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If You Were A Pony?


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I know right, he would be the most useful companion in Equestria ever.


Definitely.  He would be so badass to have.

  • Brohoof 1
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Eh, i guess i could give it a go...


Race: Unicorn

Where i Would live: Either a Nomad, or a house right outside of Ponyville

Pet: Uhm, a dragon. Though I'd probably call it a companion, but whatever.

Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Either Pinkie Pie or Twilight

Job: Hmm, tough one... Guess I would have no job. I would get some bits through helping others or something I guess...Maybe scavenging...

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Race: I would love to be a Pegasus, but I would probably be an Earth Pony.


Where I would live: Ponyville or another smaller city.


Pet: A cat of course


Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Twilight Sparkle, Apple Blossom, Granny Smith, or other librarians


Job: Librarian

Education is the best weapon against stigma.

Always looking to make new friends. Feel free to message me.

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Race: Earth Pony


Home: Manehattan


Strength: 100%


Flight: 0%


Magic: 0%


I would look exactly like Rainbow Powered Maud Pie.

Edited by Maud Pie Rocker

Do the Daft Collision! 

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Race: Pegasus


House: I would be moving a lot, but I would have a small house in the mountains with a mini library (holds pictures and travel journals for the most part, along with fantasy stories (some in different languages and a few rare books from all over the world).


Pet: Barn owl


Job: Travelling artist (who also does martial arts)

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Race: Pegasus


Location: Some small house in the outskirts of Ponyville




Pony I would hang out with: Rainbow Dash or Vinyl


Job: Ace Quill/Sofa Salesman

I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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Race: Probably would be a unicorn

Town: Canterlot

Pet: a cat

Job: probably research in magic

Pony I would most likely hang out with: Shining Armour

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Race: Unicorn

Home: Medium size home in loosely forested area between Ponyville and everfree forest.

Pet: A cat (Not like rarity's. More of a tabby.)

Friend: Maybe Twilight. I like learning.

Job: ... Maybe... Something... Something to do with magic...?

Ellise Aet rill; amlos riik.
And yes, that means something.



And remember, the internet is always right.

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Race: Pegasus

Where I would live: Cloudsdale.

Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Thunderlane and Stellar Eclipse

Job: Weather factory.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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Race: unicorn

House: nothing fancy, just a home in Ponyville.

Pet: a cat, cause I'm basic.

Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Fluttershy, perhaps Twilight too. Maybe Pinkie, shes my favorite but I feel like she would probably overwhelm me at first.

Job: zooligist, something that involves animals at the very least.

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Race: Unicorn

Home: Nice Cottage near ponyville's river.

Pet: Ferret

Job: Adventurer, Defender, Writer.

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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Race: I'd be a unicorn, no contest and I'd probably be my OC Star Ruby. (Link to her on my profile page)

Job: I'd work as a baker or a spy or an author. (Probably author)

Pet: Probably a cat

Pony: I'd hang out with everyone. Or pinkie pie

Place: I'd live in Ponyville because it's such a relaxing place and my bakery could be in competition with Mr. and Mrs. Cake's bakery.

Freetime: On my free time I'd play video games and have discord teach me Chaos spells for emergencies.....

Edited by Star Ruby

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I would live a quiet life in West Fillydelphia, probably a somewhat clumsy pegasus with the occasional moment of acrobatic brilliance. I figure I'd join society as a musician, but more a behind the scenes sort of guy like a composer or lyrics writer versus being one of the actual performers. I purposely didn't put myself in Ponyville because I wouldn't be worthy of hanging out with show ponies. Just random background ponies would be fine with me. I'd have a spry and slinky little cat that has a love-hate relationship with me. And life would be good.

  • Brohoof 1
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Race: Unicorn

Where I would live: A "hobbit hole" style home within walking distance of ponyville

Pet: A cat

Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight

Job: Enchantments / Potions for sale and custom spells for hire. Part time vet.


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The ponified version of myself is:


Midnight Pallette.


A stallion.


Where I would live would be in Equestria, that is in a Country based area, such as Apple (something) Acres.


I would have the position of an artist, painter to be exact. And I would sell paintings in Downtown Ponyville.


The Mare Six would visit me on a day to day basis, greeting me at my shopping kiosk.


And three of them would have a huge crush on me. It would be Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack.


I would live in an independent Country home, next to the neighborhood where Applejack lives.


I would be nice to the animals, grow crops, and paint country scenery at home.


That would be wonderful. :)

Edited by MidnightPallette1992
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Race: unicorn

house: modest house on the outskirts of ponyville.

friends: Twilight and Applejack

pet: probably a dog and/or a cat

occupation: scientist or engineer, or a least an assistant at the library.


i would love to live in ponyville, whether as a pony or as a human.

(of course, it would probably be easier as a pony, cause then i wouldn't have to worry about low doors and everything would fit and work better, plus i wouldn't have to deal with a lot of attention). :)

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Race: Pegasus

Where: I would live in a loft in Manehattan and a small average cottage in Ponyville that I would share with a roommate.

Pet: German Shepard

Pony: Vinyl, Octavia, any pony artist.

Job: Film Maker


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Well, I always thought I would be a Unicorn, if I were a pony living in Equestria. I would hope to live as close as I could to Twilight "best pony" Sparkle. My job? I have no clue, lol. Maybe running a video game shop? Yeah! That would be cool. I would try to have a flying squirrel as a pet, and I would hang out with Twilight Sparkle as much as I could. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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