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Yoosha! 3 Ranked games wins in a row. 

I am on a fucking killing spree. Been playing Support Leona and its too stronk for anyone to handle. 

Also, people say Fizz is a good counter against Gragas. Well, i managed to make the Fizz rage quit. 




inb4 telling me i have no kills. 


Nice! Also kills don't always tell the whole story. I know I played a game where I was responsible for at least 8 kills but the last hit was always gotten by someone else. Plus you can play a great game keeping the enemy team unable to harass you and too scared to do anything which while no kills could mean great gameplay.


Has anyone else tried that new ARAM style of play? Its very quickly making me learn all the new rotated champions. I have to say I'm having a lot more fun with this and dominion then I am classic. It gets pretty tough at times because you cannot just go back to base to heal. You either need skills or health regen/steal or the small health regens on the map. Plus you cannot buy anything unless you have just died. I'm still trying to figure a good strategy out for it but its hard since I never know who I will be playing as.

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@@StarStep, I know that silly <3

I was just being very ironic since i was playing Support. The more kills a support has, the worse xD


Speaking of supports, i tried out Nami för the first time, i love her <3



About the new ARAM mode.

I love it! 


Played a few matches, first game we had a leaver so we got our asses handed to our self. 


  • Brohoof 2



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I'm rather new to this game, but I enjoy it a lot.

I mostly play Dr.Mundo and Voibear.

I am as of this moment, suffering from a three day ban because my brother disabled the hotspot on my phone while I was in the middle of a match. (And doing quite well, mind you.)

~We stop looking for the monsters under our beds when we realize they're inside us.



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Hey, hey, hey! Guess who's back... Again. I really need to stop making a habit of leaving xD. Regardless, I am back playing LoL again and I might even try to poke around the forums here a bit more to! 2 months of no games and Voli is apparently meta now. My first ranked game back and Shen wasn't banned! Strange world. Guess I should throw up a score or something... and I have nothing new except a 2/0/22 Shen game that I didn't screen cap -.-. 






I'm rather new to this game, but I enjoy it a lot.

I mostly play Dr.Mundo and Voibear.

I am as of this moment, suffering from a three day ban because my brother disabled the hotspot on my phone while I was in the middle of a match. (And doing quite well, mind you.)

And for you, feel free to add Lord Sprixx when you have a chance. I'd love to play a game with you :)

  • Brohoof 2

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Hey, hey, hey! Guess who's back... Again. I really need to stop making a habit of leaving xD. Regardless, I am back playing LoL again and I might even try to poke around the forums here a bit more to! 2 months of no games and Voli is apparently meta now. My first ranked game back and Shen wasn't banned! Strange world. Guess I should throw up a score or something... and I have nothing new except a 2/0/22 Shen game that I didn't screen cap -.-. 


And for you, feel free to add Lord Sprixx when you have a chance. I'd love to play a game with you smile.png


Oh my. I haven't seen you in months! How've you been old pal ^^?







I'm rather new to this game, but I enjoy it a lot.

I mostly play Dr.Mundo and Voibear.

I am as of this moment, suffering from a three day ban because my brother disabled the hotspot on my phone while I was in the middle of a match. (And doing quite well, mind you.)

Keep playing that Voli. He's super stronk and eats his greens like his mother told him to :3

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh my. I haven't seen you in months! How've you been old pal ^^?



Keep playing that Voli. He's super stronk and eats his greens like his mother told him to :3

 Soup buddeh! Glad to see you're still around! I was playing Voli when he was mediocre at best, and now he's really good now! That made my day for sure. What are the standard bans for ranked now? I'm used to Amumu, Blitz, and Shen banned every game so naturally, I am a bit lost when I have to ban.

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 Soup buddeh! Glad to see you're still around! I was playing Voli when he was mediocre at best, and now he's really good now! That made my day for sure. What are the standard bans for ranked now? I'm used to Amumu, Blitz, and Shen banned every game so naturally, I am a bit lost when I have to ban.

