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That feel when Dominion is getting removed. Really, why didn't Riot just revamp it like they did TT? It's basically in the same position TT was a few years ago. The more news I see about this game, the more sadness I feel, when I can no longer see the once nice and ever-loving Riot.


Anyone else remember when they gave Judgement Kayle for free?


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That feel when Dominion is getting removed. Really, why didn't Riot just revamp it like they did TT? It's basically in the same position TT was a few years ago. The more news I see about this game, the more sadness I feel, when I can no longer see the once nice and ever-loving Riot.


Anyone else remember when they gave Judgement Kayle for free?

I don't know, nobody ever plays Dominion, like at all. Treeline was at least somewhat played, also on a more competitive level. The last update killed it for me again, though :S

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Unfortunately 7 kills on a support doesn't really do much for the team :x I learned that the hard way.


You're playing the wrong supports then :^)

Well I think 7 kills on a support like zyra (which is my 3rd main supp after thresh and nami) could have really help my team and by the way , me

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Wow. I thought Win/Loss was ecerything...


Seemed to be last season, guess it was because I went 2/8 last year in placements because I sucked back then.

I went 3/7 and got Silver IV, was Gold III. My duo mate went 6/4 and also got Silver IV, was Gold IV. Went 8/2 on Turkey and got Plat IV, was Plat II. It doesn't really matter too much. Placements aren't really doing much; after all, it's just a soft reset.

Edited by Velcorn
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Wow. I thought Win/Loss was ecerything...


Seemed to be last season, guess it was because I went 2/8 last year in placements because I sucked back then.

well last year I get plat 5 with 3/7 so I think it's more about the MMR

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Welcome to a new series I wanted to start up. I noticed there weren't too many lore videos up, and I really want people to notice champions backstories in a quick and easy way. I want to start from Z-A, so leave a comment or like to tell me what you think! All League of Legends Lore in Under 2 Minutes videos will be uploaded on a random basis, so come while they're hot!



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Wow. I thought Win/Loss was ecerything...


Seemed to be last season, guess it was because I went 2/8 last year in placements because I sucked back then.


Win/loss is basically nothing

It doesn't matter if you win all 10 games, if your MMR is low you're gonna get placed low

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is this the place to find folks to play with or is that a different thread?

I think you can find some folks to play here, I don't think there is a another thread about league of legends. Also if you want to play with some people here, I think it can be good to let us know your server, your name on league of legends and maybe your level 

also if you  want to play with me , I am diamond 5, playing on EUW server, I play since season and finished diamond 1 last season, my name in the game is Deathpioupiou, just PM me if you want to play wednesday 

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Welp, there's no way that the MMR used to calculate ranking is a solo ranking... I did tons better than last season, I got placed Bronze V (actually LOWER than last season). Plus I have a player on my friend's list that ended his season last year Plat V and was placed Bronze V this year. Yeah that's pretty damn crazy.


Hopefully I can carry myself out this time, should be able to carry out of bronze if I can 1v1 golds in normals and win. But that's if I don't have to 1v5 often (it happens in Bronze, believe me.).


But in other news, I got pro-level CS in a placement match. I also had a match that I won against a complete counter of my pick. All I can say is this: I tried.


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Hopefully I can carry myself out this time, should be able to carry out of bronze if I can 1v1 golds in normals and win. But that's if I don't have to 1v5 often (it happens in Bronze, believe me.).

Don't thing it happens only in bronze ^^


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well i play on the NA servers i got ranked silver 2 near the end of last season but i havent played ranked much this season so far. league name is timemagetim just like it is in every other corner of the internet. and my favorite thing is playing off meta cheese builds.

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But it happens much more frequently in bronze, basically all the time it seems like.


That CS rate was bonkers though.. 553 at 66 is about 8 per minute. There are pro players that CS that fast.

If you really want to climb out of a certain rank, the best way is to duo with another competent player. I started getting into ranked this season, because an old friend of mine wanted me to support him. He's insanely good at adc and I consider myself to be an above-average support, so we would just carry through bot lane.


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But it happens much more frequently in bronze, basically all the time it seems like.


That CS rate was bonkers though.. 553 at 66 is about 8 per minute. There are pro players that CS that fast.

well with gp I got an average of 10.3 cs per minute but I don't have the same farm with all champs, like rumble which is my top main , I got only 8 per minutes

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  • 3 weeks later...

I swear to god. Every time. EVERY! FUCKING! TIME! When I play raked in solo Q I get idiots on my team. I know it sounds like I'm being toxic but I'm not. I am really not. The people I get teamed up sometimes are either brain dead, or actually mentally handicapped. 


They are that bad.


Look at my last game.


Morgana was my shit support.


She kept diving in like a special needs kid looking for a damn hug. I would ping danger at a bush AND SHE DIVES RIGHT INTO IT!


With games and ass team mates like these it's no wonder I'm still in bronze. I am so desperate for a good team.


Edited by Gloomfury
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