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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

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    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
    • Do not care...
    • not a fan
    • Ugh, not that pony
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Honestly, I don't think there's all that much hate anymore, at least in comparison to what used to be. I think these days she gets roughly the same "hate" that anyone else in the Mane Six does. 


We rarity fans are just a sensitive lot.  :D

  • Brohoof 2


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We rarity fans are just a sensitive lot.  :D


Sorry, just had to :D


You know what they say, though - the fans of a pony are usually like that pony in some way or another :D


  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

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The past "hate" for Lady Ra-ra is simple to explain. Her character is DEEP, it takes time to get to know her. She isnt a manga, she is a damn novel, you gotta read bro!





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<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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exactly. Rainbow Dash's flaws are usually being arrogant and cocky, also rude if you want more. Rarity's flaws are similar to Rainbow Dash's more than you think, she's egocentric, self-centered, superficial and vane. Note the last 2 are flaws most males dislike about girls. That's why Rarity got so much hate in the past ignoring her good traits.


I personally like Rarity's flaws the most because from all the ponies, she's the most grounded in terms of relatability. She's seems more real and complex than any other pony.

True, Rainbow and Rarity are pretty similar when it comes to their flaws, but the same flaws that people tend to find cool on a male are somehow bad if a female shows them... God forbid a girl has ambition, or knows what she wants... Can't have that, can we?


Edit: And yes i know that RD is not male, but still, as a tomboy she is certainly closer to that than girly girl Rarity. And i bet that many Rainbow fans often see her more of a guy than a girl.

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Well a lot of people I know outside MLPForums hate Rarity because she is too "girly" and "obsessed with fashion" but I think she's a lovely pony :D If you'd check the Favorite Pony poll on this site though, you'd see that Rarity is almost the least voted for pony (just a few more votes higher than AppleJack).


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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What hate? Her fan club thread has more posts than anyother fan club thread. And I don't really see people openly hating on her that often.


From what I've seen of that thread, though, most of it is back-and-forth between only a few members. they're totally compensating for something! ^^ just kidding


@ topic question - I don't think it's so much Rarity "hate" as just not preferring her. Which is understandable. Each pony has a key interest, and Rarity's is fashion, which a male demographic isn't going to appreciate as much as other things like partying/sports as per Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash. She's my 5th favourite of the Mane Six personally. 

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From what I've seen of that thread, though, most of it is back-and-forth between only a few members.


@ topic question - I don't think it's so much Rarity "hate" as just not preferring her. Which is understandable. Each pony has a key interest, and Rarity's is fashion, which a male demographic isn't going to appreciate as much as other things like partying/sports as per Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash. Coming in as 7th favourite pony in the 2014 Herd Census isn't so much down to "hate" is what I'm getting at.

I have been long enough in this fandom, and let me tell you: It. Is. Pure. Hate.


What about the Nazi-Rarity pics in March Madness? And the maimed-Rarity-pics "someone" posted in the fanclub?


A great part of the fandom absolutely HATES Rarity, and that will NEVER change.

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Why the hate? I love Rarity and although she does whine and seem overly dramatic, she has a heart of gold. I mean she has all of this sophistication, glamour and desire to be the most top-notch designer in Equestria, and she has had MANY chances to become that pony....But every time she has sacrificed her dreams for the sake of her friends. She'll seem prissy and stuck-up, but overall she will fall down to her hooves for her friendships to stay alive. I think she's the most selfless pony of them all. :)

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I have been long enough in this fandom, and let me tell you: It. Is. Pure. Hate.


What about the Nazi-Rarity pics in March Madness? And the maimed-Rarity-pics "someone" posted in the fanclub?


A great part of the fandom absolutely HATES Rarity, and that will NEVER change.


Do we really need to bring this up again? Those were all one person. That doesn't constitute fandom-wide hatred. I think you're being a tad too much on the defensive, bro. I can give you more details of that particular circumstance if you'd like to PM me - so as not to steer this topic in a direction we don't want it - but please, don't think one deviant represents the entire fandom's opinion of a character.


