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request shop I think up OC ideas, and names for you!~~~~


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So, this is similar to the other one really.


The mane reason (Hah, Mane.) For me making this is because, I have thousands of random thoughts per-day.


All I need is a description of the pony, and a picture if possible.


If not, a description will work! (Descriptions of traits help as well.)


If you need an idea for a new OC, I can help out as well. (Beware! My descriptions of characters may be very detailed!)





Oh, I forgot to add this. If, you like the OC idea I give you, it is officially yours and you can make art of it and stuff.




If you don't like the idea, it will go on the shelf for someone who does want it.

I, am almighty and powerful when it comes to names and OC ideas!~


Behold, my OC AQUASPARK!~




(Was bored in all honesty. No, I didn't make this.)

Edited by Aquaspark
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Oh, I could use some name for some characters:

Particularly names for a trio of siege engineers for the pre-Discord Equestrian army.

1. Female, earthpony, prefers to scale/breach wall to take the fight to the defenders, volatile

2. male unicorn, sees sieges primarily as a matter of logistics:digging ditches, organizing supplies, setting up catapults ect.,phlegmatic

3 young female earthpony: Most talented of the three, with a knack for figuring out a structure's weaknesses, melancholic, since she'd rather be building stuff than destroying

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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Oh, I could use some name for some characters:

Particularly names for a trio of siege engineers for the pre-Discord Equestrian army.

1. Female, earthpony, prefers to scale/breach wall to take the fight to the defenders, volatile

2. male unicorn, sees sieges primarily as a matter of logistics:digging ditches, organizing supplies, setting up catapults ect.,phlegmatic

3 young female earthpony: Most talented of the three, with a knack for figuring out a structure's weaknesses, melancholic, since she'd rather be building stuff than destroying

#1 Turbulent wind

Fiona Turbulent

Linda Storm

Forlorn storm



Kindle Barrage


Scattering Wind


#3 Rosline Ruse



Fallen Crest

Wandering Spirit


Need more?~

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Hello. Would you mind giving me some name ideas for my OC? I haven't been able to come up with any names or a cutie mark for him.






The background is:


Male, Unicorn. Big music lover. Kind of a nerd with video games and computers. Not very outgoing.







If you could be any help, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hello. Would you mind giving me some name ideas for my OC? I haven't been able to come up with any names or a cutie mark for him.






The background is:


Male, Unicorn. Big music lover. Kind of a nerd with video games and computers. Not very outgoing.







If you could be any help, I would greatly appreciate it.


Rocky Song?


Smooth Moves?


Lost Lullaby?


Rocky shore?


Smooth Blues?


Game Clef?


Video Clef?


Rocky Clef?


Swizzle Blue


Train Wreck?

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I have a bunch of OCs I'm not sure how to name. I do have their personalities though (more or less). It's a family.


Some things in general that you need to know is that the filly on the far right is adopted where the colt and other filly are biological children of the parents. The parents have their cutie marks but none of the children do, not even the oldest.

The mother: On the far left of course. Some things that become apparent that may describe her personality:

  • If she decides to focus on getting information out of you, she can get very inquisitive, is good at picking up on body language to spot a liar and can be quite critical with her questions.
  • Her bright yellow eyes among her dark colors can unnerve some ponies when she looks at them keenly.
  • Tends to be very sharp about what goes on in her surroundings
  • Her movements tend to be easy, as though every move is calculated.
  • The way she expresses her emotions tend to be damped meaning she tends to express herself more softly than most other ponies. Extreme expression of emotion is quite rare and is usually case for alarm.
  • Something she enjoys is having an expansive view from, say, at the top of a hill.
  • When her children come to her for advice or comfort, she prefers to be alone with them and have thorough conversations with them. She mainly tries to bring clarity and understanding to their children.
  • Her presence tends to give a moderated atmosphere or vibe, one suited for thinking.
  • Can be quite frigid when upset.
  • One thing that really sets her apart is how she can think and make sense of patterns that happen on scales larger than most ponies care to ponder. She's the pony who can give you the bigger picture of things as opposed to the finer details.
  • That special talent of hers tends to give her insight into the workings of large-scale systems such as ecologies and the health of settlements.

The father: The sand-color, mustached stallion. He's meant to be on the pudgy side.

  • His main trade is carpentry but an decent woodworker. While his main focus is on buildings and large structures or components like waterwheels and windmill blades, he also does furniture and ornaments but they're not nearly as refined as those from expert woodworkers but just good enough if a little lackluster for most ponies' concerns
  • As you can see, he's the jolly type who tends to carry a vibrant atmosphere around him.
  • He can easily talk to people and lighten up the mood of ponies he talks to including his wife.
  • Currently his son is taking apprenticeship with him and he lets his son hang with him and his colleagues when on breaks.
  • When his children come to him for advice, unlike his wife, prefer to talk to more of them at once. He's more oriented towards giving their children the courage to do the right thing and what's in their hearts.
  • Dislikes being alone but likes to have faith that his family and friends will be there for him.
  • Is not quick to anger and usually very patient.

