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Awwww yeah bronies, 800 posts in this thread!!!! What better way to celebrate than with a EPIC RAP BATTLE!!!!!


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B) EPIC!!! B)

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Oh shut up Discord, you wouldn't know epic if it bit you in the flank!!!! :angry:

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Oh that's it, it is on!!!!! Discord, you're ruining the 800th post in this thread!!! Come at me bro, we're settling this right now!!! :angry:


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*sigh* Maybe you're right... maybe I should just calm down. OK, let's shake on it... PSYCH!!!!!! GET HIM VINYL!!!!! :angry:


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Now that's what I call EPIC!!!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony
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[Marshmellow Cannibalism]

I dun geddit. Is there an episode where AJ is called "marshmallow"?

Rewatched "Boast Busters" recently and I noticed something that I hadn't before; Pinkie Pie wasn't in the episode!!!!! But I think I understand why the creators kept her out of the episode, because, frankly, it would've been a lot different and a lot shorter if she'd been in it!!!

She could've magicked an illusion of additional forelegs.

I wish I understood all these references. :(

The whole montage is just one reference to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. :3 Edited by Feather Spiral
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I didn't know whether this was more cute or funny, but decided on funny xP It appears Celestia had a nightmare and wants to have another sleepover with her faithful student xD


inb4 Molestia jokes, there were no tags on the image referencing it :P So yes, this is safe for work rofl


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FAKE! you can see both of Celestia's eyes at the same time.

  • Brohoof 6
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FAKE! you can see both of Celestia's eyes at the same time.


Maybe, but i dont know, I kind of like this one...



And we have seen both of her eyes before, for example:


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I didn't get this image till I learned about the Rarity marshmallow meme.


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^ My face when I saw this image :P, took me longer to get it though.

Edited by Pegasus25
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Awww, poor Rarity. She's already had to put up with Flutterbitch in "Putting Your Hoof Down" :(


Posted ImageThey're friends don't worry. :D
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In today...well...tonight's daily pic update, (which at this point I think will be late again @-@), we have even more hilarity! We have more wordplay, more crossovers, and some epic fourth wall-breaking! Check it out in the spoiler!




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Cannot. Be. Unseen. :,(


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Good. Now go to >Menu >Items >Diamond Tiara >Throw away.

That's how these games work, right?


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Y'know, Spike, I always had something for that mystic typeface...


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Applejack keeps rubber trees all around Ponyville. In case of abandon thread emergencies.


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Don't worry, Dashie, hopefully, you will “Hassis” sometime in season 3. *coughScootaloocough*


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Keep it up, Flutters, and you'll give that Waldo sir a run for his money.


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Bonding together, to stop the evil chaotic forces of the outside and beyond.....and Discord.


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Hm...new conspiracy theories? Get to work, guys! ^-^


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Speaking of modern cartoons...

Y'know, if the CMC were that bad at bowling, who knows what the mane 6 could accomplish?


*knocks on wood*


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That awkward moment when we find out our parents are bronies before they find out we are.


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My face when I saw this image below.



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i want this in my bathroom


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*follows Rainbow's eyes*




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Spike and Rarity fighting over me... I'm okay with this. B)

Keep on writing fanfiction Derpy.

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