Well, whatever the occasion, I myself don't hate Rarity, and I'm sure that's a continuing mindset. I just prefer a range of other characters. Perhaps I only pay specific attention to Rarity when it's her episode that week. I fawn over Pinkie otherwise. :)

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Do we really need to bring this up again? Those were all one person. That doesn't constitute fandom-wide hatred. I think you're being a tad too much on the defensive, bro. I can give you more details of that particular circumstance if you'd like to PM me - so as not to steer this topic in a direction we don't want it - but please, don't think one deviant represents the entire fandom's opinion of a character.


Well, whatever the occasion, I myself don't hate Rarity, and I'm sure that's a continuing mindset. I just prefer a range of other characters. Perhaps I only pay specific attention to Rarity when it's her episode that week. I fawn over Pinkie otherwise. :)

Am i too defensive? Maybe.


The thing is: i wasn't when i joined the fandom. But i learned the hard way that not all ponies are equal. Rarity and Applejack where always second class for the fans. Maybe the reason you think there is no hate is because you don't pay attention, you don't know how it is. You only look at Rarity if she is in her episode, not what happens after that. When she AGAIN gets torn apart for things she supposedly did wrong.


I see people that say Fluttershy or Pinkie get SO much hate this season... don't make me laugh... you don't even know what REAL hate is. You don't know how good you have it. Give both of them the same amount of hate Rares got and lets see how their fanbases will cope with that, maybe they will become as "defensive" as some Rarity fans are.

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The thing is: i wasn't when i joined the fandom. But i learned the hard way that not all ponies are equal. Rarity and Applejack where always second class for the fans. Maybe the reason you think there is no hate is because you don't pay attention, you don't know how it is. You only look at Rarity if she is in her episode, not what happens after that. When she AGAIN gets torn apart for things she supposedly did wrong.


This happens for every character, and even then, are you distinguishing between genuine hate and criticism?


I see people that say Fluttershy or Pinkie get SO much hate this season... don't make me laugh... you don't even know what REAL hate is. You don't know how good you have it. Give both of them the same amount of hate Rares got and lets see how their fanbases will cope with that, maybe they will become as "defensive" as some Rarity fans are.

I completely disagree. Besides, you can't really say that we're not qualified to provide commentary on what the fandom thinks of Rarity, and then reliably say that Pinkie Pie hasn't encountered similar levels of hatred. This season has had a ton of pitfalls for her. Have you seen the way people cut into her for Filli Vanilli? And for Trade Ya? Her rap sequence? Her supposed shallowness? I can reconcile all of them in a heartbeat, but the point is that each pony and their fanbases face their own problems. It's far from an exclusive thing.


Personally speaking, I think you should have your chin up a bit more. If someone does hate Rarity, that's a window of opportunity for you folk to pounce upon them hurling marshmallows, no? ;)

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This happens for every character, and even then, are you distinguishing between genuine hate and criticism?






One of the pictures had to be removed because it was too bloody... Just imagine something very unpleasant... :muffins:



I also interacted with way more people than im comfortable with, that just flat out TOLD me how much they hate Rarity. Someone who said that he spits on her comes to mind for example. or someone who said Rarity makes him physically ill.



I completely disagree. Besides, you can't really say that we're not qualified to provide commentary on what the fandom thinks of Rarity, and then reliably say that Pinkie Pie hasn't encountered similar levels of hatred. This season has had a ton of pitfalls for her. Have you seen the way people cut into her for Filli Vanilli? And for Trade Ya? Her rap sequence? Her supposed shallowness? I can reconcile all of them in a heartbeat, but the point is that each pony and their fanbases face their own problems. It's far from an exclusive thing.


