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How did you find this site?

Lady Rarity Pony

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I found it through trolling Bungie.net with my MLP posts. Everyone told me to GTFO and I refused unless I had a better place for pony posts. And someone linked a bunch of pony sites. I tried ponychan but everyone there was a jerk...so I tried this link


....and then it began

  • Brohoof 35
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Equestria Daily mention in a Nightly Roundup I believe



I caught the preregistration thing and promptly forgot all about the site until it went live. :blink:

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I didn't "find" this site. I was here from the beginning. I was in the original Official Pony Thread on 3dsforums when Kurtiss and feld0 were talking about creating this site. In fact, they kept teasing us with screenshots and information. Here is a picture I created of pinkie on the site before it was even up.



  • Brohoof 7
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I didn't "find" this site. I was here from the beginning. I was in the original Official Pony Thread on 3dsforums when Kurtiss and feld0 were talking about creating this site. In fact, they kept teasing us with screenshots and information. Here is a picture I created of pinkie on the site before it was even up.

That is awesome...


  • Brohoof 5
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I didn't "find" this site. I was here from the beginning. I was in the original Official Pony Thread on 3dsforums when Kurtiss and feld0 were talking about creating this site. In fact, they kept teasing us with screenshots and information. Here is a picture I created of pinkie on the site before it was even up.




^This right here.


Except, you know. Making that image.

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm pretty sure I found it through Equestria Daily, but the only thing I actually remember is that I signed up for the preregistration-type-thing, and completely forgot about it until I checked my email a few weeks later and saw that this site was up and running.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think I got here from an advertisement on pony countdown, but I can't seem to get it to show up any more, if it was there in the first place, I could be wrong. that's how I got here, but I only made an account after a friend told me he made one and I joined in.

Edited by flare03
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I think I got here from an advertisement on pony countdown, but I can't seem to get it to show up any more, if it was there in the first place, I could be wrong.

The advertisements on Pony Countdown cost a surprising bit of money, so they're only being ran infrequently, as far as I know.

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Well i was chilling on my DA page like I normally do Refreshing while waiting for inspiration when all of a sudden i get a message from Kurtis (Read from Bottom Up)




A little after that I got a few messages from Feld0 but we mostly all talked On MSN through the whole rigamaroll of making the Graphics


T'was a lot of fun and I'd do it again (Like I am now)

  • Brohoof 1
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Like a few of other people, I just happened to stumble across here when I was skimming over a nightly roundup on EqD. So I signed up the mailing list and...well, here I am now.
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