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The Make the Forums a Better Place Challenge!

Sweet Dreams

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TOTALLY!! :lol: I always try to be nice and help other members cause I hate making others feel bad. I always feel sad whenever I see a depressing status update or I see members complaining about how the forums just isn't the same and there's been alot of conflict. Well I hope we can fix that :) *hugs to all* :yay:


*hugs* What would the forums be like without kindhearted members like you, Misty Pie?  ^_^


And going off of that, the forums is really what we the members make of it. We the members make the community, and the community is greatly shaped and effected by us. If we want to make the forums a better place, the majority of us need to take action. One person can only do so much to lighten up this place. It may not seem like it, but we ALL individually matter.


This community's made for us, and in order to make this a welcoming and family-like community, we must all strive to be welcoming and spread some cheer to those who need it the most. :)


Sadly, it is impossible to make this site a perfect paradise where everyone is in a state of perfect harmony and happiness. But that doesn't mean, we can't at least strive to give this site a much more friendly atmosphere. The more members who participate, the more likely some noticeably positive changes can began to occur.


Friendship truly is magic, so why not spread the love, the kindness, and all the friendship around? :)


I for one will gladly accept this challenge! :yay:

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I most certainly do accept this challenge. This community cannot be shaped in one way or another by any single individual. This community is a summation of all of us. However, simultaneously, a whole is only a whole because it is a summation of its constituent elements. Without an individual making the choice to treat others with kindness and respect, positive change will not occur.


It is up to each and every individual to choose to treat others with kindness. We are all responsible for being the community we wish to see. Every act of kindness - every choice to be a positive contributor to the community - is essential.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 1 month later...

The Make-The-Forums-A-Better-Place Challenge

Hey everyone! My name is Sweet Dreams. Maybe you heard of me, maybe we've talked. The likelihood is that you have no bucking idea who I am, and that's okay. But, I still wanna give you all a little challenge to help this forum become a better place. Why?

Because I can't help but notice that this place has really begun to give off a bad vibe the last few months. I've seen many blogs about this issue, and I must agree. Our members just don't seem as happy as they used to be. Even Chrysalis is pissed-


Well, maybe it's not that bad. But this forum has really become a second home for me, and I hate seeing you guys get upset. And, I found that when I saw people saying that they feel alone and upset here, it affected me in real life, it actually put me in a bad mood, and I come here to put me in a good one. Even if you disagree with me, a few more smiles couldn't hurt, right?

That's why I'd like everyone to help out. How do I become a part of it?

Just be kind! Act as a role model to other members by staying positive, starting new threads, and making sure your fellow members never feel lonely. The only way to brighten this place up is friendship. After all, Friendship is Magic.

What I am asking you to do is simple- Compliment someone.

Welcome a new member.

Make a new friend or two.

Help someone out.

Report a troll.

Share some brohoofs. and most importantly Give someone a virtual hug, because you can't get a virtual hug without smiling. :)

All you need to do is one thing on the list to be a part of the challenge, and I know that this will be a happier place. So, come one guys! Maybe it's snowy and cold outside, but we can make this place warm enough to make up for it. :) Kind words are short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

So... Are you in? :)

The forums has been giving off a bad vibe in the past few months. The forum still is a popularity contest. But I have yet to see this challenge come into play with my own eyes yet... I have yet to see hope given to the hopeless members in the way you describe, like me for example.

I failed the challenge for sure, but being nice is still great nevertheless.

Hundreds of members have failed the challenge. Don't feel so bad.

  • Brohoof 3
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You know, my biggest criticism against this notion is this: What if you've already tried? And you're trying to get other people involved with the forums, but you're getting nowhere? I've already started a few World Cup contests of my own, but I ask myself, "Does anyone actually want to participate? Does anyone actually want to contribute to the forums?" By the dearth of replies to my World Cup Contests so far, I'm leaning towards saying, "No." I even tried to promote the contests, but I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN. I'd sound like a spam-bot! C'mon you guys... I wanted the tournament to be forum-wide... get the whole forum involved you know? But you guys aren't. I'm disappointed.


You know what my biggest complaint is? Just because you're already popular here... doesn't mean you stop working hard for the people. If you want to make people smile around you, the effort has to be continuous. And to that effect, I just wanted to say to the popular people: Shame on you if you're not consistently blessing the people, even in the smallest of ways. I'm not saying you don't, but when given the opportunity, I suggest you do.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been a part of these forums for only a month, and it does seem like a lot of users give off a bad vibe. I've seen plenty of threads about suicide and depression, and it really needs to stop.


It's time to reassert the love and tolerance! I'm definetely in.

Edited by Freeze-Frame
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