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searching Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero


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War. War never changes.


It was an inevitable result caused by the destructive nature of ponykind. Two powerful nations waged war with each other, each side expecting victory. Hostilities grew until it reached its breaking point on one fateful day; the day where the megaspells fell, the day where atomic fire consumed the earth, the day which civilization as we know collapsed. 


Within a few hours of the bombing, Equestria was reduced to blackened earth and cinders. For many years, the world was plunged into quiet darkness, for they have succeeded in destroying the world. 


Few survived this nuclear holocaust. Some, more fortunate souls found their way to underground shelters that protected them from the horrors outside, known as Stables. Generations passed When the Stables opened, their inhabitants were not prepared for the hardships of the Equestrian Wasteland. Many formed new societies built on their different beliefs. 


More than a century has passed since the day the world "ended"; though in time, the Equestrian Wasteland will be forever changed.




This is a complete Fallout: Equestria spinoff, taking place in a completely different time (2208, in the Fallout universe). Therefore, many "current" events have not yet happened and many characters will be missing as well (save for a few, such as Ditzy Doo/ Derpy). While the roleplay will be more loose and liberal, canon from Fallout: Equestria and its major spinoff stories such as Project Horizons, Heroes, Pink Eyes, Murky Number Seven, and especially Ditzy Doo Chronicles (one of the biggest FoE "history" fiction to date). 


Note that I have added a few of my own roleplay "canon" as well. There will be new factions such as the the Technophiles (many thanks to Kolth for allowing me to adopt this) and the 40-Trail Caravan. New locations will be created and discovered as well. 




— No god-modding (controlling other people's OCs without their consent) or being overpowered. If you believe a person is doing any one of those things, either post it here in the OOC or PM me.


— Do not attempt to bypass the word limit in the RP with "filler OOC". Not only is this against the RP rules, it is against the forum rules as well, simply for being spam. If I see this in the roleplay, I will at first give you a warning; after the second time, you will be permanently kicked from the roleplay.


— No Mary-Sue OCs...for obvious reasons. We would like to enjoy this RP to the greatest extent. Roleplaying isn't about winning or having the best crap, it's about creating an enjoyable story. 


— There is no limit to how much OCs you can have in the RP, and you can join any time you want in the RP (though it might be recommended to require help from someone else to summarize what happened previously). Hoorah!


— While there will be alicorns in the roleplay, alicorn OCs will be checked heavily before approval, requiring detailed backstory and personality that fits FoE canon. 


— Unique weapons that is canonically owned by Fallout Equestria characters is not allowed at all, such as Spitfire's Thunder, Trottenheimer's Folly, Subtlety, etc. I will allow originally created unique weapons, however, at long as it is not too powerful than it should be. 


— All OCs must have SPECIAL (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) Traits, and Tag Skills so it is possible to calculate all skill levels and health. The number of SPECIAL points should not in total exceed 40, and only two traits can be picked. 


— Don't intend to sign up if you can't be consistently active. Try to PM or post in the OOC when you are going to be inactive. 


— Attempt to write quality posts with effort, please. While I can accept the occasional typo, it gets really difficult to read when your sentences are assassins of grammar and spelling.


— All OCs will cap at level 30 until further notice. This is determined by the number of posts you have done in the roleplay. The number of posts you need to level up is determined by this equation: 2.5 (2 * (n+2)) (n-1), where n is the level. Therefore, Level 2 will require 20 posts, Level 3 will require 50 posts, Level 4 will require 90 posts, and so on. Level 30 will require 4640 posts, by the way. And yes, that is 232 pages exactly, though if we do manage to get there, we will cap at that level. 


— For each even level (Level 2, Level 4, and so forth), a perk can be gained, though the requirements must be met. Skill points will be rewarded at each level up, using the equation 10 + ( IN / 2 ). All decimal places are rounded, so for example, if a pony had a IN of 7, for all odd levels he or she will gain 13 points, but for all even levels he or she will gain 14 points. On the other hand, a pony with an IN of 8 would consistently gain 14 skill points. The Educated perk at Level 4 can give two extra skill points per level up, and the Comprehension perk will reward an additional skill point for skill books.




