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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Apple      Bloom

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Name: Sunflare
Type: Pegasuses Prism Pony  (my own made up race)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long legged and a slender with big wings
Cutie Mark: A sunflower
Hobbies: Dancing/exploring/reading/being with her friends
Additional Details:Sunflare is a Prism Pony that is been choosen to go out and see the world with a group of others..



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Name: Rave Darkmane

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Not a very big stallion, rusty yellow coat and brown/white striped hair. Red eyes

Cutiemark: A map

Hobbies: Exploring, history and plotting against Celestia and the resurrection of Sombra

Additional details: Rave comes from the Darkmane family, once close supporters of Sombra. They are still loyal to Sombra. 


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Here's Amber Dust.

Her cutie mark represents a light in the dark, or, more simply, hope. She got her mark by inspiring her friends with the help of stories of magic and adventure when they were at their lowest points (feeling as though life could only get worse for them).


Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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Prism Earth Pony

Job: Star-Watcher

Cutie Mark:  Shows her love of the stars and her talent to hear their songs/music.



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Name : crawler

Gender : male

Age : 13/ 14

Species : hybrid of a dragon and a changeling

Appetence : black and purple with red wings and orange eyes

Hobbies : eating , hanging out with friends , folding his pet snake

Occupation : currently unemployed due to species

Personality : fun , happy , sarcastic , arrogant , smart and greedy .

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Heat.

Type: Pegasus (his wings are hidden beneath the varsity jacket).

Gender: Male.

Apperance: Yellow skinned with both a black-grey mane and tail. Always seen sporting a green varsity jacket (inspiration from Snoop's jacket in Mac & Devin Go to High School). All that topped off with his green eyes.
Cutie Mark: Two polo sticks crossed over each other, with the ball lying down at the bottom.
Hobbies: Drinking applecider, playing polo in the sun, hanging out with his brother and hollering at his crew on campus grounds.
Additional Details: None, so far. (W.I.P)





Pen and paper drawing made by @.

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Kyubiki Tenchu
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male 
Appearance: Blue coat, with a black and red mane, and blue eyes
Cutie Mark: Video game controller
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, reading and hanging out with friends 
Additional Details: Kyubiki has some slight trust issues because of his past, but is slowly working on moving past it, he's very competitive when it comes to gaming, but he plays more to have fun than wanting to win, and he has a dream of one day becoming a professional video game player.




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So here is my first OC ! she doesnt have a name of cutie mark yet though, so i feel bad -_- , but I thought I'd share her nonetheless :squee: .


  • Brohoof 1

"Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys! CHOCOLATE! RAIN!" 


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have I posted here before? probably so

is that going to stop me from posting? no....


Snowflake Frost flame has three different versions of himself.... I made the other two simple because when I role play I like to keep everything in sync with my OC's backstory



each of them are the same person, and the same age.... the only difference is one minor detail changed their stories completely


if you wish to know more about them I have a link to their page in my signature...

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have quiet a few OC's I'd like to post bu my only responses I have so far are "Awesome", "Cool", "Creative", etc. I'm not a very descriptive person......


Name: Heat.

Type: Pegasus (his wings are hidden beneath the varsity jacket).

Gender: Male.

Apperance: Yellow skinned with both a black-grey mane and tail. Always seen sporting a green varsity jacket (inspiration from Snoop's jacket in Mac & Devin Go to High School). All that topped off with his green eyes.
Cutie Mark: Two polo sticks crossed over each other, with the ball lying down at the bottom.
Hobbies: Drinking applecider, playing polo in the sun, hanging out with his brother and hollering at his crew on campus grounds.
Additional Details: None, so far. (W.I.P)





Pen and paper drawing made by @.


What's on his arm? Like the years?? I think it's really cool, but I would like to know why its there??

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Nineteen years old






Scarlet Fidelity is a young unicorn mare. She has a scarlet coat (which fulfils the first part of her name; Scarlet), a purple/violet mane and blue eyes. Her mane is relatively short, and a small bit hooks past her eye. Her tail is wild, but not Spitfire level wild.

Cutie Mark

Her cutie mark is a full black “high tech” crosshair type mark representing her skills for precision telekinesis and fine tuned magical abilities, fulfilling the second part of her name; Fidelity.


