Thuja 3,659 June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 The one where only white people are racists. I've heard people say some pretty racist things before that weren't white but all they said when I questioned them was, "At least I'm not white," or, "That person is also black, so it's ok!" WTF? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Bored Mare 10 June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 Rather easy anwser here, Gender Stereotypes.I am myself a rather nerdy gal. I spent over 200 hours playing games such as Fallout 3 or Skyrim. Due to this I knew some people who treated me like a Nutcase believe it or not, just because I wasn't into what they were. Some gone even as far as call me Tomboy! Seriously! What's up with that?This goes for guys too. Just look at it. Guys watch a show with Ponies in it! END OF THE WORLD! But honestly now, My friends were mocked so much about stuff similar to that it is hillariously sad. I do really hate these stereotypes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 Well this is less me personally but it bugs me that people are surprised when they find out I'm a Christian yet am very much for gay rights, am not a creationist, love all religions, and consider atheism a legitimate standpoint. I think I've heard some variant on "you're not like other Christians" so often I'm not sure if I should take it as a compliment anymore. 1 My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nila Bean 133 June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 -All blacks are violent -Teenagers are brats -All young non-virgin girls are whores (And a little silly but personal one) -All cheerleaders are stuck up and full of themselves. Just because I wear that uniform doesn't mean I'm a bully... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 I've probably posted here a while back but oh well. Soccer mom & annoying racist redneck stereotypes bother me a lot. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Taxman 274 June 11, 2015 Share June 11, 2015 (edited) I live in Asia and some of my classmates are ignorant as fuck lol. It's true that all white people are automatically privileged, but there are quite a few who recognize that and try to fix things. I haven't seen my classmates do any of that.Still, one thing I hate about Asian sterotypes is that apparently we're all wise sages who meditate on the sayings of Confucius and meditate all day long. We definitely have a rich tradition and culture, but it's not everybody's cup of tea to do that sort of thing regularly. India and China seem to get hit by this hard. Also, every woman that wears suggestive clothing is a 'slut'/not smart/deserves to be raped. No. Edited June 11, 2015 by The Taxman 1 ~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baltosaa 86 June 12, 2015 Share June 12, 2015 Gender Stereotypes. Need I say more...? Brony Stereotypes, gamer stereotypes, Aaand one other little gem of a stereotype is Conspiracy theorists. You believe something that suggests otherwise then what the popular opinion is?! You're a MONSTer how COULD you have different views then the rest of us HOW DARE YOU THINK DIFFERENTLY-WdscSDNFOSF *Ahem* Yeah, pretty much that....^.^ This is a signature, and that was a post... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jennabun 1,579 June 12, 2015 Share June 12, 2015 (edited) I hate stereotypes about bisexual women such as: - we just claim to be bi for male attention - we are actually gay - we are actually straight - we just like to kiss girls when we're drunk - we're all down for threesomes - we can't be in monogamous relationships - we're predatory and want to have sex with everyone - we'll grow out of it; it's just a teen/college phase Edited June 12, 2015 by Jennabun 1 pleasant pegasister ✿ fluttershy fangirl ✿ cupcake connoisseur Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet_S 785 June 12, 2015 Share June 12, 2015 I personally hate ALL stereotypes.. I can't really choose one because that would be me not giving the other stereotypes the hate they deserve. I believe that people should have the right to be who they want to be and not be who they think they should be because society tells them so. Even if a stereotype is relatively 'good' it could also be considered 'bad' depending on the point of view you're looking at it. For me, stereotypes are like a brainwash, people make decisions based on them and they judge others based on them as well. The moment you start believing in stereotypes is the moment you become brainwashed by society. That's all I have to say (: 1 Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 12, 2015 Share June 12, 2015 1: brony stereotypes 2: irish stereotypes i'm 1/4 irish 3: english stereotypes i'm half english! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Espurr 449 June 12, 2015 Share June 12, 2015 Stereotypes in general just bug me. Perhaps the ones like "all bronies are cloppers" or "all bronies are autistic" bug me the most, but that's just because I'm a brony. As a Texan, though, I will say most of the stereotypes against us are true, so I can't complain about that Seriously, I hate this state. As a person who is not from Texas, but has lived in Texas at one point in my life, I must say I agree with you. I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kitty~ 165 June 13, 2015 Share June 13, 2015 I hate stereotypes of girls. That we all like girly things- like ballet and the color pink and shoes... Well that's definitely not me for ya. I feel like less than half of girls are normally this girly. And it's not like being girly is a bad thing- it's just not for everybody. I don't mind racism of white people, even though I'm white. Just stereotype my gender, and it's on xD 1 Fabulous Forum Sister: Lissi Starlight Anime lover! I'm too fabulous to think of anything else to put XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 823 June 17, 2015 Share June 17, 2015 (edited) Stereotype that annoyed me: British/English- Old, posh, Empire, Ugly, related/loved The Queen/Will&Kate&George/The Royal famliy, hooligan, facist/racist, America/Isreal's butt kissers, paid tax/rent, having good job, lazy, don't want to work, tea drinker (I love tea but not all English/British don't), only eat fish & chips for tea/lunch/dinner (like them but don't always have them) Single guys, no girlfriend- Gay (Nothing against gay but I had no girlfriend since I was born mean I'm gay?), Manchester United fan- Glory Supporter, fake supporter, arogant, Brony- Negetive stuffs said by haters/Anti-Bronies/whoever stereotype it, want some celebrities/famous people to brony, Bald People/Skin head- No brain, Cancer, racist/facist, Male Adult who play/like toys and watch/like cartoons- Man Child, never glow up/act like a child, Football/Soccer- Hooligan (also When disliking other team), Gamer - No life, sad, boring, Anime/Manga fan - Pervert, weirdo, pedo, Spend time on computer/internet - boring, sad, no life, Old people - only like things in their time, gardening, war time, their time, dislike young people, can't do things. Edited January 22, 2023 by Sunny and Izzy Man Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dedacct6 2,591 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 (edited) That all Asians are Chinese or Japanese, and if you're Korean you're obviously a North Korean Terrorist. