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Yes, I do find the show re-watchable! 


1) Lesson Zero is probably my favourite.


2) I usually re-watch and episode every day.


3) I watch about 2-3 episodes each time, I guess.


4) Season 1 is probably my favourite, but that's probably because it's what turned me into a Brony. smile.png

Edited by BrainyBrony
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?


4) Favorite season?


1)Too Many Pinkie Pies, Luna Eclipsed, Lesson Zero, and Sisterhooves Social.

2) I watch the show when I have time but I have been busy with school.

3) It all depends how much time I have. When season 4 comes though, I'm gonna try a marathon.

4) Season 2

  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I do rewatch episodes, but I don't rewatch them very often.  Maybe a couple of times a month I'll watch one or two episodes, but now that I'm purchasing them over iTunes, I might do so a little more often.  As for your questions:


1) Sleepless in Ponyville, Wonderbolts Academy, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Lesson Zero, The Best Night Ever, Return of Harmony Parts 1 and 2, Feeling Pinkie Keen, Over a Barrel (everyone except me seems to hate those two, but I love them), May the Best Pet Win.  I could go on, but I'll stop there.


2) Not very often, but I do.


3) Usually a couple of episodes at a time, though I hope to do a massive tri-season marathon before S4.


4) All three seasons had their benefits, but right now, I'll say that season 2 was my favorite.  S1 was a good place to start, but upon rewatching, I realized that I actually didn't care for a good number of the episodes (the CMC were at their absolute worst during this season, and they had way too many episodes for my taste).  S3 had some of the best episodes in my opinion, but also a good number of episodes that I really didn't care for.  S2 I found to be overall above average, with very few episodes that I disliked and a lot of episodes that I thought to be very good.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


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Once again, thanks!

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1. My Fav 30 episodes are here:



2. I often watch them with my kids on weekday mornings or new eps on sun mornings.


3. 1 or 2 in a shot max.


4. Season 2

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I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

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The most things I watch and like is re-watchable to me haha :P


I haven't seen and mlp episodes in quite a long while though, it isn't because I don't want to or that I don't feel that it's fun, it's because I got so many other things to do and so many other things I watch to watch


to answer the question,


  • Brohoof 1


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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? -The Last Round Up


2) How often do you go back to watch the show? - I usually watch re-runs that air on the Hub still every day


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? - I watch and episode at a time


...and if you choose,


4) Favorite season? - Season 2, long season great episodes and lessons, season 1 second favorite and season 3 least favorite. (Cliff Hanger)


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I love re-watching episodes. Since I don't particularly care for most fan stuff outside of the forum and EQD, watching episodes is the best way to maintain my interest in the series while there's an episode drought. (Why do we have to wait until Winter?)


1. I can't possibly pick just one favorite episode, so I'll list the ones I enjoy watching the most:


Applebuck Season


Fall Weather Friends

Suited For Success

Sonic Rainboom

Cutie Mark Chronicles

Best Night Ever

Return of Harmony

Lesson Zero

The Last Roundup

Hurricane Fluttershy

Everything in season 3 from Crystal Empire to Spike At Your Service


2. I don't have any given pattern for watching the show. I'll catch it on The Hub if it's on, but the channel is absolutely lousy at playing anything decent at a good time slot. MLP is usually on in the morning, and well, I'm not a morning person. If I'm in the mood for watching episodes, I'll hit up YouTube.


3. I usually go through the whole series by watching a few episodes a day, or every couple of days. I don't always go in order, but usually I do. I never watch a whole season in one shot, but I might do that with season 3 sometime.


4. Season 1, because it's what I started with.

  • Brohoof 1
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Favorite episodes?

Luna Eclipsed & Lesson Zero


How often do you watch?

I watch every once in a while, usually if I don't have anything else to watch.


Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

Groups consisting of 1-3 episodes mostly. Sometimes only 1.


Favorite season?

Season 2.

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  1. Sisterhooves Social (the first ep I saw) and Apple Family Reunion 

Pretty much never. I can't catch it on tv randomly and I don't go looking for episodes to watch unless I need to do some fact checking. I only ever rewatched the episodes that Diamond Tiara was in so that I could write that one blog post.

I watch it alone. I can't really say much about the number of episodes I usually watch since I only rewatched them once. It was all in one sitting though.

If I absolutely had to go with one season, then I guess my favorite would be season 2.

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1) Used to be Sleepless in Ponyville, but I recently watched Sweet and Elite for the first time and now that's my favourite. 


2) If the episode is good, then I'll watch it again. I don't do it often though, and when I do, I'm watching them with my recently-converted brother.


