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Equestria Girls


Equestria Girls  

14 users have voted

  1. 1. Rate the film

    • Flash Sentry steals your waifu - Hated it!
    • "... needs some peanut butter crackers." - Disliked it
    • "What are hands?" - Meh it was okay.
    • "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" - Liked it
    • "We helped Twilight win the crown!" - Loved it!

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After letting the movie sink in and after thinking about it a little watching other movies and reading Dark Qiviut's and a few others reviews. I've come to an epiphany, the movie was really was bad, originally I only thought it was good and could have been improved upon.


But thinking back the only reason I watched this movie was because it had MLP glued to the title and that's why I gave it a good. So I thought what if they changed the names and took out the pony parts of this what am I left with? The answer was a bad movie with bad character development and horrid pacing. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

  • Brohoof 2
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Just finished it. I take back some - maybe even most - of my pre-viewing complaining. Since I seem to hit writer's block describing anything I enjoy, I'll skip right to the complaining:


- I didn't like Flash Sentry. He adds nothing to the film. He functions as an entirely unnecessary love interest for Twilight. He should either have been expanded upon or cut.


- Too many musicals. There were fivish songs, which was too many for a film this length. A few were so close together that there was barely a breath between them. It was as bad as Rescue from Midnight Castle, and that's pretty bad. The songs themselves were a little too samey as well and suffered from being too bubbly and lacking depth. Sorry Mr. Larson!


- The Pony portion was ludicrously rushed and bare bones. It got Twilight and her crown into the main setting in as few scenes as possible.


- It left unexplained the reasoning why Twilight's friends had to stay back in Equestria. That's a big deal in a show where friendship is all-important and it deserves a minute or two instead of "it upsets Harmony....somehow".


- Sunset Shimmer also goes mostly unexplained. Not even a flash back for her? I am disappoint.


- I'm a little disappointed that Twilight doesn't trust Celestia and quite disappointed that she doesn't attempt another means to obtain the crown.


And there are some things I did like quite a bit.


- All the characters seemed to be on their A-game, acting-wise. Spike is the heart of the movie, taking back his role as the competent down-to-earth assistant. Pinkie is extremely Pinkie. Twilight is awkward and uncoordinated. Rainbow Dash is - by her own modest estimation - awesome. The writing was very solid.


- Most of the stuff I wanted explanations for got. No magic? She lost her horn. Where does she sleep? She squats in the library.


- I found it striking how much technology there was. There's YouTube, everyone's got a cellphone camera, characters talk casually of texting and e-mail. 


- Principal Celestia sounded bored to death with her job. It felt oddly appropriate.


Overall, it was stupid, corny, silly, and I couldn't possibly defend it as a good movie, but I did enjoy it, much against my expectations.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just saw the movie (witched a cam rip of it) and surprizingly I find it be a good movie.  It's not like everyone says it is, it's not about the ponies turning human.. It's about Twilight going into a portal to a human world where she must get her crown back.  It's not a teen drama or a love story ether.  It's one of those keep a open mind movies..

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I liked the movie.  Didn't think I would, but I did.  I'm glad you enjoyed it as well.  They really pulled off the girls being humans rather than ponies well.

  • Brohoof 2
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My girlfriend and I finally watched it on YouTube, not really wanting to wait till the 13th to see it in theaters :P It was really good! Not quite great - could have used a little extra length to develop Flash a bit more and slow the pacing a tiny bit - but it came really close to being great! It was like an extra-long, really good episode of MLP. 9/10 would definitely recommend!



Together since October 19th, 2011


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Well, I finally caved and watched EG on YouTube. I was sure I wouldn't like it. For the most part, I wasn't wrong. It wasn't that it was horrible per sea, just bleh. Bland. Trite. Cliche. Predictable. I was rolling my eyes at most of it. The Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry parts were the worst offenders of this. However, I did genuinely enjoy the aspects of the movie that felt like the show, ie, the Mane6 just being the Mane6, albeit as humans. It had its funny moments, but the ending went out with a fizzle, not a bang.



  • More entertaining than I expected in some regards, like the gimmic of just seeing Scoots doing the chicken or Sweetie doing the robot. It was mainly simple visual stuff that made me laugh, not the poorly executed jokes
  • Mane6 antics were good
  • Songs were pretty catchy


  • Sunset Shimmer is worst villain (That redemption really bugged me. It worked for Luna, it didn't work here)
  • Flash Sentry is worst love interest (Underdeveloped, shoehorned in because its a high school movie, we need a love interest! And he just didn't do much.)
  • The climax/resolution was predicable, simple, and not very satisfying


Overall, I'd give the film a C-. I was expecting worse, but hoping for better. I was just left kind of shrugging and going 'meh', so I guess that's better than being legitimately offended by the movie. I certainly don't plan to watch it again, with the exception of listening to those songs!

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I just watched it and I liked it.


