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gaming Talk about your Pokemon playthroughs


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Hey guys, Inks here. This thread was made to talk about, as the title suggests, your current pokemon playthrough. In the long and dreadful days that are between now and October 12, I decided to pick up Soul Silver and do my my first ever Nuzlocke. I picked Cyndaquil and named him Burnie. I then caught a Sentret who I named Noon, who died soon afterward. And I recently caught a Pidgey named Stark. I'll be updating the status of the Nuzlocke as it goes on. 


So how is your playthrough going?


EDIT: I realize that many people most likely aren't playing through anything, so instead of just current playythroughs, let's talk about all playthroughs!


EDIT 2: This thread isn't for you to talk about how you can't get into Pokemon or how it's boring to you. Don't post stuff like that.

Edited by Thinkin' Inks
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My current playthrough is in Emerald. I am stuck in Victory Road, I don't know where to go, and I'm to lazy to look up how to get out. Other that that, it's pretty good. Being stuck helped me get my team ready for the Elite Four.


                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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Someday soonish, I plan to use some shenanigans to do a Mr. Fish Challange as a Let's Play of White 2. Basically, that is where you force a level 5 magikarp as your starter, and level it up via struggle, then beat the game with nothing but a Gyrados. Oh, and he must be named Mr. Fish as per this comic strip.



Edited by Flying Space Badger

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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I'm currently playing through Diamond again as it was the first game I played, Currently on the Elite four, just doing some last minute training currently have a level 69 Torterra, Level 54 Gyarados, 61 rapidash, And quite a bit of others, can't remember at the current moment, should cope fine.

Edited by Sapphire Quill


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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im playing though black 2 im at the elite four stuck because im a bird keeper (-___- its hard only having bird type i wont be doing this again it easier to collect lots of other pokemon i know because i had a white2) i trained all my pokemon to level 100 beside my starter pokemon at level 99  can anyone show me a video of how to complete the elite four with only five flying type pokemon and two fire (becasue one is fire and flying)

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I'm replaying Gates to Infinity. I got really upset when I deleted my original account but I was bored on it and it's fun to play through it again! I am a Snivy and my partner's Axew. My original was me as a Tepig and my partner Oshawott.

I regret that I sold all of my other Pokemon games to get enough money for a 3ds. :(

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I'm currently playing through SoulSilver again. My team consists of a Scyther, Bayleef, Arbok, Ampharos, and an Onix so far. Still trying to decide who the sixth member should be right now. As for how far I have progressed, I'm at the sixth gym after barely winning at the fifth. So, I'm grinding a bit before taking on Jasmine.


I'm on Citadark Isle on Pokemon XD. Screwed up catching Poliwrath and Dugtrio because I was getting my butt kicked and decided it was best to kill them and wait for Mirror B. to appear to catch those two. Currently am still trying to catch them so that I have two extra strong shadow pokemon for the fight against Eldes. My team consists of these pokes. Gardevoir, Vaporeon, Ampharos, Arbok, Scyther, and I'm trying to decide between Hitmonlee or Aggron for sixth. Of course, the team I'll be using for the final boss will be different and comprised of six shadow pokemon. Anyway, speaking about my pokes, Gardevoir and Arbok are the two strongest pokes on my team. In terms of moves and levels.


I had started a nuzlocke playthrough of Emerald with a randomizer mod some time ago. It even changes your starters to be random. I think I'm right at the Elite 4 as of now. My team there is a little crazy considering the fact that it's all random. Crobat, Regirock, Ariados, Magmar, Salamence, and Snorlax. Funny thing, I lucked out and had Salamence as my starter. So sweet! B)



IF is best girl.

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I don't really have a current playthrough at the moment... well I'm still working on getting some of the medals in White 2, specifically the ones that require you to defeat the elite four using a monotype team. I'm putting together a hail team to do it.


