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So... About this whole double legendary skins thing... Anyone wanna do a mystery gift trade with me? I got 400 Rp at random (Not that I'm complaining :P) and I don't know what I want to get, so why not make someone else's life better huh? XD


Preferably someone who's already in my friend list cause of the whole two week thing for gifting (look for EndlessStorm473 in your friends list if you don't remember if you've added me or not)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Maybe its just me, but It seems that slight hybrid Trist (majorally AP), might just be a bit strong.

But, that's probably just me....






Has anyone else seen this yet!?

It is sooooooooo cool! Anybody who plays mid, were you planning on getting this?

I don't play Veigar enough to really warrant me getting it, but I plan to at somepoint just cause lolwhynot.


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Maybe its just me, but It seems that slight hybrid Trist (majorally AP), might just be a bit strong.

But, that's probably just me....






I don't play Veigar enough to really warrant me getting it, but I plan to at somepoint just cause lolwhynot.

I actually have been meaning to try that... It seems like it would make an excellent split pusher if put more towards AD with a bit of burst for ending a kill, & if going AP with a bit of AD it would give you more teamfight presence. As for the skin I would love to get it because I do enjoy Veigar, however I do not play enough for it to be like the most amazing Veigar evarz


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I actually have been meaning to try that... It seems like it would make an excellent split pusher if put more towards AD with a bit of burst for ending a kill, & if going AP with a bit of AD it would give you more teamfight presence.

The only reason I don't actually split my AD and AP (going Deathfire, Rabadons, BotRK, IE, Sorc Boots with Furor, and either GA or LW) is cause I feel like she'd be split too much to really do something later in. Deathfire and Rabadon's should be enough to nuke most squishies or at least remove them from a fight, but that's hypothetically speaking really. Too many variables to really say it will be a reliable nuke. Same goes for the AD side. You've got some attack speed and sustain from BotRK and moderate damage from IE, but that still may not be enough to either keep you alive or actually make you useful by that point. Id like to think it would work well though. It really seems like it would on paper/my head though since it literally gives you everything you could ever want. Straight up nuke, push, damage with her other abilities and still some damage on her aa. A way to kill secure or a way to initiate on someone.


Even then, with the Nashor's tooth alone, Im more useful all around since my ap makes my aa's hurt a bit. Hextech only helps a bit more as I can now sustain just a tiny bit and can continue going straight ap. Well, my sustain is tiny and pretty much irrelevant unless I ult someone. I saw my health literally fucking jump up a good quarter or more from my ult alone. xD

It was so damn glorious seeing that. x)

Edited by Haven


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The only reason I don't actually split my AD and AP (going Deathfire, Rabadons, BotRK, IE, Sorc Boots with Furor, and either GA or LW) is cause I feel like she'd be split too much to really do something later in. Deathfire and Rabadon's should be enough to nuke most squishies or at least remove them from a fight, but that's hypothetically speaking really. Too many variables to really say it will be a reliable nuke. Same goes for the AD side. You've got some attack speed and sustain from BotRK and moderate damage from IE, but that still may not be enough to either keep you alive or actually make you useful by that point. Id like to think it would work well though. It really seems like it would on paper/my head though since it literally gives you everything you could ever want. Straight up nuke, push, damage with her other abilities and still some damage on her aa. A way to kill secure or a way to initiate on someone.


Even then, with the Nashor's tooth alone, Im more useful all around since my ap makes my aa's hurt a bit. Hextech only helps a bit more as I can now sustain just a tiny bit and can continue going straight ap. Well, my sustain is tiny and pretty much irrelevant unless I ult someone. I saw my health literally fucking jump up a good quarter or more from my ult alone. xD

It was so damn glorious seeing that. x)

All I can say is that sometimes the craziest things seem to work out. I mean, who expected supports to be used in the LCS as top laners? Yet we have Lulu & Alistar both being formidable forces up there. So while I can't say much personally for it I would like to see how it would work...


