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gaming Is Minecraft's Content Becoming More Useless?


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It seems like minecraft is becoming more and more over-updated and a bit too elaborate, and really mojang, 1.7? I thought we just reached the perfect version of minecraft. No bugs, enough content to keep everyone happy, and no more updates. Or so I thought. I've noticed the new "Biomes Update" is more of a mod idea added to vanilla Minecraft. Will more of these mod ideas be implimented to the point where we will forget what minecraft used to be like now? Please, give me your opinions.

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I don't think so, they're not breaking the old gameplay or features, just adding new ones in so they're there if you want them. I like the way they've made the worlds more complex over time. 

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No, this was technically a huge bugfix. Biome generation has been buggy from the get-go, and fishing has been near pointless. The only thing I miss are my roses, but otherwise, it was a nice update. 

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Everybody can no longer live with the change that has happened to minecraft because everybody suffers from autism. It’s entire fan base commits suicide,


I was one of these people.


On a serious note, no, I've stopped playing Minecraft because frankly...it's just boring now. Not broken, or useless (Though it's pretty close), just boring. The little things Mojang and Notch throw into the game in the occasional update mean nothing. I've explored Minecraft to quite a large extent. I have no intention of continuing to do so because- and I'll be honest with you here- I just don't care.

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-giant list-


This is now my absolute favourite post on the site. Good lord, I can't brohoof it enough. Well done, man, well done.


That being said, I have to somewhat agree with the OP. Mojang would always have seen the trouble with turning Minecraft from a purely survival game (with optional aesthetics) to both integrated. A lot of people, including myself, hated the idea of beds for example - this didn't seem like a game where you can cuddle up in your bed for the night, it should be a game where you're awake all night shit-scared of a skeleton appearing or a creeper exploding. It made you feel more alone and panicky... it was great.


I think the only thing that should be done is for certain content to be removed from Survival (to actually make it Survival mode) but for it to remain on Creative (to actually make it Creative). With toggle options to re-add the content at the user's own election, just so that nobody gets annoyed.

Edited by Flipturn
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What genuinely upsets me about this and about lots of other things (Xbox One, PS4, Halo 5, every new Pony episode and season ever) is that there are always complaints about it. No one is ever satisfied and I have been led to believe that it is largely due to the amount of communication we have at our disposal. We are able to view EVERYTHING with televisions and phones and the internet, and we are also easily able comment and criticize everything. We have become kind of arrogant with out technological prowess. 


All Im saying is, people work their asses off to make this awesome stuff for people, and then all people do is complain and nitpick. What Im trying to say is dont look a gift horse in the mouth. If you dont like a product, dont buy it. And by no means should youever go out of your way to have something changed just because you dont like it (unless of course its actually a bad thing. Again, talking about video games here) 

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I agree, there doesn't really need to be any more major updates or adding any other useless things like slimes as LongbowDash28 said. I think that its fine as it is for now and really only need to be updated to fix various bugs!

Building on WingedRachets point I totally agree, I've looked at many posts on complaints at other games and there is hardly any positive points on it, or ones saying how much they love that game. we should all make ones on how much we really love these games to spread more positivity around this place :D <3

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Well, the new content is very awesome! The biomes are way cooler and smarter then before. The only new content I'd like are even more trees!


Also, I don't usually play vanilla. I like to play Feed The Beast. It's a modpack that has all sorts of amazing mods. Thaumcraft, Ars Magika, Applied Energistics, Tinkers Construct, Modular Powersuits, etc... They completely rewrite the game, and it makes playing a lot more enjoyable.

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I frankly don't mind the updates, sure I don't play as often as I use to, but that's mostly because i don't have friends who want to play as much anymore. I still play some and I actual enjoy alot of the new content. Being someone who just kinda likes having new content, if I so desire that I don't like some content then I just don't use it or something.


Well i also have a kinda crappy computer right now which kinda sucks so it doesn't even run minecraft that well.


Of course I wouldn't mind if they added options to toggle more things, so things people didn't like wouldn't be in the game, So that way everyone could find a way to be happy.


Of course it would complicate things in severs, but of your playing with friends you can just make rules not to use certain stuff for the most part.


I will agree with flipturn on beds also, I feel like they're a little cheap, but It doesn't ruin the game for me or anything.


I still like the game and the majority of the updates, but that's just me personally, I think mojang needs more toggleable features to better please more people.

