frecklesareblooming 225 June 30, 2015 Share June 30, 2015 - I tend to like fictional characters more than people I know in real life. - I absolutely detest most of my extended family members. The majority of them are judgemental and completely self-absorbed. - I have arguments with myself in my head. - I'm afraid of the dark, and must sleep with my lamp on and laptop playing a movie/tv show. - I'm extremely paranoid about injury or death. Sometimes I'm afraid to leave my house. "When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ButterKingPyromaniac 86 June 30, 2015 Share June 30, 2015 Confession I'm insane. I have a second one but I'm not ready. 1 Hey come check me out at fimfiction! Nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible. The Universe loves you for you are special. You can change the world be that for worse or better is up to you. Good and justice will always prevail over evil but only if you believe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Looking Glass 197 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 LOL! I'm so glad that a fellow gearhead saw that post of mine. Oh gosh... It's too funny Yah, but I'll tell you (something you might possibly know already [?]) the reason why I felt no regrets in doing that... I know what parent companies make what name brand oil filters (same goes for which parent oil company makes the name brands and off-brands). And, this is no dis' on ACDelco, but... the new E-Core oil filters they make now, from Champ Labs... Are terrible. The media used inside E-Core ACDelco filters is weak, and prone to collapsing. Plus, the new flat design on the face-plate metal is bad news for some certain older cars, depending on the style of oil mount used in the older GM vehicles. On the other hand, Motorcraft oil filters are made by Purolator. And, if I may say so myself, (as sort of a self-learned expert on oil and filters), Purolator oil filters are well-built. The Purolator made Motorcraft filters only differ sometimes (from the Puro Classic filters) in the placement of the bypass valve in the filter. Ford Spec for most filters uses a dome-end bypass, rather than a thread-end bypass, and also uses a silicon anti-drain-back-valve (ADBV) [instead of a nitrile one like the Puro Classic uses]... So, for example: The Motorcraft FL820S (used on most Ford Triton 4.6L and 5.4L V8 applications, such as my 2001 F-150) is basically the same filter as the Purolator L24651... except that the Motorcraft uses silicon ADBV instead of nitrile. Wix makes Napa filters. If I remember correctly, Royal Purple and K&N make their own filters, and Amsoil sometimes uses Donaldson and/or Fleetguard made filters, but sometimes makes its own. And well... heh... Honeywell makes Fram... *gag* ... I will never put the Orange Can Of Death (OCOD) on any of my vehicles. The cheap orange Fram filters are horrible. The extended-drain Fram filters are made better than the OCOD, but I still can't bring myself to ever use a Fram. So, as you can see, when it comes to oil filters, I know my stuff. If you wanted my opinion on which filters are the best... I'd just say probably Purolator (and thus Motorcraft), Wix (and thus Napa), K&N and Royal Purple. It all depends on what kind of oil you're using, for me. I'd spend the extra cash on a filter with synthetic filter media if I was to use synthetic oil. If I was going to use conventional oil, a Motorcraft filter is my choice. ~ Miles I agree with you on the Fram being garbage. I use Purolator for all my vehicles. And funny thing about the motorcraft filter, when I bought my (dodge) truck, that's what it had on it. I replaced it with a Purolator. I also once put a GM alternator on a Dodge, And a jeep. As for my confessions, here goes: Pony Related: - I have admitted In other posts about my feelings for Twilight Sparkle. I love her! (Ziggy knows where I come from!) I would even buy a robotic version of her if it were possible to make one that was fully aware. -I like the Equestria girls movies - I don't mind Twilight as an Alicorn, even if I did like her better as a unicorn. - I don't like the Derpyhooves shipping, and don't consider myself a fan of shipping in general, but I am a sucker for a well written shipfic (Safe or NSFW) - I prefer Princess Celestia over Luna (not that I dislike Luna or any of the ponies really) - I do find the ponies Attractive, and I do enjoy Mature fan Art and Stories - I would love to be able to go to Equestria, and to be able to travel between earth and any universe I wanted via a portal Non- pony related: -I tend to make long posts - I tend to talk in big words a lot without trying - I'm a lot more open online than in real life, I'm kinda reserved IRL. - Im more attracted to "cute" women than "hot" women. - I try to as non- judgemental as possible, but: * I dont like really lazy people * I dispise those who act like they are better than me * I have a problem respecting a person of authority if I feel they didn't earn it, and/or flaunt it all the time. * really stupid people can piss me off sometimes. (If they try to start an argument with me) - I have had interests in things most people might find odd: * I have a small collection of Vacuum Cleaners * I like American Cars from the 1970s, even the AMC Gremlin. - I consider myself Straight, but I have had some...curiosities - I was a furry before I discovered My Little Pony and the brony fandom. My mother discovered this when she stumbled on a suggestive picture of Sandy cheeks I had when I was younger. -I used to have a bit of a crush on Renamon (female) when I was younger, even though I didn't really watch digimon. -Im somewhat conservative In my political beliefs, even though I support Gay Marriage and the legalization of Marijuana. - I consider myself somewhat agnostic, and I don't care for organized religion. (Not atheist!) -I don't find sex or anything about it degrading or immoral, and I can't understand why so many do. Car related: - I don't really care for Chevy Small Block v8s in hot rods, I find it too cliché I don't care for Rice Burners (with a few exceptions), and while I like the looks of Lamborghinis and other exotics, I don't like the way they sound. I prefer the rumble of an American Muscle car. - I like full- sized cars, like the Chrysler New Yorker, and the Cadillac Eldorado. 