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sad A Canterlot Wedding-The Alternate Ending


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Author's notice: I've decided to write in a cameo of my OC in this chapter. You'll see his dialogue in the 3rd paragraph that spans this chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 2-Remorse and Abandonment

It had felt like hours since Cadance had begun searching the castle for Twilight, unfortunately her efforts were in vain. She had gone around, checking every room, asking everypony she came across if they had seen her, and much to Cadance's ever-growing concern, nopony had seen her. There were a few who had seen her race by them, bawling her eyes out, never to be seen again. As Cadance was galloping down one of the hallways, she passed the door to Twilight's quarters, which bore a note on the front. Cadance stopped to look at the note, which contained a message from Twilight.

Dear Princess Celestia

In light of the events that occurred the previous day, I am sure that you learned an important lesson about me. It was an unwise decision to take me in as your most faithful student, considering I have the nerve to accuse a bride, and a princess no less, impostor or not, of being evil, with no proof to back up my claims. Knowing this, I have the good sense to punish myself as can only be deemed necessary in this instance. And that punishment, my princess, is immediate resignation as your student, and the wielder of the Element of Magic, which I tend with great regret. I apologise, Princess, that somepony as great and glorious as yourself had to witness what happened yesterday. I am certain that you recognize how foalish it is for somepony like me to stoop to such levels. And as such, it is only right that I relieve myself of positions which I am unfit to hold. But take heart, I will, always and forever, hold you in my heart as a much respected and cherished princess of Equestria, and goddess of the sun.

Always your faithful ex-student

Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, sweet Celestia. this can't be happening!" Cried Cadance, who looked down on the letter with horror etched on her face. Almost immediately, Cadance raced back towards the wedding hall, the letter locked between her teeth. As bad as things got following the victory against the Changelings, this was probably the worst thing to happen. Twilight had given up her post as the Element of Magic, as well as her place alongside Celestia as her protégé. This spelled very bad news for Equestria, and Cadance knew it. Without the Element of Magic, the Elements of Harmony would become inactive, and subsequently useless. Therefore, the letter had to reach Princess Celestia as soon as possible. With this in mind, Cadance galloped back to the wedding hall, placing every mustered ounce of strength in her hooves.

Back in the wedding hall, the Mane 5 were still shocked and horrified, having learned that their actions at the wedding rehearsal could've cost Twilight her life. Spike was devastated; he was Twilight's assistant, and even he walked out on her for all the same reasons as the others did. Shining Armor, meanwhile, was sprawled out on the floor, wracked from head to hoof with the gut-wrenching shock that he, in part, was nearly responsible for the death of his own sister, his Twiley, his Little Sister Best Friend Forever, and it did him no good that abandoning her cost him his self-respect, his honour, and his wedding. His blue irises had shrunk to the size of peas, and his hooves were drawn close to his underbelly, cradling him in a pool of self-pity. As for Celestia, she just stood there, looking as forlorn as everypony else, yet somehow she still retained the grace and matronly warmth that so visibly blessed her body and soul. She, too, was taken completely by surprise, when Twilight made her realize how much danger she was put in when she was given the cold shoulder. The hall was very much the picture of purest sadness, when suddenly, Cadance burst in. "Princeth Thelestia!" Muffled Cadance, the letter impairing her speech. "Yes Cadance?" Replied Celestia. Cadance then trotted over to Celestia, and used her magic to open the letter before levitating it in mid-air. "You need to see this. It's very bad news". At once, Celestia read the letter. When she had finished, with a shocked expression, she turned to the Mane 5. "Um, girls. I have some rather unsettling news for you". "What is it princess?" Asked Applejack. Before Celestia could answer, she gulped hard, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Twilight has resigned her post as wielder of the Element of Magic". "WHAT?!" Cried the Mane 5 in unison. "She......she can't be serious!" Cried Rarity. "It's Twilight's destiny to lead us as the Elements of Harmony!" Added Applejack. "She can't call it quits now! Ah won't allow it!" "Maybe a party will fix this!" Chimed Pinkie, trying to be enthusiastic as ever. Unfortunately, she was again shot down. "Pinkie, ah don't think a party is gonna solve this". Said Applejack frankly. "It doesn't matter!" Cried Rainbow Dash. "We gotta talk Twilight out of this before something bad happens!" "I admire your loyalty Rainbow" Said Celestia. "But right now, there's nopony in Equestria that can talk to Twilight at present". "Maybe I can". Murmured a now regrouped Shining Armor, who began standing up. "Maybe Twiley will feel better if I apologised". "It does sound like a feasible idea". Said Applejack thoughtfully. "But what if it fails?" "Applejack," Said Fluttershy with a frank expression. "If it does fail, then I'm afraid we will have lost Twilight forever". As the Mane 5 huddled together, worried by Fluttershy's words, Celestia then decided to send Shining to talk to Twilight. "Go Shining. Talk to Twilight. If there's anypony she may listen to, it'll be you". "I'll go with you Shining". Said Cadance, pledging her support. "Applejack, everypony, I promise. The first thing we get back, I'll let you know when Twilight's ready for talking". "Thanks Shining". Replied Applejack. "And good luck". With that, Shining and Cadance set off to find Twilight, with the mission to try and get her to come around again.