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying!!! Edited June 18, 2015 by Pelate 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Professor Annabella 330 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 Fat people, or Americans being all obese. -Not all people are overweight because they like food. Don't wave a donut in front of their face like they are going to snatch it out of your hand and inhale it. -Watch the olympics. Every one of those American's are not obese. Actually, they are some of the best athletes in the world! Most better than the countries that make fun of us. 3 Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneComrade 1,091 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 Blacks are thugs Asians are smart Mexicans are illegal I live in the US so there are many, many more I didn't bring up 4 href="/monthly_02_2014/post-8308-0-69609200-1393191794.png"> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NonbinaryDuck 362 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 The stereotype that Juggalos are drug abusing, illiterate white trash. What's ironic is that I've seen a ton of people on these forums that seem to believe said stereotype "Jumping over rooftops-- jugga-la-ga-move Tell me have you ever seen a ghetto freak shooowww?" ~ICP, The Loons I'm not a Juggalo but I do love some of ICP's and Twiztid's music. Also probably b/c their music helps my homicidal thoughts (although one of their songs did put me into a psychotic episode lolol that was fun.) And.. they're not necessarily white trash, but I'm no fan of hearing white boys rapping. At least their music is actually tolerable and easy to enjoy. Also I love some sick and twisted jokes they have on their music, but hah some others may disagree. Either way, if Juggalos were to be drug abusers, that's an issue to be concerned with, not a red flag telling you to run away from said person or group of people. If someone said they're addicted to cocaine I'd help them, not thinking that they're going to give me diseases or among other mentalist bullshit. Anyway, what bothers me are people who think that mentally ill people are known to murder/abuse/rape/etc. more than neurotypicals, when a few articles, such as this one, said actually that most people who harm others are not neuroatypical/neurodivergent. Hah! How do you like us now, huh normies? 2 My Shop | My OC | Apply for Canterlot High! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 I'll just list them from greatest to least -America/Americans -Gamer -Brony -Gender and the list goes on... but I feel I can't add anymore without expressing hatred to specific things 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaxsie (Inactive) 1,343 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 (edited) - All black girls have a bad attitude, are snappy, smack their lips, and roll their necks. (I laugh at this, honestly; I don't fit this at all ) - All home schoolers are pale white kids. (I'm black and a home schooler; stereotype busted!) - All black men are thugs. (My brother wouldn't hurt a fly) - All teenage girls back talk and are sassy. (I always hated this one because when I was approaching adolescence I knew my parents were expecting this. And I wanted to prove them wrong; which I did and still am.) - All boys like to play sports and if they don't, there is something wrong. - All girls like dolls and doll houses. (I've never liked them; stuffed animals all the way!) - Bronies don't have lives and they're free loading basement dwellers. Oh, I have an extra one, haha. - All teenagers are immature and irresponsible. (I help break this stereotype; I'm like 16 going on 25! I've always been an "old soul". ) Edited June 18, 2015 by RainbowJaxs16 2 My Johari Window Japanese Word of the Day Today's Kanji (by Tsukuyomi-MLP) Ask Me Anything Sig made by me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Taxman 274 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 Oh, a few extra ones! That a member of any New Religious Movement is in a cult of sorts. I'm a Unitarian Universalist who has a Wiccian friend and I can safely tell you people that the two of us aren't in a cult. Also, if you're a trans man you must be super masculine and vice versa. I'm most likely a trans man and I still like some feminine things. Gender expression is a social construct and it's not directly tied to gender. And, finally, while this obviously doesn't apply to me I hate it when some people say that celebrities are shallow. I think everybody has their own story and that celebrities are people too. While I'm a fan of precious few I do believe that's worth noting. ~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight Hadron 372 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 I hate that all rainy days are stereotyped to be slow and lethargic. Ugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revy 184 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 That all tomboys are lesbians, I mean comon, I like guys too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Horse 12,964 June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 I hate the stereotype of the Irish leprechaun, and that we all speak with these incredibly annoying accents and say things like "Top o' the mornin' to ye!!" I've never heard anyone say that in all my years living here. I also hate the Stereotype that heavy tea drinkers are upper class twits. I'm simply a very refined tea drinker. "Always watching - Always lurking." Signature by @Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 18, 2015 Share June 18, 2015 (edited) All Muslims are crazed, gun-wielding, fanatic suicide bombers. All black people are either thugs or violent criminals. All straight white men are privileged rape-apologists. All feminist women are aligned with Anita Sarkeesian and her pund of followers. If you have a somewhat different opinion than someone else, you're instantly a hater/troll and your input is invalid. All people who don't particularly care for MLP are instantly anti-bronies. All stoners are assholes who don't care for themselves and their surroundings. Edited June 18, 2015 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerpuff-tsubasa 448 May 19, 2016 Share May 19, 2016 - popular girls - jocky boys - chinese are dirty pigs - asian sucks i'm part asian so don't ever throw something discriminative. i'm warning you... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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