1 My AMA: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 (edited) -If I wasn' t a Christian, I most likely would be a bisexual. -My mom didn't let me watch Pokemon when I was younger. -I guzzle more coffee than anyone in my entire family. -I see nothing wrong with incest or polygamy because the Bible actually says both those things are ok. -As a Libertarian, I disagree with the method of how gay marriage was legalized nationwide. We were on the right path before the law was passed. Fact is, if you go based on the votes of only 5 people out of hundreds of millions of Americans, there's going to be allot of people who are going to disagree with that. This can and probably is going to lead to allot of social tension which is always not a good thing. I have a feeling that shit will eventually hit the fan and we won't be prepared for what happens. Now how do I think this issue should have been handled? Let each state vote for the legalization democratically by it's own people. As time goes on, the people in each state give into social pressure and vote to have gay marriage legalized. So when the last state changes their mind, make it a national law. And in the end, there wouldn't be a whole lot of tension goin' on and gays would be more excepted into society. I just wish this was the plan to begin with. But I guarantee you we're gonna see shit hit the fan and it's not going to be pretty. Change shouldn't be forced on society. Let society change by itself. Edited July 1, 2015 by Gordon Freeman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jora 164 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 i really want to have some gay friends and get comfortable hanging around gays (not that i'm a homophob by any means i just want to chill with them but i'm super shy lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nila Bean 133 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I have a...fascination? Strong liking? to alcohol. I wouldn't call it an obsession per say, but I do tend to think about it a lot. My mom would let me have some to calm my anxiety attacks, and since then I've been drinking without her consent (Not proud of it.) Lately though, she hasn't been buying a lot of drinks, and it hurts pretty bad, but maybe that's a good warning that I need to stay away from the stuff... I just love the soothing effect it gives. Now I can kinda understand why people get addicted to it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Looking Glass 197 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 -If I wasn' t a Christian, I most likely would be a bisexual. -My mom didn't let me watch Pokemon when I was younger. -I guzzle more coffee than anyone in my entire family. -I see nothing wrong with incest or polygamy because the Bible actually says both those things are ok. -As a Libertarian, I disagree with the method of how gay marriage was legalized nationwide. We were on the right path before the law was passed. Fact is, if you go based on the votes of only 5 people out of hundreds of millions of Americans, there's going to be allot of people who are going to disagree with that. This can and probably is going to lead to allot of social tension which is always not a good thing. I have a feeling that shit will eventually hit the fan and we won't be prepared for what happens. Now how do I think this issue should have been handled? Let each state vote for the legalization democratically by it's own people. As time goes on, the people in each state give into social pressure and vote to have gay marriage legalized. So when the last state changes their mind, make it a national law. And in the end, there wouldn't be a whole lot of tension goin' on and gays would be more excepted into society. I just wish this was the plan to begin with. But I guarantee you we're gonna see shit hit the fan and it's not going to be pretty. Change shouldn't be forced on society. Let society change by itself. I agree with you on the gay marriage thing. Now , like you , I dont have a problem with them getting married, in fact, I would go so far as when the first aliens (Non-hostile) come here, I would fight for them to be able to marry with a human if they so desire, as well as self-aware robots. I agree that the method they used to pass the law was unacceptable. They should have waited for a 2/3 majority and passed it in accordance to the Constitution. By just passing it the way they did, it lays the ground work for the federal government to pass more unpopular laws (like banning guns, and abolishing term limits, two things that help keep the us from becoming a dictatorship). The fact they now pass laws willy-nilly is truly unnerving, and using the gay marriage issue as a guinea pig, provides a good test and a distraction to keep us busy while they pass laws that will turn the us Constitution Into a memory of the "former" United States of America. I got a kid suspended in high school because I cheated off him on a test and blamed him for it. That reminds me Of when I got in trouble due to letting a friend cheat off my test. Not the first time I did, but the first and only time I was caught. My AMA: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 -As a Libertarian, I disagree with the method of how gay marriage was legalized nationwide. We were on the right path before the law was passed. Fact is, if you go based