Also I like your build but mine would be something along;







Then depending on if you want more burst or more AS depends on Sorc's or Greaves


However that is someone who hasn't played Trist in ages & has only thought up stuff for her without actually having tested them so... *Shrugs*


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Just went into a normal game where 4/5 champ is exactly the same, which is Braum, Gnar, Kayle (me) and Corki, The difference is we got Vayne, while the enemy has Rengar.


We lost cos I was going Blue Angel Kayle, while enemy Kayle went usual AP Kayle


Speaking of Kayle, has anyone ever try Blue Angel Kayle? It's an unusual build that actually works (at least for me). It was basically Kayle that rely on On-Hit damage. She already got her E, which is splash damage, boosted with Muramana, BtoRK and Black Cleaver and inserted Runaan in the 3rd/4th item.



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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What do you mean you teamfighted as master Yi? No wonder you lost, thats not his strength at all. Yi is a pretty bad champ for everything beside splitpushing really :/

That and 1v1ing people and ksing :P


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Maybe its just me, but It seems that slight hybrid Trist (majorally AP), might just be a bit strong.

But, that's probably just me....






I don't play Veigar enough to really warrant me getting it, but I plan to at somepoint just cause lolwhynot.


Something tells me you missed out on hypercarries like tristana and kog becoming the meta and totally op in the botlane lately? :D


Yes tristana has become ap, but mostly only as AD tristana. AP tristana is still a 1 hit wonder which focuses on pickon off 1 target as fast as possible.


That and 1v1ing people and ksing :P


True, He is a good KS champ it seems ;D 1v1 depends who he is against thou, Fiora still wrecks him because fiora you know. unless she doesnt have her ult up, but in a 1v1 where both hasve their ults Fiora wins :P



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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So, umm. I think I know how to play Thresh.




You can just call me Bunnyfufu or MadLife. B)


Something tells me you missed out on hypercarries like tristana and kog becoming the meta and totally op in the botlane lately? :D

Yes tristana has become ap, but mostly only as AD tristana. AP tristana is still a 1 hit wonder which focuses on pickon off 1 target as fast as possible.

I played Tristana before she was "meta". :l

I actually hate how she's considered OP now just because a few pros finally starting to think she's any good. Seriously, that's bullshit in and of itself and why I don't follow the "meta".

  • Brohoof 1


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I played Tristana before she was "meta". :l

I actually hate how she's considered OP now just because a few pros finally starting to think she's any good. Seriously, that's bullshit in and of itself and why I don't follow the "meta".



Anyways... I do agree, Tristana was powerful way before pro's played her... But I played her in mid :lol: I have always thought the "meta" was dumb because a champ can be good whether or not the pro's like them, hell Lulu was stupidly powerful & everyone was just like "meh" then one pro guy played her top & everyone scrambled to play her top lane...

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Man, I am on the ball right now.






Anyways... I do agree, Tristana was powerful way before pro's played her... But I played her in mid :lol: I have always thought the "meta" was dumb because a champ can be good whether or not the pro's like them, hell Lulu was stupidly powerful & everyone was just like "meh" then one pro guy played her top & everyone scrambled to play her top lane...

Uuhhh...Not to be that gal, but....I also played Lulu before everyone fell in love with her mid and top. :z

I actually learned of Top Lulu from friend and ive done it ever since.


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Uuhhh...Not to be that gal, but....I also played Lulu before everyone fell in love with her mid and top. :z

I actually learned of Top Lulu from friend and ive done it ever since.

Gal? Dangit, I always think people are guys cause everyone has feminine avatars, makes it sooooooo annoying to try & figure out who is a guy & who is a girl based on avatars...  :okiedokielokie:



  • Brohoof 3


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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okay so

i'm playing akali right

my whole team's recalling after a teamfight yeah

enemy team respawns, goes mid and then to baron

my team thinks they're going top so they're all "okay let's go top" but i'm like "guys no they're doing baron"

so i'm rushing over to baron asap and leona wards baron right

well baron's like low as fuck rn so i q baron and my q just barely misses yasuo's wind wall right

so i jump in and i'm like "no way bro"

smash my e button in to oblivion and then




  • Brohoof 1
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Has anyone else seen this yet!?


