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Going Vegetarian


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The Basic Argument


1) Eating meat is not at all required for health.


2) There is no nutrient in meat that cannot be found in a vegetarian diet.


3) There is no disease where eating meat is required for the treatment or cure of the disease.


4) Therefore, eating meat is absolutely unnecessary.


5) Eating meat causes death to other animals, obviously. And, despite attempts to make slaughter "humane", whether it be "kosher", "halal" or otherwise, it quite probably, or even certainly, causes stress and pain as well.


6) There is more than enough cruelty in the world as it is; no sane person can deny this. There is no need to add to the world's cruelty, unnecessarily.



DISCLAIMER: If you are a dependant in your household you probably can't safely make the transition to vegetarian. Those that are considered dependent shouldn't be too hard on themselves. However, you can try making an effort to eat healthier. img-1380400-1-wink.png


Also, some countries haven't developed to the point where people can sustain themselves without meat. Though, if you have the internet, that's probably not the case.

Edited by Circadian
  • Brohoof 18



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I'm not much of a big meat eater.

But if my mom brings me home a burger from McDonalds, ill om-nom-nom that thing down.


But i can live without meat.

Although i do need the weight.. *i have a high metabolism*

Edited by KToadstool
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1) Meat tastes yummy and delicious, especially bacon. There's nothing like waking up and eating a big Christmas breakfast with plenty of bacon! Yum!


2) Plants are still alive when you eat them. That's just gross! I always feel bad for salads, unless they're smothered in dressing so I can't see their sad little faces. sad.png


3) See number one.


4) People are inherently selfish. Because yes, it's selfish to eat meat, but I'd waaay prefer eating a big juicy hamburger than gnawing on a tofu-hockey pock. :3


All joking aside, I'm still a dependent in my household. And I really have no intention of cutting out meat from my diet, even when I move. My mother is one of those health nuts, so red meat is very rare in our household. Like, once a month rare. So whenever I get the chance, I pounce on some meat and let my taste buds go nuts. <3


Edit: This is a popular post? Wow, I should be silly more often. xD

Edited by Earl Grey
  • Brohoof 77
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Why do other animals eat meat?


Surely if it we where not supposed to eat meat then non of nature would/ we would not have evolved to because it would not give us anything beneficial over not eating meet?


And if everyone stopped eating meat it would cause sever harm to many animals where humans are necessity to keep the ecological order of many systems throughout the world. Many humans would suffer from loss of job's and the economical damage to the country would be massive.


(BTW I jsut love playing devils advocate don't think I'm trying to get at you I can't help it ><)


On a side not  I very rarely eat meat as it is :) and can understand your arguments completely and have considered becoming a vegetarian a lot recently, if only chicken didn't taste so nice ><!

Edited by Happy Plant
  • Brohoof 25


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I would really partake in being a vegetarian but, I usually don't like eating vegetables. Maybe, when I'm a pro athlete I'll eat meat and vegetables to balance out the metabolism.


I'm not usually a person that eats meat a lot but, I do eat meat.

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Look at our teeth.

Our teeth are of herbivorous nature. Yes, we have canines, but very few people have canines that are anything like a carnivore's canines


Eating meat has been proven to shorten human lifespans. 

Our bodies become stressed when digesting meat and they say that humans lose about 10 years of life if they are omnivorous.  Our bodies cannot properly digest meat and thus do not get the nutritional abundance that meat gives to carnivores.




I am not vouching for vegetarians, since I cannot claim to be one.  However, science says these things, so I'd just like to mention them too.  I don't want to be a vegetarian because I like burgers too much to say no, however, I rarely eat meat and such because it is really expensive and as stated, really unnecessary for a fully balanced diet and delicious meals.


Edit:  I can't deny bacon, ever, at all....

Edited by Treble Bolt
  • Brohoof 2

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Nothing will sway my desire for meats. Purely on taste. Sure, I'm eating another creature; but it isn't unnatural. Everyday animals get eaten by other animals. It just happens.

Next they'll be telling me that milk products are stealing.

  • Brohoof 14


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I don't eat much meat, anyway. I'm on a diet, so I'm trying to get as much protein as possible from the least fatty source possible, and I've pretty much turned to whey shakes, soy, etc., for that. Sure, there's lean meats, but they don't serve those on campus.


I pretty much put myself on a diet of only simple carbs, protein, and unsaturated fats (or at least, as close to that as possible). It just so happened that after that, my meat intake dropped.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon


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Healthy, organic, and all-natural foods seem to cost much much more when I can get the same stuff from eating meat for less. So I don't think I will be changing my diet anytime soon.


