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Thoughts on Bullying, Bullies, & getting Bullied.


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Bullies are frustrated people themselves who decide to take it out on others and their terrible behaviour is not excused by that fact. I have been bullied a bit not as much as I could have because I went to private school.

One time two people (who I later forgave and more friendly with) they bullied me over a spanish speaking lesson as a group of three and I even recorded it to show others. So horrible. And some other people just said nasty stuff to me in the coordidor and I cried but they did get in trouble for it so oof. 

Primary school was a different story where I was constantly bullied. However I always got the vibe the girl who bullied me was jealous or something. She made fun of my ethnicity and the fact that I liked dogs and anything else she could make fun of me for. Yeah sometimes I liked it when people laughed at me but only ya know when its a joke and Im laughing with them. Not when they are bullying me in a petty way. She also used to use her friend to bully me and hold me up physically and drag me along or steal my hat when I needed it for the sun. Nobody else in our friendship group had their hat stolen so why should I have mine? Some people are just bad. One person who was not part of our friendship group actually called her out and I felt great then. And one time stuff got so bad I went to this other friend of mine like a friend I know through my family and she helped me in the playground. Ouch. Later on I saw her in the bus I just laugh at her or ignore her (mean maybe but eh), she was weak alone and she used others to beat me up and feel better about herself. 

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Bullies are scum. I was mercilessly bullied until I finally fought back. They only pick on people they can get away with. Cowards. Any form of abuse is unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

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To all those that bully, go get a hobby or do something more constructive with your time.

To all those who are bullied, don’t think you have to suffer through all that or that what you’re going through is too small for you or anyone else to worry about. Bullying is not fair and should be handled properly. Go get help or defend yourself (nonviolently) if possible.

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Bullies are losers. They have only misery left in life. They try to make themselves big, and popular, and that may work for a little time in their little lives, but reality will get to them eventually

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Bullies suck, i wouldn't know what it does but when i was in my first year of school i got teased for no reason, and i mean no reason

This one girl would always make snide remarks about everything i said, the world would be better if it was rid of bullies

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I don't know what options you have, but discussing this with your parents or someone who loves you and understands your passion is probably a good step to take. And don't worry about looking pathetic, get back what matters to you if it matters to you.

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Never been bullied, pretty much ignored and even so, I'd beat up anyone who tries to. Not trying to sound tough or anything, I was just one of these trouble kids who likes to get into fights, fun or not. That was elementary. Middle school year is mostly ignored and High school, it's a small school so we all pretty much gotten along with each other.

I'd say this though, back in middle school I did bully one of my friends. I thought I was doing it out of a small tease for fun but at the end, excuses won't cut it for how much I hurt her feelings. I felt pretty awful just thinking about it still and wish I could make it up. Since I also wish I could've feel remorse sooner than later. If I met her again today, honestly, I won't know how to say 'sorry'. 

My advice for those who bullied people,  whatever your petty excuses are, it's not worth it. It will only make you feel worse than you already are. And if you have the heart to realize what you had done, regrets will eat you up in a long term. The pain you inflicted onto others who doesn't deserve, it will come back 7x to you.  It's.not.worth.it. Be kind and the world will be kinder to you. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am watching My Hero Academia, and there is a bully in there that is one of the main guys. Don't tell Bakugou_is_my_Man I said that (thus not tagging her).

To me, bullies are scum.

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Bullies are the worst. I got bullied in 2nd class till the end of my school life+ Oned of my Bullies burned my Hand in lesson because he was "bored". I wanted to commit suicuide but I didn't do it because it isn't worth it. Also Ariana Grande heled me a lot getting out of the bully time and MLP aswell. All I can say is don't listen to them haters and be yourself

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Bullies are incredibly weak, cowardly and insecure, which is why they so often have to have other parasitic friends to build themselves up and prey on the weak. These people need to have their asses kicked for them. I often think it’s okay to stand up and fight, even if it means getting beaten up, because it sends a message that everyday bullying isn’t always going to be a simple, thoughtless action that costs the bully nothing. If effort is required to make the lives of others into a living hell, maybe it’ll be less attractive and therefore less prevalent. I think that even taking a beating is better than feeling all sick and helpless inside. Even the weakest people can bite and claw and kick, and by making it as costly as possible for the bully, it’ll make an impact. And if fisticuffs aren’t effective, use the psychological approach of ridiculing the bully’s flaws to belittle them and make them feel like the lowlife crap they are. Bullies aren’t brainiacs, and they usually get frustrated when faced with their articulate mental superiors.  

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  • 3 months later...

I used to be severely bullied from elementary school to....sophomore year? Schools honestly didn’t really care or do anything. I had guys used to beat up on me. I accidentally stepped on this guys shoe and he threatened to kill me but low and behold the school said they couldn’t do anything about it. 

I was kind of a weakling\nerdy girl up until middle school when I became more goth. Then I was a rocker/goth/nerd till I graduated. Once I hit high school, at least for me, the psychical violence stopped. While I got bullied by other girls, they never laid their hands on me unlike the guys who bullied me.

As an adult people still talk trash and try to walk over you. Difference is I can eliminate them out of my life which I have for most. I can’t change who I work with but honestly things are a blessing now compared to my school years

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@Onylex, your story about your drawing book being thrown away was absolutely heartbreaking to me.  It's just such senseless and needless cruelty, for no other reason than boredom.  It sickens me.