It is sooooooooo cool! Anybody who plays mid, were you planning on getting this?

Yup, I got it for my birthday from my friend. It's such a sexy skin.


By the way, anyone watching lcs right now?

Edited by Finesthour
  • Brohoof 2


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I already own all the champs I really want to own, so skins ftw. Probably dropping money for PROJECT: Yasuo and Headhunter cait

Project Yasuo is such a nice skin. It's so metal gear esque, it just makes me drool with antici...



  • Brohoof 1


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Played Udyr tonight. I was relatively quick on get Feral Flare now, ranging from 11-13 min if I do AFK Jungling. Then, my target is to become a tank and Anti Tank at the same time. So I bought Randuin, Triforce, BotRK, Visage and Tabi in addition to feral. There's one game that I was farming so much that my flare stack came around 70+ after killing and stuff, which means 1 full hit = Damage + 95+ magic from feral + 8% HP from BtoRK + Triforce + 1 hit of Phoenix/Tiger which is equal insane!!!


Full match result here





Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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I faced the most f*cked up team ever last night


They had a Lucian support, Diana adc, Miss Fortune mid, Vayne jungle, and Vel'koz top (Yeah, I was against a Vel'Koz... Lucky me >_>)


Anyway, Vel'Koz was just popping like a grape early on cause I started with my q (On shyvana), and he wasn't getting ganks since it was still really early. 3 minutes in I kill him for first blood and just start farming. I'm level 5 while he's only level 2, so I just farm up. Sure I could've killed him, but I didn't want to draw any more attention to my lane. Eventually he hits 6 and can actually fight me with his ult + ignite, but I only died to that once. When he finally gets a gank and they kill me again, but after that he doesn't get anymore kills and I continue to wreck him. Unfortunately I got ganked again later by Vayne, and Diana, and Miss Fortune, and Lucian... Everytime I tried to split push, I got 5 man ganked, so I had to stick with my team til I was near full build. Sure that was annoying, but I finally finished most of my build then split pushed like all hell.


Miss Fortune, Vayne, and Lucian all attacking at once still couldn't stop me from destroying the nexus XD

Edited by The Blades Shadow


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I faced the most f*cked up team ever last night


They had a Lucian support, Diana adc, Miss Fortune mid, Vayne jungle, and Vel'koz top (Yeah, I was against a Vel'Koz... Lucky me >_>)


Anyway, Vel'Koz was just popping like a grape early on cause I started with my q (On shyvana), and he wasn't getting ganks since it was still really early. 3 minutes in I kill him for first blood and just start farming. I'm level 5 while he's only level 2, so I just farm up. Sure I could've killed him, but I didn't want to draw any more attention to my lane. Eventually he hits 6 and can actually fight me with his ult + ignite, but I only died to that once. When he finally gets a gank and they kill me again, but after that he doesn't get anymore kills and I continue to wreck him. Unfortunately I got ganked again later by Vayne, and Diana, and Miss Fortune, and Lucian... Everytime I tried to split push, I got 5 man ganked, so I had to stick with my team til I was near full build. Sure that was annoying, but I finally finished most of my build then split pushed like all hell.


Miss Fortune, Vayne, and Lucian all attacking at once still couldn't stop me from destroying the nexus XD

Only one defense for this dumbass structure: Vayne CAN jungle. Other than that: that is the most bucked up team structure I have ever seen.


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Went Jungle again today with Udyr as usual. The perfect run of Jungle Farming really paid off. I got really fed and ahead. When I reached level 18, the others were 14/15, while the enemy is about 12-14. The noobest was the Xin Zhao, which was Gold V >_>





Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Went Jungle again today with Udyr as usual. The perfect run of Jungle Farming really paid off. I got really fed and ahead. When I reached level 18, the others were 14/15, while the enemy is about 12-14. The noobest was the Xin Zhao, which was Gold V >_>



Dat Xin doh XD


Cause AP Xin is such a wonderful... Okay I can't even say that sarcastically, it's just too terrible, lol


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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