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Lack of elitism

Steel Accord

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To which may just come down to personal experience. My sojourns outside of the brony fandom have been met with exclusion and flame wars. Ideologues of all stripes going for one another's throats and exclusion of posting to anyone that couldn't pass an economics course.


We have our spats, but on the whole, they seem more even tempered, even respectful on brony forums.

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I don't have much experience with other fandoms, but I've been doing some research on *DRAMA* in various fandoms, checking out blogs and such, seeing how people react and what they say. Bronies have had their share of that, to be sure, but I've really had the impression that overall they've handled it pretty well. I've appreciated the willingness a lot of people have shown to take the ideals of friendship, kindness, and tolerance seriously, and I've noticed that there are people who make an effort to advocate them to others. I've found that deeply encouraging and it's good to see that here, as well.

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As someone who's been a part of the anime community for years, this is a very welcome sight indeed.


And another large reason why I love this fandom, I feel very comfortable being here.

Edited by takai
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This forum is legitimately the friendliest, most understanding place on the internet :)

We set a shining example to the rest of the internet ( and the world ) B)

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There is certainly less of it which is a good things but it still exists although its more prominent form is very different than most other fandoms. Some bronies take the fandom way too seriously and put it on some kind of pedestal and expect everyone to abide by these arbitrary standards of behavior like "clop/grimdark is bad" or use "love and tolerate" as a weapon to brand anyone a "hater" who disagrees with them on any aspect of the show or fandom. Despite this and other annoyances though this is the most civil fandom I have ever been in.

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Every fandom has it's quirks...but elitism was pretty bad around the forums here last year, but most of them are either banned or willingly left. I will admit, this fandom is a pretty good one aside from that. xD

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Totally agreed! One of the things that has always bugged me about one of the other fandoms I'm in, the Horror fandom, is when it comes to collecting horror memorabilia, there's just so much elitism it's almost sickening. The size of your collection, what you buy, who you buy from, and who your friends are all effect how you're treated in horror collecting. Most of the time you're the most popular if: you have a large collection from independent (unlicensed) artists who also happen to be your friends. Veteran collectors treat new collectors like peons, all because the Vets say that's how they were treated when they started collecting. And when people with big egos (which also happens a lot) get thrown into the mix, it's a recipe for a very negative and elitist fandom. 

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You sir, are correct. All my friends outside of this fandom are virtually the same person. But here, among my fellow bronies, I have met an insanely diverse group of people of whome I am happy to call friend.


And this, is why I loive this fandom. It's so diverse.

I agree with this whole heartily, before I joined this fandom I never even spoke to anyone from Australasia or Canada, now I talk with people from all over the world through skype! :lol:

  • Brohoof 3
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Yeah, this forum is pretty awesome.


Far too many fandoms, and forums reek of elitism. Games have this problem as well. Elitists have always kind of bothered me. Luckily this forum has a lack of them. We all get along (for the most part) here just fine. :)

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Actually there is a small group of elitist bronies, that a friend of mine came across a long while back while playing Black Ops 1 or 2. He thought about joining them until finding out that they weren't the nicest bunch. He basically described them as thinking of themselves as better than everyone and being harsh towards those who don't agree with their ideals. To think that their is an actual group of bronies that bully others because they're not part of the fandom is strange to say the least. I dubbed them as fascist bronies.

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I've been apart of about 4 fandoms each was nice but that was only with a select few people once you got swooped into a group that was it., but here I can easily bounce from group to group and have fun and mature convos which is awesome!!


Plus nopony seems to care when I suddenly just flip out sometimes and do something random like create a musical within a welcome thread.-good times.


But honestly this community is very open which allows for what is a Mixing pot of various ideas to meld and join forces.


What I find is weird is maybe USA founders wanted the USA to be together and a mixing pot as well perhaps that thought of trying to create an equal land came from a future vision of Equestria.


That or they saw ponies one day ruling the world and freaked out. :blink: 

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While there does seem to be that lack of elitism within the fandom, what about outside of it. Sometimes, Bronies can come off as pretentious over the normal population. Even when they don't do anything, they can sometimes be regarded as lesser, just because they aren't part of it. That may be more due to their lack of "embracing" love and tolerance, and I don't think that's a bad thing. It's also hard to generalize an entire fandom, similarly as you cannot accurately judge the overall actions of an entire nation. 

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I know what you are referring to and well aware that sometimes it does happen, I'm just saying that precisely that doesn't happen often. Or at least not as often as just being indifferent to an outsider's lack of inclusion. 


I mean can you really see Antony C shooting Sith Lightning at a non-brony going "you will pay for your lack of vision!" BZZZZZZT

Edited by Steel Accord
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