sometime?

You'll have to catch me first~
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To be completely honest, I'd think any double date can awkward REALLY fast, REALLY easy. I'd probably wouldn't be able to go to one unless all four of us completely knew each other. After that...I'd be a walking mass of trembling flesh.

Somewhat wall of text incoming.



One of the dates was really awkward, like awkward beyond belief awkward. My friend and I were hanging out waiting for them to get there, and I hadn't ate that much the entire day. Anyways we ordered pizza and everything was going fine. Long story short, I ended up choking on one of the breadsticks. So they arrive and get the wonderful sound of me literally almost choking to death. We ended up watching horribly made horror movies and we were poking fun at them most of the time.


That wasn't the only thing though. The couch we had to sit on had an awkward bump in it, and that bump was where I had to sit for 4 hours. So while I was still digesting that breadstick (It took 2 hours to actually get past my chest) I had to sit on the most uncomfortable couch I've ever had the pleasure of sitting on. It was either move towards her a bit, which would've been amazingly awkward, or deal with the pain. Needless to say I dealt with the pain, because I didn't want to impose.


Of course, my friend being the friend he is told me about the aftermath. Something along the lines of never wanting to hang out with me again. People are strange, then again I didn't give off the best first impression. Bad luck follows me wherever I go, I swear it. Hence the username Jinx, it fits me like a glove.


  • Brohoof 1
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Pffft. says who? YO! Minato Uzumaki! Get my flank off from here! *Minato flashes over here, then teleports me out*
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Pffft. says who? YO! Minato Uzumaki! Get my flank off from here! *Minato flashes over here, then teleports me out*


... naruto reference, really? well, fine, i'mma go hang wit hinata then. *walks away*
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Well, I won't use the word freak... Lots of people have similar traits. It's not that uncommon. Just unusual and rare. Maybe. I would not know.


No, you're normal. I'm the same way. Many others are as well.


You're not one at all.

I'm not asexual myself, but I wouldn't call you or anyone else like that a freak or anything.


I'll admit, It's a little odd to me cause, you know, im not one and I only grew up knowing of nothing but straight or gay until this fandom.

Still, even then you're not a freak in anyway.


Hell, I see some of it as a good thing. I get too attached to girls i talk to after just a small amount of interaction, so i wouldn't mind having less of a want or interest in them.


Pfffft, dude you're not a freak. You'd be surprised how many people feel the same way. Besides, who's to say you are a freak. Unless you suddnly went psycho and started killing people non pareil, then it isn't as bad as you think it is (plus, society is NOT the best thing to use for self-judgement considering a lot of the times it turns out to be a complete jerk).


Calling myself a freak was more of a joke than anything, but knowing that I can relate with a few of you here is definitely comforting.




Get it? It's totally a pun.


My friends ask me what I've been up to and I don't know what to tell them. All of it is mostly me relating to their interests, rather than the other way around. They don't really share my interests anymore except for a couple things here and there.


I've had a couple of double dates over the past few years, awkward doesn't even come close to describing them.


I see what you did there.


And I know that feel so much. Same with the double date thing, our Homecoming dance a few weeks ago was the most awkward thing I've ever been through...


Oh the joys and wonders of a computer who's most complicated program is Oregon Trail.


On another note, I wish real life was a role playing game. I'd like a re-roll of my character. Maybe even the same life, just give me everything I know right now, but a restart from the beginning.


I remember fiddling around with my dad's machine that ran Windows 3.1 a long ass time ago. I also remember my dad attempting to use an old Commodore 64 (we were talking about this yesterday, that's why I posted the Commodore logo a few pages back), but I couldn't even come close to using one of those things.


And that sounds like something I would want to do.


Wut?! :blink: That's like...I dunno if to call that lack of communication, lack of confidence of your parents to talk about it, or just plain lazyness.


And you did?...I did have sex ed in school in first year of high school...but I did know a lot of the stuff by then..though it wasn't reall by choice that I knew...


It was either one of the last two reasons you gave. My parents are the kind that get uncomfortable when that raunchy scene comes on during a movie, and I'm in the same room.


I had sex ed in 6th grade, and I already knew half of the stuff they were teaching us. My buds back then were perverts...


This. Pretty much, I AM not quite within the "social norm" in plenty pf things. I don't really care, but my self-conscious mind DOES care...kind of Bluetrace.


This exactly. I don't care on the outside, but the deepest part of my subconscious cares too goddamn much.


Well, tehre is the thing that you might not have encountered the type of people you have wanted to talk with. Suppose you encountered Jinx and Libby IRL, I'd think you three would hit it off rather well, to be completely honest. Getting the initiative to talk is an art sadly. I know that, cause I TOTALLY lack initiative to do things. For almost anything.


You might be right... Although, I've attempted to approach people from a wide spectrum of personalities, and I've always hit a brick wall in terms of getting to know them.

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Somewhat wall of text incoming.