Well, take the Pinkie "hate" from this season, double it, imagine your fanbase was only half as big, imagine it for four whole seasons, and throw some insults like whore, bitch, element of greed or that-pony-that-should-been-killed off/ thrown-out-of-the-show into it, and maybe then you are close to understanding.


And yes, we threw Marshmellows at them, we had for four seasons... It gets kinda old. Can't really blame some people that they start to fling rocks instead.

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One of the pictures had to be removed because it was too bloody... Just imagine something very unpleasant... :muffins:



I also interacted with way more people than im comfortable with, that just flat out TOLD me how much they hate Rarity. Someone who said that he spits on her comes to mind for example. or someone who said Rarity makes him physically ill.


Well, take the Pinkie "hate" from this season, double it, imagine your fanbase was only half as big, imagine it for four whole seasons, and throw some insults like whore, bitch, element of greed or that-pony-that-should-been-killed off/ thrown-out-of-the-show into it, and maybe then you are close to understanding.


And yes, we threw Marshmellows at them, we had for four seasons... It gets kinda old. Can't really blame some people that they start to fling rocks instead.





Really.... What?


Can't people see past her desire for fashion that she isn't any sort of greedy pony?   or do they all of the sudden start this "stereotype" bullshit.  I'm going with the latter. The plot writers even forced rarity to show her genuine generosity in some episodes. I mean look at "Trade ya" !  I mean seriously guys....




*Looks around the room*


Wheres ghostfacekiller when you need him?

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Really.... What?


Can't people see past her desire for fashion that she isn't any sort of greedy pony?   or do they all of the sudden start this "stereotype" bullshit.  I'm going with the latter. The plot writers even forced rarity to show her genuine generosity in some episodes. I mean look at "Trade ya" !  I mean seriously guys....

I don't really know what the reason for the hate is, but i do not wish any mane sixes fanbase the stuff i have read about Rarity. They are all great Ponies and no one deserves this. Rarity defies the stereotypes that are often said to be true concerning fashion people, but some bronies seem to WANT them to be true. They WANT her to be a bitch, so they twist the truth until the shoe fits.


Maybe im just too jaded after all that time, maybe i overreact. After being in the defensive for so long you kinda learn to expect the next punch in the gut every second.

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But in all seriousness, Rarity's materialistic nature and constant focus on physical appearance is grating to some (not me, FYI).

And that's understandable, but, there's a lot more to her character that is being left out :D So much more, and, honestly, people throw that out there and are missing the entire picture.


Flaws make a character interesting, and she does have them (like they all do except for Twilicorn) and taking part of what makes a character great and hating her for it is kind of missing out on a whole lot  -_- 


Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Can't people see past her desire for fashion that she isn't any sort of greedy pony?

Unfortunately no. Alot of people are either too close minded or simply don't care enough to look deeper into a character.  They just see what is on the surface and think that is all to her.


The sad part is this kinda thing happens to actual people as well

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The sad part is this kinda thing happens to actual people as well

Aye. That's one of the reasons I take such offense to Rarity hate; I relate to her quite a bit. I find a lot of similarities between her and myself, and watching her overcome her own flaws to do what's best is actually inspiring to me.


I actually take Rarity hate very personally for that reason; throw in the damaged fanbase we have because of it (seriously, we still worry about it, even under these conditions) and it's something that is just a war. She doesn't deserve it, and the people who criticize her for being shallow are essentially being hypocrites when they hate on her for her "passion for fashion" and what not. It's silly and hurtful, and nothing comes from it. People don't look smart, people don't look cool, it just creates problems and tension.


That goes for all of the ponies; which is why I usually don't ever bash the ponies that I dislike out of respect for their fans; I don't like Vinyl Scratch at all, but I never talk about it because I know how much it sucks to see your best pony get bashed. So, I leave it be.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

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Aye. That's one of the reasons I take such offense to Rarity hate; I relate to her quite a bit. I find a lot of similarities between her and myself, and watching her overcome her own flaws to do what's best is actually inspiring to me.