Meanwhile, Twilight was actually farther from Canterlot than what Shining and Cadance were expecting. She was, in fact, heading towards the train station, with the intent to get a train back to Ponyville. Knowing that her services in Canterlot were no longer required, Twilight elected to return to Ponyville, where she would spend the remainder of her days in her library, isolated from everypony. At the present time, Twilight was inside the station building, awaiting the next train. She was quite the glum, lonely figure, as anypony in the station who was bored enough to look around noticed. Just then, a male Pegasus pony approached Twilight, his fur coloured a shade of burgundy, his hair streaked with dashes of red and bright green, and his face displaying signs of empathy. His name was Firebolt Blitz, and he was heading to see a Wonderbolt show in Canterlot that was starting next week. "Well hi there! The name's Firebolt Blitz, but you can call me Firebolt." Said Firebolt, introducing himself. Twilight looked up at him, slowly enough to raise one of Firebolt's eyebrows. "Hello there. I'm Twilight Sparkle". Firebolt's expression changed rapidly from enthusiastic to concerned. "Are you ok? What's the matter?" "Personal reasons" Replied Twilight, with a sigh. "Ah, it'll be OK Twilight". Said Firebolt reassuringly. "There's a saying you know: Every cloud has a silver lining. Just remember that, and you'll be alright". This made Twilight smile, even for the briefest of seconds. "Well, I've to be off. Take care of yourself Twilight" Said Firebolt, who bid Twilight adieu. Once again, Twilight was left to her own devices. The advice Firebolt gave her was great, sure enough, but the pain was simply undeniable. Her friends, her brother and her mentor had all left her to sink into a cold, dark place, and there was nopony to go down with her into the empty blackness of the caves. Just then, the train to Ponyville arrived, and Twilight boarded it. As far as she could see, and as far as she believed the situation to be, there was no place for her at the wedding, or the castle, after the way she behaved. Either way, it was a lose-lose situation. Not only did she lose her brother, her friends and Celestia, but what if the Cadance that she had upset was real? Twilight knew that if that was, in fact, the real Cadance, the situation would've been much worse. Still, that was a moot point. Twilight had officially become a liability to the wedding, and so her presence there was no longer required. Off she went, on the train back to Ponyville.

Edited by Firebolt Blitz
  • Brohoof 2


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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error in last line  


"still, that was a moot point. Twilight had officially become a liability to the wedding, and so her presence there was no longer required. Off she went, on the train back to Canterlot"


don't you mean Ponyville? 

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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error in last line  


"still, that was a moot point. Twilight had officially become a liability to the wedding, and so her presence there was no longer required. Off she went, on the train back to Canterlot"


don't you mean Ponyville? 