I'll leave it at that for now.

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I have a bunch of OCs I'm not sure how to name. I do have their personalities though (more or less). It's a family.




Some things in general that you need to know is that the filly on the far right is adopted where the colt and other filly are biological children of the parents. The parents have their cutie marks but none of the children do, not even the oldest.


The mother: On the far left of course. Some things that become apparent that may describe her personality:

  • If she decides to focus on getting information out of you, she can get very inquisitive, is good at picking up on body language to spot a liar and can be quite critical with her questions.
  • Her bright yellow eyes among her dark colors can unnerve some ponies when she looks at them keenly.
  • Tends to be very sharp about what goes on in her surroundings
  • Her movements tend to be easy, as though every move is calculated.
  • The way she expresses her emotions tend to be damped meaning she tends to express herself more softly than most other ponies. Extreme expression of emotion is quite rare and is usually case for alarm.
  • Something she enjoys is having an expansive view from, say, at the top of a hill.
  • When her children come to her for advice or comfort, she prefers to be alone with them and have thorough conversations with them. She mainly tries to bring clarity and understanding to their children.
  • Her presence tends to give a moderated atmosphere or vibe, one suited for thinking.
  • Can be quite frigid when upset.
  • One thing that really sets her apart is how she can think and make sense of patterns that happen on scales larger than most ponies care to ponder. She's the pony who can give you the bigger picture of things as opposed to the finer details.
  • That special talent of hers tends to give her insight into the workings of large-scale systems such as ecologies and the health of settlements.

The father: The sand-color, mustached stallion. He's meant to be on the pudgy side.

  • His main trade is carpentry but an decent woodworker. While his main focus is on buildings and large structures or components like waterwheels and windmill blades, he also does furniture and ornaments but they're not nearly as refined as those from expert woodworkers but just good enough if a little lackluster for most ponies' concerns
  • As you can see, he's the jolly type who tends to carry a vibrant atmosphere around him.
  • He can easily talk to people and lighten up the mood of ponies he talks to including his wife.
  • Currently his son is taking apprenticeship with him and he lets his son hang with him and his colleagues when on breaks.
  • When his children come to him for advice, unlike his wife, prefer to talk to more of them at once. He's more oriented towards giving their children the courage to do the right thing and what's in their hearts.
  • Dislikes being alone but likes to have faith that his family and friends will be there for him.
  • Is not quick to anger and usually very patient.

I'll leave it at that for now.







Lemon Jello (Heh.)

Night Force

Silver Cheer

Spaniel Moon

(Need more?)




Fluttering Breeze


Medli Moon

Forn Berry

Sweet Life

China Cookie

(Need more?)


Did you want the kids?

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@@Aquaspark, for each given so far, I'm looking at two names. Thanks! Now for the children.


Repost picture for convenience





The son: The colt in the middle.

  • Is currently a blank flank and is looking to discover his calling. Is currently taking apprenticeship from his father in carpentry. He doesn't know it yet but his true calling lies in stonework.
  • Usually comes off as chipper and curious. Likes to try a little bit of everything.
  • Sees his father as his role model.
  • Works hard to gain approval and praise from not just his father but also from his father's coworkers and ideally also their employer.
  • Can be too talkative, invasive or incessant at times however.
  • Can let his need for approval get the better of him which might get him to do more than he could handle or try things he shouldn't be doing.
  • He kinda wants to see fellow apprentices and his father's coworkers as uncles, aunts and cousins. He gets along very well with some but not all.

The older daughter: the filly with the bow. Also a blank flank.

  • She likes to help her mother out with various tasks. In her free time, she likes to play in the backyard or with her younger sister. Sometimes both.
  • She loves plants and flowers and feels quite at ease hiding inside bushes. She's even taken a nap in one at one time.
  • Is fascinated by the forest and has attempted to climb trees. Hooves are very unsuitable for climbing so guess how that ended.
  • Sometimes she will try to plant things in the backyard. She's still learning how to properly care for plants.
  • She likes having potted plants near her bed or at her favorite spots in the house. Her mother takes care of those.
  • Usually keeps some distance between herself and animals so she doesn't scare them off. She gets curious to see how animals interact with plants. Another life form that catches her attention are mushrooms, especially those that grow out of trees.

The youngest daughter: on the far right of the picture. She's supposed to be 4 years old.