on the votes of only 5 people out of hundreds of millions of Americans, there's going to be allot of people who are going to disagree with that. This can and probably is going to lead to allot of social tension which is always not a good thing. I have a feeling that shit will eventually hit the fan and we won't be prepared for what happens. Now how do I think this issue should have been handled? Let each state vote for the legalization democratically by it's own people. As time goes on, the people in each state give into social pressure and vote to have gay marriage legalized. So when the last state changes their mind, make it a national law. And in the end, there wouldn't be a whole lot of tension goin' on and gays would be more excepted into society. I just wish this was the plan to begin with. But I guarantee you we're gonna see shit hit the fan and it's not going to be pretty. Change shouldn't be forced on society. Let society change by itself. I think some same sex couples would like to be married before hell freezes over. Without having to either move out-of-state or out-of-country. The right to marry is something that ought never have been denied same sex couples in the first place. It's not primarily a religious issue or a sanctity of marriage issue (which is straight up BS anyhow) or solely a legal issue; it is - first and foremost - an issue of human rights. Someone was always going to be butthurt; despite how little same sex marriage actually has to do with them. No matter how much opinions may change over time, someone will always be on the wrong side of this issue. Yes, I said "wrong." Denying same sex couples the right to marry is comparable to having at one time denied interracial couples the right to marry. Not everyone was ready for that when it became legal. And you know what? Some people still aren't ready for it. American society is slow to change; sometimes they need a kick straight in the ass. Hence the butthurt, I guess. xP So I think people (particularly those who claim they support same sex marriage) had ought to just move on with their lives now. The right thing happened, even if you didn't like how it happened. I'd have liked it if it had happened yearrrrrs ago and without all the damned teeth-pulling and contention from opponents who absolutely bent over backwards to stand in the way of change and the rights of others. Confession: Sick of discussing this now. Same sex couples can marry = good. You don't have a time machine. You didn't sit the supreme court. America has lagged behind several other parts of the world on this issue, and it was likely going to continue dragging its feet. In the future, the people who are complaining about the issue now will still be complaining about the issue. 5 "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Hadron 372 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Errr....I confess that the super-special imported oats that my parents bought were eaten Boy, it feels good to get that off my chest... (You know you are a brony when you can weave show references into any topic at any time... ) -I see nothing wrong with incest or polygamy because the Bible actually says both those things are ok. Not to derail this thread, but could you quickly point me to the verses that you have in mind, because I can't think of any. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randimaxis 8,654 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 I confess: When I was in elementary school, our art class got new buckets of paste for the year. I stole one, hid it in the back of the classroom & spent all year slowly eating THE ENTIRE BUCKET. It was empty when the school year ended, and I put the empty bucket (which I had licked clean) back in the storage cupboard. I'll... just go hide in the corner now... (*munch, munch*) 3 ===== ( 0 ) ===== Fnord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 I think some same sex couples would like to be married before hell freezes over. Without having to either move out-of-state or out-of-country. The right to marry is something that ought never have been denied same sex couples in the first place. It's not primarily a religious issue or a sanctity of marriage issue (which is straight up BS anyhow) or solely a legal issue; it is - first and foremost - an issue of human rights. Someone was always going to be butthurt; despite how little same sex marriage actually has to do with them. No matter how much opinions may change over time, someone will always be on the wrong side of this issue. Yes, I said "wrong." Denying same sex couples the right to marry is comparable to having at one time denied interracial couples the right to marry. Not everyone was ready for that when it became legal. And you know what? Some people still aren't ready for it. American society is slow to change; sometimes they need a kick straight in the ass. Hence the butthurt, I guess. xP So I think people (particularly those who claim they support same sex marriage) had ought to just move on with their lives now. The right thing happened, even if you didn't like how it happened. I'd have liked it if it had happened yearrrrrs ago and without all the damned teeth-pulling and contention from opponents who absolutely bent over backwards to stand in the way of change and the rights of others. Confession: Sick of discussing this now. Same sex couples can marry = good. You don't have a time machine. You didn't sit the supreme court. America has lagged behind several other parts of the world on this issue, and it was likely going to continue dragging its feet. In the future, the people who are complaining about the issue now will still be complaining about the issue. I understand that there'll always be those who are against gay marriage.But I can assure you that my intentions are only to help the LGBT community. You