When I was first going up against the elite four (or it might of been the first time I was going up against the elite four after having already beaten them), I got stuck on the champion. Iris' first pokemon would consistently sweep my team  -_-. So I changed my team around a bit: I trained up a glaceon and picked up some choice specs for glaceon to use, and I had my vaporeon learn hail and hold the rock to increase hail's duration. At that point I was able to destroy most of the elite four with a perfect accuracy choice specs blizzard. I think I took out Iris' Hydreigon with glaceon's ice beam though. 

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Update on my Nuzlocke:


Burnie the level 15 Quilava


Pokey the level 6 Slowpoke


Beep the level 7 Zubat


My deaths so far have been my sentret, a pidgey, and my bellsprout.


I almost lost against Falkner. It was so scary D:


EDIT: It pains me to say that Pokey has died to an unfortunate crit. RIP Pokey.

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Every time I start a Pokemon game I end up playing it for a few hours and then never touch it again. Ever. I can't bring myself to enjoy the Pokemon games and the main reason is that there are too many Pokemon. I end up using the same six throughout the game and all of that wasted potential goes down the drain.


Then again, I played Digimon World Dawn and Ni No Kuni just fine so maybe it's just that I don't actually like Pokemon anymore. The games at least. Between Pokemon Conquest, Mystery Dungeon and the standard games I can't bring myself to care all that much even if Roguelikes (Mystery Dungeon) and SRPGs (Conquest) are some of my favorite genres.


If even those cannot get me into Pokemon I dunno what will.


I want a more actiony Pokemon game. For years I've thought that action would fit Pokemon more than turn-based RPG would.


Now the anime, I love. I love it all. I haven't seen it since like ten or fifteen episodes into the region where Ash is traveling with May though.

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I'm currently playing pokemon: Ruby red, I've beaten 7/8 gym leaders and am about to catch groudon. My current team constists of


Aggron: Male, level 59


Rhidon: Male, level 41


Sceptile: Male, level 40


Gyarados: Male, level 25


Castform: Female, level 25


Wingull: Male, level 13


And for the record, I enjoy older pokemon games the most, anything above GBA sp and it bores me...

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I will speak of one of my old pokemon adventures like I'm describing a great fishing trip.


*whips out plastic bubble pipe*


It was the summer of 2003, I had beaten pokemon Ruby and taken up a great challenge, the challenge to scale the sky tower. I came prepared with 30 ultra balls, 15 revives and five full restores. With nothing but my bike and maps, I slowly climbed my way up the sky tower, falling through cracks in the floor with increasing frequency as I rose higher and higher within the tower.


I never gave up, for I knew what beast awaited me at the top of the tower. I made it through my final door and the green serpentine dragon sat there awaiting my appearance. Our eyes locked, and so began our month long struggle


My level 59 Blaziken was my strongest ally against my scaled nemesis, the rest of my team being a meat shield for healing my fiery friend. I threw ultra ball after ultra ball, the demon was in a constant state of existing between the world of the living and the afterlife, but it refused to be captured alive. Days passed, soon weeks. My pokemon and I began to grow weary of holding it off.


Then a miracle happened. On my last ultra ball, I heard the regular sound. It wriggled as if the serpent was desperately trying to break out like all the previous attempts, but it couldn't. The ball stopped wobbling and the distant sound of a fanfare played through the wind. The beast's reign of terror had finally come to a close...


(Seriously, it really did take me an entire month to catch Rayquaza. What I have written in here is a bit embellished, but everything is true.)

Edited by Celtore
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Gather 'round children, for now is time to tell the story of Greg the Bulbasaur.


In the Kanto region, there was a small town by the name of Pallet. In this town lived a boy named Joe. One day, Joe decided to leave home and explore the world. Before he could do so, however, he needed to visit the town professor and get a companion. Out of the three choices he had, Joe decided upon the one he thought was cutest: the Bulbasaur, whom he named "Greg." With the two of them ready to go, they left Pallet for the wide world beyond.

The two of them were inseparable. Everywhere Joe went, Greg followed. Whenever Joe needed help, Greg gladly lent a hand. And whenever things looked rough, the duo expertly coordinated a counterattack that left all opposition in the dust.Times were tough occasionally, yes. But no matter what, the two of them persevered.