Edited by Zygen
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I don't think its boring or useless or broken. Mojang is just adding more content and fixing things. Its still a fun game to play with friends in my opinion. I don't actually have a to to say the matter. I still play it and find it enjoyable. I suppose they could add more things to make it challenging, and I have a feeling good ol' Dinnerbone might add something challenging.


Besides you can't really judge 1.7 yet. Its only the first snapshot and they shown a lot of stuff. That just means there's more stuff to come in future 1.7 snapshots!... unless you don't like new things. Then that sucks. 

Edited by AnonBrony
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Mojang's long history of killing Minecraft


This was supposed to be entertaining and funny to read, but the way you insult the developers adds an extra tension to my head. Making games ain't as easy as wanting something and sit in front of your computer, waiting for changes to happen. Imagine you're a developer who's working hard to fix bugs on your game, and you get insulted as a troll who makes those bugs.


Now on topic, I don't really follow the updates, but there are indeed some interesting minor improvements, even though I still don't understand what some contents are for. Well, a new item, even though it's just a cosmetic, still plays a role in a sandbox game like Minecraft, no matter how small. I don't play the game frequently enough to realize a bug or its fix. Mount & Blade Warband is more than enough to fulfil my gaming desires in daily basis.

Edited by Sky Warden
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I started playing Minecraft right when they released the Adventure update (enchants, food bar, etc)

I felt like minecraft turn to crap right about then. I liked it when I was more of a sandbox game( it still "kinda" is) , but now there's stuff like killing the enderdragon or the wither. This is why I only play Retro servers or minigame servers because they're servers which I think minecraft should've stayed as, simple and fun.

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This was supposed to be entertaining and funny to read, but the way you insult the developers adds an extra tension to my head. Making games ain't as easy as wanting something and sit in front of your computer, waiting for changes to happen. Imagine you're a developer who's working hard to fix bugs on your game, and you get insulted as a troll who makes those bugs.


Now on topic, I don't really follow the updates, but there are indeed some interesting minor improvements, even though I still don't understand what some contents are for. Well, a new item, even though it's just a cosmetic, still plays a role in a sandbox game like Minecraft, no matter how small. I don't play the game frequently enough to realize a bug or its fix. Mount & Blade Warband is more than enough to fulfil my gaming desires in daily basis.


That was actually satire making fun of the "ruined forever" crowd by pointing out the absurd lengths they'll go to to complain about the game.  

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That was actually satire making fun of the "ruined forever" crowd by pointing out the absurd lengths they'll go to to complain about the game.  

That was still annoying to read. I think it's just me. Sorry. I usually get butt hurt easily when I find people underestimating developers and spit our their filthy blabbers at people who work hard for their entertainment. Reading that long list in a coffee-less coding session in the middle of the night really makes my head easy to ignite.

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Minecraft updates have been a joke since around mid-2011, at some point Minecraft updates stopped being about "Wouldn't it be awesome to add this to the game? The game feels less complete without it." and more about "What obnoxious game mechanics can we add to turn this into a bad survival sim instead of a passable survival building game".


This all started with wildgrass really, there was no reason for that to ever leave mod status. Then it moved on to things like hunger- pardon me but I would like to know what simpering moron decided that Minecraft, a game already struggling to balance its sandbox building roots with its survival present. Decided that the game needed to become 51 flavors of grinding and threw the baby out with the bath water in an attempt to ditch whatever claim to being an interactive builder this game had. Only throwing in the creative mode as a last ditch, leaving the player with the two choices on the extreme ends of the spectrum. Either play a dedicated survival game, or play a casual building game. The splitting of this hybrid forumula that had been gaining steam over the better part of late 2010 and mid 2011 was what killed Minecraft for many people, myself included. No longer could the player really build creatively and still practically, buildings became binary. Either a structure was useful or it wasn't, "BUT JUST PLAY CREATIVE MODE, WHERE NOTHING IS USEFUL TO YOU ANYWAYS".


Luckily the modding community has taken to still make the game playable, and with success ranging from flat out great to vain attempts.

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I can see some stuff being added recently to be kind of useless but I still see a lot of good, new content being added to the game. I am really looking forward to this coming update simply because I've ever been a big fan of the world generation and by looking at the snapshot, damn, it's awesome. Snow capped mountains of stone, thick forests with giant mushrooms, giant, cliff edged rivers, and magical multicolored mountains (now that's useless!) I have never been more excited for an update of minecraft :D

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