Main Points I Noticed:


* It is a lot like esposide 1

* Twilight basically refriends here friends

* It like her (twilight) coming to ponyville

* The dance she goes to is the same as the galloping gala

* They(mane 6) defeted Sunset Shimmer like nightmare moon

* They made this story like a little add-on to season 4

* Twilight becomes a princesse in the movie with the help of her friends which is like all the seasons together


In all togther I really liked the movie. Hope you like it too. :)



  • Brohoof 1
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I find it interesting that one of the main reasons that people don't like the movie is because of underdeveloped characters, particularly Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry.


Maybe it's just me, but characters that are not all that thoroughly explained or developed don't ruin the movie for me. In fact, instead of complaining that they weren't developed enough, I want to seek out more information about those characters elsewhere - if there literally is no other information out there left to wring out of the canon, then we can bring the situation out into headcanon territory. To me, that is fun. I mean sure, it would be nice to get more information about these characters within the canon, but we didn't, so we make the most of it and come up with our own theories and headcanons.


Also, seriously, I enjoyed this movie, but some of these reviews are waaaaaaay too thorough. This is not a high-brow film worthy of film critiques and it never will be. This film is for people who like MLP, and MLP, while a very enjoyable and rich cartoon, is still not high-brow state-of-the-art entertainment. It is not Academy Award-winning. Some aspects of MLP have received awards or maybe just nominations, but for such specific things that the general public doesn't even know that there are awards for it, so if the show did get awards, no one would know except for us.


I feel like taking the film too seriously, and reviewing it like an award-winning classic, sucks the fun that the film was intended to present. Sure, it would be awesome if an animated movie could become an award-winning classic, but as awesome as MLP is, a movie related to the franchise simply is not going to reach that territory, especially if the film is created for the sole purpose of selling a new toy line.

  • Brohoof 3
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Yeah remember how rampid I was on this movie. Well I was wrong, and boy does it feel great to be wrong =)





Sorry about forgetting about Flash Sentry 


I am making a new one,. the first one was sloppy 


EDIT: New review uploaded 


Well, well, well. If it isn't the guy who posted topic after topic hating on absolutely everything Equestria Girls. As I recall, you said, and I quote, "My wet farts are better than Sunset Shimmer." And yet here you are, with a Sunset Shimmer avatar, telling us how wrong you were about the movie. Welcome aboard! :P

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I really liked the movie...  I'm like obsessed with it now, it actually revitalized my interest in the fandom, which I was honestly starting to drift away from. Then I saw this tweet from Meghan McCarthy...


Answer to #EquestriaGirls question I have a feeling i’ll be getting a lot today: Flash Sentry is not a character in #MLPFiM season 4.


I am disappoint. Srsly. This character had great potential to explore in the show, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw the kinds of life and friendship lessons into the frey that a FlashLight canon shipping would cause, would it not?

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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Well, well, well. If it isn't the guy who posted topic after topic hating on absolutely everything Equestria Girls. As I recall, you said, and I quote, "My wet farts are better than Sunset Shimmer." And yet here you are, with a Sunset Shimmer avatar, telling us how wrong you were about the movie. Welcome aboard! tongue.png

Well I'm wrong and i am guilty of it. Not going to take pride in myself. I shouldn't have put it on my channel. my followers are fundamentalist christians. I should make a new channel for my MLP stuff 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm gonna assume most people would know there'll be spoilers in these reviews...

(but saying spoilers anyway)


I think this film is very much for already MLP:FIM fans . I don't think I'd ever recommend it to someone who is not a fan. The main reason I liked the movie was the FIM references.



Pinkie Pie lots of funny incharacter things (like the "just a hunch!"

Songs were kind of cute

Flash/Twilight was cute ( hey what can I say I'm a girl who loves cutesy romance)

All the background characters they stuck in there ( Granny smith! ) Big Mac ! <3 Roseluck!

The dressing up similar thing was cute

The whole pony to human idea worked I think

I liked that they included Celestia and Luna



Flash could have been more developed

I didn't like the ending it seemed just like a whole bunch of random scenes smashed together

We don't get a clear explanation of why Sunset is trying to take over Equestria or get a more clear understanding of the whole bringing an element to another world (or why it would do something like that)

Sunset redemption was just ..no..

Twilight going to the dance after the fight (totally out of character for Twilight)

The plot just felt too simple.

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I feel like taking the film too seriously, and reviewing it like an award-winning classic, sucks the fun that the film was intended to present.



I disagree I find that these in depth review to be very informative and give insight on what other thought of the movie. If nobody gave any negative criticism in the world then nobody would improve on anything. I don't take my internet videos seriously but that doesn't mean they shouldn't get criticized.

It may not a award winning maternal but that doesn't mean that it should be thrown a bone just because it has MLP in the title.