Once they reached a nearby city, Pewter City, they learned that there was a force impeding their success. Calling itself the "Indigo League", it consisted of eight of the strongest trainers in the land, as well as a final challenge on top of a distant plateau. Joe decided then and there that he would show them who the boss was around here, and wanted to take on their challenge. Greg happily agreed.

Starting with Brock of Pewter City, Joe and Greg officially accepted the league's challenge. They very swiftly defeated Brock, and then moved on to the next town. And so, this pattern continued on until every one of the League's guardians was defeated.

However, along the way, the duo found trouble. A gang of evildoers was plotting to get rich off of the creatures which inhabited the land. Foiling the plans of this team, calling itself "Rocket", became another priority of the duo. Wiping out the members of this team as they went, the duo eventually reached their headquarters. Confronting their boss, a man known as "Giovanni", Joe and Greg faced a tough fight unlike any other they had faced. The power of good was on their side, however, and they succeeded. Giovanni, while not neutralized, was less of a priority for the time.

Along their way, both of them grew. Joe grew in mind, becoming ever more clever and strategic. Greg, conversely, grew in strength, becoming larger and more powerful. Eventually, Joe had the mind of a brilliant strategist, and Greg had become the monstrous force known as "Venusaur".

Once seven of the League's eight leaders had been defeated, Joe and Greg retraced their steps, returning to a city close to home. There, they faced their final challenge, the eighth leader. To their surprise, the face was familiar. The man was none other than Giovanni, the man they had faced before and triumphed against. Knowing that previous victory did not guarantee victory then, the two of them proceeded cautiously. After several close calls, the two nonetheless claimed victory against Giovanni, both securing a spot against the League's final challenge and cleansing the region of Team Rocket's threat in one single action.

With all that they needed in hand, the two headed west. Once there, they went through the gates to the final challenge. From there, the story is yet to be told. It is not known if the duo will claim victory yet again and become the best the region has ever seen. And to be honest, the story may never be finished. But if it does come to a conclusion, it will only all the more prove that the bond between these two is capable of overcoming all threats in their path.


tl;dr, I nearly beat LeafGreen with nothing but a Venusaur, with other random Pokemon as Revive fuel. Dang, I'm good.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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Gather 'round children, for now is time to tell the story of Greg the Bulbasaur.


In the Kanto region, there was a small town by the name of Pallet. In this town lived a boy named Joe. One day, Joe decided to leave home and explore the world. Before he could do so, however, he needed to visit the town professor and get a companion. Out of the three choices he had, Joe decided upon the one he thought was cutest: the Bulbasaur, whom he named "Greg." With the two of them ready to go, they left Pallet for the wide world beyond.

The two of them were inseparable. Everywhere Joe went, Greg followed. Whenever Joe needed help, Greg gladly lent a hand. And whenever things looked rough, the duo expertly coordinated a counterattack that left all opposition in the dust.Times were tough occasionally, yes. But no matter what, the two of them persevered.

Once they reached a nearby city, Pewter City, they learned that there was a force impeding their success. Calling itself the "Indigo League", it consisted of eight of the strongest trainers in the land, as well as a final challenge on top of a distant plateau. Joe decided then and there that he would show them who the boss was around here, and wanted to take on their challenge. Greg happily agreed.

Starting with Brock of Pewter City, Joe and Greg officially accepted the league's challenge. They very swiftly defeated Brock, and then moved on to the next town. And so, this pattern continued on until every one of the League's guardians was defeated.

However, along the way, the duo found trouble. A gang of evildoers was plotting to get rich off of the creatures which inhabited the land. Foiling the plans of this team, calling itself "Rocket", became another priority of the duo. Wiping out the members of this team as they went, the duo eventually reached their headquarters. Confronting their boss, a man known as "Giovanni", Joe and Greg faced a tough fight unlike any other they had faced. The power of good was on their side, however, and they succeeded. Giovanni, while not neutralized, was less of a priority for the time.

