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Ask Applejack!


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Ya can't run forever...




Thank ya, pardner.



Ah sure bet Fluttershy would love ta hug a "panda".




Ah don't sing. Really, ah don't.











well okay enjoy having the idea of letting people DIE. yep did not know you can be heartless. 




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...AJ Ah wanna talk to you.


It's been hard growin' up without Mama or Dad around. But... Ah wanna ask if Ah've done a good job, raisin' you and Apple Bloom, an' havin' t' be both big brother an' pretend t'be like Dad...


'Cause, you know Ah worry sometimes, if Ah'm not all Ah should've been. Coulda' woulda' shoulda'...

Ah'm... still your best-friend-brother, right?


  • Brohoof 1
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*runs out of breath* oh....I....give....up!


...don't steal pardner. That's all ah wanted to say.


Ya can go now.



You said you don't sing? What about Racist Barn, erm, I mean, Raise this Barn? You sang in that!!!


Aww, galdernit. Ya'll were recordin' that???




Yea, you sang in that! And it was a good song! I don't care what you say, you have a wonderful singing voice.


Not as good as Fluttershy, but still...


Well, ah do appreciate the compliment. But, err, honest-ta-goodness....ah can't sing.



...AJ Ah wanna talk to you.


It's been hard growin' up without Mama or Dad around. But... Ah wanna ask if Ah've done a good job, raisin' you and Apple Bloom, an' havin' t' be both big brother an' pretend t'be like Dad...


'Cause, you know Ah worry sometimes, if Ah'm not all Ah should've been. Coulda' woulda' shoulda'...

Ah'm... still your best-friend-brother, right?



Now and forever, big brother. Don't ya worry none. Ya've done one hay of a job raising us both.



Hey Applejack I just ate a tree full of apple's and I ain't paying for them.



Whatcha gonna do about it?


...that's impossible, cause ah harvested em all already. There ain't anythin' left.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Oh ok! *grabs an apple and eats it*


That ain't mah apple, but even still, it ain't right ta just steal it, ya know!





Ah love you AJ. You know Ah like doin' the walkin' more than the talkin'.



And ah love ya too, big brother. Always have, always will.



We most certainly were recording it! Unbeknownst to you, hundreds of millions of people actually got the opportunity to hear you sing!




Heh heh....very funny, pardner...heh....heh...

...you're jokin', ain't ya? Right?



I been meaning to ask you this question: How's the reunion? You save any fritters for me? :3


Err, no, sorry, pardner. But ah can make ya one real quick.



Applejack, anypony ever tell you you were adorable when you were a baby?





Oh, well, err...thank ya kindly, ah guess. Heh.



Dontcha think your better off using dem machines Flim and Flam used? You'd get things done much faster!




Nah. Us Apples like ta do it the good ol' fashioned way - with our hooves.





A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Do you still get complaints about those muffins, or "baked bads" that you made?


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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are there any pegasi/pegasuses or unicorns in your entire family tree or is your entire family tree consited of only earth ponies?

(not saying there is anything wrong about earth ponies, I am just curious)


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Yea this apple is yours I took it from a basket that was sitting by one of the trees! *continues eating the apple*


Sorry, pardner. T'ain't mine. Ya should still put it right on back, though.



Well that'd be nice. Would you want anything in return for that fritter? I'd pay 5 bits for it.


Nah, take it.



Um afraid he isn't, Applejack.


A good number of people all around the world heard you sing.


.....galdernit it.


Dash'll tease me about this fer ages.



Do you still get complaints about those muffins, or "baked bads" that you made?




Nopony knows yet...





How would you feel if.... Ah dunno....


If Ahstartedlikin'oneofyourfriends...



Heh heh....


Which one, if ya don't mind me askin'?



are there any pegasi/pegasuses or unicorns in your entire family tree or is your entire family tree consited of only earth ponies?

(not saying there is anything wrong about earth ponies, I am just curious)






Mah family tree's pretty big...but most of em seem ta be earth ponies...





how can you eat alot without getting fat?


Ya know just how tirin' applebucking is?



Are you have a iphone? Or a macbook? All apple products :3


And why I cant getting highter in rank than blank flank!? I'v posted more then 10 times so.....



And, err, looks ta me like you're already a cupcake! Grats, pardner.



Hey applejack, have you ever heard Big Mac (no not mcdonalds) say something other than "eeyup" or "nope" other than when the crusaders started making gossip about you and him?


Hey applejack, have you ever heard Big Mac (no not mcdonalds) say something other than "eeyup" or "nope" other than when the crusaders started making gossip about you and him?



  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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