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What if CSI made an episode about Bronies?


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CSI made a completely ridiculous episode about furies and gamers apparently (But I haven't seen that episode). So how about Bronies? Forgive me; I haven't seen this show in forever. A middle aged overweight guy was beaten to death then shot by some other Bronies over an argument over who is best pony. A simple argument over ponies went out of control and this group of Bronies started beating the victim. After the guy was beaten to a pulp, one of the Bronies (The slimy one) pulls out a gun that he had for some reason and shots him. His friends freak out but the slimy ones say it’s all cool and they should just forget about it. They bury the victim’s body in a forest and try to forget about it.


Of course the body is eventually found, and an investigation is started. Later a woman is kidnapped and tortured by the slimy guy. It turns out that the fanfics "Cupcakes" and “Secret Life of Rarity” really really aroused him and he decided to imitate Pinkie in “Cupcakes” and start his own number system. The reason he killed the guy at the beginning was because the guy called Pinkie Pie overrated and annoying. Of course most Bronies in this story are shown as obsessive middle aged men that live with their mom with a sexual attraction to ponies. What do think? Or is it not silly enough?

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I could imagine a show like CSI going this far into things, but I'm not sure what the audience would think. If it did, it could possibly bring more hate to the fandom, as well as spark a few feuds with Hasbro. It would be cool to actually see Hasbro addressing the Bronies, and seeing huge fighs between CSI and Hasbro.


It would be entertaining for us, but I don't think many other people would like it or enjoy it.


It's got a good plot line though, maybe if they copied just a general creepypasta rather than an mlp related one, then it would be popular.


But still, I wouldn't mind watching it.



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There was indeed an episode about furries, specifically people who do fursuits and have raves and orgies with them.


I don't think they would put THAT much research into the episode even if they did use one for bronies though unless the writers for the show are bronies as well. (Unlikely as that is)

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


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Yeah, no. I see this as going down as well as the whole "Fur and Loathing" episode from Vanilla CSI. And being completely honest, the only time I can recall an even remotely good, light hearted stab at Bronies was one Teen Titan's Go! segment. You know the one.


Having said that though, a TV Series called Bones has done an episode on "pony play fetishists" (no I have no idea what the actual fetish is or if it's even remotely related to Ponies). I'm not sure what the hell that is, but it might be close to some of the more...cloptastic sides of the fandom. That's just my guess though.

Edited by Gabriel Smith
  • Brohoof 1
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I would be interested to see how it would go, as CSI is one of my favorite shows, (though I am still yet to see the fury episode) and  I have actually been thinking of what it would be like to see us portrayed in such shows.

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I dont think CSI would touch bronies, although it would be cool to see, I think you got a better chance on seeing it on NTSF:SD:SUV they did a comic conair i was hoping to see one on that one

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*Insert Random Sunglass joke here.


It had to be done on everything, so why not CSI? They make good sunglass jokes!

But on the other side it would suck, because it would be lame.

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I don't really see CSI making an episode about bronies because, it would spark some hate between the two and the episode would not be the friendly episode about us.

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It would certainly make show of us Bronies. Funny, but the Internet Trolls and other idiots will think all Bronies are sick.


You know many Cloppers don't like many grimdark clopfics or dark stories like Cupcakes or something that hurts a Pony in general.


Regarding the reason why a lot of Bronies like the Ponies "that way", these Ponies act like Humans more than they do Ponies. Are sapient minded, cuter. Which all adds up to Xenophilia, just as Kif would date Amy from Futurama.

Edited by Rush
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I think it'd be funny if Bones mentioned us in a good way, like a joke where Agent Booth turns out to be a brony(or equivalent to one with a fictional show). 


Just no on CSI though, not after the furry thing. 

Edited by Shoboni
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Yeah, CSI wouldn't handle the episode well. The whole furry episode is pretty much what spread the public perception on furries being sexual deviants, undeservingly so. Whatever CSI does with the Bronies will most likely be in a negative light and either spread or reinforce the public's misconceptions about us, and that is something we can get along without. Unless one of the CSIs is revealed to be a Brony and is accepted for it, a Brony helps with the investigation or they highlight some of the charity work that we've done at the end of the episode, the episode is just going to be another Brony bashfest. I'm not even sure I'd watch the episode as CSI, like most crime dramas, is just so morbidly depressing.

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I don't give a damn about that show anyway so if they did an episode about bronies which would probably be negative if it got much press it would probably just get more people to watch the show to see what the fuss is all about. I seriously think that is one of the reasons why this fandom got so big so quickly, people wanted to know why so many teenage and adults especially men watch MLP of all shows.

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CSI made a completely ridiculous episode about furies and gamers apparently (But I haven't seen that episode).

Then how do you know it was ridiculous? I loved it, and found it very funny. They treated the subject matter fairly, I thought. Truth be told, if the Brony phenomenon existed in 2003 when that episode was first broadcast, (season four, episode five "Fur and Loathing") I'd bet people would have been seen dressed in elaborate pony-suits too during the investigation. 

Take a look at this clip. Cathrine was upset, but Grissom is his usual voice of reason: (Sound is a little off, but not too bad)


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