I sorta understand how you feel, I am the same with Dashie. Not so much because I see myself in her, but because I see someone I lost. So I feel the need to protect her the best I can.


I also hate it when people start to hate and bash your favorite pony, or you for liking some of the ponies. Like for example I don't like it when people post things about how they hate Fluttershy and so on. Why can't everyone just let everyone like a character that they like? That way it's a lot easier...


I love it when people have no feelings for the character, good or bad, but decide to hate on him/her for shits and giggles.

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True, Rainbow and Rarity are pretty similar when it comes to their flaws, but the same flaws that people tend to find cool on a male are somehow bad if a female shows them... God forbid a girl has ambition, or knows what she wants... Can't have that, can we?


Edit: And yes i know that RD is not male, but still, as a tomboy she is certainly closer to that than girly girl Rarity. And i bet that many Rainbow fans often see her more of a guy than a girl.

you know? you're right I sometimes forget that Rainbow Dash is a girl. I mean this may sound harsh but Princess Daisy (from Nintendo) IS a tomboy, Rainbow Dash seems like a dude wanabe, I'm not saying this because I want to insult her, it's just a vibe I get from her and I wonder if it's right.

And I'm not the male to blame, I am a male that wants equal things for males and females alike, I want them to be treated equally.

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you know? you're right I sometimes forget that Rainbow Dash is a girl. I mean this may sound harsh but Princess Daisy (from Nintendo) IS a tomboy, Rainbow Dash seems like a dude wanabe, I'm not saying this because I want to insult her, it's just a vibe I get from her and I wonder if it's right.

And I'm not the male to blame, I am a male that wants equal things for males and females alike, I want them to be treated equally.

I wasn't trying to blame you. Did it come out like that? Sorry if it did. :blush:

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It sort of came out that way, I was like, wow calm down a notch  :o

but I'm glad things got cleared up  :lol:

I guess the problem i have is that i often quote someone i agree with, start my rant, and completely forget who im actually talking to... :muffins:

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Well, take the Pinkie "hate" from this season, double it, imagine your fanbase was only half as big, imagine it for four whole seasons, and throw some insults like whore, bitch, element of greed or that-pony-that-should-been-killed off/ thrown-out-of-the-show into it, and maybe then you are close to understanding.


And yes, we threw Marshmellows at them, we had for four seasons... It gets kinda old. Can't really blame some people that they start to fling rocks instead.


100% agreed and the same thing can be said about Applejack.


I really don't want to be offensive or make Rarity or AJ fans look like victims or something like that, but Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow ALWAYS were characters very loved in the fandom, no matter what they said or did. Yeah, there were episodes or the scenes, which met with negative reactions but it's nothing compared to the amount of hate Applejack and Rarity received through the last few years.


Sorry, but Pinkie or Fluttershy fans simply can't understand how it is when your favorite pony is constantly insulted with ''she's a background pony'' jokes or statements like ''greedy bitch'' by the ENTIRE fandom. The background pony joke is still alive and still 'hurts'. Maybe it's stupid, but I personally know AJ fans, who decided to leave the fandom, because of people, who were treating AJ as an unnecessary pony. Rarity's situation seems much better than before the start of season 4, but I can't really blame her fans for being so defensive in discussions like this one. 




Also, there's a big difference between being the least popular character and just hated character.


I don't have a problem with fact that AJ is the least popular Main 6.

Someone has to be, this is how it works.


But I'm sick and tired of ''background pony'' jokes. I'm sick and tired of people, who don't even want to give her a chance. I'm sick and tired, when people think that she's just a stereotypical character, who cares only about apples. I'm sick and tired, because as Applejack fan I sometimes feel (usually when I'm just upset and have a bad day or see really big amount of hate towards her, but still...) like I'm "the worse fan", because I should like popular characters like Fluttershy, Luna or Trixie. No, it's something what fans of the rest of characters just can't understand, because they never were in the same situation. 

Edited by Anilewe
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