BronyPony 575 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 (edited) What do you think the future iwll be in the year of 2020-4000 or earlier or even later? Post picture or give a description. Describe the cloths these people will be wearing or tell whether you think we will even have flying cars. EDIT: Since the times were so close, I decided to change it. Edited April 7, 2013 by BronyPony 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 Any prediction we make of the future will be futile and incorrect, just look at the predictions the people of the 1900s made of us: Saying that, by 2020, we will have flying cars, how do I know? Because we have them already: 2 Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warith 58 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 All I care about is 2016 which is when I get out of high school and Obama ends his 2nd term. These are both significant events that are tied to each other. Why? Well depending on how fucked up this country is, that is what will decide my future. So thanks Obama for giving ZERO hopes for a decent future. 2 This Banner was Made By: MeOC: Twilight Sky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 2020 is only seven years away. There is unlikely to be major changes in those seven years. It's more likely that there will be an accumulation of minor changes. For example, have there been any major changes since 2006? I think you would have been better picking a date further into the future, like 2113 or something. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jammo 986 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 (edited) Hmm? 2020? Ooh Half-Life 2 episode 3 release. Can't wait! Nintendo 4DS will take world be storm with not only it's 3D but it's scratch and sniff touch screen technology. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, three years after it's cancelation will produce a successful line of made for TV movies. Kim-Jong Un became a brony and reunified Korea peacefully with the Souths equal input after an episode taught him the importance of being considerate. Wheelboon is the new popular music genre. Cancer is cured by giving patients a modified strain of AIDS Skinks will become a popular fad pet America will have it's first Jewish Black Lesbian Ku Klux Klan member President Edited April 7, 2013 by Jammo 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalliongrad 982 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 I think that technology will continue to expand and older technology will begin to be forgotten. My children will not know the pain of rewinding a vhs tape in a VCR. They will not know what a floppy disk is and CRT monitors will be gone entirely. I think that 2020 wont be extremely different. Clothes will probably begin to be made of cheaper yet more durable materials. The style of the future i still cant predict but i doubt it will be everyone wearing jumpsuits. We as a society will also continue to progress forward. History will get farther and farther away. We will be among the last generations that remembers 9/11 directly instead of just reading about it. We must not allow our kids to repeat the mistakes of history while still progressing forward. ~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BronyPony 575 April 7, 2013 Author Share April 7, 2013 I thought there would be more things to this discussion(more optimistic). But anyways, this is one thing I thought we would have in the future: 2020 is only seven years away. There is unlikely to be major changes in those seven years. It's more likely that there will be an accumulation of minor changes. For example, have there been any major changes since 2006? I think you would have been better picking a date further into the future, like 2113 or something. Higgs Boson was recently found. I, myself, have been working on String Theory and the implications show different technologies arising, such as new forms of energy or even better ways of travel. If you listen to what Michio Kaky has to say about level civilizations, we may be entering the first level or be close to in 2020. Who knows? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonicrules831 520 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 Lets see by 2020 I will have graduated from college in 2019. Rand Paul or Kris Christe will be the president and I think My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will be around and the fandom is still stronger than ever. I don't think much will change maybe advancements in technology. And I think Istanbul will host the 2020 Olympics and NASCAR will be back on their feet with all the future stars coming up and will get a big economic boost. (Sorry I'm a NASCAR fan lol) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greyeye 10 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 2020 is not that far away. Not much can happen in 7 years. Argentina and Hong kong whould become big players on the world stage. Texas may or may not be a country. So barring war I think we can look forward to the starting foundation of one or more new forms transperth. fingers crossed for airships. More of Tolkien's work on the big screen. a Cure for HIV. Super strains of gonorrhea and Tuberculosis. Bed bugs are also a thing. Latin american spanish is a popular language to know. Solar panel sculpture in backyard are cool. Hover car driving next to normal cars. Africa will be building up their cities. maybe with the new greenhouse tech inmind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NomDeSpite 452 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 Probably something like this. Funniest part "2068: Entire world gay due to chemicals in the water 2069: Public masturbation legalized 2070: world population peaks 2082: world population drops to 1 billion" 1 On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said: This is the internet, not reality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 (edited) In the next 1000 years, man kind will expand/colonize the solar system. I would say it might take that long to discover faster than light travel, and faster than light radio. After that time, we will expand into the universe and the possibilities will be limitless. Mars