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Ahh, Karma. The only champion in the game where extensive buffs through a rework actually dropped her win percentage from 35% to 30%.


Nobody played her before. Still nobody (relative term) plays her now. There's just....so many better choices.


Except Talon. But he just sucks.


I'm pretty sure Jayce would be a better mid, since his Shurelyia's isn't on a 30 second cooldown or whatever it is for Karma.


The fact that her support tools were pretty much axed isn't helping. If we're going off the basis of her one spell that can help allies directly (the shield) and the slow, I'm pretty sure we all know which support does that also, except better in every way.


Hint: her name starts with J, and ends in anna.


So yeah, keep playin' Fizz. Good on ya.

Yeah, Karma's supporting atm is kinda weak compared to others.

Her damage in mid is also weak compared to others.

Why does Talon suck though? He can counter a lot of mids and does quite a high amount of damage after a few items.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Yeah, Karma's supporting atm is kinda weak compared to others. Her damage in mid is also weak compared to others. Why does Talon suck though? He can counter a lot of mids and does quite a high amount of damage after a few items.

Who said Karma was a support nowadays? if you do want to play her as a support she's like those AP mids that can support like Zyra and she feels like a bruiser like that new champion, Lissandra
  • Brohoof 1

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Yeah, Karma's supporting atm is kinda weak compared to others.

Her damage in mid is also weak compared to others.

Why does Talon suck though? He can counter a lot of mids and does quite a high amount of damage after a few items.


Talon sucks right now because he is outclassed by other assassins. Namely Kha'zix. Why would you pick talon, who can do great damage, and only enter a battle with little escape chance compared to Kha? Kha'zix can leap in, deal massive damage (like talon) and leap out. Both have a invisibility, and Kha can use it twice (or 3 if you evolve his ult), and they both have AoE slows. Kha is the superior assassin.


That is why Talon sucks.

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 2


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Besides that, there's another champion that has essentially the same kit as talon, but is better in most respects.


His name is Kassadin. He has a jump on your face, a ranged silence (that isn't the jump on your face), and a steroid on his autos on his W. His mobility is simply ridiculous, more than any other champion in the game (2nd most is Lee Sin). He even has a frontal cone, like Talon does. If you let Kassadin alone, you lose. Simple as that.


If I had a choice between Kassadin and Talon, I would pick Kass 100% of the time.

  • Brohoof 1


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Aaaaaaaaaaaand I now play this game.


Currently level 30, haven't played the placement matches yet. I main Riven (got her bunny skin) and also play a lot of Ahri and Kat. Currently saving up for Rengar.

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I'm completely in love with playing Diana jungle, she is so incredibly powerful and fun to play, that Q + R + W combo is so strong!


My previous match as her:







  • Brohoof 1

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

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Here is a game i played earlier this morning with one of my favorite ADC's, Tristana.




Now normally I wouldn't try to take every kill, but they wanted me to due to Tristana's threatening late game if super fed. I wouldn't say I carried them, because they set up a lot of kills for me. It was a team effort.

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I'm completely in love with playing Diana jungle, she is so incredibly powerful and fun to play, that Q + R + W combo is so strong!


How do you play her in the jungle? I've tried it a couple of times, but I've found I'm more comfortable jungling as Vi. With Vi, it's definitely possible to gank at like level 4 if your laner is pushed back to their turret, because her Q is just so devastating if you land it, but with Diana...what is there to do pre 6? Walk up to the enemy and E? Provide moral support by landing a Q and generally being threatening?


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't gank pre-4 on Vi, and I'm not sure how it's possible to gank effectively pre-6 on Diana.


I also don't really know what items would be good for Diana in the jungle. Rush a hextech revolver, like Zac does, for spell vamp? Get a spirit stone then wait for spectral wraith after that? Ignore it entirely (I've done this, it was meh) and get a pimp cane (needlessly large rod) and stinger to build into deathcap and Nashor's Tooth later? Boots whenever, or are they more important than that?


Sorry for all the questions, but Vi is banned a lot more than I'd like, and I already know how to play Diana mid pretty well - I'd just like to be able to take her into the jungle also.