Erm, whoops. *edits chapter*. Thank you for pointing that out. Now that that's out of the way, do tell me what you think of this new chapter.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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It's quite good, also for a suggestion, why don't you include Twilight's parents in the next one, I'm pretty sure they would have a lot to say to Shining, Celestia and Twilight's friends 

Edited by draph91

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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It's quite good, also for a suggestion, why don't you include Twilight's parents in the next one, I'm pretty sure they would have a lot to say to Shining, Celestia and Twilight's friends 

Oh for definite, yes! However, I don't know a whole lot about Twi's parents, other than their names, which are Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Other than that though, it's vague, but I don't think I need a whole lot of info for that particular endeavour. Anyway yeah! I'll see what I can do.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Oh for definite, yes! However, I don't know a whole lot about Twi's parents, other than their names, which are Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Other than that though, it's vague, but I don't think I need a whole lot of info for that particular endeavour. Anyway yeah! I'll see what I can do.

And another thing: I don't know if this will help or not, but I actually find Twilight's lack of evidence on the fake Cadance surprisingly justified on the basis that there was absolutely no way she could have collected any in this case. Do you think maybe you could add that to your story?

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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And another thing: I don't know if this will help or not, but I actually find Twilight's lack of evidence on the fake Cadance surprisingly justified on the basis that there was absolutely no way she could have collected any in this case. Do you think maybe you could add that to your story?

I'll be throwing that little bit of info into the next chapter, for sure. Thanks for reminding me actually, and as a matter of fact, yeah, how could Twi have gathered evidence, when there was none to gather? This again, proves the harshness of the Mane 5 and Celestia's actions at the rehearsal. Makes me sick, almost.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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I'll be throwing that little bit of info into the next chapter, for sure. Thanks for reminding me actually, and as a matter of fact, yeah, how could Twi have gathered evidence, when there was none to gather? This again, proves the harshness of the Mane 5 and Celestia's actions at the rehearsal. Makes me sick, almost.

You're welcome, and thank you. Of course, there are those who maintain that Twilight still burst in at the rehearsal and accused the fake Cadance at a bad time and even made a scene, but honestly, I disagree. Twilight most likely would have had no other alternative, apparently because it didn't even occur to her to warn anypony BEFORE the rehearsal. Also, maybe I'm biased because I pity Twilight in this scenario, but I just can't see things from the perspective of her peers in this case, most likely because I'd probably think about staying by her and, even if I was upset as well, try to talk to her.


Oh, yeah, and regarding those who are actually defending the actions of Twilight's peers in this scenario, three of the biggest offenders in my book include MagicMan001, JapaneseTeeth, and matt0044.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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You're welcome, and thank you. Of course, there are those who maintain that Twilight still burst in at the rehearsal and accused the fake Cadance at a bad time and even made a scene, but honestly, I disagree. Twilight most likely would have had no other alternative, apparently because it didn't even occur to her to warn anypony BEFORE the rehearsal. Also, maybe I'm biased because I pity Twilight in this scenario, but I just can't see things from the perspective of her peers in this case, most likely because I'd probably think about staying by her and, even if I was upset as well, try to talk to her.


Oh, yeah, and regarding those who are actually defending the actions of Twilight's peers in this scenario, three of the biggest offenders in my book include MagicMan001, JapaneseTeeth, and matt0044.

To be frank, they do have good reason to defend Twi's peers, but that still doesn't excuse how cold it was of them to just walk away from Twilight like she was some piece of dirt, unwanted and unloved. And in case you forgot, Twi attempted to warn the Mane 5 while they were having drinks, unfortunately the glory and pride that came with the title of bridesmaid caught up with them long before Twi could. Twi then attempted to get to her brother, who was put under a spell by Chrysalis (as we all witnessed), leaving her with only one option: confront the Changeling Queen openly. Unfortunately, it is with deep sadness that I admit she pulled this stunt at a bad time, and in front of the wrong audience as well.


I, too, would stay with Twilight, because even though Shining easily shot her down like a Messerschmitt against a Spitfire, I would still have faith in her, because not once has Twilight put a hoof wrong. I would stay with her, I'd pull her into my embrace, I'd keep on telling her that everything would be okay (even though she should've known better), Celestia help me, I'd even defend her from Chrysalis, no matter how futile my attempts would be.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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To be frank, they do have good reason to defend Twi's peers, but that still doesn't excuse how cold it was of them to just walk away from Twilight like she was some piece of dirt, unwanted and unloved. And in case you forgot, Twi attempted to warn the Mane 5 while they were having drinks, unfortunately the glory and pride that came with the title of bridesmaid caught up with them long before Twi could. Twi then attempted to get to her brother, who was put under a spell by Chrysalis (as we all witnessed), leaving her with only one option: confront the Changeling Queen openly. Unfortunately, it is with deep sadness that I admit she pulled this stunt at a bad time, and in front of the wrong audience as well.