will be terraformed and a second earth will be created, The downside is a new race of men will evolve as they can only survive in the lesser martian gravity, and can never return to earth. Once men start mining the asteroid belt we will see prosperity as never before. The price of everything will drop as the raw materials will be limitless. Robots will increasingly take over the menial and grunt labor jobs. Even traveling before men to build our colonies before we ever get there. And yes, there will be robot girlfriends....though the movies of possessed dolls/manikins will keep me from ever owning one (and my girl friend says I can't have one, so nyah. She's so mean!). Edited April 7, 2013 by Silverhoof UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shift 4,272 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 We'll go further then the moon. TO THE MO- MARS! Well, I think that we'll start to colonize stuff, like in spore. The guy above me has a very valid idea. Why, in only a single human's lifetime, we went from The Wright Brothers to Outer Space. Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sanic Screwdriver 345 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 I don't see 2020 being much different, as long as serious wars don't break out, I feel it will be like modern day just a lot more technologically advanced, also I've heard about a couple recent strives in medicine if I'm not mistaken, so maybe more diseases will be curable by then I personally don't believe flying cars available to the public will ever be a reality for many reasons, I'm to lazy to post them right now though XD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eureka 1,119 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 Dubstep.... Dubstep EVERYWHERE xD I think (hopefully) there will be some cures to some major deseases will be cured ummm,...... I guess the same really. There won't be flying cars o.o. 1 Quote Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YuiNyan 41 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 I think that the world is destroyed by nukes in WO3 and that it's has been take over by monkeys and further in the future it's destroyed by aliens Aye Sir~`! independent living is... being invited to dinner and thinking: Free Food... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Fox 151 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 All I care about is 2016 which is when I get out of high school and Obama ends his 2nd term. These are both significant events that are tied to each other. Why? Well depending on how fucked up this country is, that is what will decide my future. So thanks Obama for giving ZERO hopes for a decent future. Man, I bet you struggled to insert your dogma in an otherwise debate-free thread. Bravo... Anyway, I'm guessing by 2020-2030 we'll see hands-free everything, I saw a prototype of a shoulder mounted projector that acted as a computer, which was cool, I can't find the video on that, someone help. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 It all depends...there's what I want it to be (We're all ponies) There's what I hope it is (We're all ponies) And then there is what I think its going to be (Humans are going to die out...we're kind screwing up earth and mother nature aint gonna take any more of dis stuff...she'll be all like "Aint no body got time for dat" and kick us all out) But I hope its ponies. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 April 7, 2013 Share April 7, 2013 As long as I get out of high school way before then, I'll be happy. Then, I'll probably admire the advancements in 2020, and hope that we are all ponies. Also, I hope that all of the bad music artists die before that because they are not even worth breathing the same air as us. Flying cars, futuristic gliders, and other technology that will be made! Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael DeSanta 258 April 8, 2013 Share April 8, 2013 The future in the year 2020 anyone who has seen the film Babylon Ad knows the future will look something like that in 2020. I have several theories from agenda 21 turning the future to a real life version of the hunger games look it up I'm not kidding. to fallout to duex ex human revolution to even Homefront. I have no idea what the future may hold. I do know George Orwell was right on one thing imagine the boot stamp on the face of humanity. Will America collapse and the U.N. try and keep the peace and will America descend into sectarian violence. Will the United nations be abolished while the rest of the world try's to fight against terrorism. Or maybe just maybe will Americans move in the right step pulling back our empire slightly so we can keep our nations stronger so we can fix our economy and become a world power like we once were. Or maybe we could use science and finally grab immortality for good America and the world is looking towards not just a dark future but a bright one as well. Big brother may watch us but we may all watch big brother now letting him know we control him and not the other way around. I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson. Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SparkBrony 379 April 8, 2013 Share April 8, 2013 I'm pretty sure the world will have been taken over by ponies by 2020. XD But seriously, no one really knows. When I think of 'future' I think of wierd metallic buildings though 0_0 ~SparkBrony The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff! Check me out on Fimfiction! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 April 8, 2013 Share April 8, 2013 Again, in seven years I'm not seeing much in the way of major changes, unless there is a dramatic breakthrough. Even the whole Higgs Boson thing is still going to take at *least* twenty years before any actual application gets developed. As for minor changes, there's going to be a shakeup with the publishing of media. Cable and Network Television are losing market to direct online transmission like Hulu, Netflix, and other publishers. Movie studios are falling apart with the ability of independent studios and lone filmmakers to produce, and market, their own products in a similar way. Same with music, video games, etc. The next console generation will likely be the last, as more and more games will be based on centralized servers that stream gameplay to thinclients that can run on a variety of hardware. Basically DRM gone insane. There will probably be several challenges to the current copyright/trademark IP laws where large corporations start to challenge *each other*, as ownership of different IPs will have become so diluted through buyouts, reorgs, and convoluted license agreements that it will be impossible to tell who is the real owner. Likely led by Disney and Paramount going at it over various Marvel properties. I doubt there will be a resolution in the next twenty or thirty years though. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3005 332 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 2020 is only seven years away. There is unlikely to be major changes in those seven years. It's more likely that there will be an accumulation of minor changes. For example, have there been any major changes since 2006? I think you would have been better picking a date further into the future, like 2113 or something. Well, think about everything that happened in the time between 2006 and 2013 (a span of 7 years). We went from using flip phones to having mini computers in our pockets, from big desktop computers to thin pieces of glass, from a good economy to a bad economy... a lot can happen over the course of 7 years. In an ideal future, we would find an alternative source of energy that is as efficient as oil is and abolish our oil addiction. I think the car will evolve and a new category of transportation will emerge. I don't think ground transportation will ever fully go out of style, but I believe the sky will become our new highways within the next 50-100 years. I'd like to see new advances in space exploration, akin to the Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States several decades ago. A world where countries work together efficiently would be good too, instead of a world where countries everywhere are butting heads. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 April 10, 2013 Share April 10, 2013 Hmmm: 2020 : Self Driving Cars become reality 2025: Self Driving Cars become standard 2035: Optical/Quantum computing finally takes off making many new scientific breakthroughs 2040: Holodeck level virtual reality causes a significant portion of the population to drop out of normal society Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuerrierCosmique 146 October 3, 2013 Share October 3, 2013 (edited) 2005: Begin of First New Intergalactic War. 2013: Let's start, here we are. 2020s-40s: Wars, enviromental destruction, ressource exhaustation, collaps, tyranny, new world orders, conspirating elite, World War III doing some evil stuff 2050s: fast developing of new means of space-travel. 2070s: Biotech and VR enable immortality. 2080s: Massive population growth after billions died during WWIII and NWO. 2090s: World War IV 2111: A strange person called "Thyal" appears for the first time. 2140s: World War V. 2157: Primary first contact participant on Terran side and later Terran Emperor born. 2160s: World slightly united under Nations Alliance. 2172: First contact with the Intergalactic Star Alliance, the Sol system along Earth discovered by an expedition-war fleet scouting this part of the Milky Way galaxy. All ISA technology gifted to humanity. 2195: Terran Nations Union founded, uniting all of Earth. Earth renamed to Terra (neo-English official language). 2196: Founding of the Solar Order, encompassing the entire Sol system and the then-few extra-solar colonies. Exploration of the galaxy begins. 22XX: Era of colonization begins, mass exodus from Terra. Human population begins to multiply exponentially. Terraforming of nearby worlds goes as fast as possible with ISA ressources. 2711: SO, consisting of over 5000 planets at this time, comes into it's first major conflict. 2715: So-called new "First Great War" over, Solar Order establishes itself as galactic superpower. Humanity's massive expansion continues all the time. 2807-8: First contact with the Ovisoids, cumulating in an interstellar war again. TNU and SO reformed after this war. Human expansion tops Terran Nations Association and Solar Orders growth. 2811: New "world" faith of Solarians begins to form. 3000: 20K planets in Solar Order. 3007: The "Triumvirat" which startet the First Intergalactic War in 2005, defeated somewhen in the later 22nd century reappears strangely but remains peaceful for first. 3013: 1K years in the future. 3258: Endresians from planet Suiram appear, thrive war against the Janian and Katrijshonis species. 3312-14: Short Second Intergalactic War. No major changes. 38XX: Planets near Terra all colonized, mankind searches for those in other realms of space. 4000: Here we go. 4011: Solarians (humans) spread out to new galaxies beside Milky Way. Third Intergalactic War. Major political shifts in the entire known universe. Noooooowwwww, please don't ask from where I have gotten those informations! Edited October 5, 2013 by Spacelord Antanica Alex, Alex! You're walking away from history! History! Did Chris Columbus say he wanted to stay home? No! What if the Wright Brothers thought that only birds should fly? And did Galoka think that the Yulus were too ugly to save? -- Centauri to Alex Rogan; "The Last Starfighter" (1984) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ali_Derp 89 October 9, 2013 Share October 9, 2013 I just want the world to be the same. Driverless cars: Takes the fun out of driving Robot servants: What if someone injects a virus that multiplies. Futuristic buildings: Just remember, with age doesn't alter how gravity works... Flying cars: "Your fuel has ran out, have a pleasant death" What I would like. Africa to be fixed and cured. Economy's built Stop wasting money on space stuff which explodes in 3 seconds SOMEONE TAKES ACTION ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING AND NOT JUST SIT FOR 3 YEARS SAYING GLOBAL WARMING WILL DESTROY OUR PLANET IF WE DON'T TAKE ACTION. Rant over Transformation would be nice, With me guys? Bronys take over the universe That's it. Really 2 This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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