Scarlet tends to be blunt, gritty, defensive, and slow to trust others. She is also driven when it calls for it, fiercely loyal, and imaginative. Her core personality has been shaped by both her time in the wasteland and her time in Ponyville. Wanting to put her wasteland life behind her, she has buried most of her bad experiences from the wasteland in her memory, and has tried to lose her defensive attitude.

Her life experiences have been grim. She has seen more things of greater intensity than many that are several times her age. While she pursues her mission with dedication, her life experiences have made her tired beyond her years, and there are many times when she longs for a chance to live a normal life free from the events of the past 19 years of her life.

She is a competent fighter due to her time spent in the Wasteland. While she isn't overwhelmingly strong or large, she fights with a quick, ferocious intensity and knows when to cut her losses and run. She is also skilled at picking locks and building and understanding mechanical devices due to her talent of precision telekinesis. Her knowledge of this time is limited however, and struggles at times to fit in.

When it comes to protecting herself and those that she cares about, she will often adopt the stance that the end justifies the means. This is a side effect of her life in the Wasteland and the stories of her parents' more perilous journeys. Her observances from both the ponyville wasteland and the remaining wasteland of Equestria have shown her that there is little room for idealism when it comes to protection and safety.

She tends to carry around a set of two small metal spheres, about an eighth of the size of her cutie mark. They both have small decals of her cutie mark and are cyan blue, her magic aura and eye colour. She tends to spend hours on end rotating them around each other in the air.

Due to an experiment gone wrong after finding a magic textbook in the wasteland Ponyville library, when she is asleep she is never completely asleep. Her conscious mind is asleep, but her subconscious takes over her magic and seems to have a mind of it's own.


Scarlet Fidelity is a young unicorn mare. Her story is an unusual one at that, considering it involves time travel.

She was born soon before the events of “Fallout: Equestria”, but spent most of her time alone in her home near the Equestrian border. The only other thing she experienced was on her monthly trips to Old Appleoosa, where she met raiders and slavers on the way. Due to her knack for precision telekinesis she has so far managed to refrain from killing anyone. On one trip to Old Appleoosa she caught sight of a few ponies that seemed to stand out. After following them for the next few months she got caught on the edge of the megaspell blast that killed the alicorns. She woke up about 3 hours later (relative time), which was actually many years in the past. Scarlet had accidentally travelled back in time in a megaspell fluke, just after the time of Nightmare Moon's defeat.

For the past year she has been constructing a house near the Equestrian border, which she then realized was the house that she was living in back in her relative present. It’s also the reason she liked the house and area so much. Nobody knows she lives there due to the fact that because nobody would believe her, she keeps a very low profile and makes sure that ponies know as little about her as possible.

The one thing she managed to bring with her was a small satchel/tool bag and two small metal spheres with decals of her cutie mark on them. The satchel is almost always with her, and is enchanted so that no magic other than hers or her family's (up to 7 generations) can have any effect on it. She also makes monthly trips to Ponyville to gather supplies, which she still finds disconcerting due to her past (technically future) experiences of the area. To this day she knows not why the megaspell sent her back in time, nor what caused it.

She does know a few spells that are quite amazing, considering that they haven’t been invented yet. They include "embedding" spells and magic in objects, and charging them to act as an external magic storage. This enables her to perform long range teleportation, and it leaves no physical damage and doesn't seem to damper her internal magic reserves too much. Though it does mean she has to charge the objects up again for when she wants to next use them.

She owns a few more spells stored on a pipbuck she has recovered from an abandoned stable, but has never had the time nor the incentive to learn them and put them into practice. There are hundreds of spells stored on the pipbuck, most of which have not been invented yet. Besides long range teleportation, her only other skill is finely tuned precision telekinesis.

Due to her magic accident pre-megaspell detonation, she has to sleep more than other ponies do to make up for her subconscious doing work during sleep. She is often seen with the two metal spheres floating close to her as well as other objects floating in close proximity. She has begun training her subconscious to perform tasks during her sleep as even though it may be annoying, she feels that she may as well use it to her advantage.