I, too, would stay with Twilight, because even though Shining easily shot her down like a Messerschmitt against a Spitfire, I would still have faith in her, because not once has Twilight put a hoof wrong. I would stay with her, I'd pull her into my embrace, I'd keep on telling her that everything would be okay (even though she should've known better), Celestia help me, I'd even defend her from Chrysalis, no matter how futile my attempts would be.

Well, if you expect me to consider it to be a bad time to make such accusations, I'm sorry, but I just can't, mainly because as I said before, Twilight apparently had no other alternative, regardless the outcome, and as you stated yourself, the glory and pride of becoming bridesmaids caught up with her friends and went to their heads to such an extent that it makes their blindness totally unjustified. To me, it's 100% clear that Twilight's friends, and quite possibly Celestia as well, forgot the lesson that they learned in "Lesson Zero" about taking your friends' concerns seriously. I don't care what anybody else thinks. The reactions of Twilight's peers cannot be justified in this case.


I'm glad you'd choose to stay by Twilight, because I feel that that's how friendship should always work. Plus, I know this may be unrelated, but it kinda reminds me of how Rarity had the decency to outright confront her little sister Sweetie Belle for the whole Gabby Gums thing whereas everypony else just heartlessly shunned the CMC in "Ponyville Confidential" once their identities as Gabby Gums somehow got ratted out. To me, the ending to "A Canterlot Wedding: Part 1" and the shunning scene in "Ponyville Confidential" are the two most heartbreaking moments in the entire series. :(

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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Well, if you expect me to consider it to be a bad time to make such accusations, I'm sorry, but I just can't, mainly because as I said before, Twilight apparently had no other alternative, regardless the outcome, and as you stated yourself, the glory and pride of becoming bridesmaids caught up with her friends and went to their heads to such an extent that it makes their blindness totally unjustified. To me, it's 100% clear that Twilight's friends, and quite possibly Celestia as well, forgot the lesson that they learned in "Lesson Zero" about taking your friends' concerns seriously. I don't care what anybody else thinks. The reactions of Twilight's peers cannot be justified in this case.


I'm glad you'd choose to stay by Twilight, because I feel that that's how friendship should always work. Plus, I know this may be unrelated, but it kinda reminds me of how Rarity had the decency to outright confront her little sister Sweetie Belle for the whole Gabby Gums thing whereas everypony else just heartlessly shunned the CMC in "Ponyville Confidential" once their identities as Gabby Gums somehow got ratted out. To me, the ending to "A Canterlot Wedding: Part 1" and the shunning scene in "Ponyville Confidential" are the two most heartbreaking moments in the entire series. :(

By no means do I expect you to admit that it was a bad time, I'm just keeping two hooves on the ground when I say that, tbh, the circumstances weren't in Twilight's favour. And as a matter of fact, you've got to wonder exactly how air-headed Twilight's friends are, if all they could care about at that time was becoming bridesmaids. That kind of carelessness is simply unacceptable, especially for those who wield the Elements of Harmony, as by a technicality they too were responsible for the safety of Twilight and everypony in Canterlot. As such, they should've kept an open mind, and a sharp eye for anything suspicious. But no, it was closed after the thought of becoming a bridesmaid took up the space in their heads, and as you said, this brought on a level of blindness which simply cannot be justified. And damn those to the depths who would dare to justify their actions!