Earth ponies are inarguably the most common species in the Equestrian Wasteland. While lacking both the usage of magic from unicorns and flying from pegasi, they can somehow take damage what might in comparison kill others. They have 20% more Damage Resistance, Poison Resistance, and Fire Resistance all by themselves, and have halved chem addiction time. Battle Saddles also negate the strength requirement by 1 as well. They only possess AP in the case they have a PipBuck. 


Unicorns are the second most common species in the Equestria Wasteland. Capable of magic, they now govern both AP and MP, or Magic Points, calculated by 100 + 10 * ( IN + PE ). They can regenerate over time and can be increased by perks or the chem Mint-Al (Steady can be used to increase magic spell accuracy), and magic spells, while it does not need S.A.T.S, costs MP to some extent, depending on its difficulty. Magic can be used along with AP in S.A.T.S to deal magic combos. Unicorns also deal 10% more damage with magical energy weapons. 


Pegasi are less common on the surface, mostly affiliated with the Grand Pegasus Enclave. Capable of flying, they now govern both AP and FP, or Flying Points, calculated by 150 + 10 * ( AG + EN ). They can regenerate over time and can be increased by perks or the chem Cloud-pack (which increases FP and +2 AG, but has an addiction with -1 PE and AG). Dash and Ultra-Dash can slow down time perception, even in flying. Flying skills do not need S.A.T.S, but costs FP depending on its difficulty, and can be used along with AP in S.A.T.S to deal flying combos. The downside is, however, that wings can also be crippled, which may severely hinder flight or cause the pegasus to fall. Med-X can negate this partially by increasing "wing health". Also, some factions may be suspicious of pegasi for their relation to the Enclave, and some NPCs may act aggressive towards you. 


Alicorns used to be the "goddess" race in the pre-war for ponies such as Celestia and Luna; now, the majority of alicorns are from the vats of I.M.P taint that has mutated them. While they have MP, FP, and AP and can use all three together if they somehow obtain a PipBuck, as well as being immune to I.M.P taint and any form of radiation, they have no "Cutie Mark Tag" and only possess two tag skills. Their Karma starts as -100 as well, and they get double as much infamy points from all factions unless disguised as either a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony. 


Ghouls are mutated ponies from the apocalypse (think Ditzy Doo); they can be any pony race, save for alicorn, and are immune to radiation. In fact, they heal from them; therefore, their "Radiation points" act in a different way, consuming "radiation" instead. Starting at 1000, if their "Radiation points" hit 0, they will face the risk of being a feral ghoul or death. They share all traits to whoever race they are.


Griffons are similar to pegasi, save for lacking a cutie mark and therefore a cutie mark tag. Like pegasi, they have AP and FP, and unlike pegasi, their wings have more "health" and are more difficult to cripple, their talons do additional damage (increasing Melee and Unarmed), and they consume FP more slowly.


Zebras have three tagged skills, but no cutie mark tags, and can optionally use MP. They have a +5 in Sneak regardless of traits and perks, stealth-based armor has better effects, and Zebras deal more damage in sneak attacks. Unfortunately, they're also the ones that detonated megaspells on Equestria, so all Zebras, while starting at 0 Karma, have bad dispositions for almost all factions.



Factions [WiP]:

Grand Pegasus Enclave:

A faction purely made of pegasi, mostly xenophobic, that dominate the skies above the Wasteland. Taking pride in being the only "pure" pony race, they intend to isolate themselves from the abominations of the wasteland, who, at worst, should be exterminated for the pegasus race to take over its place in Equestria.


The Enclave possesses technologically superior combat inventory, from weaponry to armor; it is no wonder why they are greatly feared. The Enclave is also, surprisingly, one of the few old-world organizations that still exist. They have been involved with the Minister of Awesome, Rainbow Dash, in the Single Pony Project. During the megaspell bombings, however, the early Enclave had already isolated themselves from Equestria, creating a new civilization in the sky. 

Steel Rangers:

Mostly composed of earth ponies and unicorns of the wasteland, the Steel Rangers is yet another old-world military formed by the Ministry of Wartime Technology and its minister, Applejack. They specialized in energy weapons and power armor both during and after the war. After the war, their goal shifted into the preservation and recovery of old-world technology. They are, in a way, technologically advanced that they even contest the Enclave themselves. 


Unfortunately, after being struck by multiple difficulties in the wasteland, some Rangers now have a warped and paranoid-filled goal, focusing more on technology than on ponies; they can forcibly confiscate weapons and items they consider useful for themselves.


