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Do guys have it easier?


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Both genders have their pros or cons. I mean, we girls can like Call of Duty and we're seen as the most awesome people in the world, but boys liking My Little Pony? Wow, what a loser.

  • Brohoof 3

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Both genders have there advantages and Disadvantages


But the one thing i hate about being a boy is being treated as one... So like people expect you to be like super strong and handsome and people think you should do stuff like when people say they swept the lady off her feet. So you know treat her as if she was a queen and stuff but what i ask is Don't you think we want that as well? :/


I don't mean that in a mean or offence way but i'm just saying, but lots of people expect us boys to be like that

Edited by Codelyoko373
  • Brohoof 1


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Both genders have their pros or cons. I mean, we girls can like Call of Duty and we're seen as the most awesome people in the world, but boys liking My Little Pony? Wow, what a loser.

I honestly dislike most of the girls I meet in Call of Duty simply because because they want others to know they are girls using Clantags such as "GIRL" and talk into their mics every second. Most of them really look for attention and that's annoying me sometimes.


On to the topic, you cannot really decide overall whether guys have it easier or not simply because there are certain aspects that are viewed more strongly than others so opinions can differ so I'm not going to say whether a guy has it easier or not, it depends on every single individual and the arguments already presented give a nice insight of the pros and cons of each side so everyone should be able to get an own opinion on which gender if better for them personally.

  • Brohoof 2


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I dunno man. I don't care about gender, I really don't. That's why gender stereotypes bother me. I just say let people be people. No need for all of this grouping.

Edited by Brosparkles
  • Brohoof 1



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I can honestly say I'm pretty happy to be born a guy. I don't have to worry about getting pregnant, getting raped (as much), and getting a period. I'm not as emotional, and pretty happy about being that way. And from what I can tell, girls are a lot meaner to each other.


I don't mind being expected to perform heavy lifting, regardless of whether or not I can come anywhere close to successfully doing it. I don't have a problem with being expected to be chivalrous or a gentleman. I don't mind any of the "mindless thug" stereotypes imposed on me. I am awkward at times, but it's not much of a setback.


I'm sure one could list several reasons as to why girls have it easier, but I honestly can't think of any situation in which i would rather be a girl. (Also, I'm not trying to be sexist or anything, I'm just saying that in this modern age, guys have it off better.)

Edited by WWAPD
  • Brohoof 1


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Why don't you try insulting both sexes?

I guarantee you that you will be labeled misogynistic, and will have your jab at dudes passed off as a funny joke.

Everyone's so keen on making fun of the big boss that it becomes a source of amusement. When you pick on the (historical) subordinate it's called being a predator.

No question about it. Guys have it easier.

And they have since early civilization.

Edited by Nonon
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Guys can we shut up being able to be taken down by a swift kick to the nuts is nothing compared to the pains woman go through every month. so yeah i'm glad i'm a guy but at least i acknowledge that you girls have it tougher.  

  • Brohoof 1
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I think both genders have it hard.

- Awkwardness. (I have this problem everyday...)


I think I know what you mean by awkwardness, if so then yeah it is quite annoying, every morning, and just throughout the day.
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Pros: We as men are;

Stronger, we can lift and move things easier

Work horses: Relied on to do the load needed to make our necessities

Half Child bearers: We carry 1/2 of the Genetics required to make a child (AKA Sperm)



Nine Months + Birth:  It ain't all bad.  You carry 1/2 of the Genetics required for this, mainly the eggs!  Sure making babies can be fun, pleasurable, and a bonding experience all in one.  This will bring a new joy into your life, and bragging rights to hold your new child and say "I MADE THIS!!"

Yeah, but there are many men that will supply the juice half the genetics and then head for the hills, leaving the woman with a lifetime responsibility.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Us females will rule the world one day. We already have near all of western civilization. *insert evil laugh*

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a (you know what) is actually quite an annoyance. It may seem hilarious, but guys are REALLY careful zipping up their pants for that reason. Girls are treated pretty good where I am. We must always be a gentlemen and do things for girls that they can do themselves. Being a guy is not easier because you are judged on how strong you are and guys get called "GAY!" all the time. I feel like it is easier for girls to make friends. Guys aren't as social as girls. Your friend wouldn't want to be a guy. Trust me. I get the idea sometimes that girls have it easier, but pregnancy doesn't sound like fun. When somebody says one gender is smarter than the other, I laugh. Your gender doesn't decide your intelligence. I am above par compared to most of the girls at my school... But that could be because they have a social life.. -.-


The thing that irks me the most is the whole gentlemen propaganda that they feed into the boys in elementary school. If a girl wants to be as equal as a guy, then why tell the guys that they should do all this stuff for them? Doesn't that just take away the point of girls striving for independency? If you start expecting guys to hold open doors for you, then that isn't being very independent. I hold open a door for everyone. Not JUST girls.


This is kind of funny because we are talking about this in my AP human class at school. Gender inequality. Now. Studies do show that guys make more than girls, and girls don't have much a say in legislatures, even though the majority of the people who vote (at least in the USA) are female. Those are the only two downsides I see about being a girl, other than pregnancy.

Edited by Judgement
  • Brohoof 1

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Well, I'm biased to say, life for me would be easier as a woman.

But it really depends, on many different factors.


+ No pregnancy (or there shouldn't be...)

+ USUALLY more athletic overally.

