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This is rather discouraging...


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Hey there!


Foxx here, in need of a little help. As most of you know, I am very young, coming in at a mere 13. Anyways, (although I feel these notions are unfounded) it feels like I will never get to a respectable level in my art in the foreseeable future. It seems like all the good artists are 25 year olds with a masters in graphic design, and very few are even close to my age. It really sucks, knowing that I cannot reach the top, even if I give it all I have. I know I should be proud of my work, but the thought of my current level being my best so far is disheartening.


Looking back on that post, it kind of seems like I'm looking for consolation, but, if anything I'd much rather have some helpful advice to move forward with. Thanks!


Art in hereI









EDIT: Hey! Thank you guys so much, I guess this post was made in some sort of mindless rage. Anyways, I have seen a tendency to judge myself unfairly, but that's just an obstacle that I will (hopefully) overcome with time. I appreciate each and every bit of everyone's advice and I am grateful that you guys have taken your time out to pull me out of the dumpster.



Edited by Foxx
  • Brohoof 7

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




                                                   ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^                                                         

>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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It's not like you'll remain the same age forever. Over time your skills can grow, and as they do, people will take you more seriously. Simply give it whatever effort you can. 


I think your art looks fine, and with some work, it can become absolutely fantastic.  ^_^


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That's better than anything I will ever make. 

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Just to give you a heads up.


You're only 13? Listen. The masters have all started at around the beginning of high school to where they are now. The reason why some of the older people seem better is because they have experience and tons and tons of practice. Years of practice. Usually 13 is the starting age for a lot of artists who end up doing art for a living. And that is not even including:

  • The years spent in art school (My sister started in high school, 4 years).
  • Art college (Another 4 years)
  • Post-college graduate school (Another 3 years)

See how that's almost 11 years of doing art? Can you fathom that amount of practice that has taken? You're only at the very beginning and it's really important to be diligent and keep practicing to become really good.


Each time you practice, focus on improving upon a specific thing (say a background or the details of the eyes). Then add more detail, and add more detail. It'll grow and grow. This stuff never happens overnight.


I keep saying, "Practice, practice," but that is the essence of what you need to achieve what you want.

  • Brohoof 9

"You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

Youtube - Carbon Maestro, Music Reviews - Carbon Music Reviews, Soundcloud - Follow Here, Twitter: @CarbonMaestro

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At the age you are now, that level of art is actually impressive. Carbon is right as art students have years od practice. I am a model maker (4 years experience) and i'm in a special effects course where people in my year have been doing it muck longer and are ridiculously talented. I don't compare myself to them because I know the difference and I cam to the course to learn. You should do the same and concentrate on improving your own skills. Maybe play with a few art styles and maybe do some free requests to get some good experience under your belt. Do not give up as you my friend have so much potential. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, I don't foresee almost anyone around the age of 13 being on par with the 20+ "masters", but that's usually because art is a long-term investment in growing an ability and specialized knowledge/skill, if you will. Rare is the case where someone around the age of 8 would commit to making art a solid hobby worth investing hour after hour after hour, as the youths in your current range of 12-15 do.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that art takes time to build a skill for. Most "masters" are older because they've had longer to realize what they want to do, and pursue it. I've seen a handful of really really awesome artists around the age of 18-20, yeah, but going younger than that, it gets more rare.


Think of it this way: you have 7+ years to practice before you should measure yourself to them on equal ground.

Trust me when I say you get better--you can speed that process up if you draw from life, and pick challenging subjects to practice and experiment with. The person that tackles difficult projects like still life(s), perspectives, foreshortening, full background & character scenes, human faces, shading studies... well, they will be the ones to grow faster.


I'm currently 20, and when I was your age... I sucked. I still think I suck when comparing myself to some of the more amazing artists out there, but suffice to say, I think I was worse than where you're at when I was 13. I've been lazy with practicing, and I still got a good bit better just by picking up a pencil now and then and experimenting.


You'll get really far up there if you keep practicing challenging yourself, I promise.  :)



*Also, you don't need a degree in art to make really awesome art. Youtube and the internet will teach you all you need often enough--if anything, a large part of the degree seems to be that they were simply forced to do something against their natural inclination, and do it well, so they adapted and learned to make the best of things and establish a large base.

--Yeah, there's a ton of concepts to be learned too, and they may be more readily critiqued, but again, the internet can teach you a lot about almost any subject if you put the time into it.  :lol:

Edited by SFyr
  • Brohoof 3
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Don't feel discouraged, your stuff looks really good for your age! It certainly beats what mine was like when I was 13. I'd have been jealous, haha.


As everyone else here has said, the key is to just keep drawing. It's all about practice. I don't have any degrees in art, my love for drawing has simply remained a hobby which I indulged in whenever I could. If I had been an art major, I'd probably be even better; but the point is, even a casual level of 'for fun' practice results in steady improvement.


Draw what you love, use references whenever you can, but most importantly just keep drawing. Don't compare yourself to others. Just draw what you love, enjoy doing it, and the improvement will come on it's own.


Also, as a more immediate tip - look up Purplekeckleon's 'How I See Color' Tutorial. It's old, but it's still a great colour tutorial. PK's art itself is absolutely brilliant in it's use of colour. You already have a firm grasp on colour value for creating shapes without line, but by using complimentary colours you can really make those shadows and highlights burst to life!


The Crystal Minstrel Pony Tumblr

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Your art is very good and you do have potential. Please keep practicing and you will keep improving! I know it seems that all of the older artists that are really good are much older then you and have college degree's, but that's because a lot of them are. Their art is good from YEARS of experience and they went to school to improve on their art skills.