see, if every state agreed to legalize gay marriage and THEN they made it a national law, there'd be big difference on a social scale compared to now. It may not sound like that big of deal if one state votes against gay marriage legalization. But look at it this way. Every state has a vast amount people in it. And I'm talking ALLOT of people. And that's a whole lot of people who need time and social pressure to change their minds. Who knows? Maybe my die-hard Conservative parents would even cave in. Trust me, if we had waited for each state to cave in, we'd have allot less of a social shitstorm than we're about to see coming ahead. Yes, we'd have to wait a bit longer, but in the end I think it would have been more worth it. Even quite a few people who actually are gay agree with me. And sorry if you're frustrated with me, I just wanted to clear my intensions up a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ted Cruz 177 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 I am secretly a llama. Pretty legit. .3. 5 woah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1111 1,284 July 9, 2015 Share July 9, 2015 I honestly don't want a romantic or intimate relationship with any one, I don't want kids and I don't care that much or feel that way for any one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkh_ 240 July 9, 2015 Share July 9, 2015 I confess that I don't get to tell anyone my feelings and that I have way too much to confess- I'd sound like a terrible train wreck to you guys and I'd type an essay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadAccount 4,604 July 11, 2015 Share July 11, 2015 I confess that I am terrible at art Sig by My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yayayayayala 1,668 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I confess that as of the other day, I have watched Pewdiepie. XD (Actually I've really just watched his videos with Marzia, they're so adorable together XD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ted Cruz 177 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I'm writing my first fanfiction, it's an Attack on Titan one of course. .3. It's Hanji x Petra, and I think I'm making it waaaay too fluffy. ;c 1 woah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunwalker 981 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 I am adult, but I still like watching kids cartoons. 1 "Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist; but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." ~ G. K. Chesterton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheheuwi9sidufud7eiwkn3 75 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 Mom: Is your room clean? Me: Eeyup Mom: What if I go check Me: Just don't open the closet, you might get buried in random crap Anyways, I am mean to our dogs when my sister is around just to annoy her, but I secretly love dogs <3 1 Working on 40 posts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yayayayayala 1,668 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I confess that until this moment I didn't realize that was an official emote. #firstworld...well actually confessions XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Time Shield 402 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I'm actually somewhat internet-famous, but I made a different username for use in brony fandoms because I'm not ready to connect it to my professional life just yet. 1 Avatar art by Dilarus -- Click below for my game downloads: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoconutCola 48 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Most of my near-deasth experiances, although eing preformed by other people, might have actually been my fault, hehe. ;U; Also I started a communist-esque regime on club penguin when I was 8, and might have a legacy there. 1 No male pronouns, please. All other pronouns are fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tesla 167 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Confessions, huh..? Back when I was dangerously underweight, I ate a whole jar of peanut butter on the way to school since I knew my dietician would be weighing me later. ;~; I've listened to this, or any of its remixes- literally more than 1,000 times this year, and I'm still not tired of it. >_< I'm somewhat of a misanthrope; though I love you (ya, you :3), I can feel violently angry to those that want to hurt you in any way, and I have dark thoughts of them suffering or being broken... =/ But if I change my perspective to pitying them instead, it's fine again. c: I love forced male-to-female TG art/videos etc. The idea of a guy becoming a girl and being treated in a way that embarrasses them is interesting to me, and maybe it links in with me being gender fluid and wanting to know what being a girl is like. And...~ I may have been curious once and read Fifty Shades of Grey. ... BEING A GIRL I KNOW IT IS AWFUL DO NOT DO IT !!!!! fluttershy is best pony Tesla Rae Terra Byte Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PegaDash1 78 July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 In case you have a confession you need to let off your chest, and I'm just curious! (Please no stories about child molestation, but I doubt anypony has those types of stories anyway) Well, mine is I secretly have a gay crush on somepony in particular... Now your turn. And I don't judge soooooo..... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PlunderSteed 1,252 July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. 3 Regards, PlunderSteed Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus. Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here. Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess. Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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