  • None of the siblings know this but she's adopted
  • Doesn't talk much and is extremely shy
  • (I've been thinking about giving her a deformed horn, making her unable to use magic)
  • She's very clingy to her adopted mother in particular and hates being separated from her.
  • Very easily frightened

Well, that's all of them now.

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These will do nicely, thanks.

No problem!

@@Aquaspark, for each given so far, I'm looking at two names. Thanks! Now for the children.


Repost picture for convenience





The son: The colt in the middle.

  • Is currently a blank flank and is looking to discover his calling. Is currently taking apprenticeship from his father in carpentry. He doesn't know it yet but his true calling lies in stonework.
  • Usually comes off as chipper and curious. Likes to try a little bit of everything.
  • Sees his father as his role model.
  • Works hard to gain approval and praise from not just his father but also from his father's coworkers and ideally also their employer.
  • Can be too talkative, invasive or incessant at times however.
  • Can let his need for approval get the better of him which might get him to do more than he could handle or try things he shouldn't be doing.
  • He kinda wants to see fellow apprentices and his father's coworkers as uncles, aunts and cousins. He gets along very well with some but not all.

The older daughter: the filly with the bow. Also a blank flank.

  • She likes to help her mother out with various tasks. In her free time, she likes to play in the backyard or with her younger sister. Sometimes both.
  • She loves plants and flowers and feels quite at ease hiding inside bushes. She's even taken a nap in one at one time.
  • Is fascinated by the forest and has attempted to climb trees. Hooves are very unsuitable for climbing so guess how that ended.
  • Sometimes she will try to plant things in the backyard. She's still learning how to properly care for plants.
  • She likes having potted plants near her bed or at her favorite spots in the house. Her mother takes care of those.
  • Usually keeps some distance between herself and animals so she doesn't scare them off. She gets curious to see how animals interact with plants. Another life form that catches her attention are mushrooms, especially those that grow out of trees.

The youngest daughter: on the far right of the picture. She's supposed to be 4 years old.

  • None of the siblings know this but she's adopted
  • Doesn't talk much and is extremely shy
  • (I've been thinking about giving her a deformed horn, making her unable to use magic)
  • She's very clingy to her adopted mother in particular and hates being separated from her.
  • Very easily frightened

Well, that's all of them now.



Top notch


Wood Chip


Grave Wood


Chip Chop










Peach Everglade


Shady Rose




Prim Lime


Rosey Posey


Radiant Sun


Jona Hill


(Need more?)

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If it's not too late, I could use some names.

Specifically for The last queen of the Crystal Empire and her daughter:






Valient Wind

 Shimmer Frost

Shimmering diamonds

Evern Night


Frozen Gale

Shimmering light


Snow Breeze


Wisdom Gale


(Need more?)


(You can use these for either pony.)

Edited by Aquaspark
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Hey, if you are still in business, I need help thinking of a name for my newest oc




Preferably a one-word name starting with A.


I haven't quite figured out what her talent should be either, though, so if you could help with that as well, maybe?

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This could be helpful! I have this new OC that really needs a name! Pwease help? ^-^ Her cutie mark is a brown bowl with pink frozen yogurt in it. She makes and sells ice cream during the summer. :3


Edited by PeachBlink
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Hey, if you are still in business, I need help thinking of a name for my newest oc




Preferably a one-word name starting with A.


I haven't quite figured out what her talent should be either, though, so if you could help with that as well, maybe?












Her talent could be cooking up a good meal, or maybe writing!

This could be helpful! I have this new OC that really needs a name! Pwease help? ^-^ Her cutie mark is a brown bowl with pink frozen yogurt in it. She makes and sells ice cream during the summer. :3



Sweet Cream


Dream Sickle


Frozen Waifu


Frozen Taffy


Laughy Taffy


Peach Cream


Need more? Currently doing a bit of work. O3O

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Her talent could be cooking up a good meal, or maybe writing!


Sweet Cream


Dream Sickle


Frozen Waifu


Frozen Taffy


Laughy Taffy


Peach Cream


Need more? Currently doing a bit of work. O3O

Peach Cream sounds adorable! :3

I had to flip a coin to see if I should Use Dream Sickle or Peach Cream...ironically, Peach Cream. lol Thanks!

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Peach Cream sounds adorable! :3

I had to flip a coin to see if I should Use Dream Sickle or Peach Cream...ironically, Peach Cream. lol Thanks!

No problem! Happy to help!

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  • 2 months later...

I currently need some filler in-er names for a project of mine. Can you come up with some names to do with writing/journalism? For both Mares and Stallions? 

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Could you come up with ideas for an OC for me? She would be a kind and caring filly that likes to play with animals and playing with other foals her special talent is writing and she is a white filly with Golden Eyes, a long Purple Mane and tail with Red highlights

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