As for sticking with Twilight, it's probably my deep sense of loyalty to those I love and respect, or it's the fact that from the moment Twilight got suspicious, I would've never left her side. If she was going to investigate the bad kind of activity, then she would need some help (moi). And as Shining scolded her and cast her out of the wedding, and as her friends just trotted away, a look of disgust on their faces, and as Celestia broke Twilight's heart with words that were simply unheard of from such a motherly figure, I would just stand there and watch with awe as they left, before running up to the door and yelling "Traitors! Traitors all!" at them. Nopony dares hurt my Twilight like that. :okiedokielokie:


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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By no means do I expect you to admit that it was a bad time, I'm just keeping two hooves on the ground when I say that, tbh, the circumstances weren't in Twilight's favour. And as a matter of fact, you've got to wonder exactly how air-headed Twilight's friends are, if all they could care about at that time was becoming bridesmaids. That kind of carelessness is simply unacceptable, especially for those who wield the Elements of Harmony, as by a technicality they too were responsible for the safety of Twilight and everypony in Canterlot. As such, they should've kept an open mind, and a sharp eye for anything suspicious. But no, it was closed after the thought of becoming a bridesmaid took up the space in their heads, and as you said, this brought on a level of blindness which simply cannot be justified. And damn those to the depths who would dare to justify their actions!


As for sticking with Twilight, it's probably my deep sense of loyalty to those I love and respect, or it's the fact that from the moment Twilight got suspicious, I would've never left her side. If she was going to investigate the bad kind of activity, then she would need some help (moi). And as Shining scolded her and cast her out of the wedding, and as her friends just trotted away, a look of disgust on their faces, and as Celestia broke Twilight's heart with words that were simply unheard of from such a motherly figure, I would just stand there and watch with awe as they left, before running up to the door and yelling "Traitors! Traitors all!" at them. Nopony dares hurt my Twilight like that. :okiedokielokie:

I'm glad you're siding with me on this issue. I know the writers meant for this scenario to build up the drama and the suspense, but it still rubs me, and you as well, the wrong way.


I'm sure if you had been there, you'd at least have the guts to tell off her peers for abandoning her like that, even if neither they nor you nor Twilight herself knew she (Twilight) was gonna be dragged underground by the fake Cadance.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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I'm glad you're siding with me on this issue. I know the writers meant for this scenario to build up the drama and the suspense, but it still rubs me, and you as well, the wrong way.


I'm sure if you had been there, you'd at least have the guts to tell off her peers for abandoning her like that, even if neither they nor you nor Twilight herself knew she (Twilight) was gonna be dragged underground by the fake Cadance.

I'm against this issue, because of the poor morals that it represents. We're talking young impressionable viewers here, and what do they learn when they see Twilight's brother, friends and mentor abandoning her? Do the same to a friend of theirs, or even a family member if they make a scene.


Sure like, none of us would've known that Chrysalis would send Twilight down to the caves. But this, however, opens up a plothole. If Chrysalis knew that by putting on the waterworks that SA, the Mane 5 and Celestia would follow her to check on her, then why did she go back to deal with Twilight? That would lead to a scene where the group gets to Cadance's room, only to find her not inside, raising their suspicions obviously. I guess it would deviate from the plot a bit, but that's just me.

  • Brohoof 1


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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I'm against this issue, because of the poor morals that it represents. We're talking young impressionable viewers here, and what do they learn when they see Twilight's brother, friends and mentor abandoning her? Do the same to a friend of theirs, or even a family member if they make a scene.


Sure like, none of us would've known that Chrysalis would send Twilight down to the caves. But this, however, opens up a plothole. If Chrysalis knew that by putting on the waterworks that SA, the Mane 5 and Celestia would follow her to check on her, then why did she go back to deal with Twilight? That would lead to a scene where the group gets to Cadance's room, only to find her not inside, raising their suspicions obviously. I guess it would deviate from the plot a bit, but that's just me.

That is indeed extreme, and if you ask me, it's probably on par with what Rainbow Dash's friends did in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" to try to teach her a lesson about humility, which I'll admit could be less questionable if they didn't brag about their own contributions to Mare Do Well in front of Rainbow Dash in Sugarcube Corner.


I think it's because Chrysalis had caught onto the fact that Twilight was suspicious of her behavior, and I'm pretty sure she had teleported so Twilight's peers would spend more time looking for her before they comforted her. Hope that helps.


By the way, if you wanna check out my Top 2 Heartbreaking Moments videos, here are the links:






And I've also made an extra video discussing "A Canterlot Wedding: Part 2":




Check 'em out. ;)

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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I'm glad you're siding with me on this issue. I know the writers meant for this scenario to build up the drama and the suspense, but it still rubs me, and you as well, the wrong way.