The Steel Rangers, in a sense, is considered one of the most widespread factions, having multiple contingents scattered around Equestria. On the bright side, they have eradicated several raider factions and gangs in the wasteland. Whether their intentions are good or bad remains debatable; to some, the Steel Rangers are the "Protector of the Wastes", to others, they're xenophobic tech-hoarders.


While not quite an organization itself, Dashites are referred to pegasus ponies that have deserted the Enclave and surfaced the Equestrian Wasteland, or in some other way, was forced down towards the Wasteland themselves. Most Dashites have the notable dark branding of Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Their status, however, places them in the middle of the Wasteland; some cities and factions will refuse to take them in, while the Enclave persistently hunts them down.

Berry Family:



"If you don't have any business for us, you better leave before you get something in your head."


A family-based crime organization that operated in the Imperial (Central) area of Equestria since 2145; their headquarters is the Cannon Valley Outlet a.k.a. "Fort Valley". One of the few syndicates that specialize in Energy Weapons, they are significantly powerful in contrast to many, smaller gangs. Ruthless in their business, they can be outright hostile to anyone who attempts to oppose them, going far enough to claim that they can take down the Enclave and Steel Rangers hoof-to-hoof, if not for their immense size. The Berry Family is also known for secretly selling chems to their customers. 


Their most notable and original member is Berry Punch; the Stable Mare shown in the default reputation image in PipBucks. Aware of this, the Berry Family's PipBuck reputation image is Berry Punch and Berry Pinch, each wearing dark "mafia" clothing and bowler hats with laser RCW guns.



Orange Family:



"We have electricity. We try to be less barbaric around here."


Another family-based crime syndicate formed in 2147 that goes in direct opposition to the Berry Family, their headquarters being the Broadspring (Country Club) Camp. Possessing a large stash of guns, they take pride in being one of the more "civilized" ponies in the wasteland, living in a high-class standard compared to other typical wastelanders. Both the Orange and Berry Family has been in a war with each other for six years, causing a good amount of violence around the Imperial area. 


Their most notable member is Orange Cinnamon, or in his more known identity, the Stable Stallion in the default reputation image in PipBucks. Similarly, the Orange Family's PipBuck reputation image the original Orange Cinnamon, clad in business-wear and a fedora, along with a filly (Sunny Daze) with a white mask on her shoulder.



Stable-Trail Caravan:



"While the pay is good, you can't spend it if you're not alive."


Formed in 2153, the Stable-Trail Caravan was originally a group of ponies from Stable 30. Stable 30 was a Stable experiment where all supplies, including food, water, electricity, etc. were decreased in contrast to other Stables. When it opened in 2145, approximately six decades after it closed, the ponies in the Stable decided to form a caravan company. Within a few decades after it was formed, the Stable-Trail Caravan was renowned for its high risk jobs. Though seen as insane, the caravaneers of the Stable-Trail Caravan receive relatively high pay and given what can be considered luxurious services. 






"May the Great Ampere guide your soul."


A religious organization founded in 2168, the Technophiles worships technology and anything involved with it. They were originally a group of random ponies, most from Stable 43, who unified together at the current city of Coulomb, using found information to open up former Equestria Royal Army depots and warehouses, stockpiling an amazing amount of pre-war technology that would be considered a treasure trove to many wastelanders, even alarming the Steel Rangers, soon resulting in a war against the Technophiles in 2206. 


The Technophiles, however, dislike the Steel Rangers for their "immoral actions" against the divine technological gods. They produce high-tech weapons, such as the Plasma Cannon, their very own Watt-20 Laser Rifles, and Pulse Rifles, for their own personal usage and religious prayer.


The Technophiles can be very aggressive and hostile towards the acquisition of high-tech weaponry, criticizing its abusive usage by savages. Their society is surprisingly organized, having multiple divisions in their political government – though the religious division is obviously the biggest, the priests having great influence in inspiring several creations in their Temple-Laboratories with their prophecies involved with the Tech-Gods.



Gun Gallopers:



"You're talking to the Gun Gallopers, the supplies of the Wasteland with only the finest armaments since 2155."