+ Less stereotyped

+ Can get practically any job.

- Expected to do all of the physical work. (I can't...)

- Usually less intelligent (not necessarily in my case.)

- Restricted on social norms (I have issues with this all the time...)

- Awkwardness. (I have this problem everyday...)


+ Usually more intelligent.

+ Not expected to work as much (yay...)

+ Able to express their style more freely.

+ Usually, not as awkward.

- Pregnancy.

- Weakness.

- Stereotypes.

- Harder to get a job. The military offers less positions to women than men.

Okay. This list makes almost no sense to me.


How are women able to express their style more freely? I've seen plenty of men with multiple piercings and tattoos. If a woman showed up with something like that she would very easily be called a slut or trash.


And, everyone has an equal chance to be awkward. Just because you are a female doesn't change your personality. I'm very super awkward myself, but I wouldn't be any less or more awkward if I was a guy. Same with intelligence.


I know more women with a job in my college than men, I'm sure the ratio is about equal though (at least in the USA.) this one you may just have a point with though. Most women in other countries are less likely to work than men, but just by a little. (Unless we are talking about an area with little to no female rights)


Men are typically more athletic due to their build, but women are known to have much more stamina and their typically small build makes them pretty fast runners.


All of the male main points seem pretty spot on, but the female ones are not, but I understand since you aren't one and it's sorta hard to tell.


Also sorry if any of this sounds stupid. I smacked my head majorly hard about an hour earlier and my brain is a tad frazzled. But feel free to argue my points, I really do enjoy a bit of a friendly argument.

Edited by Bronyette


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If you think being a guy isn't hard, be one. Say one semi-perverted thing, compliment a women who's suck up, or look odd, and you get so much crap its not funny.


It's not easy either way, that's how life works.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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If you think being a guy isn't hard, be one. Say one semi-perverted thing, compliment a women who's suck up, or look odd, and you get so much crap its not funny.


It's not easy either way, that's how life works.

If worrying about talking to women is the most of your worries, then it really isn't that bad.


But I do completely agree with your last statement.

  • Brohoof 1


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If worrying about talking to women is the most of your worries, then it really isn't that bad.


But I do completely agree with your last statement.


It's only bad, when its one of those "overly zealot feminists" who have a stick always up their rear end. Thankfully, I've noticed alot of younger women these days don't walk about with that same stick up their ass.

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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It's only bad, when its one of those "overly zealot feminists" who have a stick always up their rear end. Thankfully, I've noticed alot of younger women these days don't walk about with that same stick up their ass.

Wherever there is controversy there is extremists, whether it be Feminazis, the KKK or even anti-bronies, they will always give anyone "who stands in their way" a bad time. It's just best to stay away from all of them together.

  • Brohoof 1


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Meh, both sexes are equally balanced in having it easier. Males are still seen as superior, even today in some countries. Females get treated more friendly in modern countries compared to guys. Males could "aim". Females aren't expected too much of their physical ability, unlike guys if you don't have muscle you're nothing. And when guys get kicked in the jewels it's actually more painful than giving birth.

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well, im not sure if guys have it easier than us but i find being a girl is hard but i love it! im not sure why :)

but, sexism is a real problem that i deal with often.. but i am a proud feminist (not a man-hater, but a feminist :3 ).

but, the monthly thing is difficult and horrible and boys are so lucky not to have that..

buuuut i don't think any one gender has it easier, because i cant speak for boys. but i love being a girl, as i said! i couldnt imagine what it would be like being a boy ;-;

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Meh, both sexes are equally balanced in having it easier. Males are still seen as superior, even today in some countries. Females get treated more friendly in modern countries compared to guys. Males could "aim". Females aren't expected too much of their physical ability, unlike guys if you don't have muscle you're nothing. And when guys get kicked in the jewels it's actually more painful than giving birth.

I agree with all of your statements except the last one. They are equally as painful, but they differ from person to person. A man might feel more pain in getting kicked in the balls than a woman giving birth or vice-versa.


Also females can be in labor for many MANY hours and the pain typically gets increasingly worse over that time period. I cannot speak for men, but I would hope that after the initial hit the pain would start to go down and lessen in an hour or a few.


And women have been known to tear from their vagina right through to their anus. It might not be the birth, but the complications are pretty disturbing.

Edited by Bronyette
  • Brohoof 1


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I think her points are right but there are also some bad points about boys to which make there life not as easy.


I used to hang around with girls and they always fell out with each other and because I wasn't really part of the fighting and arguing they thought less of me, iv'e gathered that this is what happens in most groups of girls but not all. I now hang around with guys and they hardly ever fall out with each other. 


All in all I think both genders have their good and bad things.  :)


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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And women have been known to tear from their vagina right through to their anus. It might not be the birth, but the complications are pretty disturbing.


I agree with a lot got your points but, I just got the worst mental image from this ^ lol

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 5 years later...

No. Quite the contrary, at least in the west. Girls are coddled from an early age and continue to be by society as a whole throughout their lives. Half the things women can get away with would end a man's life and at this point they're handed jobs etc. because of their gender. 


EDIT: I'm not going to delete this and pretend I didn't say it but I am going to clarify should anyone see this; I regret this post but that's not to say I'm disavowing my sentiment entirely, just that I chose a poorly worded and emotionally-charged way of expressing it, which is frankly offensive and obtuse and I apologize for that. 

Edited by Olly

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