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What do you think the future will be like?(2020-4000)


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2020 - Music finally degenerates into a single synthetic note being played on repeat forever.


2030 - World economy now run entirely by BitCoins


2040 - We land on Mars, get bored, go home and listen to the latest hit from DJ-M4CH0K157 (it consists entirely of one 67hz beeping noise that lasts 17 hours)


2044 - Flying cars, because fuck you.


2045 - Man crashes skycar into hot dog stand. Flying cars banned worldwide.


2050 - All music produced entirely by machines. A new frequency beep tops the Billboard Hot 100 every week.


2060 - Obama's master plan comes to fruition. Entire world turns into cheese.


2070 - 68hz remix of  DJ-M4CH0K157's "67" becomes national sensation, dance craze.


2076 - War, war still hasn't changed.


2077 - War changes, yo. Everybody dies. Hell freezes over. The end.


2199 - Aliens discover Earth, begin excavation.


2265 - Aliens discover 21st century music. Entire planet condemned, destroyed.


2281 - My damn video finally loads. Thanks, Verizon.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 3 weeks later...

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare explains everything about the future



Probably Pony's Creed will be announced, Flying cars, Portal to Equestria if technology, and extreme fast send package. 

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Based on rumors and information I've gathered, me may have more connection to outer space. Being more free to travel there and maybe even live there depending on what planets can sustain life-forms. That would be my dream, to at least be in space before I die, if not, I want my coffin to be shot into space as a last will.

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  • Galactic tourism becomes a thing
  • Cable TV is finally obsolete (goodbye, Foxtel!)
  • Generation 4 of MLP ends and early concepts of Generation 5 are leaked
  • Nickelodeon (and Viacom in general) is FINALLY gone for good
  • We all use Google Glass-style technology like we are using smartphones now



  • I couldn't think of anything beyond what I just said. Sorry for wasting your time random guy who is reading this forum reply roughly 20 years into the future
  • Brohoof 1
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I'm pretty sure that a lot is going to be different by 2030. When it comes to energy, it looks like renewables are going to take a bigger and bigger part of it as the cost of solar panels and wind turbines continue to spiral down. What's more, large scale energy storage may have just passed the germination stage as promising new startups begin to manufacture and sell their energy storage technologies. Then you also have electric cars that are already bubbling up. I think by 2030, most cars will be electric and our energy mostly decarbonized. Unless new and better technologies for nuclear fission become viable, we'll see it withdraw further into a smaller niche.


The present is also marked by widespread social distress as people's feelings towards the current structure of society becomes more bitter and toxic -- in part because of inequality. Humanity is also going to have to face that paradox of increased technological unemployment and get disillusioned with this idea that there will always be new avenues for employment. Actually, this disillusionment is already beginning to happen but in the next decade, it'll be far more widespread. In short, people are going to get real fed up with the current socio-economic and political order and I really don't know what they're going to do with those emotions.

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  • 4 years later...

2020 isn't looking nearly as different as a lot of people are posting here, now I can definitely say this now that it is 2019.

But here's a 2020 prediction that I hope cones true- Bernard Sanders becomes the 46th president of the United States by getting the crucial Rust Belt vote.


I think the future could really go several different paths. But I'll be optimistic.


2030- (Did I say things wouldn't get worse before they get better? I didn't.)

  • US plunges into a second great depression. We already are set for a recession in the coming years. Bernie Sanders' presidency just makes it not nearly as bad as it would have been.
  • American politics at this time is so polarized that literal battles are fought on the streets over the 2032 election.
  • Carbon emissions only rise in the slow transition to green energy. 
  • The US cancels the Mars missions planned for this decade.



  • India and China both have socialist uprisings originating from their current conditions. (By the way, China doesn't have a communist government and hasn't been since the 70's), plunging both into civil war.
  • Parts of the Middle East are now uninhabitable due to Global Warming causing a migrant crisis the likes of which we have never seen. Mistakes are made in the handling of this crisis causing massive conflicts in Greece and the southern portion of Eastern Europe.



  • World War III is fought over water as well as international politics. The War ends in a stalemate where both sides almost annihilate the planet with nuclear bombs.
  • A solution to some of our world's problems are reached, that some people unfortunately may not like mainly for political reasons.


Only going 40 years forward here, as it would be difficult to predict past this point. I will say things would be much better after this at least in my opinion, though it's still far from perfect.


Edited by Banjo
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6 hours ago, Fiendstorm said:

I imagine it will end via a meteor or coronal mass ejection.

Yes, it probably will. I am not positive. Meteor is the current buzz word for ending us all!

However, if it doesn't. I think the human race needs a miracle to move on from our current technological mindset. Ever since the LED and MP3 era, most people think that we can do anything now, that everything is possible. But as a person who works with LED and MP3 on a daily basis, like me, knows how screwed we are!

The world is currently in a "spam and scam" revolution. Internet and social media keep reminding us how single tracked the world is and how easy it is for us to fall into the simplest of traps. One of the biggest nations on the planet elected a leader straight from social media jokes (I am not kidding, look it up!). There are billions of repeating scams in my mail box that looks like this:

"hi, want gold? i live 500 meter from your house".

"hi, want gold? i live 1000 meters from your house".

"hi, want gold? i live 1500 meters from your house".

"hi, want gold? i live 2500 meters from your house".

"hi, want gold? i live 4000 meters from your house".

"hi, want gold? i live 3000 meters from your house".
"hi, want gold? i live 3000 meters from your house".
"hi, want gold? i live 3000 meters from your house".
"hi, want gold? i live 3000 meters from your house".

Yes, the spam keeps evolving until it reaches the most attractive state. In this case, most people wanted gold at 3000 meters from their house. Our future is kinda going to look like this, where decisions are made for us by spam. The scam part, or course, is the gold. Spoiler alert, there is no gold! But replace gold with anything that people are attracted to, and the spam and scam keeps evolving.


People have always been pessimistic about the future, making it look dark and scary. But we are kinda living in a future already. When I was little, 2019 was a dark and scary place, and sure we have had our near extinctions moments a couple of time. But we are still here, and we are boring as hell! I am pretty sure that will be true in


Hold on, how old is this topic? 2020, lol!


  • Brohoof 1
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