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So me and my brother decided to play Malphite and Yasuo bot lane because of the perfect synergy between our ults. Everything looked like it was going wrong.

First: We were up against twitch and sona, which we knew would be annoying. But we took advantage of their squishyness and won the lane.


Unfortunately TF had fed Cass in mid lane hard. I'm talking 10/0 hard. So she was a huge pain in the ass. It looked like we were going to lose. But we had one thing that they didn't: PLAYS!


We outplayed them so hard in the late game. I'd say the turning point in the game was when we were all bot lane. I (Malphite) ulted right into their entire team allowing my brother (Yas) to ult all of them as well. We traded me for their entire team. We pushed until we got the nexus ONE FUCKING HIT away from exploding. But we all pushed and won :D

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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And I just had a 12/3/16 team built match with Twitch. Not bad I say. Not bad at all. Though I have done better. Gotten fed more, LOL.


My Twitch really is a combo of Assassin and Marksman. He's kind of both. I build my 1 and 3 mainly. I build my 2 last. Like any reasonable Ashe would do with Hawkshot.


I really kicked their ass acting like I was going into jungle and then... GANK! Double kill. Well, almost. The minions killed me then. Minions are too OP. THEY NEED A NERF. Hate aggressive jungling Sejunai though. BUILD TANK AND AD. YOU ARE FUCKING SET. TOO EASY TO PLAY. IT'S IRRITATING. Much worse than Yi or AP Elise. MUCH WORSE. Only thing OTHER than a minion to kill me the whole match. Outganked me.


By the way, my name is indeed similar. It's TwillyFSniper.


My main is Twitch, but I also play Yi and Ashe. Might start playing Tryndamere soon. I bought him today. They're all I have bought, though. Other than Warwick. I may not play him.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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Anyone on the NA server wanna start a ranked team with me? I know there was already one made here, but it got disbanded for inactivity :/


In ranked I mostly top lane, so I need people who can do the other roles (And who are actually on often so the team doesn't end up being inactive)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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All you'd need to do against a fed kata is using a stun/silence or anything that'd stop her ult. If you don't have it yourself tell a teammate that does to not use it until kata ults. 


Dude the kata is so fed, she two-shotted Lucian/Teemo/Trist/Yasuo


FYI, her item are




Sorc Shoes




Total 859 AP




Bought Xin Zhao today. This might be a good champ.



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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I'm on such a horrible losing streak... I need to play less Ryze (even though he was my first champ) and more Irelia!


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Bought Xin Zhao today. This might be a good champ.

Oh my god I love Xinny! :wub:  Ugh he is such a good bruiser! Back when Feral Flare was broken to hell I would play jungle & carry games solo with him lol. I remember one game, I was jungling Xin & this Malphite was getting his ass handed to him by... I think a Renekton top lane. Went up, killed the bastard, & left to go mid. About 10 minutes later, the Malphite starts whining that I took his kill & that he was behind...  >_> Still carried his rocky rear though, & he bitched & moaned the whole damn time lol...


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Oh my god I love Xinny! :wub:  Ugh he is such a good bruiser! Back when Feral Flare was broken to hell I would play jungle & carry games solo with him lol. I remember one game, I was jungling Xin & this Malphite was getting his ass handed to him by... I think a Renekton top lane. Went up, killed the bastard, & left to go mid. About 10 minutes later, the Malphite starts whining that I took his kill & that he was behind...  >_> Still carried his rocky rear though, & he bitched & moaned the whole damn time lol...

Ya gotta love the League community! XD

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Ya gotta love the League community! XD

Yeah... At least my team backed me up lol. I had gone around the entire map getting kills & assists for everyone, so the other members of my team were pretty damn friendly. Only the Malph was complaining. I think our mid laner said something along the lines of "The Xin has been shooting your points down every time you complain, he still goes top while you are losing your lane DESPITE his efforts to help, & he has gotten us a huge lead in objectives. You have moaned louder than a zombie horde watching a cheesy romance movie. Which do you think is getting the honors, & which do you think is getting the report?" Man I loved that guy lol...

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Best. Midlaner. Ever. XD


I love when I get those awesome teammates who say things like that to the people who complain for the stupidest reasons ever. They're what makes the game worth playing XD

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Me and my brother have made it a goal of ours to get an instant pentakill using Malphite and Yasuo's ults. Think it would be possible?

Chances are shittily low. You both have to get super ahead of everyone and that includes being able to melt the tanks if there are any. If you get a team of squishies, then the only other problem is everyone clumping together. Most wouldn't clump when someone with an aoe stun/snare/knock up is around, let alone a malph and a yasuo.


