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mega thread Last Movie You Watched?


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Last night I rewatched Jawbreaker and half of The Parent Trap before bed. They both made me so happy. Lost count how many times I've seen them both.

Jawbreaker was my first ever DVD, before I even owned a DVD player!


Parent Trap was the Lindsay Lohan one, I'm still waiting for the day someone comes to tell me I'm Hallie and Annie's lost triplet. ^_^

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I saw Doctor Strange yesterday and absolutely loved it. Honestly, the movie was quite incredible, with a great plot, amazing acting, and wonderful visuals. I'd certainly class it as one of my favorite movies, not just of 2016, but of all time! Although, I did have one or two gripes, which could be seen as something major to someone really looking for the strongest set of characters: a lot of the cast could've done with a little more development, personality-wise (especially the villains, although they were still great), and the 'final battle' of sorts was slightly underwhelming in the way that the main issue was actually resolved.

Overall, however, I'd say that Doctor Strange was heavily driven by its story and the visualization of it, but I certainly enjoyed the film even more than I expected to, with the positives far outweighing the negatives by a mile. It was just so entertaining!

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The last Movie i watched was The Losers, based on the Comic Strip by the same Name from Dc Comics Imprint : Vertigo Comics.


It was a fun Movie, with good humor, cool Action Scenes and good Actors.

Im pretty sure one of the Main Characters, is the Actor who plays Negan in The Walking Dead.

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I just got home from seeing Doctor Strange and I thought it was pretty cool.

The visuals were absolutely incredible, the action scenes were great, and the mystical elements in this film helped it stand out from other Marvel movies. 

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The last Movie i watched was Red.


It was a funny Movie, thats for sure but for me, it was missing some serious Moments.

Most of the Characters were unbelievable, there was not much Emotion, no real fear and the Movie felt more and more just like a Joke.


I expected at least some seriousness, like in The Losers, where there is Comedy but also some more serious Moments.

So, i got disappointed a little.

Edited by Nanotek
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