I would rather eat a $4 cube steak than a $10 "healthy super-organic tofu salad" that is supposedly better for me any day. Obviously an exaggeration, but you can see my point. :P

  • Brohoof 22

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The Basic Arguement


1) Eating meat is not at all required for health. There have never been any bulletins or recommendations saying that "we need to eat more meat (for health)". Not from the medical community (beholden to the pharmaceutical industry), not from health agencies (indebted to special interest groups). Not even the powerful meat industry has ever dared make such an outrageous claim. In fact, the converse is true: every recommendation you have ever seen always stresses that we need to eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables for our health.


2) There is no nutrient in meat that cannot be found in a vegetarian diet. No one can deny this.


3) There is no disease where eating meat is required for the treatment or cure of the disease.


4) Therefore, eating meat is absolutely unnecessary.


5) Eating meat causes death to other animals, obviously. And, despite attempts to make slaughter "humane", whether it be "kosher", "halal" or otherwise, it quite probably, or even certainly, causes stress and pain as well.


6) Therefore, eating meat is immoral and unethical. And abhorrently selfish, since the person who eats meat does so only for the hedonistic and temporary satisfaction of his taste buds. Especially when there are so many vegetarian and tasteful alternatives (from meatless and healthful soy products to traditional Indian dishes).


7) There is more than enough cruelty in the world as it is; no sane person can deny this. There is no need to add to the world's cruelty, unnecessarily.



DISCLAIMER: If you are a dependant in your household you probably can't safely make the transition to vegetarian. Those that are considered dependent shouldn't be too hard on themselves. However, you can try making an effort to eat healthier. img-1380400-1-wink.png


Also, some countries haven't developed to the point where people can sustain themselves without meat. Though, if you have the internet, that's probably not the case.


You make a lot of bold claims in your post. Can you show us data, from a credible, peer-reviewed source, that will help reinforce your assertions? I don't necessarily agree or disagree with your idea, and I don't necessarily doubt you, but I feel that your argument will be considerably strengthened if you provided proper citations for your claims. 

  • Brohoof 23
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Why do other animals eat meat? Surely if it we where not supposed to eat meat then non of nature would/ we would not have evolved to because it would not give us anything beneficial over not eating meet?


Nature is also the reason we get sick. The reason children are born with horrible birth defects. The reason we DIE.


You're content with the hand you've been dealt? Fine. Not me. 


If humanity wants to consider itself special, it needs to start acting like it.  Not choosing whatever's convenient. 


(I'm not mad at you btw, just in debate mode)


EDIT: Fuck "nature". We've got to make the world a better place ourselves.

Edited by Circadian
  • Brohoof 3



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Nature is also the reason we get sick. The reason children are born horrible birth defects. The reason we DIE.


You're content with the hand you've been dealt? Fine. Not me. 


If humanity wants to consider itself special, it needs to start fucking acting like it.  Not choosing whatever's convenient. 


(I'm not mad at you btw, just in debate mode)


EDIT: Fuck "nature". We've got to make the world a better place ourselves.



You remind me of a guy in my tutoring center. Whenever he gets in challenging, angry debate mode, he gets all tense and starts swearing. xD Your name isn't Justin, is it?

  • Brohoof 5
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I think I would seriously die without meat. I wish I was not serious.Let me explain, I hate Vegetable's with a strong passion. If I stopped eating meat entirely I would probably not eat at all and I would end up starving myself to death, I wish I was kidding, But, I think that's exactly what would happen.

Facebook: Josh B.

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Look at our teeth. Our teeth are of herbivorous nature. Yes, we have canines, but very few people have canines that are anything like a carnivore's canines

Well, were omnivorous, so we have the teeth of an omnivore. A lion has teeth for ripping large chunks of raw meat apart. Koala's have sharp teeth for ripping too, but not as big as the Lions obviously, And koalas also have molars to grind on plant material, just like us.


Just wanted to say that because that's a popular misconception  We are not biologically designed to be herbivores in anyway. That would mean that when we eat meat we would probably just expel it via vomit :S.


BUT I still am a vegetarian. I just don't like meat as much as the rest of the world does. And those poor animals :(

But noo, meat is not murder, it's a cheep luxury. Like smoking.

I support Family farming 100%

F*CK FACTORY FARMING! Talk about taking the rights away from animals! That's actually where I guess I would draw the line at murder. 

  • Brohoof 7

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Animals eat other animals.  And I feel that humans are animals.  As long as people don't eat endangered species, I feel that eating meat is okay.  If we're eating too many animals, then there are too many people.

  • Brohoof 7

I love you.

