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Are you popular, or do you wish you had some more friends?


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I'm popular in my own way, and it's the way I like it. Most people in my high school have heard of me or have met me, and most think I'm a funny, nice, smart guy. I get high fives in the hallways a few times a week and I almost never have people being mean or rude towards me.


At the same time, I've isolated myself from those who are often considered "cool" because, frankly, they bore me. I have a group of maybe ten or fifteen people I talk to regularly, and they're all great people.


I guess what made me popular in this way was the fact that I confused people. I said something that made no sense, people think it's funny, and they like me. It also helps that I'm not afraid to do something crazy, like sing a poem in English class to the Pokemon theme song or tell a few too many Uranus jokes in science class.

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I have a number of friends that I know, but it's where they are closer with each other than when me. Still, we are still friends (even if I couldn't hold a conversation for my life).


Making new friends is always something to enjoy, but it's sometimes a chore. Aside from having completely different tastes in many things... have you seen some of these people? A few people amaze me and almost inspire me, but for the majority of my generation/class, well, that's a different story.



Edited by Gears of Halo Duty V
  • Brohoof 1
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This is a song that's for everyone who wants to be famous, including me.


I'll be the best of the bronies who all watch this show.

I'm the type of brony every brony, every brony should know.

I'll be the one that'll make some friends while I go.

I'm the type of brony every brony, every brony should know.


Becoming as popular, as popular I can be.

Making my mark, making my mark in this society.

I'll be famous on forums who all talk about the show, Yeah.

I'm the type of brony every brony, every brony should know.


They'll all see pictures of the ponies I'll draw.

Make some music and stories without a flaw.

I'll be everywhere on forums to discuss the show.

I'm the type of brony every brony should knooooowwwwwww.


At home on my laptop, or at Brony Con.

Creative, moderate, or hipster brony, I'll carry on.

Making lovely animations inspired by the show, Yeah.

I'm the type of Brony every brony, every brony should knooooooowwwwwww.


Because I'm the type of Brony.

Yes, I'm the type of Broooonnyyyyy.

Yes I'm the Brony every brony should knooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww.


You all know what I'm referencing this to.



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Me? Popular? PSCHAW! Of course I am! Everybody loves me like a boss! Well, at least that's what I hope and think...? 



Ok in all seriousness, I'm fine with not having that many friends. I would much rather have few but very close friends. 

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Number of friends IRL I have: At least 30+

Number of friends online: About 10 or so close friends that I care about.

Number of friends that are my peers: .... 0


Honestly, I've never gotten along with people my age. I don't know why, I think I lack some vital dependency on a vitamin or something...

  • Brohoof 2
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I've never been 'popular,' per sé, but  I do have my little group of friends that I like to hang out with. Sometimes I wish I was more popular, though. I'm just...not the kind of person to have a small fanbase or be well-known enough to be popular.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


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I am not popular, but I am highly valued around my friends. I never had issues with making friends, but I moved between a few schools through my childhood. So I didn't keep them for long (back before I had a computer).


But I have friends where I am at now, and I hope to make more once I start traveling.


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Not popular, but I do have a group of friends. The problem I have is that I keep getting the feeling as if everyone's talking about me and sometimes it's obvious and I've really begun to just hate people. My friends are great but they're the type who love to talk non stop while I'm the quite type so instead tend to act like their sidekick instead or just a follower. And I thought I was the only one like this. But I can relate to so many people on here.

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I'm an average person that wouldn't be defined popular by others. I'll only seek friends with similar interests. I'm not the joker to impress the group of kids that sit on top of your hierarchy of popular kids crap.


It would be customary to have wanted a large group of friends and there's nothing wrong with that. I would rather a group of close friends that like to hang out with each other. Too big of a group of friends is irritating to me. Everyone starts acting stupid to impress one another or make fun of someone to make a joke. I think smaller groups of friends are better in that case. Where we can still bound ourselves to having intelligent conversations  and having fun without doing something reckless.