Along their way, both of them grew. Joe grew in mind, becoming ever more clever and strategic. Greg, conversely, grew in strength, becoming larger and more powerful. Eventually, Joe had the mind of a brilliant strategist, and Greg had become the monstrous force known as "Venusaur".

Once seven of the League's eight leaders had been defeated, Joe and Greg retraced their steps, returning to a city close to home. There, they faced their final challenge, the eighth leader. To their surprise, the face was familiar. The man was none other than Giovanni, the man they had faced before and triumphed against. Knowing that previous victory did not guarantee victory then, the two of them proceeded cautiously. After several close calls, the two nonetheless claimed victory against Giovanni, both securing a spot against the League's final challenge and cleansing the region of Team Rocket's threat in one single action.

With all that they needed in hand, the two headed west. Once there, they went through the gates to the final challenge. From there, the story is yet to be told. It is not known if the duo will claim victory yet again and become the best the region has ever seen. And to be honest, the story may never be finished. But if it does come to a conclusion, it will only all the more prove that the bond between these two is capable of overcoming all threats in their path.


tl;dr, I nearly beat LeafGreen with nothing but a Venusaur, with other random Pokemon as Revive fuel. Dang, I'm good.  :lol:

I use to play like that, only use my starter when i was younger :P.


I trained my other members a little bit, but not very much.


Anyways, i can't write a big novel on any of my pokemon playthroughs. Or even make them sound that interesting, but it'll be nice to talk about some of my playthroughs as i do them here.


i got back into pokemon after a bit of a hiatus from the games, i got back into it the beginning of this summer. I've played through and beat all of fire red(Elite four rematch mewtwo) I forgot to transfer my team before restarting before another playthrough, but i did get over everything else i wanted to my platinum.


I also beat my platinum, not totally, but i beat it, and i'm using it as a sort of main hub for my pokemon from my other games.


I also started emerald, but i haven't finished it yet, and i started a diamond playthrough(Partly to playthrough G4 again and partly for getting pokemon into pokemon ranch for phione and Mew.)


Most recently i beat heart gold totally, beating Red and the elite four rematch, and catching kyroge. Now all i'm missing is entei and raikou, who are annoying to catch since i have no meanlook pokemon on my team :/.


After that i'm finished, and i'll transfer all the pokemon i want to from my game(and hopefully not forget my team this time), then restart for another playthrough.


Oh and i also beat pokemon White 1, the story atleast, haven't done any endgame stuff yet, I actually really liked white, the story is the best in the pokemon series so far for sure, and i really like the designs of alot of pokemon actually.


Also N is an awesome character.


Anyways, my next playthrough is probaly gonna be Heart gold, or Black 2. not sure which.


On a side note, is it bad that despite how many times i've played through pokemon i've never done a nuzlocke?


I don't even totally know how they work :P.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I'm a pokemon noob. I don't focus on stats or all the strategy. I battle on the fly. I don't try to catch pokemon with a specific nature or ability. I just try to focus on making them stronger. It's just the way I play.


Anyway, I was just playing through pokemon white, and I managed to beat the game today. Well, at least just get the first ending. 


I caught Zekrom with a quick ball. I just did it for giggles, but when the ball actually locked and caught him, I nearly spit my soda all over my 3DS. 


And now I'm currently exploring the other side of Unova looking for older generation pokemon. 


My current team is...


Chandelure- lvl 52 


Samurott- lvl 49


Terrakion- lvl 50


Zekrom- lvl 52


Haxorus- lvl 51


Scrafty- lvl 48


And just to say, I have no problem with newer generation pokemon in general. Sure, they're different from the originals by a long shot, but I liked mixing it up a little now. Doesn't mean I don't love the older generations either. 

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  • 1 month later...

Well i finished heartgold and beat red and everything, so yeah. 


