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Who thinks Youtube is getting worse?



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  1. 1. Is Youtube getting worse?

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I have no problem with the homepage or general site, but the channels have gone to shit and there's too many ads in every video on YouTube these days.


Plus the community is just about the exact opposite of love and tolerance. ;)

Might I also add that the videos, with the new ads, take FOREVER to load, and most of the videos are made by brainless idiots...that's a compliment to them.

Edited by Midnight
  • Brohoof 2

Yo Applejack...



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I have no problem with the homepage or general site, but the channels have gone to shit and there's too many ads in every video on YouTube these days.


Plus the community is just about the exact opposite of love and tolerance. ;)


Thats Youtube, they need to improve, should we go to change.org to protest Youtube's new design?

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Doesn't look that different to me.


I'll never understand the massive overreaction to site's changing. Sometimes sites do change for the worse, but usually all I see is a bunch of people complaining about nothing. And even when sites do change for the worst, it seems like nobody ever points out how they actually changed for the bad.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Thats Youtube, they need to improve, should we go to change.org to protest Youtube's new design?


I think we'll be better off if we just tolerate it...


Besides, I'm too lazy to open another tab and sign an online petition. :)

  • Brohoof 1

Yo Applejack...



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The previous homepage layout was terrible. The new one is much better, but I'll always have a special place in my heart for the highly-customizable 2010 homepage.


For anyone complaining about the ads, I have 2 words for you: AdBlock Plus.


As far as the new channel design goes... Well, honestly, I don't spend much time on channels, but it's a pretty huge step backwards from what I've seen.


I've also noticed a lot of people complaining that all the popular channels' videos are bad. People, there ARE good, intelligent channels on YouTube, you just need to look for them.

Edited by Jelly-Obsessed Pony Joe
  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I find it to be just like the new Windows Movie maker.

It's 'too' simplified. In removing the clutter, they made it far more complicated to navigate. They also removed tons of features.


I'm so glad I hardly use Youtube now.

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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When I think about the majority of the content uploaded to YouTube, then yes I think its getting worse. All of the "popular" channels and videos are so mindless it makes me embarrassed to be a human sometimes.


Eeyup, a shaky, blurry video shot in less than a minute of a fat guy dancing to Lady Gaga gets 1 million views. An HD movie that took a year to film gets 4 views, tell me what wrong there.


Youtube has always been like this. This isn't new. Also, as Pony Joe says, there ARE intelligent popular channels out there.

We are seeing the end of an internet lifespan. Social sites just don't last long. I ignore facebook-haven't figured how to cancel.

With luck there will 3 or 4 new sites opening up to replace old tired out YouTube.


This seems a bit overdramatic. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's the "end of its internet lifespan." Youtube, as far as I know, seems as alive and kicking as it was before. If anything, it's probably moreso because faster internet connections have become more common in the past few years than when Youtube began.

The community is probably the most glaringly disturbing part of YouTube. All the jerks on that site are what make YouTube the most godforsaken sunken wasteland of the internet. There is no restriction on what users can type out in the comments. They can be the most offensive comments and nothing will be done about it.

A lot of the insults on YouTube channels and comments can easily put people in prison if they voiced these ridiculous opinions of theirs.


/rant on silly people


I agree on most of this, except I'm not really sure what country you live in... but I don't really think simple comments could put anybody in prison for the most part. It's only action. And really, this applies for most of the internet, to be honest. People just become jerks when they can't see your face and go on powertrips. In reality, they wouldn't dream about saying anything.


My opinion on Youtube? It's the same as always. Although I also am not fond of the new channel design, but like every website change, I'll become used to it and forget the old design even existed.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Every new design gets worse and worse. Never go to Youtube on Chrome. I try skipping around at already buffered spots, but then the whole buff process starts over. I try to not care, and not give it much attention. But it always sneaks around and manages tick me off so much! I hate these new layouts! Why can't we get the old one back? (The one around 07) It was so much simpler! D:

  • Brohoof 1

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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I don't know what the problem is to be honest.

The newer designs have been great imo.

They look much nicer.


Also, buffering is not a problem for me.

I use Chrome for youtube, and it NEVER needs to buffer.


As for the ads, I don't really care. A 15 second ad won't affect me that much.


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Three words: Adapt or DIE. Or in this case, Adapt of GTFO.


That's been the way with deviantART, that's been the way with Google, that's been the way with Simtropolis, SC4Devotion, and especially Youtube.


Especially if it's for the better, and I see it for the better. This isn't 2003 any more. We've evolved from Windows XP, and you're saying everything should stay unchanged? How will anything ever happen if nothing changes?


Think about productivity on something that's either old or looks/feels old.

  • Brohoof 2



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I don't mind the new homepage too much, but I do agree that the channel pages are more complicated than they need to be.


I just wish they would do something about the commenting system though - comments are just displayed linearly by order of when they were posted, and the threaded view doesn't work much for me. The comments are too disorganized, and really need to be cleaned up.

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It is a website.


Websites change.


I don't care about the designs.


