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I started playing Sejuani since the rotation.


I really like her burst damage and slow. She doesn't have a good early game, but around level 10 or so, ganking is pretty easy since they can't really escape you...

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I did it! I had a fantabulous game with randoms!



I am proud to say I completely out-Irelia'd another Irelia! (A level 30 with full runes, at that!)

Two of my deaths were from colliding with towers head-on... hehe.

I found my natural main... What a glorious day! (We could have been better, but mid-late game our team was so fed we just fooled around. Fountain-dive endings are legit.)

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Names you say?


NA: SunlitVoid (29)

EuW: SunlitVoid (10 or 11)


I play mid, bot adc, or support most of the time. For NA I'm somewhat flexible on champs, for EuW I only play Karthus, Lux, or Teemo.

Edited by Whiteshade

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It's kinda funny, there is no benchmark for a great support other than making sure your team doesn't die.


Which makes me kinda sad, I had a pretty beast Taric game :< (1/4/24) games like those it makes me wish i had made a snowball item

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The most assists I've ever had. Teamwork (ie ult then gp scores a kill) ftw. An epic match, they got both turrets, we then pushed back to get their first one, then they aced us and got inhibitor and 90% of the nexus turret, then I don't even know how but we came back to win it. Not bad at all.

Edited by Whiteshade

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I really don't get the logic behind geting a snowball item.


Just think about it for a second. For a snowball item to be really usefull, you must stack it like crazz. To stack it like crazy, you must roflstomp the ennemy team whithout dying and completely outplay them.


So my question is: since you have to be annihilating them to make the item valable, why the fuck do you take it in the first place? You are ALREADY winning hard so what's the point?

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Finally got around to playing a PvP match and these were the results. It was my first one ever.




The two times I died, I ended up killing my attackers with poison damage after I was dead. One of the deaths was a double kill.

  • Brohoof 1

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I really don't get the logic behind geting a snowball item.


Just think about it for a second. For a snowball item to be really usefull, you must stack it like crazz. To stack it like crazy, you must roflstomp the ennemy team whithout dying and completely outplay them.


So my question is: since you have to be annihilating them to make the item valable, why the fuck do you take it in the first place? You are ALREADY winning hard so what's the point?


That's not quite true. I play often snowball items at mid as I don't find the others viable. ( Mejai is the only one decent ) And I often have quite a few stacks, even though we are loosing. ( That is as Veigar. ) You often see them on games where people get roflstomped, but that is because you are winning trough the stacks. ( And levels ) Both can be countered and avoided.


And the answer whether they are viable or not lies in it's price.


1 AP = 20g


The item costs 1235g, which means you can get it rather early on.

It gives you with 0 stacks:


20AP, which is about 61g per AP, so rather expensive.


At 5 stacks: ( 2 kills and 1 assist )


60 AP, which is about 21g per AP. This is the turning point, from here on it get's viable.


at 10 stacks:


100 AP, 13g per AP


at 20 stacks:


160 AP, 7g per AP and you get 15pc cd reduction! Although often you don't keep it that high, unless you're better.



Looking at the numbers we can see that once you have 6 stacks it keeps only getting better, and honestly 3 kills is not that much to do normally. ( And if it goes bad, just sell it? You loose about 600g in the process, it could be worse tbh. )



That is why I prefer per level runes rather than flat runes ( on some champs ) as their turning point is at level 6 which you should hit in under 10 mins. 1337 characters :D!!

I love you! <3

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The only time I get a snowball item that's not Mejais is usually on Talon. Occult FTW!

Snowball items are actually okay if you play right.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I'm just going to play Cassiopeia from now on.




She is so fun to play! It's kind of unfair but, I really don't care.


I always wanted to play cassiopiea and be able to snowball and own everyone, and then i realised i live in Australia. :(
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I always wanted to play cassiopiea and be able to snowball and own everyone, and then i realised i live in Australia. :(


She is so fun! I'm so glad I bought her!




