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My feelings for Celestia


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I have something to say: i think that i fall in love with Princess Celestia i have develope true feelings for her, for the last week i dream with her and im happy for it!.
I mastered Lucid Dreaming (when you know you are dreaming so you can control your dream) and i have literally a full second life with her in my dreams i can see her, i can feel her and i share my feelings with her,
Many times i say to her how beautiful, powerful sweet and charming little thing she is, and sometimes i wait madly to the night comes so i can see her again.
I (as a pony) am engaged with Celestia since yesterday, i remembered something she said to me one night:
"I act like the rest of the ponies for the tv for you, i trully exist" those words were irrelevant to me, but know i think if this is real (another mind-created universe only reachable by dreams)
What is your opinion about it?
You have a second life too?
Have you ever feel the same thing for your pony?




Okay perhaps i overreact that for the emotions of the last days, i don't really have TRUE feelings of a simple cartoon, now that i see the guy getting married with TS (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! "TEARS ON MY EYES") i'm not that crazy, i live a normal life and in my lucid dreams i have made other crazy things unrelated to MLP that doesn't mean anything for me, this is not a troll, it was a 5 mins emotion that's all

Edited by Balareth
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I wouldn't go as far as falling in love with any of the characters, but I have went to ponyville to visit my Tulpa/OC Pixie on her 'own turf'. I didn't see any of the show ponies at all, I just saw a crazy amount of random colored ponies my mind must have made up though.


XD All that happened was pegasi playing on clouds and my OC brooding cause she couldn't go up there. It was cute.


On another note, I must say falling in love with something made from your own mind is like falling in love with yourself. It might feel nice to have a dream friend, but real people are always better companions since they can't (hopefully) be your puppets.

Edited by Bronyette
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I mean, i understand falling in love with the characters. (metaphorically)

But having true feelings for one of them? Naah. Not unless i lived in Equestria.


Just please don't turn out to be the one guy who was trying to marry a Twilight Sparkle

plushie because he thought they were both meant to be together. That's just plain weird.


But, everyone has their own fantasies. So i don't have any rights to judge you. 

Edited by KToadstool
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Your in love with a fictional character who you possibly believe is real because you vision her in the dream world.

I understand having sexual feelings for her,I get that but man loving something which isn't real is what people call sad.

My friend once said he was in love with Victoriua Justice so this isn't too strange.

Just remember you've not actually had a conversation with her,she's said what you want her to say.

Watch out on lucid dreaming,you don't want the consequences....

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My honest opinion: keep these lives as separate from one another as possible. It's one thing to have these kinds of dreams, but a completely different frightening beast if you start mixing the worlds of fantasy and reality. I can understand why feelings can develop for some of the characters, but I don't really know how well falling in love with a fictional character can go...

Edited by Celtore
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I mean, i understand falling in love with the characters. (metaphorically)

But having true feelings for one of them? Naah. Not unless i lived in Equestria.


Just please don't turn out to be the one guy who was trying to marry a Twilight Sparkle

plushie because he thought they were both meant to be together. That's just plain weird.


But, everyone has their own fantasies. So i don't have any rights to judge you. 

A Guy getting married with a plushie?? Hm hm hahaha HAHAAHAHAHAHA!!

NO! HAHAHA! I'M NOT THAT BAD HAHAHAHA!! Truly, perhaps i overreacted because in lucid dream you change completly because you have another perception, perhaps what i meant to say was that i love her in my dreams but in this world she is only a character made on Flash

(HAHAHAHA!! a guy with a plushie!)

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I think that you're becoming detached from reality, that's a very bad thing and I would recommend seeking help. Actual legitimate feelings for fictional characters in addition to dreaming about them is definitely not something healthy. Having attachment to characters is okay but you're at a stage that's beyond fanaticism.


Also if you're actually believing the things you're hearing in these dreams then you're delusional, another sign of actual legitimate mental illness. It's not good at all.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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My honest opinion: keep these lives as separate from one another as possible. It's one thing to have these kinds of dreams, but a completely different frightening beast if you start mixing the worlds of fantasy and reality. I can understand why feelings can develop for some of the characters, but I don't really know how well falling in love with a fictional character can go...

I know, in real life is a fictional character, those feeling i developed in dreams and my big mistake is seeing lucid dreams like a "safe drug" people say and do stupid things on drugs, i waiting the night but that's all

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I (as a pony) am engaged with Celestia since yesterday, i remembered something she said to me one night:

"I act like the rest of the ponies for the tv for you, i trully exist" those words were irrelevant to me, but know i think if this is real (another mind-created universe only reachable by dreams)


You see I'm okay with this kind-of second life kind of stuff. I have a "Similar" situation that I do not wish to talk about. 