One of the dates was really awkward, like awkward beyond belief awkward. My friend and I were hanging out waiting for them to get there, and I hadn't ate that much the entire day. Anyways we ordered pizza and everything was going fine. Long story short, I ended up choking on one of the breadsticks. So they arrive and get the wonderful sound of me literally almost choking to death. We ended up watching horribly made horror movies and we were poking fun at them most of the time.


That wasn't the only thing though. The couch we had to sit on had an awkward bump in it, and that bump was where I had to sit for 4 hours. So while I was still digesting that breadstick (It took 2 hours to actually get past my chest) I had to sit on the most uncomfortable couch I've ever had the pleasure of sitting on. It was either move towards her a bit, which would've been amazingly awkward, or deal with the pain. Needless to say I dealt with the pain, because I didn't want to impose.


Of course, my friend being the friend he is told me about the aftermath. Something along the lines of never wanting to hang out with me again. People are strange, then again I didn't give off the best first impression. Bad luck follows me wherever I go, I swear it. Hence the username Jinx, it fits me like a glove.



Aw...crap.......I didn't know your username was because of stuff IRL. I thought it could been maybe due to the game named "Jinx" or an OC...my condolences, I suppose? :wacko: Next time, you prepare yourself...have every single lucky charm in existance and believed in every culture.



G3 Rarity was voiced by Spike's current voice actress


Huh...I dind't know Cathy Weseluck had participated on G3...I knew Tabitha had at the most least.
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Aw...crap.......I didn't know your username was because of stuff IRL. I thought it could been maybe due to the game named "Jinx" or an OC...my condolences, I suppose? :wacko: Next time, you prepare yourself...have every single lucky charm in existance and believed in every culture.




Huh...I dind't know Cathy Weseluck had participated on G3...I knew Tabitha had at the most least.


Andrea did too

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Aw...crap.......I didn't know your username was because of stuff IRL. I thought it could been maybe due to the game named "Jinx" or an OC...my condolences, I suppose? :wacko: Next time, you prepare yourself...have every single lucky charm in existance and believed in every culture.

I mentioned losing an organ because I decided to start drinking tap water. There's also the time I fractured my ankle. That was due to me running backwards away from someone, which was due to people doing it to me to mock me.


I've got a few more than that, but you don't want to hear them. That and I don't want this to turn into a rant.

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... naruto reference, really? well, fine, i'mma go hang wit hinata then. *walks away*


What? I couldn't help myself. :P



i think you missed the part where i already got you.


I think you missed the part where the guy can teleport.



Calling myself a freak was more of a joke than anything, but knowing that I can relate with a few of you here is definitely comforting.


It was either one of the last two reasons you gave. My parents are the kind that get uncomfortable when that raunchy scene comes on during a movie, and I'm in the same room.


I had sex ed in 6th grade, and I already knew half of the stuff they were teaching us. My buds back then were perverts...




You might be right... Although, I've attempted to approach people from a wide spectrum of personalities, and I've always hit a brick wall in terms of getting to know them.


We know. :lol: But hey, I'd rather let you know that you're not alone on how you feel. :)


And I see...I really can't blame them though. My parents directly avoided me seeing "Stuff for older people" as it were as far as they could until I got big enough, so the awkward situations didn't really came through.


And I know about having pervert classmates. Every single male classmate I had was a little bit like that. Which completely sucks for me when I DON'T want to be associated or involved in that kind of things. However my knowledge had come from an unwnated direct source, and that's all I'm saying. I don't really wanna talk about it.


You and I might be more the same than I might have thought initially. :lol:


And also, it's matter of getting the initiative. If you don't have it (like me), then stick with people until there's a them you can go and merge yourself with and allow yourself to go on your merry way from there. that's what I do, at least. I imagine that if you, Jinx, and Libby were to meet, Libby would be the ice-breaker, then Jinx might start following and after him you, and then the social interaction would be a success. :)



Thought Bubble always wants a drink~


can she hold on for a bit? Viscra just got a nosebleed... again.


and you call yourself a princess, amature!


Oh gosh, what... xD


Dirty jokes. Dirty jokes everywhere. :P
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What? I couldn't help myself. :P




I think you missed the part where the guy can teleport.




We know. :lol: But hey, I'd rather let you know that you're not alone on how you feel. :)


And I see...I really can't blame them though. My parents directly avoided me seeing "Stuff for older people" as it were as far as they could until I got big enough, so the awkward situations didn't really came through.


And I know about having pervert classmates. Every single male classmate I had was a little bit like that. Which completely sucks for me when I DON'T want to be associated or involved in that kind of things. However my knowledge had come from an unwnated direct source, and that's all I'm saying. I don't really wanna talk about it.


You and I might be more the same than I might have thought initially. :lol:


And also, it's matter of getting the initiative. If you don't have it (like me), then stick with people until there's a them you can go and merge yourself with and allow yourself to go on your merry way from there. that's what I do, at least. I imagine that if you, Jinx, and Libby were to meet, Libby would be the ice-breaker, then Jinx might start following and after him you, and then the social interaction would be a success. :)










Dirty jokes. Dirty jokes everywhere. :P


hey, i love naruto too, and if i could, i would so totally live in his village so i could go after hinata. XD
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only most of the time?
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