The Gun Gallopers is a major weapon trading hub in the West, spanning from the coastal New Pegasus to Galloping Gorge. Coming from a group of gunsmiths, military personnel, and the like from the Boneyard, they moved around until they settled their headquarters on Midnight Island (which is not actually an island) in 2130. Stockpiling on weapons and using resources coming from New Appleloosa and various other towns, they started selling armaments, high-quality and well made, in 2155. 


This cycle continued until 2158, until the Pecos came into some of their towns, such as the 40 Mile and Banner, and took control to prevent outside forces of coming in. The Gun Gallopers were significantly hindered by this up to 2161, where a specific pony from Stable 13 known only as the "Stable Dweller" dealt with the Pecos; whether the Stable Dweller negotiated or fought, it is not known, but the Pecos did leave, and the Gun Runners, making sure not to make the same mistake once more, expanded their influence.


By 2208, the Gun Gallopers are the biggest weapons merchant in the West, to the envy of the Stable-Trail Caravan and the Berry and Orange Family. 






"Out in the Wasteland, the only way to get to get things done is to use a gun."


Simply put, a gang of "cowboys".


They were formed some time around the 2240s, wandering around and generally being additional muscle or guards to defend specific locations. Some work with the slavers as protection guards. The Pecos had tensions with the Gun Gallopers before, causing some kind of hate for one another. Today, the Pecos still move around the place, regulating anything they see fit. Most noticeably, the Pecos are bounty hunters, and are willing to take a pony's head if he or she has bad Karma or relations.


The Pecos eventually suffers a split between the Canterlot Capital Pecos in 2267, which becomes an official vigilante group.



Friendship City:



More of a settlement than a faction, Friendship City remains mostly intact even after the war, albeit with radiation spreading around the area. It becomes resettled in 2141 by the residents of Stable 33, a Stable experiment with an A.I (similar to Stable 29) that observed mental and physical status in all ponies. Friendship City became well-known for being a safe and large city inside the Statue of Friendship (and the island around it). 



The Unity:



"One race (race!) One goal (goal!)"


Under the control of the Goddess, the Unity is an organization of mutated alicorns. All alicorns somehow share personalities and knowledge with one another, being extremely dangerous in nature. Simply put, the goal of the Unity is get every pony to join the Unity and turn into an alicorn, which were more adaptable to the wasteland. 



Twilight Society:



From the one and only Tenpony Tower, the Twilight Society protect pre-war technology within Tenpony Tower from Twilight herself, secluding themselves from the Wasteland. Not much is known about them at this time.



Talon Mercenaries:



"Thing is, somepony, or someone, wants you dead. Nothing personal."


Composed mostly of griffon mercenaries in Equestria, the Talons will do anything, as long as the caps are reasonably high. Re-created some time around the early 22th century, the Talons are relatively wide-spread, having multiple companies in the Wasteland that's ready at any time. 


Some Talons are aggressive and hostile, attacking nearly anypony or anyone on sight. In converse to the Pecos, they will somehow attack ponies doing good deeds (ex: deactivating a megaspell or blowing up a raider camp)...though other Talons are far more moderate on their part and are a bit more friendly. The Talons are also praised as the "best mercs" in the Wasteland as well.



Auction City-State:



"Hey, even slavers have standards."


The Auction City-State is a slaver society with some moral standards and a different system when compared to the self-independent slavers. Most slavers in the Auction City-State use the agricultural or industrial economy to gain a profit in the wasteland, and so some slavers live relatively rich lives to the envy of many other slavers.


Slaves, while considered property, can actually take middle-class occupations as long as most of the profits go to the slaver, and own property themselves. Skilled and educated slaves can earn their own money and if possible, buy their way out of freedom to become a city-state citizen themselves. This did not apply with enslaved family members, however, and only with the pony himself, though any future generation that comes from that freed pony will also be free as well.


Slaves were also seen as valuable merchandise, and so, slavers refrain from corporal punishment or torture due to the fact that the value of slaves can be decreased if the slave itself was damaged. And shockingly enough, the slave system worked so well that the city-state has prospered in the recent years.






Ponies [WiP]:

Lightning Dust: 

Former Lieutenant General and Chairman Lightning Dust at first lead the Enclave in its early years. A controversial figure, she ordered the branding of pegasi that deserted the Enclave with the cutie mark of her former rival, better known as Dashites, and was a major figure in the isolation of the Enclave from Equestria. On the positive side, she helped rebuild and restore pegasi cities and towns, prevented involvement with the wasteland, and in an unusual way, she still has some kind of feeling for her rivaling Wonderbolt, and stopped the execution of many Dashites. 