Its possible. Maybe not with only two people working together, but its definitely possible.


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Just played the best game yet.


So, I just bought Aether Wing Kayle, so naturally I wanted to see it in action. The game unfortunately have Tristana trolling top, while me (Kayle) and Sona were at botlane. But, TF mid is snowballing Katarina, while I managed to land First Blood and can farm without any worry. 


Getting into midgame, Tris suddenly DC and she never came back. We were quite defeated, bot inhib turret was destroyed. TF was wondering if we can just surrender, but after some fights we were actually winning. My Zhonya + Ult combo managed to null some of the most important enemy spell like Kat's ult.


We kill all of em and destroyed enemy mid inhib, but we were defeated in the next teamfight. Thankfully by that time I was fed (I have greaves, lich, zhonya, rab and nashor). TF was also fed because we both are the main killer. After fending them off the base, I finished my last item, which is rageblade and was killing them very quickly. Due to my W and my Q, I can kite them easy, 


In addition, our Jax is quite helpful in tanking/bruising them while Sona helps us from behind.


We won and I got 22/7/18 KDA



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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So, what do you guys think of Gnar so far?


Not going to lie; He looks like shit. Not having control over your alternate form is absolutely atrocious, he seems like he is going to be stupidly strong early/mid game due to the innate tankiness if you do somehow get his passive under control while being able to build damage, yet he is definitely going to be falling off late game looking at some of the videos I have seen of people playing him, not having an ult in ranged form is really annoying, & I could think of a lot better champs for top lane. whether they be ranged or melee, tanks or carries, or just plain more fun. In fact...


Ranged; Teemo is a better lane bully & could shut people down, vlad is a better tank, & jayce hits harder.

Melee; Jax, Irelia, Nasus, Shyvana... See where I am going with this?

Tanks; Ignoring the ones I already said in melee, Malphite is a huge tank with a great play-making ult.

Carries; Again, ignoring the ones above, Kayle is one of the scariest hyper carries ever & she still can be quite terrifying. Much more so than Gnar.


Maybe once I play him I will change but for right now... Just... No... I will save my RP for something else ty


Quick edit; A lot of people do not respect the influence a top laner can have. Top lane holds several hyper carries & raid bosses (Jax & Kayle for the former, Nasus & Shyvana for the latter), & something like Gnar just doesn't look like it is going to be useful against either of them unless you shut them down a bit early... But of course hypers & raids just scale better so... Play Jax. Even if you lose lane you are Jax, you will beat Gnar late game. Or go Nasus & just farm under turret while getting tankier & tankier.

Edited by KokuraiNoSenshi
  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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So, what do you guys think of Gnar so far?

You wanna know what I think of Gnar? You really wanna know? IT'S HORRIBLE! KILL IT WITH FI- I mean... He might be a good top laner.... Ya never know


But seriously, he's just horrible imo... The preview made him look so epic, then they reveal what he's really like and it's just garbage...

I mean, I may change my opinion on him once he actually comes out and I get to play him, but for now I don't like him at all -.-

  • Brohoof 2


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I tried Gnar out of PBE the other day. 1v5 against bots in a custom just to see how his mechanics work. You do actually have some marginal control over his transformation. Use more abilities and stay in combat with AAs more to build rage faster. Don't want to transform? Just last hit. Need a transform ASAP? Hit the wave with everything you got (Except Hop, save that for transform initiation.) The rage fills faster as the game goes on, so you can pretty much just get it to proc whenever you need it to. Personally, I think I'm going to play him as a bruiser support, but that's just me.


On a side note, damn I've had some good games this morning. I've also had horrible ones, but the good ones far outshine them.



First Akali game I faced a Riven in top lane. Zoned her so hard she had ~25% of my creep by the end of the laning phase. First Annie game I faced a Kassadin. We'd be about even pre-6 with him poking me with Q and me answering back with a QWstun. Post-6 he didn't stand a chance. Second Annie game I faced a Vel'koz. Yeah. More zoning that the Akali game >.<


However, my last Akali game I went mid lane against Zed. Said yolo and dove tower level 4 to secure the first blood while dying to him. Once I came back, he couldn't handle me. Then I started Roaming, and no one could handle me. Akali is now my flavor of the day :D


On topic links:


Last Akali Game: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1477378082/43976981


First Annie game: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1477377252/43976981 (Dat Tank tho)

Edited by Eavath
  • Brohoof 1

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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You know a lot of people keep saying teemo is Satan or he's op or something like that, where you're overlooking the real threat.