Coincidentally, I'm doing a re-watch of the series, and I just finished Babs Seed.  I try really hard to keep an open mind about bullies, and try to have compassion, even for my apparent enemies, as there are some like Babs who are actually good people who have lost their way and can be brought back.  However, I usually fail at that task.  Due to my history of being tormented in school, I f*cking hate bullies.  I couldn't even let Babs off the hook.  I know it's wrong to have such an absolute mindset, but I really f*cking hate bullies.  In a perfect society, we should try to help bullies by getting to the root of why the behave the way they do, and helping them to feel like they don't have to bully and so forth.  The ol' FIM method.  But for better or worse, I tend to have more of medieval eye-for-an-eye mindset.  I want brutal revenge.  I want to make bullies suffer as they have made others suffer.  But that's no way to run a society, which is why I'm glad I'm not in charge of lawmaking.

I once had something of value stolen from me by a bully at school, just like you, Onylex.  There was nothing I could do about it but just sit back and take it.  It makes me angry to this day.  But I got the last laugh, because shortly after the rest of us graduated from high school, that particular bully was arrested and sent to prison for armed robbery.  :o

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I’ve never really been bullied.  Except maybe from a teacher who always implied I was dumb, and the time I got punched in the face for reasons still unknown to me by some kid no one liked in middle school.   

To me bullies are insecure cowards, or just jerks that enjoy hurting others.  

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I've never really been bullied besides once or twice in 10th grade. There were these hotshot seniors that thought it was cool of them to break the rules and get into trouble. I never reacted to them, I never showed them any emotion. They were in my gym class and I happened to be sitting near to them during the orientation thing for the class and they were talking about something, I don't remember which but they turned to me and asked "Why are you so quiet?", I never replied and ignored them and they attempted to get a rise out of me but they never got one.

They'd try to do similar things throughout the year, surprisingly enough some of my friends were cool with them but I never talked with them ever, and they graduated 2 years ago and I never saw them again, thankfully.

Nobody tried to physically shove or push me, if they did I would have beaten the shit out of them and left them a bloody pulp. You can jest me, you can test me and not really get a response but if you try anything with me physically, I will wipe the floor with you and you will remember it for the rest of your life. Thankfully I never had to do anything like that, but if I did, I would have. 

At my school I don't really believe we had a bullying problem, it wasn't the 1970s or anything. I never had any problems besides a small hand full of people.

I mean really for people who are bullied, you have to stand up for yourself and NOT let it happen or else it will just get worse. You can't be weak, you have to show them who is boss and put them in their place at some point because quite frankly, they deserve it. The bullies may seem to act like they own the school or place, but they are extreme cowards who lost something important to them in their past and have to lash out on others to do so, they are disgusting little rats who need to be put in their place and learn the hard way before they hurt anyone else. 

Any form of abuse shouldn't be tolerated, whether it be emotional or physical abuse and they all need to learn a hard lesson and fix their ways, or they can all rot in jails and see what it is like there. If you think you are some high stage hot shot, when you go to jail, you will see people that are way out of your league and people who truly are fucked up, then at that moment you will know how it feels like to be tormented. 

You can't stop this by putting up no bully zones, you can't stop it by telling people to play nice. People simply don't, and they must be taught a lesson. I have a feeling most of this occurs in the inner city schools which quite frankly, are a pile of shit.

I am an easy person to get along with, I like to get along with everyone, but if you want to start shit with me, you will learn your lesson.

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53 minutes ago, Justin_Case001 said:


I once had something of value stolen from me by a bully at school, just like you, Onylex.  There was nothing I could do about it but just sit back and take it.  It makes me angry to this day.  But I got the last laugh, because shortly after the rest of us graduated from high school, that particular bully was arrested and sent to prison for armed robbery.  :o

Three of my bullies got arrested for brawling at a party last I’ve heard. One of them got his girlfriend pregnant before graduation. And the school got burned to the ground. Must say those are pretty satisfying feelings :proud:

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2 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

Three of my bullies got arrested for brawling at a party last I’ve heard. One of them got his girlfriend pregnant before graduation. And the school got burned to the ground. Must say those are pretty satisfying feelings :proud:

Your school burned to the ground? Wowsers.

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49 minutes ago, Califorum said:

Your school burned to the ground? Wowsers.

Yeah. Passed by years later, and it was all barricaded up. Found out later by a mom who enrolled her kid at the same school it got burned 

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1 minute ago, Steve Piranha said:

Yeah. Passed by years later, and it was all barricaded up. Found out later by a mom who enrolled her kid at the same school it got burned 

My school is honestly kinda built crappily, my middle school was built in 1993 but the high school was made in 1945 and it needs to be rebuilt.

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I was bullied for 13 years straight during school, so I have plenty of experience with being bullied and harassed to the point of hiding under the bed crying because I didn't want to go to school.

Had some asshole in freshman year in high school who threw a chair at me for who knows what reason. Suffice to say I had no clue on even how to react to this, and he quit barely a week afterwards. Looking back I should've beaten the ever-living shit out of him for doing that to me. Next year another douchebag threw a carton of chocolate milk at me. This time around however I gave him a bit of a thrashing and was taught a lesson in manners. He got suspended for a week because of it. Looking back I should've given him two black eyes because this kind of crappy behaviour is unacceptable by any definition.

Even to this day I have people trying(and hilariously failing) to bully and harass, but unlike back then I have not just wizened up but also completely grown out of being a victim because some people for the love of them are outright miserable and can't stand watching other people being happy. People who bully others are insecure and are not interested in having people noticing. If anything, they should be pitied because they have not learned to nor understand how to deal with their insecurities. Not just insecurities, but it's also about having power over someone else because they themselves are powerless, and they know it. Their misery should be pitied, but not indulged nor encouraged.

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