She is assassinated on the 29th year and eighth term of her leadership in Windsoar.







Cutie-Mark Tag:

The "special" talent of the OC, assuming he or she is a pony. Rather than the regular +15 Tag, it increases it be +20, and now maxes out at 125 instead.

Battle Saddle Training:

Similar to Power Armor Training, Battle Saddles need to be trained to suit the OC before they are usable. This can be automatically achieved if you are part of the Enclave or the Steel Rangers, you somehow trained yourself beforehand in your history, or completing a specific quest for either one of these aforementioned factions. 


Battle Saddles can equip any Explosive, Guns, or Energy Weapons based weapons unless it is thrown or considered "small", such as pistols or revolvers. Melee and Unarmed Weapons can not be equipped with Battle Saddles. 


Battle Saddles by themselves can offer DT and other benefits. While Battle Saddles can decrease weapon spread and sway and increase fire rate, if weight distribution on either side has a difference of more than 3 KG or uses different weapon categories (such as Gauss Rifle and Fat Man), accuracy is decreased and sway is significantly increased, inclining toward the direction of unequal and heavier weight. This can be negated with the Stable Fire perk at Lvl 18 with ST >6, which will take away the negative effects of unequal weight distribution.


EXTRA NOTE: Perks will be loosely used in the RP, but roleplayers can apply level-ups and any perk associated with the level; it will not interfere much with the RP, however.


OC List:

Vincent Stormwalker - Wasteland Philosopher - TheLineTrotter

Straightshot Knight - Hardened Victim - Guardian Braveheart

Neuro and Lon - Stillwater Gangers - Scribblegroove

Baryon - Stable Medic - Obviously, it's me.

Line Plucker - Traumatized Mare - Notten1

Renatus - Changeling Remnant - Blacklight01

Charcoal Embers - Former Slave - Charcoal Embers



Kolth for the Technophiles

Demirari for the Northern Union

Edited by Late Suri Polomare
  • Brohoof 2
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This Idea sounds amazingly well thought out; and I'm thinking of entering with an oc once you've finished planning. I'm just wondering if the skills we choose will have anything to do with events you have planned, (EX: the door must be opened by someone with 14 repair.) or if it really will be just for fun between players; also, how will we keep track of skills if they do matter?

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Well this sounds fun enough. Just asking will you be deciding our ranks based off of our ocs?


Anyway most information needed is in my oc page here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rift-r5990


Make sure you read my oc page before continuing on to here:

After rift was thrown into the pony world as a colt he was raised by medical ponies (please tell me there are those.) after rift was revealed to the camp battle masters decided to take him into training. He was taught to be able to find any clue, and solve any situation and mystery that requires planning and using clues.


Even though he's good at assassinations he's not the best at straight up combat.

If you want you may decrease the strength of his rift powers.


Tell me if I'm missing anything and I'll get it fixed

Edited by Rift enchanted

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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Well this sounds fun enough. Just asking will you be deciding our ranks based off of our ocs?


Anyway most information needed is in my oc page here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rift-r5990


Make sure you read my oc page before continuing on to here:

After rift was thrown into the pony world as a colt he was raised by medical ponies (please tell me there are those.) after rift was revealed to the camp battle masters decided to take him into training. He was taught to be able to find any clue, and solve any situation and mystery that requires planning and using clues.


Even though he's good at assassinations he's not the best at straight up combat.

If you want you may decrease the strength of his rift powers.


Tell me if I'm missing anything and I'll get it fixed

Your SPECIAL and your Fallout Traits. 


Also, I'm not sure if your pony can fit into Fallout: Equestria, but I would recommend reading up on either the game and the fanfiction wikia. 


And yes, the SPECIAL affects skills. You still have to tag your main "cutie mark" skill, which will increase it by 20 (ex: If your OC's talent is Survival, it'll turn from 17 to 37.), and your two other tagged skills, which will increase it by 15. 


Finally, you'll have to type out some kind of example paragraph for me so I can see how your post in a roleplay before I can approve.

