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I still got my Morgana support game going on :D This was probably the most beautiful game I've played as her in a long time xD




And as a bonus, damage screen:




Any time I would catch Kha in a Q, it would be a death sentence for him, since I was always carrying around 2 pink wards :D Another bonus, I ulted a grand total of 3 times. Never had a good chance to do so outside of them.

Dang, nice job on that.

My PC just died, so I won't be able to play for a while. :(

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I would love to play with you some time. The community's toxicity has been quite taxing on the old motivation here. I've been having quite some fun playing Ahri (as support or mage) and Irelia (still trying to find my preferred playing style for her, but leaning towards a tankier build).


As a little side note, how's everyone enjoying hexakill? I haven't been playing LoL for incredibly long, but dare I say in my opinion this feels like what the main game should play like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a couple more good games in the past couple days :D


First was a ranked game. They first picked Cassiopeia, so I decided to play someone I know I can beat her with. Swain. Here's the post-game info:








I beat her in lane hard. 4/0 by the time laning phase ended and, IIRC, I was ~40-50 creep ahead of her. My farm was bad because I got tired of arguing with Lucian over farm in mid lane.


Another is a Ziggs game. I faced an Irelia and out farmed her so hard all game (100 creep ahead at the end). GP got goon squaded in mid lane right in front of my tower while my ult still had ~5 seconds of CD left. I ulted 4 of them just as he went down, then followed up with getting a quad and finally dying to Yi who showed up late. If I had realized Zilean was behind me, I probably would have gotten another penta with him >.<







Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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HAH! Awesome! I really make it rain bullets on summoner's rift as my favorite champ is Jinx. Either that or I bring an eclipse with Leona or make the rivers go red with Vladimir. I play on EU Nordic and East if anyone wants to add me my name is Zenaheld. Soon to be lvl 30 (in the 20s for now) and I can play everything except jungle. 
Back to the important stuff! JINX IS AWESOME!  :)

I also have a few friends from school who are pro players so I also invite them to games. (we know who carries us >.>)

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There's a League thread?! Damn, I swore I couldn't find one when I checked, I must have been derping out hard.


So I got Gold V yesterday, that's a thing. I would like to thank the lord of toplane, Vladimir, even though a few games were questionable from my end.

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I got into Silver IV after finishing provisionals with Ziggs and Thresh. I'm so glad I don't have to go through bronze.


But Bronze is fun! You don't even have to try and you'll probably win.

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I'm finally level 30! Doubt it's special to anyone anymore, but I'm proud of myself, lol


As my friend put it: "Welcome to the beginning of the end"

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Hey, anyone here possibly wanna make a ranked team? I have been looking for a fun team. Just one where it doesn't matter and we play to see how far we can get as a team. I hate all the negativity and I think it's childish, you win less with a bad attitude! I don't care if you have played ranked before if you're a bronzie or a plat+  although I doubt a plat would wanna make a team with me.. I show up as bronze... should have been gold but I stopped playing for a while and didn't realize they kicked me down to bronze till it was too late lol.


Anywho I play NA, I main support, but mid and top as well. We should make a team for shiggles :D message me or reply to this here awsome post if you are interested :D

  • Brohoof 2
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 I main support,




A team would be pretty awesome, for sure... I'm actually also a support main, more or less. But I can play a few champs at a good level in each lane, except maybe Jungle.

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A team would be pretty awesome, for sure... I'm actually also a support main, more or less. But I can play a few champs at a good level in each lane, except maybe Jungle.

Lol sweet! We are a rare breed xD


We should totally make a team and heck we can rotate positions, or you could be support if you wanted :D If you are down then we need 3 more

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It could always be one of those 'it depends' sort of things. Like if we're looking for a good matchup in a lane and you can't play it but I can, we swap lanes accordingly.


Summoner name tho.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ranked NA team, huh? Hmm... Sounds interesting :P I don't support at all, but that's taken care of xD I like the other roles, though I used to main jungle so hard in the past lol... Used to love Jungle Vi x) Now I mainly go top and ADC, but I can still jungle fine and my midlane pool could use some work though I have enough champs to do that fine too (I like taking AP Ez midlane lol)


Anyways, summoner name is Electrobolt3




... And oh yeah, servers acting up for anyone else here in NA? Just as I said that, servers down lol

Edited by Electrobolt
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... And oh yeah, servers acting up for anyone else here in NA?


Yep, it's been pretty bad over the past few days. Makes some games hard with all the little lag spikes.

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I'm currently in Bronze II, simply because of bad promos....but I went from 4 to 2 and plan on getting to either high silver or low gold by end of season (hopefully) If you wanna carry me you're more than welcome xD


I used to be a very strong jungler, but that shifted to top lane as well as ADC. I can fill jungle and support, though they aren't my strong hold. 

I usually suck it up mid lane, unless I'm talon/zed or some AD mid, which doesn't happen all too often. 


I recently got gangplank, and man can he snowball! I was in a game laning against a rek. when he gave me a kill and let me farm under turret. Once a team fight broke out I was dishing out 1100+ from a Q. Insane. 



Edited by Retro*Derpy


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My summoners is MegucaIsMagic. That's an I, as in Meguca Is Magic. I'll add you guys when I'm on next, watching the LCS at the moment... Anyone else like watching pro play for LoL?

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My summoners is MegucaIsMagic. That's an I, as in Meguca Is Magic. I'll add you guys when I'm on next, watching the LCS at the moment... Anyone else like watching pro play for LoL?


Ah yeah, the LCS! I saw that yesterday... Dat TSM doe lol, with the 0-death Wukong #Kappa

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I'm Star Heartlocke on NA, as soon as I have my preferred champions together again I can play pretty much any position safe for jungling fairly reliably, though considering the demand for junglers nowadays I might just practice that for a bit. Seriously though, when did junglers get less popular than supports?

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@@Electrobolt, I'm so happy Reginald is back and owning. I like Bjergsen, but Regi's a classic and I'm glad to see he hasn't lost his touch. Mostly.



I'm Star Heartlocke on NA, as soon as I have my preferred champions together again I can play pretty much any position safe for jungling fairly reliably, though considering the demand for junglers nowadays I might just practice that for a bit. Seriously though, when did junglers get less popular than supports?


Jungle needs the most combination of mechanics and game knowledge, in my opinion. It's such a hard role and the role most raged at... Just not fun, in my opinion.

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Jungle needs the most combination of mechanics and game knowledge, in my opinion. It's such a hard role and the role most raged at... Just not fun, in my opinion.

That is why we are making a team 0 bitching :D so if you wanna learn something or try something new you can! Serious funzies is always best. You try to win but above all you have fun. Also the servers are down for NA right? Or is it just lappy?

  • Brohoof 1
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That is why we are making a team 0 bitching :D so if you wanna learn something or try something new you can! Serious funzies is always best. You try to win but above all you have fun. Also the servers are down for NA right? Or is it just lappy?


Lag, more or less. And yeah, I'd volunteer to be the jungler for our team just so I can round out my solo Q abilities!

  • Brohoof 1
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That is why we are making a team 0 bitching :D so if you wanna learn something or try something new you can! Serious funzies is always best. You try to win but above all you have fun. Also the servers are down for NA right? Or is it just lappy?


For me, the NA servers are down

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