Just remember though: Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone improves in time.

~The Curled Pony~


Advisor - Actress - Artist

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Never feel like you're behind. Cause remember, there's people like me: 15 years old and literally (yes literally) cannot draw a straight line more than a couple inches in length without it turning into a squiggle. At least, not without the aid of a flat edge or taking 30 seconds for each inch. I quite honestly don't think I know anyone with less artistic skills than I. Visual art, anyway.


So not much in the way of advice that I can give, but hopefully you feel better remembering that some people just plain suck at art and you don't, yeah?

  • Brohoof 1



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Find out what you want your art to look like (like the work of an artist you idolize), find out how they do it, than do everything in your power to acheive that. I don't recommend you go to art school, there are free guides online like on deviantart to teach you in any art medium.

Proud Supporter of Communism

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I'm not sure where you are located or what your finances are for continuing education.  I do believe you can be great without a school but I also believe that going to one that specializes in art can bring things out of you that you didn't know were there.

If you are in the USA, google the Ryman Art Foundation.  Students are chosen to study art with them (Herb Ryman did the original drawings of Disneyland as well as countless other paintings and designs) and this might be a direction to go in.


All I know is when I clicked on the spoiler I just went "wow".  And I mean it.  That first pony especially is amazing.  I like the 2nd one a lot too but something about that first one.....


Anyhow, don't give up!!!!

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I have very little to say here that hasn't been said already, but I'll say it anyway. First of all, age has very little to do with it. I've seen stuff by people younger than me that was far better than anything I could do, and it was better because they had more practice, more passion, they worked to develop that skill. If someone older is better, it is only because they have had time to lean, practice, and improve. The pictures in the spoiler may not be top tier, but they are definitely better than a good chunk of the stuff out there, impressive, especially considering age (I'm guessing you're relatively new to the world of digital art). The fact that you feel your art is inadequate is a good thing; if you can identify specifically what you don't like about it, you can work to improve on those details. For now, practice, push yourself, but most importantly, keep the fire. If you lose the will to draw, your skills will rust, but if you can keep at it, you will become better.  .

  • Brohoof 2

Keep flyin'


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I feel with you, you know. I had exactly the same depressingly discouraging feeling just a year ago, with becoming a muscisian. But I got over it with this thought:


Don't try to become the best, or 'better than someone else', try to become how good you want to be. In the end, artists who draw and design eventually don't signify themselves with their skill anymore. It's their creative thought, their experience and inspiration what makes them 'the masters'. I promise you that you can become as skilled as they are. But your ideas and creativity? That is something only you can influence. What it all comes down to is being able to project the image that is in your mind onto reality, and if you can do that all you need to improve is the image that you create in your mind.


For instance, all I want to do is to be able to play and compose what comes up in my mind. Eventually, I will be able to do that, if I practice. But after that it comes down to thinking of better music to play and compose, since I can play it already. I know that will bring me infinite joy, and if you can draw what you think of in your mind, you won't care that you aren't the best or even close to the best anymore. Don't give up on your passions. You are very talented!

  • Brohoof 2

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Hey there!


Foxx here, in need of a little help. As most of you know, I am very young, coming in at a mere 13. Anyways, (although I feel these notions are unfounded) it feels like I will never get to a respectable level in my art in the foreseeable future. It seems like all the good artists are 25 year olds with a masters in graphic design, and very few are even close to my age. It really sucks, knowing that I cannot reach the top, even if I give it all I have. I know I should be proud of my work, but the thought of my current level being my best so far is disheartening.


Looking back on that post, it kind of seems like I'm looking for consolation, but, if anything I'd much rather have some helpful advice to move forward with. Thanks!


Art in hereI










Well first off dude, don't ever let people tell you, you're not good, because odds are they are jealous or just saying that to put themselves up. Secondly, if you love doing artwork, then keep doing it! Who cares if some don't care for your work, what matters is that you like it and it's YOUR way of expressing yourself.


Look at H.R. Giger's work (creator of the Alien creature), you think everyone loves his work? Some find it repulsive or creepy, I find it more of a different perspective and eye catching.


When I was drawing at your age, I was picked on for the stuff I did because it wasn't feminie enough. Boys thought it was weird I could draw monsters, dragons, aliens etc, but I ignored them because I loved doing it. So don't give up on it! Also, the more you do it, the more you learn new methods and styles!



Art work when I was 13yrs



My recent artwork today (27yrs old)




Don't give up on it, believe in yourself, love what you do and don't worry about it! For the record you're off to a brilliant start!

  • Brohoof 2

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Holy crap that's fantastic! *Sigh* I wish I could draw that well. You're a great artist, good job. :)

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I'm 17 and I've been practicing for 3 or 4 years now, and this is one of my best creations:




Yeahh...you're gonna go far, kid :D I WISH I had enough talent to create pictures like the ones you posted up there. I've always wanted to be an artist, but it's just so unnatural with me that the best I can do is live out that aspiration vicariously through the fanart community and becoming well versed in the artists and their creations and what not. 


You, on the other hand, are displaying a very, VERY high ceiling when it comes to potential :D I can only wish I have the sort of talent you have, and I'm a whole 4 years older than you.

Anyone who disses your artwork can piss off, to be blunt :D For a 13 year old, this is godlike.



He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well you won't be 13 for ever mate. And just keep at it. Some day you will have that degree in graphic design, and a resume that is 4 miles long. You just have to keep at it, and always practice. And it seems like you have more than enough praise here, no need to worry about being "pony famous" at age 13. By the time you are 18 this fandom might not even exist. So just enjoy what you are doing, and continue to get better at it.

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