She just has the ability to kill escaping champions so badly. She is terrible in huge battles though, since they usually target you first...

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I just realized I never posted this, so I'll post this. I think we all know which champ I'm saving for next.

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Playing on EU nordic & east.

Name: Bananapeniz


Playing as: Amumu, irelia, nocturn, annie most.

AD = Noc/irelia

Tank= Amumu/sion




stuffs like that... have much more champs but i think thay are the ones i play as most... Now my stats is SHIT becose i have shitty internet >:( but i can play like every 2:nd week becose then im at Dad and there is it better internet... here at mum i almost cant be on the internet cos it sucks so much so...... but add me :D

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The only viable snowballers are Lux, kassadin, akali and maybe urgoth (at least for me). With lux as support/mid (ap) is easy to get 20 stacks on mejay's, especially if you get flash and ghost with you and you're careful. I have played kassadin with mejay's before, and I must say that at first it may not be cost-effective, but when you get your rift walk, you stack mejay's up in no time. Akali is really good with her smoke bomb and her ulti - she can easily get kills and escape team fights when it gets too hot. Urgoth's e and q combo is an effective way of getting stacks, the only problem is that he can't use his ulti in every situation, 'cause who wouldn't focus an Urgoth if he landed an ulti on your ad carry (who is in the middle of your team) and has like 15 stacks on occult?


oh, and I just won a match with Zilean 3/5/32. o/

shiet got srs guise

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They were too scared of Lee Sin's mad skills so they just ousted.


I had no idea what happened this game...


You play Cass only because she is like your OC pony don't you half snake pony guy. ^_^


Playing now on NA as Lord Twi anypony want games?

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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You play Cass only because she is like your OC pony don't you half snake pony guy. ^_^


Playing now on NA as Lord Twi anypony want games?


Being a Lamia is just a plus. ;)


I also like the way she plays. Being able to kill after death, chasing down fleeing champs, and she can clear creeps like a boss.


Also, I don't like bots at all...




That Ashe was complaining about me KSing...

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Me and Tryn carried hard enough. My score was 8/4/6 at one point, then I just got silly and did stupid things and died because I knew we were going to win no matter what once I saw Akali had built Trinity Force instead of Lich Bane, along with their team playing like trash half the time.

Edited by Skyman


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FIDDLESTICKS' ITEMS I don't even. I chuckled at that.


Anyhow, today it was the day. The decided day that echoed throughout the 1600 ELO of North East.

As a polite little gamer, the one thing before thee need to hear from me before you find your gory demise, or alternatively your glorious victory:


PS: I was supposed to post a picture of my glorious victory after carrying hard, but then our Yorick decided to throw the game hard.

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Ignore the fact that it's Xin Zhao showing and instead look at the Ezreal score. My game crashed, so a friend had to screen shot it for me. Anyways, first time playing Ez in a relatively long while and I go 6/2/6 with 300+ farm woo! I didn't get Triforce because I wasn't really ahead of Cait(she was only 20 or so CS behind me but had a couple of kills to make up for it), so I just went the regular AD carry route with Inf Edge/PD/BT/LW(would have been my next purchase)/Greaves/GA

  • Brohoof 1


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So, I went smurfing with BananaStorm...

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Those poor innocents.

PS: PonyStorm, aka BananaStorm, was very sour that he didn't get to fix his KD to be positive :D

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Two Shen games, two wins, with a great score both times to boot. These were also my first time playing Shen in a somewhat long time, too, so I'm proud of how good I did so relatively easily.

  • Brohoof 1


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I decided to play Irelia, she seemed to be fun! And I have to say, she is a lot of fun.


First game didn't go so well, my team was doing rather bad, and my jungling is a bit lackluster if you don't setup ganks for me.


But this second one went a lot better!


Carried later on with Graves, even if he wasn't there as often.


( They managed to pop my GA only once in 15 mins, and that was as I was being stupid by their nexus :P )




Better nerf Irelia

  • Brohoof 1

I love you! <3

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