3) When I first got into the show, I watched heaps at a time. I ended up just settling down to an episode every few weeks, sometimes two at a time. 


4) I liked all the seasons, but my favourite would probably be Season 2. 

Edited by Sweet Dreams
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Favorite MLP episode(s)? Well, I really liked the one that was in Season 1 - Episode 19 A Dog and Pony Show.

How often do you go back to watch the show? Well, depends if the episodes is actually good. I went back to Winter Wrap Up a few times only because, the song Winter Wrap Up was just I don't know fucking amazing!

Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? Eh, I don't really have a way of re-watching the episodes I just watch them xD.            

Favorite season? Hmm.. this is hard because, I think that all of the seasons were just mind blowing. img-1544474-1-tumblr_m6yvhgBLnG1qk8zxso1 Literally xD. But, I think it would have to be the first season because, it really got you to know all of the mane 6 ponies 

and it felt to me like I was actually meeting them and stuff, in real life. 

Edited by Dopey Hooves
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My favorite episodes are Return of Harmony, Sleepless in Ponyville, Crystal Empire, Magical Mystery Cure, Luna Eclipsed, and Canterlot Wedding. Before my parents started regulating my internet time, I used to watch two episodes (exactly) per night before going on teh ponynet....as if it were a prescribed anti-depressant xD


And I love to re-watch things over and over. For several weeks after Crystal Empire came out, I watched that every night. EVERY. NIGHT. o3o

I'm pretty sure that I did the same thing last summer with Return of Harmony, too, cuz it was the first episode I ever watched. :3


But now, I very rarely watch MLP...sometimes on weekends, when I have the time. :\ That'll definitely change this summer, though, when I don't have to deal with schoolwork! :D

  • Brohoof 1



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1) A tie between ticket master and royal wedding.


2) I'm actually a little ashamed to admit that I haven't watched an episode in a couple of months now (Not good if you get music and story ideas from it), but I plane to watch an episode a day now.


3)I like to do 5 episodes.


4) that's easy, season 2. All that awesome with little to no Faust behind it is just...... well awesome

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Honestly I haven't been watching any MLP episodes in a while, I don't want to really watch it so much that I wont' be bored of it or not be in to it as much as I used to. Last time I saw an episode was during the middle of May I think, it's just been all Youtube videos and music for the meantime, As for the questions:

1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?
I can't really decide my favorites episodes in a definite order but my favorites are:
- Sleepless in Ponyville
- Sonic Rainboom

- May the Best Pet Win

- Wonderbolt Academy
- Read it and Weep

- Canterlot Wedding
- Crystal Empire


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?
I used to watch it pretty often, let's say 1-2 episodes every one to three days. But right now It's mainly 1-2 episodes a month until season four or something.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?
Not really, honestly if I can't decide I close my eyes and drop my finger on a random number to decide which season and which episode

4) Favorite season?

It's a tie between Season two and three for me xP

  • Brohoof 1


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Good question.  I find some episodes more re-watchable than others.  Winter Wrap Up is my favorite epiosode, but I only really enjoyed my first time with it.  I'll also never get my first time back with Look Before You Sleep or Sleepless in Ponyville, also in my top 10.  However, there are some episodes I enjoy less, but I'll enjoy them the same amount every time I watch them.  For me, the most rewatchable episode is A Canterlot Wedding, I can always enjoy that one.  I find Ponyville Confidential pretty re-watchable too. 


Look Before You Sleep used to be my 4th favorite episode, and A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 my 5th, but I swapped them because of the rewatchability factor.  Only time where I've moved episodes around.


I'm not sure how often I watch the show, my favorite season is season two, and I always watch alone.  I showed my best friend a few episodes, but it's not for him.

Edited by Dr. Eggnog
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I love you.

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1. I don't have any favorite episode, though my least favorite would be Spike at your Service, I really don't like that one for some reason. Every episode just has something special to it. Sure, I have a few less favorite episodes than others, but there isn't any episode I would define as my most favorite one. 


2.At random times I want to see some episodes, generally whenever I feel like I haven't had my normal weekly dose of ponies.


3. Having seen season 1 five times already, I don't wish to see it in the near future, I'm scrolling through season 2 episodes. I always watch the first two and the last two of a season. The other left-over episodes are just for whenever I feel like watching them, I don't watch every single episode though. I'm thinking about marathoning season 3 this week.


