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This time I'm not going to vote. I'm not a fan of Fluttershy. Or Luna. To be absolutely honest, I don't care about any of them, so I see no sense in voting. 


But still, have fun, everypony :) May the best pony win.

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This one is closer than I expected. Go Luna!


Even if Fluttershy beats you, you're still a Princess!

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Ugh! At times like this I find myself barely able to vote; because by voting for one, I'm voting against the other. Was just barely able to vote for Her Highness.

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(Pony) Simon Belmont: What a horrible night to have a curse...


????: Is there something wrong with my night, dear Simon?


Simon Belmont: Huh? Who was that? Luna?


Luna: Yes, tis' I. Now about this horrible night...


Simon Belmont: I meant no offense by the statement, O princess of the night. Its just that i'm cursed by Dracula, and he used the night as a means to do so...


Luna: Ah.. I see.. Very well...sit and relax for now.. Let your Princess give you the best night ever... :comeatus: 


Vote Luna. She saved Simon Belmont.   


I actually challenge somepony to fanart this.

Edited by Fantasma Mr.Green
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Very hard to choose between Luna and Fluttershy.

Luna is an overrated character but she had some great episodes (For Whom, Sleepless in Ponyvillle, Luna Eclipsed...), Fluttershy is a character I can relate to, she must be the cutest pony of the show, and I love her voice. :P


My vote goes to.....Fluttershy! But I don't mind if Luna wins.

Edited by Blobulle
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I voted for Luna because she is the only pony that I feel has gone through a realistic internal struggle. She turned on her sister and became Nightmare Moon. Got turned backed to Luna and was forgiven by her sister. Then she had to adjust back into normal life all while trying desperately to gain the trust of the ponies. And even when she does the ponies still kind of fear her. 


I just feel like she's contributed a lot to the show.....and deserves a vote or two. :comeatus:   

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What a way to start the quarterfinals. A game that is neck and neck between the two characters.


Who will triumph in Luna vs Fluttershy IV? Will Luna go 3-1 against Fluttershy and become the first semifinalist, or will Fluttershy tie the series and glide her way to that coveted spot?

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Awwh I love them both. I had to go with Fluttershy though. The voting is so close, but I really hope Fluttershy wins. Ugh, this vote choice at me at :(

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woooah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go twilight sparkle 


GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wait AM I too LATE?

Nope. :) Her next game's her quarterfinal encounter with...





On the night of July 7th.



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holy moly 
man bad match up.
remember on the equestria girls?
they fought and well 
i dont wanna talk about it..



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