As for recently playthroughs i also beat pokemon White, I forgot my team exactly, and don't feel like checking but yeah ;p. I quite enjoyed the game. I picked Snivy as my starter i know


I'm currently playing through pokemon black 2 before pokemon X and Y comes out(Getting Y btw) then gonna play the crap outta that.


My black 2 team is currently this.


Deerling Lvl 29

Vibrava lvl 36

Dewott lvl 33

Boldore lvl 30

Liepard lvl 31

Jolteon lvl 32


I'm in chargestone cave and have 5 badges right now so yeah. This is my team more or less though. Unless i change my mind ;p.


I can't wait for X and Y, gonna play that for way more then healthy ;p.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Okay... so in 7 years, I played through my Firered 17 times, every single times with Charizard. And some of them, I couldn't even beat the league, because I was noob back then lol.


So well, my first playthrough, I was stuck at the league with a HM slayer lvl100 charizard and a lvl89 Graveler, I tried to evolve it.


Some years later, I finally beat the league, and here's how:


I had a lvl100 hm slayer Charizard (again), a lvl 64 Mr.Mime, a lvl 54 Farfetch'd, a lvl 26 Hitmonlee, a lvl 48 onix and a lvl 42 Arbok. With no money, no potions, no anything. So I enter the league, and I notice that I forgot my Mr.Mime in my box. Well, I'm going to die for sure. But nope, I succesfully get through the first elite, then Bruno, then agatha, succesfully defeat Drake and pwn 5 of the 6 pokemons of the champion. He had a Rhydon, and I had my Charizard left. So I smash him with rock smash, then the famous 1 hp left and full restore... Then 1 hp again, and he kill my Charizard. I had only Hitmonlee left. So why not? Send him into battle.


Rhydon miss and I kill him!!! I was like "lelelelelele". Very lucky that time. xD (I sucked back then lol.


Then, last year, someone broke my locker and stole my gameboy with my beloved Firered in it. :( I recently bought Leafgreen. These are now collectibles, very expensive...)

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The last Pokémon game I 'played through' was White Version 2. Since Diamond version I haven't really been one to restart and replay the main stories of Pokémon games, but rather just play through it once and then train, catch, and battle with the Pokémon that I want to with the post game and battle facilities and whatnot. I even finished the Pokédex in HeartGold at least mostly legitimately(I am not a cheater at all anymore though). The next Pokémon game I play through will be X when it comes out Saturday, and I probably won't be restarting that one either, and continuing the catching/training/battling my brains out tradition I've done with the past 4 Pokémon games I've played no doubt, don't see much point in replaying them honestly as I'd rather just build up my barracks. :yay:

I did replay through Ruby an uncountable number of times though, and Leaf Green as well, but nowadays I'd rather not wipe everything clean and lose all my Pokémon.

Edited by SBB64


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Glad this got revived for a little bit :D


Im currently doing a randomizer nuzlocke in Black 2 and my starter was a Swinub. I named her Porky :P


My second pokemon was a Shelmet but Shelmet's aren't good til much higher levels so i'll most likely be dropping her soon.

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Haven't picked up Pokemon Diamond in a long while. But I'm still working on the national pokedex of that game. I've nicknamed nearly all of my pokemon because I'm like that. In my current party, I've got 3 level 100s and 3 who are not far behind. They're in their mid 90s. But I'm gonna get X or Y this saturday and start it right away. 


I also have white, but I haven't played that one in a while. Sadly, I think I'm gonna have to restart because I've arrived at the pokemon league with no potions or healing stuff. I might just have to sacrifice my progress and black out so I could go back and buy stuff even if I must pay a sum. 

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Well, I'm not actively playing through any Pokemon game at the moment, but my strategy is always the same. I always, always plan out my team before I start my playthrough. The six Pokemon I choose for my team are the only six Pokemon I'll catch, except for legendaries and shinies. To add a degree of challenge to my playthroughs, I only use Pokeballs for catching (even legendaries) and I don't let a single Pokemon on my team faint, ever.

Edited by KandeeFlaus
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