I'm sure if you had been there, you'd at least have the guts to tell off her peers for abandoning her like that, even if neither they nor you nor Twilight herself knew she (Twilight) was gonna be dragged underground by the fake Cadance.


I'm with you and Firebolt on this.. I wouldn't have left Twilight as well and I would've had a LOT to say to Applejack, also I would've suggest that Twilight find other friends


in fact Rainbow Dash shocked me the most, she's the GODDAMN Element of Loyalty


in fact Twilight was right about her in Faith and Doubt (which is an excellent story by the way)


"Sometimes I wonder if the Elements screwed up. You’ve never really been loyal, have you? You insult your friends; you mock them and tease them till they hurt. Remember what you did to Spike, making fun of him about not being a real dragon till he decided to run away? How LOYAL of you! You knew Fluttershy didn’t want to help with that cyclone and you guilted her into it… not because you knew she needed to face her fear but because you wanted to break a record. You have mocked me so many times, calling me a nerd and an egghead and then come crawling back asking for my help with your problems, expecting me to drop everything and save your flank.” Twilight leaned in close, dark eyes flashing. “You are very loyal, Rainbow Dash… loyal to yourself.”

  • Brohoof 2

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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I'm with you and Firebolt on this.. I wouldn't have left Twilight as well and I would've had a LOT to say to Applejack, also I would've suggest that Twilight find other friends


in fact Rainbow Dash shocked me the most, she's the GODDAMN Element of Loyalty


in fact Twilight was right about her in Faith and Doubt (which is an excellent story by the way)


"Sometimes I wonder if the Elements screwed up. You’ve never really been loyal, have you? You insult your friends; you mock them and tease them till they hurt. Remember what you did to Spike, making fun of him about not being a real dragon till he decided to run away? How LOYAL of you! You knew Fluttershy didn’t want to help with that cyclone and you guilted her into it… not because you knew she needed to face her fear but because you wanted to break a record. You have mocked me so many times, calling me a nerd and an egghead and then come crawling back asking for my help with your problems, expecting me to drop everything and save your flank.” Twilight leaned in close, dark eyes flashing. “You are very loyal, Rainbow Dash… loyal to yourself.”

Thank you. Plus, if you check a couple of posts back, you'll find three of the biggest offenders in my book who are among those who are actually defending the actions of Twilight's peers. I know we're all entitled to our opinions, but to me, their views totally ignore the events of "Lesson Zero" which teaches the lesson about taking our friends' concerns seriously, which, much like the morals delivered in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" (to which I've grown gradually softer) and the "Canterlot Wedding" arc, is quite a rare message to send in my opinion.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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How interesting yet intriguing at the same time.


Very great to see another interpretation no matter the cost.


So very great job so far.

Thanks for the review. Like our friend Blue Eyes White Pegasus here, I sympathise with Twilight, who in my view had quite rapidly lost many of her options. There were some she could've taken before she went to the Mane 5 to voice her concerns, but for some unknown reason (unknown my plot! The writers wouldn't waste screentime space directing Twilight to voice her concerns earlier than they liked), she didn't take any of them, and at the critical time, she was left with one option: confront the Changeling Queen openly, in hopes she'd expose her for the true fiend she was. Unfortunately, the circumstances were simply not in her favour. But, in my book, that doesn't excuse Shining Armor, nor the Mane 5 or Celestia for their behaviour. Leaving Twilight alone like that......I mean, how heartless can somepony be to go around acting like that?

Edited by Firebolt Blitz
  • Brohoof 1


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Thanks for the review. Like our friend Blue Eyes White Pegasus here, I sympathise with Twilight, who in my view had quite rapidly lost many of her options. There were some she could've taken before she went to the Mane 5 to voice her concerns, but for some unknown reason (unknown my plot! The writers wouldn't waste screentime space directing Twilight to voice her concerns earlier than they liked), she didn't take any of them, and at the critical time, she was left with one option: confront the Changeling Queen openly, in hopes she'd expose her for the true fiend she was. Unfortunately, the circumstances were simply not in her favour. But, in my book, that doesn't excuse Shining Armor, nor the Mane 5 or Celestia for their behaviour. Leaving Twilight alone like that......I mean, how heartless can somepony be to go around acting like that?