  • Brohoof 1


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How do you play her in the jungle? I've tried it a couple of times, but I've found I'm more comfortable jungling as Vi. With Vi, it's definitely possible to gank at like level 4 if your laner is pushed back to their turret, because her Q is just so devastating if you land it, but with Diana...what is there to do pre 6? Walk up to the enemy and E? Provide moral support by landing a Q and generally being threatening?


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't gank pre-4 on Vi, and I'm not sure how it's possible to gank effectively pre-6 on Diana.


I also don't really know what items would be good for Diana in the jungle. Rush a hextech revolver, like Zac does, for spell vamp? Get a spirit stone then wait for spectral wraith after that? Ignore it entirely (I've done this, it was meh) and get a pimp cane (needlessly large rod) and stinger to build into deathcap and Nashor's Tooth later? Boots whenever, or are they more important than that?


Sorry for all the questions, but Vi is banned a lot more than I'd like, and I already know how to play Diana mid pretty well - I'd just like to be able to take her into the jungle also.



If you ask me, diana jungle probably works around the same lines as Shyvana Jungle. The only difference being that Diana has better gap closers, and an AoE vacuum. So i would assume you can't gank if the lane is evenly pushed, it needs to be hard pushed to your turrets.


I would probably build her with ap and attack speed for damage, and faster clear times. So stuff like a revolver might help, i am personally a fan of Nashor's tooth for her. Abyssal scepter would be nice too, dfg, a defensive item like Randuins, (if they have things like Trynd and Xin) and really just build against your opponent.


What I assume diana will most likely do (other than gank) is counter jungle. A lot. And I have a feeling she is strongest when Counter Ganking. Junglers are most vulnerable when ganking a lane. So ganking the jungler at top probably would go in your favor especially at post 6.


I have not played her in the jungle yet personally, but from just observations on how I play her, and converting that to the jungle. That is what i think.

Edited by Hayze
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Yes, we do play League of Legends, too. We have lvl 30 accounts on EUNE. We also have accounts on NA and EUW, though they are not 30 yet.


Nightraxx mainly plays AP Mid and Top, sometimes AD or Jungle.

His main champion picks include : Kassadin, Annie, Vladimir and Lux for Mid                                                                                               Riven, Garen, Cho'Gath and Pantheon for Top

                                                   Graves, Kog'Maw and Ezreal for AD


Roaring mainly plays Support, AP Mid, sometimes AD or Top.

Her main champion picks include : Blitzcrank, Sona, Janna for Support

                                                   LeBlanc, Ahri, Katarina for Mid

                                                   Rengar, Tryndamere, Darius for Top




i need friends at league of legends

is anyone here from the EUNE server? i feel so alone from time to time (even thou i have some sort of team which is kinda always online), i want to have people from the internet D:


Feel free to add me.


Nightraxx's summoner names on EUNE are HalbVollKornBrot and XProteusX

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How do you play her in the jungle? I've tried it a couple of times, but I've found I'm more comfortable jungling as Vi. With Vi, it's definitely possible to gank at like level 4 if your laner is pushed back to their turret, because her Q is just so devastating if you land it, but with Diana...what is there to do pre 6? Walk up to the enemy and E? Provide moral support by landing a Q and generally being threatening?


I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't gank pre-4 on Vi, and I'm not sure how it's possible to gank effectively pre-6 on Diana.


I also don't really know what items would be good for Diana in the jungle. Rush a hextech revolver, like Zac does, for spell vamp? Get a spirit stone then wait for spectral wraith after that? Ignore it entirely (I've done this, it was meh) and get a pimp cane (needlessly large rod) and stinger to build into deathcap and Nashor's Tooth later? Boots whenever, or are they more important than that?


Sorry for all the questions, but Vi is banned a lot more than I'd like, and I already know how to play Diana mid pretty well - I'd just like to be able to take her into the jungle also.

Her Pre-6 ganks are to bad to even bother dealing with, but her jungle speed + sustain make getting to 6 a speedy process, I'm usually the first to 6 in the match.


I take her W first, followed by a point in Q then a utility point in E. maxing W first.