Standard bans from silver 2-gold 5 is: Shen, Malph, Heca, Elise, Kha and Vi. At least on EUW. Might be slightly diff on NA but probably same.

And I'm still around yush ^^


EDIT: I forgot about Renekton and Leona.

Edited by Toasty
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So yeah, I happened to select the Frostguard to be my clan for that new event. The whole thing looks quite epic, and I am definitely trying for the 10.


Meanwhile, while it does feel like a lagfest on my computer (40 FPS. Summoner's Rift can do around 60 under normal conditions), the new ARAM mode is just plain epic to the end. Especially during my first game, when I got the luckiest champion selection I could get:



how the hell can this thing happen in 32:28 minutes?!

that must have been the best, or the worst game ever! XD

i love the fact your ADC has the worst KDA in your team >w<




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Yeah. I used to play League of Legends a lot, then my computer got messed up. Haven't played for a long time, but I probably should start playing again. I played Akali and LeBlanc a lot. Burst damage is always good.

Sanity is overrated. So are signatures.

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The next upcoming champion as been revealed. Or...Leaked i should say.

It might not even be legit, but its worth sharing with you guys.




Looks pretty cool.

The only thing he needs is Samuel Jackson to voice him. And his attack quote has to be

"I've had it with these mother fucking minions on my mother fucking lane!"

  • Brohoof 2



Signature made by Kyoshi

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The next upcoming champion as been revealed. Or...Leaked i should say.

It might not even be legit, but its worth sharing with you guys.




Looks pretty cool.

The only thing he needs is Samuel Jackson to voice him. And his attack quote has to be

"I've had it with these mother fucking minions on my mother fucking lane!"

I like his design.


Any info on what role he'll be filling or any of that stuff?


I'd love it if he was a new adc or viable as one. *Starts drooling*

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I like his design.


Any info on what role he'll be filling or any of that stuff?


I'd love it if he was a new adc or viable as one. *Starts drooling*

Nope. No information at all.

But i figure that this is the ADC they teased us with some time ago, or was that Quinn? I have no idea.

But this will most likely be one as well. Now i'm just waiting for the promised Yordle Jungler.

  • Brohoof 1



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and sooooo super irritating!

you cant believe how many noobs ><

yesterday someone in a game bragged about being pro cause he has a skin ._.

But Didn't you hear? Skin=skill no exceptions! :P But in all seriousness, I can't find the words to describe some people xD.




how the hell can this thing happen in 32:28 minutes?!

that must have been the best, or the worst game ever! XD

i love the fact your ADC has the worst KDA in your team >w<

Also, that was an ARAM so nothing to lose sleep over. In fact, as far as ARAMs are concerned, that looks pretty tame.

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Just the other day I had a game where I was playing as AP Karma mid. early game was hard, mid game we were kinda winning, but sadly late game we lost. But, that's not the point I'm posting. The point is because I found an interesting, one-in-a-million-games thingy:



shiet got srs guise

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Just the other day I had a game where I was playing as AP Karma mid. early game was hard, mid game we were kinda winning, but sadly late game we lost. But, that's not the point I'm posting. The point is because I found an interesting, one-in-a-million-games thingy:












Karma has nice damage and sustain, thats why i think she is a good mid and a "bad" support.

  • Brohoof 1



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Hey ya´ll add me :DD
I do everything EXCEPT Support^^
My favourite champs are Thresh,Zac,Hecarim and Quinn.

So if you need a good jungler or carry I´m here :DD

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So just a bit of random thoughts that are League related. Firstly, I am glad to see that Shen is still the best thing ever. Rolling over top lanes, and having everyone say "OMG SHEN OP!" Which I guess is true, but I still haven't faced a Shen I couldn't beat in top lane. Guess that's the advantage of playing Shen since he's been bad xD. Also, who else has been absolutely loving this new ARAM mode? My only problem with it so far is that some people are taking it a bit too seriously since it has the word "Normal" next to it.

  • Brohoof 1

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So far I haven't seen a Lissandra from no one yet. That is, or unless my memory is dead as of now.