Master Yi.


Teemo is weeeeak. If you have an assassin/burst champ on your team teemo is dead. But Yi is truly outrageous. He has true damage for tanks, his q for skillshots, his ult for escaping or engaging, and his heal. I've seen a Yi heal under attack from 2 people and a tower and he still got away.


A Yi can kill a teemo easy. What does that say? Even if a Yi is bad he can still snowball with one kill and come back. 


I have no problems fighting a teemo. Lee sin, Talon, Viktor, Kat all destroy him in like 3 seconds.

Does anyone think Heimerdinger is OP?


OP isn't the word. He's strong but not OP.

OP means no weaknesses, no flaws only strengths and could easily kill someone higher level and more fed than him.


The Donger has the turrets that make laning against him a pain, but he can be killed easily. Talon, Lee sin, Vi, Morgana, Kayle, the list of people that can rek him is endless :P

  • Brohoof 1


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You know a lot of people keep saying teemo is Satan or he's op or something like that, where you're overlooking the real threat.


Master Yi.


Teemo is weeeeak. If you have an assassin/burst champ on your team teemo is dead. But Yi is truly outrageous. He has true damage for tanks, his q for skillshots, his ult for escaping or engaging, and his heal. I've seen a Yi heal under attack from 2 people and a tower and he still got away.


A Yi can kill a teemo easy. What does that say? Even if a Yi is bad he can still snowball with one kill and come back. 


I have no problems fighting a teemo. Lee sin, Talon, Viktor, Kat all destroy him in like 3 seconds.

OP isn't the word. He's strong but not OP.


OP means no weaknesses, no flaws only strengths and could easily kill someone higher level and more fed than him.


The Donger has the turrets that make laning against him a pain, but he can be killed easily. Talon, Lee sin, Vi, Morgana, Kayle, the list of people that can rek him is endless :P

I guess but whenever i play as him i hardly ever die. The only time i do die is when i'm running away and someone runs in front of him :/

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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I guess but whenever i play as him i hardly ever die. The only time i do die is when i'm running away and someone runs in front of him :/

That just means you're a good player playing a strong champ! But as you just said he has a weakness :P


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That just means you're a good player playing a strong champ! But as you just said he has a weakness :P

I doubt i would call myself a good player as him, I can get a large amount of kills i guess but whenever there are about 3 of them, I panic and just press random buttons and end up pressing the wrong one and end up getting killed XD :P


(That's an other reason why i die)

Edited by Codelyoko373


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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Everyone's saying Gnar is broken? Well my brother who plays PBE says he's absolutely broken at the moment? Weird. And technically you DO have control over when you transform. If you don't want to transform just stay out of combat. And if you are in combat, I don't see why you wouldn't want to transform.


And also, even the most fed Master Yi will die to a nuke.

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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I had a horrible team. Told me to play AD Twitch. Why the fuck? Attack Speed is Twitch's main focus? Learn champions before you rant on them about their builds, numbnuts team.


Don't you agree attack speed should be Twitch's focus?

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper
  • Brohoof 1


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Everyone's saying Gnar is broken? Well my brother who plays PBE says he's absolutely broken at the moment? Weird. And technically you DO have control over when you transform. If you don't want to transform just stay out of combat. And if you are in combat, I don't see why you wouldn't want to transform.


And also, even the most fed Master Yi will die to a nuke.

Press Q. Dodge nuke. Keeps going.

I had a horrible team. Told me to play AD Twitch. Why the fuck? Attack Speed is Twitch's main focus? Learn champions before you rant on them about their builds, numbnuts team.


Don't you agree attack speed should be Twitch's focus?

Don't have to listen to them you know? Like when people tell me not to buy Trinity Force on Leona, and they continue to moan and cry despite me reking my lane.


People just want to sound smart and wont admit when they're wrong, ever.

Edited by Naomii


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I had a horrible team. Told me to play AD Twitch. Why the fuck? Attack Speed is Twitch's main focus? Learn champions before you rant on them about their builds, numbnuts team.


Personally I prefer AD Twitch. Hasn't let me down so far, so I see no reason to change it. The way I see it you can either go AS which gives you your stacks faster, but you do less damage with your expunge, or you can go AD where expunge really hurts, but you have to be more careful about applying stacks. And since his casket applies 2 stacks and sneak gives attack speed I never find that I need any more than a simple combination of Boots + Phantom Dancer + Ruaan's Hurricane. And you know what, maybe I am building him wrong, but like I said before, it's given me more consistent success than an attack speed build, so unless something about his kit or my items changes I'm not looking to change that.

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