I also stack flat AP in my glyphs, and I start with hunters + 2 or 3hp pots. I only take all 5 if its likely that I'll be counter jungled.


Rush a spirit stone, build straight into the spectral wraith. I don't bother with boots unless I plan on ganking people with lots of Mres, rush your rabadabadons next, then boots, just stack a crazy amount of AP, as you would with her mid, and you should win every fight with your Q > R > W combo.

  • Brohoof 2

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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So my ranked 5s team has been doing well and we just faced a very scary team and almost beat them! I'm so excited I jsut wanted to share with some people. For those that don't know those are pro players and very skilled. 3 pro players and 2 other challenger tier players. I'm so happy how close the game was until our last team fight  With review and further practice maybe we'll beat them next time. 





  • Brohoof 1
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Hey everypony!


I'm new to the thread ;).


Anyways, to business...


I play on the EU West server. I'm currently in Bronze 3 (I started at 1 but I've been losing almost every single game since then, and now I'm kinda stuck in ELO hell with no escape in sight unless I start getting better teammates (who, by coincidence, are bronies most of the time)). My name is 'BerberReiniertje' (it's a stupid name xD). Just add me if you feel like it and we can play some games ^^.



  • Brohoof 1


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Hey everypony!


I'm new to the thread wink.png.


Anyways, to business...


I play on the EU West server. I'm currently in Bronze 3 (I started at 1 but I've been losing almost every single game since then, and now I'm kinda stuck in ELO hell with no escape in sight unless I start getting better teammates (who, by coincidence, are bronies most of the time)). My name is 'BerberReiniertje' (it's a stupid name xD). Just add me if you feel like it and we can play some games ^^.





If you do not have LoLReplay, or don't record your matches through other means, I would suggest doing so. So you can see the areas you need to work in as a player. A lot of times people miss what they did or didn't do in a game while playing. Once you review it, you might see things that you need to improve to help the team. (I am not blaming, but if you are stuck, you may need to do some work on your end too and not just rely on better players every time wink.png )

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So, let's see what's wrong with this picture?




First time Lissandra? How the hell did you do that well? Meanwhile, I ended up getting more assists in the late-game that I triggered early. I was ahead on the arms race much of the game.


My conclusion? Other team was having an off day. Either that or she's overpowered.


Meanwhile, AD Zac. That's all.

Edited by Lirodon
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If you do not have LoLReplay, or don't record your matches through other means, I would suggest doing so. So you can see the areas you need to work in as a player. A lot of times people miss what they did or didn't do in a game while playing. Once you review it, you might see things that you need to improve to help the team. (I am not blaming, but if you are stuck, you may need to do some work on your end too and not just rely on better players every time )



That's a good tip, thanks wink.png. I think one of the problems is that I focus too much on playing someone's counter and I'll end up playing a character I don't like or don't play that well. I end up playing under my performance level.

Edited by Noctix


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That's a good tip, thanks img-1470229-1-wink.png. I think one of the problems is that I focus too much on playing someone's counter and I'll end up playing a character I don't like or don't play that well. I end up playing under my performance level.


The greatest counter-pick to any champion is your own skill. If you know you will have a hard lane, pick the champion you are best at that can handle the situation best.


So if I am playing top, and they pick someone like Renekton, I might consider going Cho'Gath because I main him, and he has very strong laning phase. Only play champions you know in ranked. If you don't know it, or only played it once, it is better being countered. At least you know you can just tower-farm, and know how your champion works.

Edited by Hayze
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The greatest counter-pick to any champion is your own skill. If you know you will have a hard lane, pick the champion you are best at that can handle the situation best.


So if I am playing top, and they pick someone like Renekton, I might consider going Cho'Gath because I main him, and he has very strong laning phase. Only play champions you know in ranked. If you don't know it, or only played it once, it is better being countered. At least you know you can just tower-farm, and know how your champion works.

This is so true. I can't tell you how many people have picked a champion because it is a "hard counter" or "counter pick" to their lane and they fail because they don't know the champion well enough or the other person is just better. Your own personal skill matters the most. On the note of Renekton. ALWAYS play him. NO COUNTER SO STRONK! lol But seriously just play what you enjoy and you will learn to dominate.