But do not under any circumstances think that it's real. Do not fool yourself into thinking that she's real and that you are actually engaged. First of all because I think it's just plain crazy, second of all everyone else will generally ridicule you and probably think you are as stupid as the guy who married Twilight Sparkle, if not even more stupid.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I have had a crush on Applejack for quite some time but I haven't taken it nearly that far. If given the chance I would date Applejack, but though I have accepted the fact that I can't I have some consolation that there are women in real life that have personality traits similar to Applejack and many of the other ponies.

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You see I'm okay with this kind-of second life kind of stuff. I have a "Similar" situation that I do not wish to talk about. 


But do not under any circumstances think that it's real. Do not fool yourself into thinking that she's real and that you are actually engaged. First of all because I think it's just plain crazy, second of all everyone else will generally ridicule you and probably think you are as stupid as the guy who married Twilight Sparkle, if not even more stupid.

no no no no, this is NOT real, i let my emotions take me the other night that's all, but you know, i'm not crazy, i know she isn't real, perhaps there'll be more like me who has developed feeling in other beings of their dreams and don't say it because it's too embarrasing, i have a normal life



(HAHAHAHAHAHA!! i can't stop thinking the guy with the plushie!)

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I usally don't remember my dreams.  When I do its  kinda weird, like I am remembering an event that has yet to happen.  That happens weeks or months later. lol  nothing major like 9/11 or such.  but like working on a prodject, (building a wall or fixing a sink in a new house.)  When I end up doing that actions Ill then be reminded of the dream/memory of it (like dejavu).  


I then just shake it off and go about my buisness lol.


Oh and I'll have to voice my opinion that Octavia is most atractive pony.

Edited by ShadowRose2k

Other's more Talented than me.




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I think that you're becoming detached from reality, that's a very bad thing and I would recommend seeking help. Actual legitimate feelings for fictional characters in addition to dreaming about them is definitely not something healthy. Having attachment to characters is okay but you're at a stage that's beyond fanaticism.


Also if you're actually believing the things you're hearing in these dreams then you're delusional, another sign of actual legitimate mental illness. It's not good at all.

No, i'm not believing this things at all, what i say is because i woke up from that dream happy and wanted to share those thoughts but noe i realized that, in fact its not so great, the thing is, i really wanted to dream with ponies and when i finally manage to lucid dream about it my happiness take me and say things i regret right now

No, im not crazy, i have no mental illness i live a normal life and i regret what i said, i guess that the happiness in that moment was too high to keep it hidden, im sorry if i make you think i am a sick person, am not

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Well, doesn't surpise me, i mean who could resist such a lovely princess?



Also, as long as you keep them in your dreams and you are otherwise a functioning member of society, why the hell not?

And to be honest, i myself have a crush on her too. :blush:

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I really need to learn to lucid dream. :okiedokielokie:


I don't think I believe in reality. So any reality you want to live in is no less real than the concensus reality. That's what I say.

Indeed, sometimes i am not sure if this is a true reality, but don't get me wrong, i know that she does not exist, but, i, like every person who have mastered lucid dreams, you can do any adventure you like, in my case i was dreaming of Celestia and i (as a pony) were making a proposal knowing that this is just a game, so, i woke up SO happy to keep those feelings and i have the urge to sharing it for those who probably understand me... after that i stop from dreaming about that, i have NO feelings for a cartoon character (if i say to her that i truly feel something in that dream, now i regret it, im totally ashamed)


But this reality, we see what we are force to see, in a dream we believe whatever we want to believe...

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I don't wanna trot away,
But I can't take it,
I don't understand.
If I'm not shipped for you,
Then why does my fic tell me that I am?

Is there any way that I can stay . . .
In your hooooo-oooooves. . .

"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils;  they differ enormously on what evils they will call excusable."

"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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That's the interesting thing about dimethyltriptomene, (the chemical in your brain that induces dreaming). It tells a person that what they are seeing is indeed real, and one's mind simply goes with it without questioning it at all.


You have a dream where you are in your house... it doesn't look anything like your house, it's shaped funny, different colors, and there's an anthromorphic walrus sitting in a bathtub inside your living room. Looks nothing like your house, but you KNOW it's your house.


Insightful as they can be from time to time, be wary of false realities, as real as they might seem. Depending on your diet, serotonin might be heightened in your brain, causing dreams that are disturbingly realistic. Particularly powerful dreams can even feel more "real" than real life at times. 


Can we prove beyond a doubt that the reality we see before us is 100% authentic and real and all humans are experiencing consciousness in the same way?


No, we can't.... but we can get pretty close. This world is very consistent, and logically that is a good sign it's the real deal. (as much as I enjoy the idea of alternate realities,  ^_^ )

This reality is the closest we have to a sure thing.


My two cents.


(btw I know you know it's not real, I'm just throwing all that out there)

Edited by TheMangoPony


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I don't wanna trot away,

But I can't take it,

I don't understand.

If I'm not shipped for you,

Then why does my fic tell me that I am?