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You make a lot of bold claims in your post. Can you show us data, from a credible, peer-reviewed source, that will help reinforce your assertions? I don't necessarily agree or disagree with your idea, and I don't necessarily doubt you, but I feel that your argument will be considerably strengthened if you provided proper citations for your claims. 


How Much Feed Will My Cow Eat - Frequently Asked Questions, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development


Cattle feeding, Wikipedia

Cattle, Wikipedia

Did the Locker Plant Steal Some of My Meat?, South Dakota State University

Water Requirements of Livestock, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture

Ag. Water Quality- Frequently Asked Questions, University of California Cooperative Extension

Livestock's Long Shadow, Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations, 2007


  • Brohoof 1



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While I respect your decision to be a vegetarian I am not nor will I ever be one because I like meat and don't really care for vegetables all that much and nature intended human beings to be omnivores. Yes you can get protein from vegetables as well but it is not that simple, the types and combinations of proteins matters just as much as the fact that you are getting protein. One thing I have noticed about vegetarians is that nearly all of them look like twigs, there is a big difference between being slim and looking like you are starving.

  • Brohoof 8
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Well, were omnivorous, so we have the teeth of an omnivore. A lion has teeth for ripping large chunks of raw meat apart. Koala's have sharp teeth for ripping too, but not as big as the Lions obviously, And koalas also have molars to grind on plant material, just like us.


Just wanted to say that because that's a popular misconception  We are not biologically designed to be herbivores in anyway. That would mean that when we eat meat we would probably just expel it via vomit :S.


BUT I still am a vegetarian. I just don't like meat as much as the rest of the world does. And those poor animals sad.png

But noo, meat is not murder, it's a cheep luxury. Like smoking.

I support Family farming 100%

F*CK FACTORY FARMING! Talk about taking the rights away from animals! That's actually where I guess I would draw the line at murder. 


How they farm cattle in America is unreal! Massive massive factories that houses 1000's of cows who don't really get to experience being outside at any time in there life.


To me that and battery eggs should be outright banned.

  • Brohoof 1


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I find the whole "eating animals is horrible" is a poor argument when to me it isn't much different than eating plants. Things need to die for our consumption. That's the way it works. Sure the plant may not feel or express pain as an animal can, but it is still causing death one way or another.


I personally like to eat meat, I don't eat it all the time, but after a hard day at work, between a steak or a salad, I am going with the nice hot steak. Meat eaters are not inhumane because they consume meat, it is the businesses that slaughter the animals in the way they do. I personally try to eat local, organic foods for 2 reasons. It's healthier, and can be seen as less "cruel" than the big factory slaughter houses.


People are omnivores, we can eat both plants and animals. That is just how it works. And since we can eat both types of food, we have the right to eat what we want "even if others don't always agree".

Edited by Hayzelestia
  • Brohoof 28


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Here's my argument (Though you very valid points):

You are here making a post as to why we should stop eating meat,rather than actually doing something to help the world like, donating money to the less fortunate, feeding the poor, tackling racism etc etc.

Instead your telling an omnivorous specis to stop eating something that has been a natural part of our diet for hundreds snd thousands of years.

  • Brohoof 9

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The first poster has a couple of very good points but I'm definitely not going to turn into vegetarian. Why? Well because meat is so freaking tasty! I also love cooking and there's is nothing as awesome as creating new dishes to meat. For example today I made a chicken breast stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon. Every meatlovers will understand how yummy that is! I know and I have made some vegetarian dishes and even though they taste good it's nothing compared to dishes with meat. It's too simple and plain and you dont get the sae fulfilling feeling after eating it.

  • Brohoof 3


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To me that and battery eggs should be outright banned.

Could not agree with you anymore on that! The humane society that I volunteered at a while back had a speaker come in and talk about that. horrible absolutely horrible.

Edited by Leaf Link
  • Brohoof 1

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Aren't they already working on creating synthetic meat? Using lab-created tissue and the like, no animal harm involved. Then everyone can eat meat without causing animal suffering.


Also, if you care for animals, stop eating their food. :D

Edited by Flipturn ツ
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Basically, the only argument I've heard against this is:


"I like eating meat too much to stop."


Kind of a crummy argument when you think about it.


"I like smoking crack too much to stop."







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Basically, the only argument I've heard against this is:


"I like eating meat too much to stop."


Kind of a crummy argument when you think about it.


"I like smoking crack too much to stop."





Eeeyep. :3


I suppose when you put it like that we do sound like a bunch of selfish crazy carnivores. But we're not really trying to put an argument out there, because you have us by the ear. We can't fight against what you say, so why bother? We like what we're doing, and as I've always been an extremely active/athletic person, I think I can get away with a few steaks once in a while. :D

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