Edited by Grand Master Suri
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I notice that Griffin isn't one of the listed races... is that intentional? I understand not wanting to have to write out another bio thing up there for them, so how about this: essentially just Pegasi, but... start with an initial +1 to perception? The perception makes alot of sense to me... they are half eagle half lion. Hunting animals. But! As a downside, they can't have a tagged skill, because they lack cutie marks. 

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I notice that Griffin isn't one of the listed races... is that intentional? I understand not wanting to have to write out another bio thing up there for them, so how about this: essentially just Pegasi, but... start with an initial +1 to perception? The perception makes alot of sense to me... they are half eagle half lion. Hunting animals. But! As a downside, they can't have a tagged skill, because they lack cutie marks. 

Oh, I missed Griffin and Zebra when I lost some of my progress. I'll try to update it.


Griffins can have three tagged skills (only +15; no cutie mark tags) and do additional damage in Melee or Unarmed with their talons regardless of Strength or Endurance. Similar to pegasi, they can flying and consume FP.


Zebras also have three regular tagged skills, and can optionally use MP if they're alchemists. They also have a +5 boost in Sneak and excel in using stealth armor, recon armor, or stealth cloaks. Enemies also take some time before they fully detect you. Unfortunately, if you're a Zebra, almost all factions will have a bad disposition for you, and all Zebras are instantly hunted down by bounty hunters.

Edited by Grand Master Suri
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Ah, lovely. Than I shall apply as...


Vincent Stormwalker (In signature)










Tags: Guns, Repair, Unarmed


Traits: Skilled: You`ve worked hard to get good at what you do. You've managed to better yourself in just about everyway,but now you're convinced your way is best. You gain +5 to all skills, but are slower to improve.


Barter: 15

Energy Weapons: 25

Explosives: 25

Guns: 36

Lock pick: 25

Medicine: 21

Melee Weapons: 21

Repair: 36

 Science: 21

Sneak: 21

Speech: 15

Survival: 23

Unarmed: 38 

Edited by TheLineTrotter
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Ok, I think I can edit mine from here. Gonna be Lvl. 1 so it will be fair.


Straightshot Knight: Link in Sig for pic, CM, and attitude. 


S - 6

P - 9

E - 6

C - 4

I - 7

A - 4

L - 4


Skills: (FoE Style. Found it in FoE PnP page)
Barter: 18
Battle Saddles: 15
Explosives: 17
Lockpick: 15
*Magical Energy Weapons: 35

Medicine: 17
Mechanics(Repair): 17
*Science: 35
*Firearms: 35
Sneak: 17
Speech: 17
Survival: 15
Unarmed: 15
Melee: 17

Fast Shot
Trigger Disciplined


Guns I'll be using:

Pathfinder (Scoped 9mm pistol) (Daring doo)

Night Strike (Silenced Sniper Rifle) (Luna/Nightmare Moon)

Bubble Bullets (Enchanted Sniper Rifle) (Ditzy doo)

.357 Revolver+ (Long Barrel)



If there's anything I need to change, let me know.

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Oh. Wait. Crap. Are we going to be using Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas skills? I mean, I kinda like the survival skill roleplay wise, but we do need a big guns(battle saddle) stat...

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Oh. Wait. Crap. Are we going to be using Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas skills? I mean, I kinda like the survival skill roleplay wise, but we do need a big guns(battle saddle) stat...

Knight and Vincent are ACCEPTED.


Battle Saddles are separate to Guns, and there is no Big Guns skill. It's going to be replicated off of the New Vegas skill system.


I don't know. I just follow what's on the book. So, it just added the Battle Saddle just in case.

Just adding something: Fast Shot and Trigger Discipline doesn't go well. Fast Shot is +20% fire rate, -20% accuracy, and Trigger Discipline is +20% accuracy, -20% fire rate, so doing either one (100 * .8 * 1.2 = 96) will decrease both fire rate and accuracy by 4%.


Other traits are Claustrophobia (+1 all SPECIAL stats outside, but -1 inside), Early Bird (+1 SPECIAL in the early morning, and -1 SPECIAL during the night), Built to Destroy (faster weapon decay rate, but higher chance of critical hits), Kamikaze (+10 AP, -2 DT), Four Eyes (PE buff with glasses, -1 PE without glasses), Skilled (+5 all skills, -10% EXP gained), Small Frame (+1 AG, increased chances of limb crippling), Heavy Hoofed (+20 damage with Unarmed and Melee, critical hit chance is decreased by 60%), Logan's Loophole (no chem addiction and extended duration of chems, but level caps at 30), Good Natured (+5 to passive skills such as Speech, Medicine, and Barter, but -5 to aggressive skills such as Guns and Explosives).