Is there any way that I can stay . . .In your hooooo-oooooves. . .



I don't undestand you, you have a fanfic of a shipping with Celestia? That's great! I wrote one of Fleur de Lis

The Celestia thing began as a experiment, my mind was telling me that truly love her... but i think you gave me a great idea! Write my experience as a fanfic!

That's the interesting thing about dimethyltriptomene, (the chemical in your brain that induces dreaming). It tells a person that what they are seeing is indeed real, and one's mind simply goes with it without questioning it at all.


You have a dream where you are in your house... it doesn't look anything like your house, it's shaped funny, different colors, and there's an anthromorphic walrus sitting in a bathtub inside your living room. Looks nothing like your house, but you KNOW it's your house.


Insightful as they can be from time to time, be wary of false realities, as real as they might seem. Depending on your diet, serotonin might be heightened in your brain, causing dreams that are disturbingly realistic. Particularly powerful dreams can even feel more "real" than real life at times. 


Can we prove beyond a doubt that the reality we see before us is 100% authentic and real and all humans are experiencing consciousness in the same way?


No, we can't.... but we can get pretty close. This world is very consistent, and logically that is a good sign it's the real deal. (as much as I enjoy the idea of alternate realities,  ^_^ )

This reality is the closest we have to a sure thing.


My two cents.


(btw I know you know it's not real, I'm just throwing all that out there)


Yeah, im interesed in dreams too, the brain chemistry is a interesting thing, i began in research of lucid dreaming a long time ago, i have a second life where i take a journey to my mind.

you say that we accept dream reality as its the one we live, i think its because at first we are so weak to recognize it and remember it as well, what i do is trick my mind to fall asleep, and sometimes i do not accept that reality because is a fully sensorial allutination of the mind

Very interenting reply you give, we can talk of this for hours i think haha!


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I think its perfectly normal to feel something for particular fictional characters. Even if they're ponies.
Actually, for a good 7 months or so now, I've been romantically obsessed with Vinyl Scratch. I just can't help it! She's adorable and absolutely perfect in my headcanon :3

However, like what other people have said, try not to get to a point where you're mixing up the worlds of reality and dreams. I mean, I dream about Vinyl a lot, but I'd like to think that I still have a handle on reality. 

And for the love of god, don't get to the point where you avoid actual Human relationships in fear of 'cheating' on this Celestia. and definitely don't devote all of your thinking time to her. I can say from experience that its not healthy at all.

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I really think that's good if at all a bit weird.


I mean if you have feelings for a sentient creature that doesn't exist, it's all fine. A lot of people do and it's great you found an outlet to express that feeling within your dreams. Just don't be like the Twilight plush guy.

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I think its perfectly normal to feel something for particular fictional characters. Even if they're ponies.

Actually, for a good 7 months or so now, I've been romantically obsessed with Vinyl Scratch. I just can't help it! She's adorable and absolutely perfect in my headcanon :3

However, like what other people have said, try not to get to a point where you're mixing up the worlds of reality and dreams. I mean, I dream about Vinyl a lot, but I'd like to think that I still have a handle on reality. 

And for the love of god, don't get to the point where you avoid actual Human relationships in fear of 'cheating' on this Celestia. and definitely don't devote all of your thinking time to her. I can say from experience that its not healthy at all.


Haha! Don't worry i won't, the Celestia thing was just a lucid dream experiment with very vivid results

i'm still looking for my woman in real life and i trying so hard to hit on a friend of mine, she is not a pegasister but i like her ;)

I really think that's good if at all a bit weird.

I mean if you have feelings for a sentient creature that doesn't exist, it's all fine. A lot of people do and it's great you found an outlet to express that feeling within your dreams. Just don't be like the Twilight plush guy.

Only think about it i can stop laughing (the plush guy) but the dreams are quite good, it only was experiment, i was autohipnotized, but i only not regreat that it was a very powerful and cool experience

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I have a feeling this might end up happening in my life as well, only slightly different.

At the moment I feel more attracted to MLP ponies than actual humans. I don't know if this will change in time, (Which I believe it would, being I'm still considerably young and my feelings could change.) but as of right now I feel like I'll never truly be happy unless I'm with a pony. Now this could be because I've never felt what it's like to be in a serious relationship in real life, but as of right now I'm not entirely sure.


I have a tulpa who I've been with for almost a year now, and as of right now I feel like I may end up being with her in that way in the future, implying I'm still not in a relationship then, and my feelings toward other humans doesn't change. But then again, there are many other things I dislike greatly about this reality, which is leaning me more towards the side of ponies and fantasy.

As for you OP, I'd say you'll be fine with what you're doing, as long as you limit it. Don't let your attraction to Celestia start to control your life to the point you start forgetting about other things that are more important. You should consider yourself lucky you've gotten yourself able to lucid dream; enjoy it as much as you can.

Edited by Riclo
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Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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