Same here. It's just like people complaing about Facebook. Its going to change. We have so many options about how to do a website, and our technology for that is skyrocketing through the roof, so change to a website layout is inevitable. Plus the advertisements are what keep that site running.


Now, I do have a channel (to watch videos that youtube deems innapropriate) but I dont do anything to it. Shit, I barely even comment on anything. So I can see if some people might be upset over new layouts and designs.


But all I do on youtube is listen to music, or watch stupid shit like this....


  • Brohoof 1

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
― Christopher Hitchens

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Same here. It's just like people complaing about Facebook. Its going to change. We have so many options about how to do a website, and our technology for that is skyrocketing through the roof, so change to a website layout is inevitable. Plus the advertisements are what keep that site running.


Now, I do have a channel (to watch videos that youtube deems innapropriate) but I dont do anything to it. Shit, I barely even comment on anything. So I can see if some people might be upset over new layouts and designs.


But all I do on youtube is listen to music, or watch stupid shit like this....



The discord verision of that video is better.. Just sayin'


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The discord verision of that video is better.. Just sayin'




*gets on youtube*

*finds discord going to the store*


48 seconds later...






I about pissed myself. That made my day haha.

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
― Christopher Hitchens

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Personally I expected the ads to invade just about every video before it happened, so it wasn't much of a surprise. And the new channel design is a little annoying, but nothing too bad. Overall I do agree with the fact that they shouldn't have changed something that was just fine, but it is the internet, where just about everything is upgraded eventually.

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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Since Google took over Youtube, I have noticed that the overall quality of videos and design has gone down. However, without Google's involvement I doubt that Youtube would of been able to expand at a rate that could accommodate the increasing quantity of user content. So really this situation has become a double edged sword for the user, on one hand keeping Youtube free with more user options and on the other an increasing commercialization of Youtube if-self.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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I really don't mind it. Youtube is a site too and since they really big they need to keep updating their software and appearance. I will admit though it can get frustarting at times when they do big changes (same thing goes for Facebook too) like that. However I have just grow to coupe with it and move on.

  • Brohoof 1

Spikefan Forver :)


Webmaster on www.gamingforest.com & www.lostboyfan.com

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Something I should add: Old users think Youtube's getting worse, but newcomers will think the other way around, and say that old Youtube is even worse.


It's the exact inverse when dealing with new users, for the obvious reason that they haven't been around long enough, and I just literally began logging onto Youtube more frequently than ever. Of course, I've seen the changes, but hint hint, I was never logged in for that, and I have extremely high tolerances to change.


Love and Tolerate, people. And Adapt or GTFO.

Edited by GDO29Anagram



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I don't care. The only thing that bothers me is those fucking ads.

  • Brohoof 1



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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YT was the best in 2006-2007. Now due to a lot of bugs and unnecessary updates, it's much less enjoyable.


Agreed. Ads, over-vigilant copyright policing, more and more spam uploading, and the sheer amount of videos with misleading titles. But it's still the fastest loading video site for me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't care. The only thing that bothers me is those fucking ads.


Adblock exists for this reason, silly.


YouTube's homepage layout is okay. It's very simplistic, yet it remains easy to navigate. Now, the 2012 channel layout is what irritates me. It's atrocious.


Prior to the update, channels were heaps easy to navigate. The previous design managed to bundle everything into a one place, and kept things easy to access quickly. Videos could be viewed using the sidebar, with the above panel to choose which of the user's playlist to select a video from. Profile info was easy to see and organize, with any section you wanted to add, be it other channels, or friends/comments/etc., all at your fingertips and without switching any pages. Also, channel customization was tremendously simple, anyone could paint their channels with any colours they pleased. Heck, the traditional GUI style didn't even need to be used, someone could design an alternate style and upload it as a background image. It was stylish overall.


The current channel design is a giant Easter egg hunt. Have a lot of videos, or visiting a user that does? 1,000 sorrows, if you can't remember the name of the particular video you seek, you're going to have to switch to a different page and dig through pages of giant thumbnails until you find the correct one. You know what? That's pretty much the eternity of the new layout, pages and giant thumbnails, sometimes unnecessarily encapsulated in white blocks. Anyone can post comments, sure, but now the area used to do so hangs out in the right sidebar, and the only way to view any comment is by flipping to a separate channel page. Oh, how could I forget, the current "customization" selections. Users are forced to choose one of four possible layout options, despite each one looking nearly identical to the rest in every aspect. Words are insignificant in describing my animosity towards this disgrace towards expression. The colour scheme is unchangeable, and any person using this redesign is forced to face a dull collection of black and grey gradients. Honestly, YouTube is trying to lock everything into this box that limits expression, and we have no choice but to conform to their unreasonable layout decisions.


...but, you could, um, you know, s-send YouTube some feedback. I'm sure they w-would appreciate it...

Edited by Pinkie Pie


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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Yeah, I don't like the new channel design, however, with my firefox, I have an add on called stylish, which makes it look like this:


to this:


Edited by Narutardedscum


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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