Ghouls have an additional trait called the Glowing One, which allows faster healing from radiation, but irradiate anyone nearby you.


Hey I haven't read any of FoE fanfics and stuff but I know about regular fallout and you said this would be before all of the major events anyway I will read the wikia on it to learn about all the items and lore would I be aloud in?

Read on some lore and post your SPECIAL and tag skills, then you're in. Edited by Grand Master Suri
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Just saying, I'm going to start the RP within the week, assuming all goes well and a few more people join (since we can't really start with three ponies and griffins).


I would kind of like Cryptical Code (Deminari) to be in this, since I find him interesting. Draco (dragon4111) can be in this as well, as long as he gets his weapons, skills, and level nerfed. I don't want anyone carrying weapons way above their league, such as an unicorn that left her Stable holding an Gauss Rifle or an Anti-material rifles with incendiary charges (which are rare and cost 40 caps per bullet).


Then again, a Stable Dweller holding a Gauss Rifle would probably get hunted down by every faction.

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SOOOO... this looks interesting, but I'd like to know a few things.


I have read ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on the FoE series. Will this be a tremendous problem, or can I work around it relatively easy?


This looks more like a game/gameplay based RP than an actualy roleplay/interaction RP. Is this true? How significant will all the skills, SPECIAL scores and levels/traits/perks be?


How the hell am I supposed to keep track of everything my character does when it comes to stats, and if this is really such a stat-based RP, how are YOU as a GM supposed to keep track of all things? If the stats are legit and stuff...

  • Brohoof 1

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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SOOOO... this looks interesting, but I'd like to know a few things.


I have read ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on the FoE series. Will this be a tremendous problem, or can I work around it relatively easy?


This looks more like a game/gameplay based RP than an actualy roleplay/interaction RP. Is this true? How significant will all the skills, SPECIAL scores and levels/traits/perks be?


How the hell am I supposed to keep track of everything my character does when it comes to stats, and if this is really such a stat-based RP, how are YOU as a GM supposed to keep track of all things? If the stats are legit and stuff...

You don't need to know the FoE, since the factions are pretty much the same as the Fallout series, except for a few name changes.


It's part systematic game play and interactive. SPECIAL and skills have some significance to the role play, perks and levels, not that much. The skills aren't hard to calculate either, since their equation is 2 + (SPECIAL * 2) + (Luck / 2). Hard to fake that up, and IN will determine how much skill points are given.


In short, it is partially stat based, but doesn't really matter in combat or interaction.

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Ok I've read up on the lore










Tags: speech guns lockpick




sneering imperialist: You don't take kindly to raiders, junkies, or tribals trying to "settle" or "stay alive" in civilised lands. Against dirty raider and junkie types you do +15% Damage and have a bonus to hit in V.A.T.S.


Grunt: Just good, honest infantry work! You do 25% more damage with 9mm and .45 Auto pistols and SMGs, service rifles, assault and marksman carbines, light machine guns, frag grenades, grenade rifles and launchers, and combat knives.


Barter: 25

Battle saddles: 13

Energy Weapons: 17

Explosives: 21

Guns: 35

Lock pick: 34

Medicine: 24

Melee Weapons: 14

Repair: 21

Science: 20

Sneak: 24

Speech: 37

Survival: 19

Unarmed: 10

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I would defiantly like to join this, though would a changeling be allowed?

It would be allowed, though I would just go with the "Pegasus" trade-offs since changelings don't "exist" in FoE.


Ok I've read up on the lore









Tags: speech guns lockpick



sneering imperialist: You don't take kindly to raiders, junkies, or tribals trying to "settle" or "stay alive" in civilised lands. Against dirty raider and junkie types you do +15% Damage and have a bonus to hit in V.A.T.S.

Grunt: Just good, honest infantry work! You do 25% more damage with 9mm and .45 Auto pistols and SMGs, service rifles, assault and marksman carbines, light machine guns, frag grenades, grenade rifles and launchers, and combat knives.


