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Apple      Bloom

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Currently wearing the most comfortable Santa hat ever, anyone else in the holiday spirit?


I'm only festive when December hits.

Expect a party cannon but with Christmas decorations. (Tree not included)


There's always some guy with X's in his name.


Xbox live has MILLIONS.


A tactical nuke.


A tactical nuke with zombies attached to it might do the trick.


Hehehehe.... My voice depends heavily on my allergies... Sometimes I have a disturbingly high pitched voice. Other times it is lower. At the moment, I am feeling stuffy, so my voice is somewhere in the middle of extremes.


I imagined Pinkie Pie on helium versus Flutterguy.


Posted Image


That woman is doomed.


In other news: Brutalities. Why the hay are they so much fun to do and watch? :lol:


They're messy.

Who doesn't love a brutal mess?


It gets instapoints for just having Egoraptor in it! :D

That guy is a god.


Our interests are too similar...

That's an awesome thing :D

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Thank you very much.


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[Pinkie Pie Breeding Program]


I keep telling you guys, it's asexual reproduction... Or is it selfcest...? Either way, since we're all related, incest is inevitable.






Anypony else?

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk
  • Brohoof 2
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By the Dark Gods... Seems like the crazed weekend activities have returned to this thread

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Long-ass quotes here I go!



*hisses back


- The bathrooms are periodically locked. If you have to go, deal with it.

- No, I lost the mop.


Goddamnit dude... Stop scaring the newbies D:

Not everyone here is comfortable with your pee fetish


Geez, how do you survive the internet then?

I could do without that area as well, specifically the diaper part, but It doesn't bother me that much.


Not gonna lie, I myself not really comfortable with the fetish talk :/

(I never talk about my bedroom hobbies, right?)


Seriously, my friend. You don't have any enemies in this thread. We are all your friends and sorta like a forum family within the forum.


Don't be mean for no reason.


He's purposely trying to make some, it seems Posted Image


and hell weyland maybe weyland will appear sometime.


Posted Image


You could just report the questionable stuff.


Everything is questionable :V

  • Brohoof 3
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@, Thank you very, very much for this. One problem. The part under the red thing near his eye is supposed to be grey like the other half of him. You know what I mean, right?
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One problem. The part under the red thing near his eye is supposed to be grey like the other half of him. You know what I mean, right?


Fixable. Wait here.

Edited by Scootacool
Please be respectful to other members of this site. Thank you.
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I'm only festive when December hits. Expect a party cannon but with Christmas decorations. (Tree not included)

Christmas ornaments to the face, hospitalization inevitable. Candy canes would also hurt, you just have to sharpen them first.


Reported for questioning questionable question

Unfortunately if this continued it would be incoherent.

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Christmas ornaments to the face, hospitalization inevitable. Candy canes would also hurt, you just have to sharpen them first.


I've seen one-pound candy canes. You can use those as a bludgeon.



Unfortunately if this continued it would be incoherent.


I advise we end it before we end up getting banished.






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  • Brohoof 1
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Unfortunately if this continued it would be incoherent.

Hm... You can actually reply with "reported for questioning my questioning for questionable question"


And my reply would be "reported for questioning my questioning my questioning for questionable question"


On a second thought, that sounds ridiculously stupid :c

Edited by Scootacool
Edited to remove content that was also removed.
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This entire thread makes me have questions about questionable questions.


Question mark.


Also, I really wanna get a santa hat. Those things are awesome.


That's the problem, you don't have any clear reasoning why this thread should be closed, other than your personal agenda. I'm not okay with that.


And is it really necessary to get this argument going again? Your bringing it up isn't helping anything. Let it go.

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And is it really necessary to get this argument going again? Your bringing it up isn't helping anything. Let it go.

If we couldn't clear this issue right now, the same problem will rise later. You know we can't really afford a time bomb in our midst


Look, just drop it before I punch my computer, OK?

Can you?

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Look, just drop it before I punch my computer, OK?


The best strategy when you are having a bad day is not to go and dump your anger all over other people.


If you are on the verge of punching your computer screen, then you need to figure out what you can do to get that under control. That kind of anger is neither healthy nor beneficial.

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If we couldn't clear this issue right now, the same problem will rise later. You know we can't really afford a time bomb in our midst


The issue's been clear all day, as far as I can tell. You're making it a problem again.


Ganaram gets butthurt much too easily, so I sympathize with you there. But fixing his problems by digging up the old argument isn't the proper way to go about doing it.

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*birthday snip*


Sounds like you had a great time.


And no, you telling me about it didn't make me more pissed off.


Vicke, I agree with you. The whole "get used to it or leave" attitude is complete bullcrap. There are no private clubs on this site. Everyone is welcome everywhere, and no one is going to be excluded at any point.


I'd like to remind everyone that the rules held elsewhere on the site apply to this thread as well. They exist so that members can be comfortable and feel welcome in all areas of this site. They keep these kind of disagreements from happening because they create a baseline for what is both acceptable and expected.


Please be civil, follow the rules, and don't kick people to the curb for disagreeing with you. :)


The thing is, we weren't told once that what we were doing could be construed as breaking the rules. Hell, you hang out in here, and so does Zoop... Two people that have at least some authority to tell us to take it down a notch--which never happened until Vicke came in and said something about it.


Because we were under the impression that what we were doing wasn't wrong (purely on the terms of rules), Vicke's complaints seemed very bossy and self-centered... Like, because he was the only one that was against the whole thing, that's how it should be.


I'm just saying that if it was made known to us earlier that what we were doing might be questionable, this whole situation could have been avoided.

Edited by bluetrace
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Ganaram gets butthurt much too easily, so I sympathize with you there. But fixing his problems by digging up the old argument isn't the proper way to go about doing it.

Okay, I'll drop it for now


Have a... what is this thing?


Posted Image


If you are on the verge of punching your computer screen, then you need to figure out what you can do to get that under control.

But what if I have like three unused old monitors? :o

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