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Lady Rarity Pony

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Gonna have to say google, too. I don't think it's too odd, once something is searched you glean results based on popularity.

Mlpforums seemed to be quite high when i searched "mlp forum" (when i say quite high i mean first result lol)

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmmm...I believe I found this site when one of the other users from an other site I moderate had a discord avatar. Every time he had to show his emotions, he would always find discord with said emotions. So I decided to trace of his images fron the URl and here I am.

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Simply because this is a good place to feel like I'm home, except that I'm writing this at home where I rather not feel home.


I know it sounds weird, but it's the truth.


Besides I'm also here because it's a good place to talk about MLP-related things, and I'm going to write something really important at the Life-Advice's section soon on this forum. I have been thinking for creating a post there for more than a few months.

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I was looking up the season 3 episode 4 synopsis, and MLP Forums had an official thread for it. The site looked pretty, so what the heck. I haven't been active on a forums for a while since this site. c:

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I found this site when I was browsing photos, I came across a picture of a half finished pony, clicked it and it led here. Iv only been here for about 4 hours, but so far, everyone I have met is super nice!

  • Brohoof 1
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Searching up down left right about applejack  :)

I found it by doing a quick "my little pony forums" search on Google. This popped up and said it was the best MLP forum around, so I signed up. And I'm so glad I did! :) 

I probably chose the best place to show the world that there is some bronies in the middle-east otherwise i'll be labelled as a terrorist in other places  :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I found this site through the power of Google, typing up MLP Forums. I was directed to the forums by a friend, so I guess it doesn't really count. 

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