MLP Forums Thread

By Vinyl Scratchy DJ

Updated: 8th May 2015


Source: http://originalcharacters.esy.es/ScarlettFidelity/


Art by DoeKitty

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Name: Spacethunder

Type: Pegasi

Gender: Male

Appearance: Deepskyblue coat, Black and yellow ragged mane,  Blue eyes.

Cutie Mark: Black and yellow cutie mark with an flying star around it.

Hobbies: Likes to fly and fight, Likes to hang out with friends.

Additional Details: Spacethunder is a guard of the Kingdome of Württemberg, a place far away from Equestria. At the moment he's based in Canterlot, ordered by the King of Württemberg. In his free time he often spends the day with his friends he made in Ponyville. - Especially with Lyra Heartstrings and Rainbow Dash, his best friends.



Edited by SwabianBrony
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Name: Spacethunder


Type: Pegasi


Gender: Male


Appearance: Deepskyblue coat, Black and yellow ragged mane,  Blue eyes.


Cutie Mark: Black and yellow cutie mark with an flying star around it.


Hobbies: Likes to fly and fight, Likes to hang out with friends.


Additional Details: Spacethunder is a guard of the Kingdome of Württemberg, a place far away from Equestria. At the moment he's based in Canterlot, ordered by the King of Württemberg. In his free time he often spends the day with his friends he made in Ponyville. - Especially with Lyra Heartstrings and Rainbow Dash, his best friends.







Wow! Who did this artwork?

  • Brohoof 1


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Posted my first two already, I've made a couple others since. (Posted the facts then the images in a spoiler following them)


Name: Comet


Species: Earth Pony


Gender: Female


Age: 21



Name: Scarlett


Species: Earth Pony


Gender: Female


Age: 20



Name: Blossom


Species: Unicorn


Gender: Female


Age: 20



Name: Mike (Ponysona)


Species: Pegasus


Gender: Male


Age: 17

















AND if anyone's interested I have my official original OC (Not drawn by me, though I drew the original on actual paper. An artist helped bring him to life digitally)


Name: Disco


Species: Golden Shepherd


Gender: Male


Age: 21





Edited by Felix


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Wow! Who did this artwork?


I did this artwork using a template but still every line you see is made by me in Photoshop using the laptop touchpad :D

Edited by SwabianBrony
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Name: Kirby Morgan


Age: 22


Gender: Male


Species: Earth Pony


Occupation: Commercial Deep-Sea Diver


Appearance: Tan fur coat with brown mane and tail. Has a horseshoe mustache which he first formed in dive school.


Cutie Mark:A duel set of anchors crossed behind a Mark V dive rig.


Personality: Usually a little quiet but quite outgoing during a conversation. Likes making new friends and meeting new ponies. On the job, he is rather professional in both appearance and mannerisms, for he wants to keep his mind focused on work.


Backstory: Kirby Morgan is a young stallion from the northern city of Seaddle whom has recently bought a home in Ponyville and now lives in both places in even splits of time. When he was a young colt, his father and he attended an exhibition dedicated to deep-sea diving and became entranced in the mysteries of the sea, but primarily of deep-sea diving. While they were there, he was able to don a Mark V Royal Equestrian Navy diving hat and received his cutie mark, knowing full well that becoming a diver was what he wanted to become.


At the age of 21, he attended Sisterly Crowns Dive School in Seaddle and graduated with class 110-14, immediately landing a job with Royal Equestrian Marine Salvage in Manehattan, working through their office in Seaddle. Now, he has recently been working basic infrastructure contracts with the company in Central Equestria, primarily in Canterlot and Ponyville.


He has his father, mother, stepmother, stepfather, and older sister whom all live in Seaddle. He is named after Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, the creator of his hat.


Edited by The Diver

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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Okay guys i want to see YOUR oc's! and as soon as I can find out how, i will put up a picture of Princess Thornheart. Oh! and it can be ANTHING MLP related!

HAVE FUN!  :umad:  :comeatus:  :pout:  :fiery:  :muffins::derp: 

  • Brohoof 1
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I have eight OC'S lol


Radiant and sulfur in my sig actually gave fanfics to them otherwise the rest are on my profile :P

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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My oc is below. Isn't she beautiful?  :wub:




Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

"Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer

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