4. All of the seasons are good, I don't have a definite favorite at all. Every season has their good and bad episodes.

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1. - Hurricaine Fluttershy

-Sonic Rainbom

-Party of one

-Cutie mark chronicles

-Lesson zero

-Return of Harmony

-Canterlot weeding

-Magical mystery cure

-Sleepless in ponyville

2.Well whenever i feel like it xD but the episodes kinda get boring when you know them like the back of your hand.

3.Groups of episodes, usally in no particular order :P

4.Season 3 since if u ask me it had the most development and it set up a lot of future plotolines

  • Brohoof 1

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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)? Favorite episode ever: Best Night Ever -  This episode is just all-around fantastic. Some of the best song-writing of the season (And I hate broadway-style singing in anything, so you know if I liked it, it was good), great comedy, and the Mane 6 ALL get some excellent character development. Best way to end a season. 

Other favorites:

Lesson Zero - This one is just too funny, especially when Twilight has her "breakdown". A classic.

The Return of Harmony -  Come on, do I really need to explain this one? The writing in this one alone puts most other cartoons to shame. 

Dragon Quest -  Top notch writing, and it reveals more depth to my favorite non-pony character on the show. 
Suited Fore Success   -   Everyone berates Rarity for being greedy, but this episode clearly shows her being generous.
  Green Isn't Your Color -   The moral to this one is just fantastic.

Too Many Pinkie Pies -   This one features my favorite of the Mane 6 with some of her best comedy writing.  

Bridle Gossip -   How can you NOT like this one? Pinkie Pie is in top form, and you get to know Zecora; a character they use mostly as a plot device, and more than deserves to have her own episode. Not to mention the poison joke, I laughed so hard at Flutterguy.   yay.png

2) How often do you go back to watch the show? Occasionally, when the mood strikes.

3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go? When I first became a brony, I watched every episode in chronological order all the way through, but I'll go back and watch one episode here or there. Usually when I remember something from an episode, and just want the nostalgia. Or checking on an animation error.


...and if you choose,


4) Favorite season? Season 1, it contains the most of my favorite episodes. In season 2, it just seemed like they were experimenting with the writing (Too many Rarity-focused episodes for me). In season 3 the writing and comedy were top notch, but just not enough good episodes (It was just a victim of poor timing).

Edited by Moon Waves
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1. Too Many Pinkie Pies, Wonderbolts Academy, May the Best Pet Win!, Magical Mystery Cure, and The Cutie Mark Chronicles.


2. Pretty much an episode a day, sometimes more.


3. I just usually just watch them one at a time, but I plan on marathoning the entire series sometime this summer.


4. I think Seasons 1 and 3 are tied, with Season 2 barely stretching ahead of those two. Although, I love all of the seasons!

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Fave episodes:


~Keep Calm and Flutter on.

~Sonic Rainboom

~Wonderbolts Academy

~The one about SPike's greed and turns into a huge dragon.

~Bridle Gossip

~ Sweet And Elite

~Season 2 Finale (Twilight cannon FTW)

~The camping episode in Season 3

~Lesson Zero


2) I don't know..I jsut watch it when ever.....I got all the episodes on my computer and a bunch on my PVR/DVR.


3) usually it's 1 or 2 episodes...sometimes 3.


4) Fave season? I'd have to say 2 or 3.

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1) Good question. I really don't know, but I often find myself rewatching the CMC ones the most... Probably Hearts and Hoofs Day (though I love Hearth's Warming Eve a LOT)


2) Hmmm I don't go back and rewatch it as much as I used to. Normally I watch it when I feel a wee empty inside. Then I feel better img-1546550-1-tongue.png But that can range from everyday to monthly


3) I just watch an episode or two, generally unrelated with each other. I rarely watch the two parters for some reason.


4) I like Season 2 a lot, but Season 1 and 3 are both really good too img-1546550-2-tongue.png

Edited by AnonyPoni
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1) Favorite MLP episode(s)?

         Hurricane Fluttershy, with Return to Harmony Parts 1 and 2 right behind. 


2) How often do you go back to watch the show?

          Whenever I'm home on Saturday or Sunday morning, I'll gladly watch those episodes again. 


3) Do you do it in groups of episodes, a single, or marathon an entire season in one go?

        Depends on how much I have to do, but generally the most I'll do is four episodes in a day.  I'm too busy to get in a true marathon session. 


4) Favorite season?

        Season 2

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Don't get the wrong idea with what I am about to say but I find MLP to not be very re-watchable. But this isn't a problem with MLP it's just that naturally when I am done watching all the episodes of a show then I just move onto something else. I have re-watched maybe about 10 or 11 episodes but that trend slowly died down.

  • Brohoof 1



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