Also have you seen this fandom? We go in depth into every little thing. Look at WhiteHawke punch he goes frame by frame and point out every mistake in every episode. Or someone like  Digibrony or BronyCruious that go into analyzing a lot of different points of the series. You may call this going to much in depth but I call it dedication to something you love.


I love MLP and to truly love something you have to have the ability to hate it and call out its shortcomings. Being a gamer and a football fan I know all about this..

"I criticize because I love."- A dedicated fan

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Your right. I was thinking about that too as soon as i read your post.


I totally cant wait ontil season 4. Why do we have to wait so long.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Good things come to those who wait"? Yes, the wait is long, and can be somewhat frustrating, but it will be worth it. 


Now, onto the topic. I did enjoy EqG, although it did have some minor plot-hole issues.

  • Brohoof 1


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I disagree I find that these in depth review to be very informative and give insight on what other thought of the movie. If nobody gave any negative criticism in the world then nobody would improve on anything. I don't take my internet videos seriously but that doesn't mean they shouldn't get criticized.

It may not a award winning maternal but that doesn't mean that it should be thrown a bone just because it has MLP in the title.


Also have you seen this fandom? We go in depth into every little thing. Look at WhiteHawke punch he goes frame by frame and point out every mistake in every episode. Or someone like Digibrony or BronyCruious that go into analyzing a lot of different points of the series. You may call this going to much in depth but I call it dedication to something you love.


I love MLP and to truly love something you have to have the ability to hate it and call out its shortcomings. Being a gamer and a football fan I know all about this..

"I criticize because I love."- A dedicated fan

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy thorough analysis of the show within the fandom. I enjoy Digibrony, TheoryBrony, bronycurious, etc because I enjoy seeing the show in a new light.


And I am not saying that people shouldn't be critical, either. Of course things could be improves upon in the movie. But if the point of criticism is to help improve the show, um, are the writers on this forum reading all of the in-depth reviews? How can Meghan and the team improve on anything if they are not reading the reviews on our message boards?


I guess my point is that when I watch MLP, I enjoy it for what it is. It certainly isn't perfect, and it certainly isn't a movie that a non-brony or other non-MLP fan can watch and enjoy nearly as much. I suppose that I am able to separate my emotional reaction to watching the movie from the logical ways that it could be improved upon. I don't let the imperfections of the movie suck away from the experience. I cannot do this with every movie, though, but my love of MLP and the characters let me give those moments the benefit of the doubt.


But again, it may just be me.

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I watched over a week ago, but I just felt like posting my reaction and some thingys.


First off, I really gotta say, it surprised me. I thought it was gonna be mehh, but I actually liked it, a lot. I mean yeah the Sunset Shimmer redemption I was like errrrrrrrr. But the songs were great. The song in the cafeteria is actually one of my favorite MLP related songs, ever. Got to see some background characters(mostly Vinyl Scratch, which is great for me). I loved how we got to see Vinyl Scratch's eyes in the movie. Vinyl had quite a good number of appearances come to think of it. Anyways, I thought the movie was quite cliche, but I still thought it was good. The opening too, I was like woah, what did you do Vinyl? Pinkie was funny in the movie, especially the transformer noises that she made in the beginning of the movie.


So overall, I give it an 8.5/10. Now I know its not that great of a review that I gave, in fact it was a reaction more than a review, but hey, bottom line is watch it, you'd like it most likely.

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I just watched the movie today online and i loved it. i hope they have another movie about it.smile.png. maybe they should make a movie about ponies that does not appear on the show often


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I didn't expect the movie to be that good. I thought it would be a typical high school drama. But no. They did an amazing job with eq girls. On top of it seeing it with a theatre full of other bronies was an amazing experience. All together eq girls was 10000000% better than my expectations. And was an amazing movie all together. On a side note. Was I the only one who saw derpy throughout the movie? /) wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png wub.png

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I had just gotten back from vacation when I watched it so it helped deal with my pony withdrawal and I loved it I just thought a few things could have been better written (such as canterlot high could've been better )all in all I enjoyed this movie definitely will be watching again and I may be wrong but I didn't see derpy at all if anyone knows where she is please tell me thank you

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I really liked the movie...  I'm like obsessed with it now, it actually revitalized my interest in the fandom, which I was honestly starting to drift away from. Then I saw this tweet from Meghan McCarthy...


Answer to #EquestriaGirls question I have a feeling i’ll be getting a lot today: Flash Sentry is not a character in #MLPFiM season 4.


I am disappoint. Srsly. This character had great potential to explore in the show, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw the kinds of life and friendship lessons into the frey that a FlashLight canon shipping would cause, would it not?

Well I'm pretty sure the events EG are not really cannon. I think the relationship between the show and EG is very much akin to that of the DBZ movies and show. EG is made to fit in with cannon events but isn't truly cannon in its self. Its kinda like a "what if" tale. Then again maybe it is cannon, but I don't think so at this point. 

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