It's universal that there's a typical popularity chart that defines everyone's social status in high school. That's still dated back when you had your peasants, villagers, scholars, knights, and royals in your Renaissance era. Yeah, it can still date even farther back, but that's a pretty good example. I just think it's still stupid that we judge each other for hobbies and interests. Then the strong pick on the weak in large numbers. It's really pathetic, but I firmly believe if people acted on who they truly are good things will come their way. It's better than making a fool of yourself for some "cool" kid.


Thank you Marco for the awesome signature

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Friends? Popularity? That's a good one! Seriously, you're cracking me up!


I've only had one person who I could call a friend; someone who I felt comfortable with calling, visiting, etc, everyone else I could only categorize as acquaintances. However, because of some recent happenings I've been distancing myself from him. It's not a big deal, really.


I just don't have any friends, and I've never really had or made any. Sure, there are a few who I could consider acquaintances, but they're not friends, y'know? img-1473569-1-smile.png


It's not that I was rude - really, you could say I was too polite and formal - I was just too shy to speak to anyone I considered to be on a equal or higher social level than me. Funny thing about that, is that it was easy for me to talk to those I thought less than myself, not that I treated them any differently. I also couldn't make small talk for the life of me, which seems to be oh so important if you want someone to warm up to you.


I doubt anyone even knew me in high school, besides being some nameless loner. I think others tried to socialize/be friendly with me at some point when they sat at the same table as me, but I left because I felt like they were invading my space. Maybe they felt sorry for that one kid they always saw eating alone - I don't really know. I doubt I'd have said anything interesting if I stayed; it really was just time wasted on their part. I was a very out-of-place kid in high school. img-1473569-2-tongue.png


So friends, zero. Popularity, zero. Which would I rather have?


A group of friends whom I warmly regarded. Popularity implies that people only that one exists, not who one is, and too much of it seems to distance one from the general population. It's kind of like money.

Edited by StingeMuffin
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Popular nah.... 


High school stayed to myself for the most part except with a couple of friends I stayed friends throughout. I am usually really quiet around others especially in competitions or group activities etc. But who cares about being popular? Letting something like that consume your mind would drive me crazy! I am a simple person that enjoys solitude and just being happy with friends is the only thing I wish for :)



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I never wanted to be popular in school. I always hated the way they talked to people and how they treated them and I could never see myself doing any of that. My friends were the same, they couldn't stand them. That's probably why I'm still hanging around with them. I'm too shy to talk to the popular students, so that's probably why they don't bother with me. If they ever did, it was to call me a nerd and I always take it as a complement, because that's what I am and have been since I was younger, a nerd.

"I know you got problems... Hell, we all do. But you gotta understand that there ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on, till we get to the end of the line."

-Barret Wallace

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I very recently moved house and my headset is broken so I don't have anyway to contact my old friends.


So yes, I do wish I was more popular because I currently have 0 irl friends


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I don't mean to sound egotistical, but in my real life, I'm a stereotypical athlete. I love football. I tend to go out a lot, and I do have a lot of friends. However, unlike other people at my school, I use my social rank to help other people. I talk to a lot of the loners, make them feel good about themselves. There's a ton of those people who have all this influence, and they use it to tear people down. 


I used to be a chunky kid in... the fourth grade? I got new friends in the fifth grade, moving myself into that "jock" group, which is where I was first introduced into football. When I got to middle school, I left that "jock" group because the de facto leader of that group and myself had a falling out. I maintained close friendships with everyone else, though, and in seventh grade everything came together for me. I can proudly say that I have no enemies, and everyone I know responds very well to me. 


I do manipulate people, and that's one aspect I'd like to change. I'm a flirt and I use that to get things I want socially. I've always been a good writer, and my online life is a way to escape social pressures and just relax.


If anybody found out about my online life and how I'm on a My Little Pony site, I would be... well that'd be the end of me.