Sneering Imperialist isn't a trait (Lvl 8 DLC perk), nor is Grunt (Lvl 10 perk with Guns skill), but I'll count them anyway with a few trade-offs:


- Less S.A.T.S accuracy towards major faction members such as Grand Pegasus Enclave, Technophiles, and Steel Rangers

- Do less damage with energy weapons or non-military based weapons

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Here are the two characters I will be playing. I have some really cool stuff for a background in mind but it might include some lore-bending parts, since I don't know to what extend fallout NV lore is the same as FoE lore... Anyway, it's not done yet, so heres just their stats and a link to a non-FoE character page. Ignore the background on it, though most of the other stuff will be the same...







– 3 Strength

– 6 Perception

– 3 Endurance

– 9 Charisma

– 10 Intelligence

– 2 Agility

– 7 Luck

71 Action Points

180 Carry Weight

7 Critical Chance

160 Hit Points

Barter: 34

Energy Weapons: 18

Explosives: 18

Guns: 10

Lockpick: 18

Medicine: 36

Melee: 12

Repair: 51

Science: 51

Sneak: 10

Speech: 54 (cutie mark tag)

Survival: 12

Unarmed: 12



Traits: Good natured, Skilled


– 7 Strength

– 5 Perception

– 8 Endurance

– 3 Charisma

– 5 Intelligence

– 8 Agility

– 4 Luck

89 Action Points

220 Carry Weight

4 Critical Chance

260 Hit Points

Barter: 15

Energy Weapons: 19

Explosives: 19

Guns: 45 (cutie mark tag)

Lockpick: 19

Medicine: 19

Melee: 23

Repair: 19

Science: 19

Sneak: 40

Speech: 15

Survival: 40

Unarmed: 25


Traits: Skillled, Battle saddle training (iunno if this counts as a trait, so I'll just put it here)





How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Is this Forum Done? 'Cause I'll like to RP. I've gotta OC http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/foe-line-plucker-r6007

Don't worry I'll get her SPECIAL made, an her points. Don't worry, no God Character or Mary Sue

I'll like to see it first, though I can wait. Only need that; traits are optional, but can be considered. 



Here are the two characters I will be playing. I have some really cool stuff for a background in mind but it might include some lore-bending parts, since I don't know to what extend fallout NV lore is the same as FoE lore... Anyway, it's not done yet, so heres just their stats and a link to a non-FoE character page. Ignore the background on it, though most of the other stuff will be the same...







– 3 Strength

– 6 Perception

– 3 Endurance

– 9 Charisma

– 10 Intelligence

– 2 Agility

– 7 Luck

71 Action Points

180 Carry Weight

7 Critical Chance

160 Hit Points

Barter: 34

Energy Weapons: 18

Explosives: 18

Guns: 10

Lockpick: 18

Medicine: 36

Melee: 12

Repair: 51

Science: 51

Sneak: 10

Speech: 54 (cutie mark tag)

Survival: 12

Unarmed: 12



Traits: Good natured, Skilled


– 7 Strength

– 5 Perception

– 8 Endurance

– 3 Charisma

– 5 Intelligence

– 8 Agility

– 4 Luck

89 Action Points

220 Carry Weight

4 Critical Chance

260 Hit Points

Barter: 15

Energy Weapons: 19

Explosives: 19

Guns: 45 (cutie mark tag)

Lockpick: 19

Medicine: 19

Melee: 23

Repair: 19

Science: 19

Sneak: 40

Speech: 15

Survival: 40

Unarmed: 25


Traits: Skillled, Battle saddle training (iunno if this counts as a trait, so I'll just put it here)






Off-topic: Stillwater is in Kansas. 


Both of them are accepted.


The original fanfiction, Fallout: Equestria, is based off Fallout 3, though it recognizes some information from Fallout and Fallout 3 (The existence of Neighvarro/ Navarro, Richard Moreau, the Master/ Trixie, the Goddess, etc.).


Just saying that the year "2208" is the same setting as the game Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and post-Fallout: Tactics, though the roleplay would recognize Fallout series canon as well as canon from major FoE spinoffs and FoE itself. 


I'm ok with those trade-offs so when will this start then

Thing is...where's your OC link?
Edited by Grand Master Suri
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