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movies/tv Any happy tree friends fans here?


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I used the search function and there didn't seem to be any topics dedicated to HTF at all.


I was just thinking about this the other day and would like to know if Happy tree friends is popular with the Brony fandom.


Personally, I used to like happy tree friends but I stopped watching it after "see ya later elevator" due to the long waiting periods between episodes and ever since the tv series, I think too many episodes focus on Lumpy.

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I used to love the show, I'll probably go back and watch it again.

My favorites were always: Flippy, Handy, Flaky, and Nutty. I also liked Shifty and Lifty. 


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I have not watched Happy Tree Friends in ages.


I remember watching it on youtube when I was like 10...good memories.


re they still making new episodes?

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  • 1 year later...

I used the search function and there didn't seem to be any topics dedicated to HTF at all.


I was just thinking about this the other day and would like to know if Happy tree friends is popular with the Brony fandom.


Personally, I used to like happy tree friends but I stopped watching it after "see ya later elevator" due to the long waiting periods between episodes and ever since the tv series, I think too many episodes focus on Lumpy.

I was NEVER a Happy Tree Friends fan. To me, out of all other shows, Happy Tree Friends just feels like the worst. It just seems like it was created by someone who thinks animal cruelty and violence is funny.

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I haven't seen it in a while, but I used to love it. The idea of having that sort of show with that almost cute style is, to me, hilarious. If anyone has heard of the "benign violation", that is exactly what this show is and what makes it funny. Well executed, no pun intended. 

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Oh, yes I'm Happy Tree fan in fact I have the boxed set collection before SUNCOAST closed it cost me about 30 derpy dollars for it plus bonus I have the cut up gory figures of Cuddles ! 

I was NEVER a Happy Tree Friends fan. To me, out of all other shows, Happy Tree Friends just feels like the worst. It just seems like it was created by someone who thinks animal cruelty and violence is funny.

Ok happy tree friends I thought was cross between Final Destination and Itchy and Scratchy off Simpsons  the cat and mouse were always trying to kill each other enjoy!

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Haven't seen Happy Tree Friends in like a million years  :P  I remember I used to think it was funny when I was like 12, but I probably wouldn't find it that funny anymore though.

Edited by Hovershy
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  • 1 year later...

Happy Tree Friends is f'ing A. Rarely do you find deaths as creatively gruesome as the ones in this show about cute, cuddly woodland creatures. Flaky used to be my favorite, she was so cute. Flippy's popularity always confused me: while other characters with killing tendencies get lambasted by the fandom, Flippy is by far the most popular character on this show. Who knew such a psychotic killer could be so charming?

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not gonna lie, HTF gave me ******* nightmares as a child. I remember a certain moment where I watched a "Marathon" of it with a horrified expression, unable to look away. Looking back on it... It was kinda hilarious :P

I distinctly remember asking my dad why it was so scary :P

Really, though, it had good animation and, er, interesting ideas, certainly.

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Oh god, happy tree friends. I binge watched some of it with a friend and never watched it again. I don't have a big problem with gore, it just gets old after a while.

Edited by PonyLaces
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  • 3 years later...

I loved Happy Tree Friends ever since I first saw it back in 2003. Remains to be Seen was my first episode. I think it's the least violent episode of the series. :wau:

Flippy/Fliqpy is my fave character. (He and I both have PTSD.)
I like
how Fliqpy's eyes looked in Remains to be Seen better than his other appearances because they stood out more due to being blue, rather than olive green.

I have plans for my own HTF animations in the future. :mlp_smug:

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So this is where all  the satanic animal-killing lovers goes. Yeah I am a fan. 

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Me. Me me. I’ve even made playlists on YouTube for it. For the winter and Halloween related episodes, the entire collection of web series episodes Abdul tv series episodes (both in the 2 part form and entire episode in one video form.) along with one with miscellaneous material. I’ve been a fan since like 2003 or so? It was my first venture into the world of mature content, followed by a Mortal Kombat.  

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  • 5 years later...

I literally love this series so much, surprised to find it here tho.

My sister used to watch it when I was little, have a vivid memory of the episodes, "and the kitchen sink", "dunce upon a time", and "snow place to go" from when I was like 4 lol. Talked Abt it with her recently, apparently she got in preeettty big trouble lmao.

  • Brohoof 1
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argh, this thread made the song play in my head again!

I'll never get it out now

anyhoof, what I'll say about it was that it is up with the Celebrity death match and Drawn Together in the cutesy vulgarity and violence stakes. Not my cup of tea, but it had some light humour in there

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