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I've got my "circle" that I like to stick to. They're by far the ones I talk to the most. That said, it's a rather large circle. It's got a population in the 20's, I'd say.


I also have the ability to just walk up to people and join/ start a conversation if I feel like it. So, I am by no means limited to my circle.


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I don't consider my self popular, I just get along with almost everyone. I have about 6 friends that I constantly hang out with and I can easily talk to anyone in my class. I like having people to talk to. laugh.png

"When the sun goes down and the lights burn out then it's time for you to shine, brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are."


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i am not "popular" by any means nor do i ever wish to be. i would rather have one or two real friends who actually care about me, instead of 45 fake friends who don't really care about me 


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I was never popular. Just because I was tall, and strong in high school and college does not mean I joined any sports. In fact, I hate "jocks" and all that high school and college groups and whatnot. I mean, people acted like they were my friend, but it was all a facade.


All the friends I have now are friends I have met in the past four years. All my old friends back in Russia are either dead or have abandoned me. After my wife passed away I found out who my real friends were.....and that was no one. No one comforted me when she passed away. I realized that the four people I thought were my friends did not care for me. So, I not care if they're dead or living a bad life. That is their problem.


The friends I have in America are the best people in the whole damn world. My brother is the only "original" friend I have since we have been great friends since we were children :P


My four friends in America are great though. I know that they care for me. They really care for me, and I love them so much for it. The people on these forums are also fantastic and I consider better than any previous friends I had back in Russia. So, no I was never really popular. Only because I was a little anti-social, and disliked the idea of being popular. But, I have great friends now. They are few in real life, and they are many on here, but I love you all nonetheless. :D

  • Brohoof 1



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I was never all that popular in school, so I never had that many friends. 


I had a few people that I trusted and after I left school for a bit I met a lot of other people. 


Problem with them was they were just not the best of people and after I cut ties did what they could to try and ruin my name. 


So now I just have a very small circle of friends. 


I love them all very much. 

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I used to be very popular, and I guess I still am, online and offline. I guess it's just something about me, i'm really easy to get along with. At school everyone knew me on a first name basis and I wasn't really ever short of people to hangout with. 


Even online, I know over 300 people and can have a conversation with any of them if I want. 


The kind of ironic thing is though i'm an introvert.




Check out my tumblr page for artings! 



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At school, well, I'm about half and half. I have plenty of people who will be willing to support me and hang out with me, but I also have plenty of people that I have made enemies with, or just don't give a buck about me. XD


With the people who are not my friends, I'm usually portrayed as a lonely, shy girl who is crazy about cats and 'upgraded to ponies'. Everyone hates cats here, apparently, and even the adults I'm sure about too.


Anyways, don't let this get you down. I'm sure 'Tenduim', that you have plenty of people to support you, and everyone has to have at least one person to feel nuetral towards them.

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I'm not really a popular person but those who interacted with me generally like me. I'm cool with the friends I have and I like to keep a group of ten. Too many friends don't exactly help much, no? Of course, sometimes it is good to have more friends.

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Sometimes I wish I had more friends, but it's not because I feel like I don't have any, I just don't have any available right that second and I just miss the friends that I do have. We are all so busy; in college, married, has kids or is pregnant, has moved to another state, you know all of the stuff that keeps people from seeing one another.

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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seems like everypony on here has no real life frineds.  My mom always tell me i need to find people i can talk to on the the phone or hang out with but you know,  with work and other stuff i like doing my own thing when i have free time.  Yeah i would like to have some real life frineds(all my frineds i would say are on here or online) but you know it's hard to find people my age(i am 25) that like MLP,weapons, guns, anime, zombies, ect..  To me a real friend is if the zombies were to come or we were in a horror moive could i count on you to have my back like on left 4 dead?


 Saeko Busujima and Kohta Hirano from highschool of the dead are the kind of people in real life that i would want my back.





They have never liked us, and they never shall

Edited by swordsman

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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