You took the words right outta my mouth. And another thing I'll add is that despite Shining Armor's assertion that the wedding wasn't important to his sister, it actually BECAME important to her after he brought up the fact that he was marrying her old foalsitter. It was only AFTER "Cadance" misbehaved that Twilight had every right to consider calling the wedding off, something her brother clearly never considered! That, and the fact that my parents would have every right to be upset with me if they found out I kicked one of my own siblings out of my wedding just because they did something to make my bride cry. Yeah, granted, it's the groom's duty to comfort his bride, but still.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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You took the words right outta my mouth. And another thing I'll add is that despite Shining Armor's assertion that the wedding wasn't important to his sister, it actually BECAME important to her after he brought up the fact that he was marrying her old foalsitter. It was only AFTER "Cadance" misbehaved that Twilight had every right to consider calling the wedding off, something her brother clearly never considered! That, and the fact that my parents would have every right to be upset with me if they found out I kicked one of my own siblings out of my wedding just because they did something to make my bride cry. Yeah, granted, it's the groom's duty to comfort his bride, but still.

Exactly, and furthermore, as much as Shining was the groom, he was also the Captain of the Guard, one of, if not the, highest rank in the Equestrian military. One doesn't just become a captain. They'd have to have served long years, and overtime they would've developed sharper senses, and a much sharper understanding of their responsibility to protect the people. Clearly, Shining was so twisted by both Chrysalis's hypnosis, and his unyielding, almost slavish devotion to his "bride" that his duty as Captain wasn't important to him anymore! That is simply unacceptable, seeing that as Captain, one of the best soldiers in the Royal Guard, if he noticed that Twilight suspected something about his bride, then he should've investigated the matter! Unacceptable, and nothing less.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Exactly, and furthermore, as much as Shining was the groom, he was also the Captain of the Guard, one of, if not the, highest rank in the Equestrian military. One doesn't just become a captain. They'd have to have served long years, and overtime they would've developed sharper senses, and a much sharper understanding of their responsibility to protect the people. Clearly, Shining was so twisted by both Chrysalis's hypnosis, and his unyielding, almost slavish devotion to his "bride" that his duty as Captain wasn't important to him anymore! That is simply unacceptable, seeing that as Captain, one of the best soldiers in the Royal Guard, if he noticed that Twilight suspected something about his bride, then he should've investigated the matter! Unacceptable, and nothing less.

That's all pretty deep, and you know, if Shining Armor ever realized his errors that he committed during his time as Captain, I'm sure he'd gladly learn from them so he'd be able to train the new Captain-in-training if he was ever replaced. And, hey, if Shining does a great job training the new Captain-in-training, he might be honored greatly and even earn a new high guard rank, even if he now has responsibilities as Ruler of the Crystal Empire. Does that sound great to you?

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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And further more holding a wedding when you've received word of a possible invasion, seriously?


the wedding should have been postponed until it was safe

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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That's all pretty deep, and you know, if Shining Armor ever realized his errors that he committed during his time as Captain, I'm sure he'd gladly learn from them so he'd be able to train the new Captain-in-training if he was ever replaced. And, hey, if Shining does a great job training the new Captain-in-training, he might be honored greatly and even earn a new high guard rank, even if he now has responsibilities as Ruler of the Crystal Empire. Does that sound great to you?

To be frank, I don't think Shining would've felt so good after the wedding ended, even if Twilight had forgiven him. He had yelled at his sister, and excluded, no, banished her from the wedding. And even if it came to pass under Chrysalis's influence, I don't think he'd have the nerve to continue as captain, with all the guilt and remorse tormenting him. But that's just me.