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This is so true. I can't tell you how many people have picked a champion because it is a "hard counter" or "counter pick" to their lane and they fail because they don't know the champion well enough or the other person is just better. Your own personal skill matters the most. On the note of Renekton. ALWAYS play him. NO COUNTER SO STRONK! lol But seriously just play what you enjoy and you will learn to dominate.


Renekton doesn't fair well against champions like Teemo, and Irelia (if she knows what she is doing). At least, in my experience that is. Jayce should do fine against him. Lissandra too.

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Renekton doesn't fair well against champions like Teemo, and Irelia (if she knows what she is doing). At least, in my experience that is. Jayce should do fine against him. Lissandra too.

Teemo is the true king of top lane! But while Teemo can beat out a lot of people his place in most teams isn't ideal. Irelia is also a super strong top laner and I do enjoy playing her a lot actually but you don't see her a lot these days. Basically I just meant that Renekton is a  strong champion who can do well in lane with his great wave clear and sustain. Also without mana he can out lane most. But winning lane doesn't win games! lol

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Renekton, in my opinion, is a champion you simply do NOT want to give a kill to early on. Granted, this is difficult because of his very strong laning phase, but if you can last to mid/late game with him as your opponent, he falls off rather quickly. What's he gonna do, run at you and stun somebody? He functions primarily as a tank, like Nautilus, or Singed.


Thinking about his kit (and without looking at external references), I would think that any ranged champion with some sort of peel would just wreck Renekton's day. Champions like Jayce (I just bought him, might be biased), Lissandra, or Elise should be strong against him. Throw in the obligatory Trundle because Trundle can't be 1v1'd, like, ever.


Going off on a tangent here, I faced my first Rengar top lane as Jayce last night. My friends were like, "Don't let Rengar kill you!" I say, "I don't even see him in lane, he must be AFK- BWAHHH!!!" (a la Hank Hill) as he jumped out of a bush the first time at a minion. Needless to say, I got my brown pants on for the entirety of that match.


Now completely derailing the current train of thought, what do you guys think of Celesti- I mean, Leona support? I think she'll be my next buy, since I need a support, but I might go for Nami. I'm not sure yet.

Edited by HandMan


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To counter Renekton you need to try to deny him farm. The best champions for this are (as you said) certain ranged champs. Nidalee works well, Teemo, Jayce, Kayle, and even ChoGath can deal with a Renekton. You just have to poke him when you can, and hit him with an ability if he over extends.


The trick is poking him when you can, and picking a sustain or late game champ as Renekton is a early to mid game champ. If he runs to the front of his minions to take the cannon minion, throw a nidalee spear at him and punish him. This is just an example. 


For supports, any of the traditional supports are decent. I personally prefer Lulu because (she's so cute!!) she offers a huge amount of utility to the team. Leona is great if you need a tanky support too though.

Edited by Hayze


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To counter Renekton you need to try to deny him farm. The best champions for this are (as you said) certain ranged champs. Nidalee works well, Teemo, Jayce, Kayle, and even ChoGath can deal with a Renekton. You just have to poke him when you can, and hit him with an ability if he over extends.


The trick is poking him when you can, and picking a sustain or late game champ as Renekton is a early to mid game champ. If he runs to the front of his minions to take the cannon minion, throw a nidalee spear at him and punish him. This is just an example. 


For supports, any of the traditional supports are decent. I personally prefer Lulu because (she's so cute!!) she offers a huge amount of utility to the team. Leona is great if you need a tanky support too though.

A CHALLENGE! Try to deny my renekton farm mwuahahah!!! but ya I'm jsut saying hes hard to deny farm because of his easy to clear waves and then GTFO but it can be done 

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A CHALLENGE! Try to deny my renekton farm mwuahahah!!! but ya I'm jsut saying hes hard to deny farm because of his easy to clear waves and then GTFO but it can be done 


Just for the sake of the lulz, I might consider Ryze top just to prevent you from getting away, or getting to me xD. That would be so evil...


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You might find our determination to deny your Renekton farm to be...








Speaking from the viewpoint of a Ryze or a Jayce.

  • Brohoof 2


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