But anyhow, this is my best game with her:


When you have her with an Elise at full AP, then you know you're already gonna win when you take out 100% of Fizz's life in one burst.


Its pretty awkward too, since our team started out bad. (( I died to an invade, then when Sej and Amumu went to get their blue they died too )) We ended up feeding Fizz until I came in and started to focus him much more then anyone.

That being said, when I was focusing someone I would freeze them practically to death and then shield myself with Zhonya's hourglass.

It was so much fun ;)


A shoutout to Dr-Whooves for making this sweet thing~

Anyway, go ahead and visit my http://mlpforums.com/user/380-sirius-crescent/'>About Me page for my characters :3

Engaged to Steel Crescent as of 5/1/2013

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I'm one of the millions of people who had never played Darius before until now


In retrospect, I do believe that this went pretty well.

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Decided to get back into LoL, which is kinda hard, because it's blocked on campus. I can play all I want at the local hobby shop, but I'm mostly playing Magic while there :P


Anyway, two of my Mac-using friends are now starting the game, so I get to teach them how to play, should be interesting.


Also, been practicing with Fizz and Karma. Fizz is crazy and fun and seems almost OP. Karma is also fun, and I find I like playing support, which is good, because nobody else ever seems to want to :P

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Decided to get back into LoL, which is kinda hard, because it's blocked on campus. I can play all I want at the local hobby shop, but I'm mostly playing Magic while there tongue.png


Anyway, two of my Mac-using friends are now starting the game, so I get to teach them how to play, should be interesting.


Also, been practicing with Fizz and Karma. Fizz is crazy and fun and seems almost OP. Karma is also fun, and I find I like playing support, which is good, because nobody else ever seems to want to tongue.png

Fizz is extremely strong and is almost like you said, OP.

Karma however is not a support in my eyes. She got high damage and is able to heal herself. 


The only way she can support is with her shield (E).

They took away her support role after the reworked her. She used to be able to heal, shield and buff movement speed.



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Fizz is extremely strong and is almost like you said, OP.

Karma however is not a support in my eyes. She got high damage and is able to heal herself. 


The only way she can support is with her shield (E).

They took away her support role after the reworked her. She used to be able to heal, shield and buff movement speed.


Karma is still a decent support. She has a shield, grants movement speed, and has a slow. This is almost no different than how Lulu would play. Only her ult has a heal. But you can't rely on that as much as taric heals.


Supports don't need heals to be a "true" support. Ask Blitzcrank players, or zyra supports.

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 1


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Karma is still a decent support. She has a shield, grants movement speed, and has a slow. This is almost no different than how Lulu would play. Only her ult has a heal. But you can't rely on that as much as taric heals.


Supports don't need heals to be a "true" support. Ask Blitzcrank players, or zyra supports.

I never said that heals would be required. Me myself plays Leona as main support in Ranked games.

I'm just saying that Karma is a better mid now since they removed some of her Support abilities. 



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I never said that heals would be required. Me myself plays Leona as main support in Ranked games.

I'm just saying that Karma is a better mid now since they removed some of her Support abilities. 


Honestly she was a better mid before rework. The damage old Karma would do is pale in comparison to her damage now. Her shield was MUCH stronger when build as a mid champ, and her heal was very strong.


Goes in, deals her damage, shields all of yours, and heals anything that got through as you are halved.


She actually is more of a support now than ever. She was like Kayle. Only now Kayle is a stronger mid who can "support"

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Ahh, Karma. The only champion in the game where extensive buffs through a rework actually dropped her win percentage from 35% to 30%.


Nobody played her before. Still nobody (relative term) plays her now. There's just....so many better choices.


Except Talon. But he just sucks.


I'm pretty sure Jayce would be a better mid, since his Shurelyia's isn't on a 30 second cooldown or whatever it is for Karma.


The fact that her support tools were pretty much axed isn't helping. If we're going off the basis of her one spell that can help allies directly (the shield) and the slow, I'm pretty sure we all know which support does that also, except better in every way.


Hint: her name starts with J, and ends in anna.


So yeah, keep playin' Fizz. Good on ya.


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