And further more holding a wedding when you've received word of a possible invasion, seriously?


the wedding should have been postponed until it was safe

As a matter of fact, yeah. Why in Equestria would you want to hold a wedding when an outside force threatens invasion? Terrible planning by Celestia on her part. Ok sure, IRL when the Olympics came to London, the army was working like hell to fortify the country/city against any terrorist attacks. Thankfully enough, the event started and finished without incident, but at such events like the Olympics or the wedding, there is quite a high risk, and as such an equally high level of security and vigilance is required, something the dunderheaded Canterlot Guard failed at. In reality, only Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadance came to the defense of the city. Everypony else was either being terrorized by Changelings or tied up. And guess what else? Celestia failed to defeat Chrysalis, who by then had gained large amounts of power from Shining Armor. If Chrysalis was smarter than she was depicted (as in standing around laughing and gloating instead of acting), then at that point, Canterlot would've been surely doomed.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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To be frank, I don't think Shining would've felt so good after the wedding ended, even if Twilight had forgiven him. He had yelled at his sister, and excluded, no, banished her from the wedding. And even if it came to pass under Chrysalis's influence, I don't think he'd have the nerve to continue as captain, with all the guilt and remorse tormenting him. But that's just me.

As a matter of fact, yeah. Why in Equestria would you want to hold a wedding when an outside force threatens invasion? Terrible planning by Celestia on her part. Ok sure, IRL when the Olympics came to London, the army was working like hell to fortify the country/city against any terrorist attacks. Thankfully enough, the event started and finished without incident, but at such events like the Olympics or the wedding, there is quite a high risk, and as such an equally high level of security and vigilance is required, something the dunderheaded Canterlot Guard failed at. In reality, only Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadance came to the defense of the city. Everypony else was either being terrorized by Changelings or tied up. And guess what else? Celestia failed to defeat Chrysalis, who by then had gained large amounts of power from Shining Armor. If Chrysalis was smarter than she was depicted (as in standing around laughing and gloating instead of acting), then at that point, Canterlot would've been surely doomed.


I ever have a name for this, The Jaws Scenario, if you have watched the movie then you know where I go this name from, also they didn't know who or what they were dealing with but that is still no excuse 

Friendship is not Magic, it's just a word

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To be frank, I don't think Shining would've felt so good after the wedding ended, even if Twilight had forgiven him. He had yelled at his sister, and excluded, no, banished her from the wedding. And even if it came to pass under Chrysalis's influence, I don't think he'd have the nerve to continue as captain, with all the guilt and remorse tormenting him. But that's just me.

Probably not, but if it's made clear that he soon realized his mistakes, I'm sure he'd make an excellent mentor to the new Captain-in-training, probably because he'd be like: "I don't want you making the same mistakes I made." It's important that we learn from our mistakes, and I do like to imagine that sometime from now, even if Shining Armor doesn't get to be captain again (then again, he and Cadance now rule the Crystal Empire), I'm sure he'd be commended for learning from his mistakes and even given a new high guard rank.



As a matter of fact, yeah. Why in Equestria would you want to hold a wedding when an outside force threatens invasion? Terrible planning by Celestia on her part. Ok sure, IRL when the Olympics came to London, the army was working like hell to fortify the country/city against any terrorist attacks. Thankfully enough, the event started and finished without incident, but at such events like the Olympics or the wedding, there is quite a high risk, and as such an equally high level of security and vigilance is required, something the dunderheaded Canterlot Guard failed at. In reality, only Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadance came to the defense of the city. Everypony else was either being terrorized by Changelings or tied up. And guess what else? Celestia failed to defeat Chrysalis, who by then had gained large amounts of power from Shining Armor. If Chrysalis was smarter than she was depicted (as in standing around laughing and gloating instead of acting), then at that point, Canterlot would've been surely doomed.

I don't know if it's terrible planning on Celestia's part, but honestly, it's not really a big deal for me, personally. Besides, I would consider it bad luck that Celestia lost to Chrysalis who fed off plenty of Shining Armor's love for Cadance, but at the same time, I'd regretfully consider it karma for Celestia for not taking Twilight's concerns seriously, which brings me to my next point: the message that she delivers at the end about learning to trust your instincts, which may I add is a rare message to send, is a lesson that Celestia herself may have just learned. Ultimately, this motivates me to write my own story in which Twilight's peers deeply apologize to her for not taking her concerns seriously and admit that it was irresponsible on their part and Twilight warmly forgives them.


I know that in your story, Twilight's real upset with her peers right now, but I should greatly hope that she'll find it in her heart to reconcile with them and even forgive them.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!

Clap your hooves and do a little shake! :D

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