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How would you react to the canon death of a character?


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First off, I would mourn if any pony passed.


Second, the concept that its televisions job to teach kids about the facts of life is so wrong to me. As much as we love MLP in this family, no television show can,or should, take over the role of being a parent.

We have had a lot of losses in this family(my dad, my father in law, my mother in law,my grandmother and my best friend)these last two years, its a parents job & responsibility to sit down with the kids, talk to them and help them deal with it.


Now, I am not flaming anyone, but the thing is that its a cartoon, its not real life. Its supposed to be about enjoying yourself, and learning something in the process is a bonus. Lessons about friendship, trust and so on is absolutely brilliant, but dont turn any show into a medium for raising your kids. Let kids be kids while they can, the hard truth about life will be experienced soon enough.

  • Brohoof 3

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Twilight: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!!

Rainbow: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!

AJ: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!!

Pinkie: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!!

Rarity: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!!

FS: DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! No, I need to go back and see it agai... HOLY CRAP IT DID! THEY KILLED HER!!!


I mean, there's never been a single (significant) death in the show yet. If they were to suddenly just... do it, I'd probably go into shock.

Edited by Pony Joe
  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I quoted all of you guys because your initial reaction to the topic is exactly what my post is tackling. As for the demographic, I think learning to appropriately cope and knowing that s*** happens is better taught sooner than later. What are you sparing a child by letting it be later? And also, notice the hate, unhappiness, despair, and destructive outcomes of some of the reactions. This happens to people in real life. Of course I would absolutely hate to see anyone die in MLP, but there is sooo much here that obviously does need to be addressed. We could see different ponies that react just the way you guys do - all different reactions, all relatively negative and potentially self destructive, or destructive to harmony - and explore each on how things would turn out in that case, then each learn a very valuable lesson. It still could completely be a lesson of friendship. Actually, lessons.


Maybe it would go over better if everypony meets a new pony, he/she passes on, and we watch everypony's different way of mourning, and lessons learned out of that. "I learned that I can't just stop living, and my friend that passed would want me to be happy" - "I learned that even though this made me hate the world, I shouldn't take out my anger on my friends, who care about me and are only trying to help" - "I learned that I can't keep running from myself, from my own mind and memory, and that pretending that this never happened can be insulting and destructive" etc.


Please don't flame me :(


When I said "I pretty much can't even imagine something like that happening." I meant I couldn't imagine Hasbro letting the writers include something like this. I've watched anime for years now. I've seen lots of characters in various shows die. I just seriously doubt if Hasbro and Studio B would ever include something like that in the show.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Flame you? If they flame you I'll hand you a heat shield!




The post was brilliant, and I agree wholeheartedly, and now that you point it out, I really want to take it further.


That isn't a lesson just for kids. That's a lesson for the world, for society, for everyone! (And where better to plant a good idea than in youth?)


People have this false idea of always blaming someone when there's an accident. Their lack of control over it, the complete impossibility of bringing someone back to life, makes people feel helpless, and the extremely powerful desire to do so, and their helplessness to do it, leads to fury. And they search for something to take it out on, someone to savegely attack in one way or other for what's been done. They completely forget what "accident" means.


And all too often, there's a lawsuit, or some type of attack or revenge in response to such situations, which only deepen the misery of what's happened - And I think you put the point brilliantly - instead of honoring and remembering their life, and who they were, and what they lived for.


Is it the show's responsibility to teach that kind of a lesson, though?


It may be an important lesson to teach, but you'd be doing so at the cost of the spirit of the series. It wold irrevocably change how I and probably a lot of other people view the show. Yes, you could say that the series already teaches life lessons and this would simply be a bigger one, but really the show at its core it's a lighthearted family oriented show. You can't deal with death unless it's done in a very specific and sensitive way (and I don't think it can be done at all with the main characters).

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight Sparkle- Don't really like her.

Rainbow Dash- Kind of Arrogant, but very amusing. I'd be sad.

Pinkie Pie- meh.

AppleJack- Oh god why? I love her.


Rarity- NOOOOOO!

I'd also mourn really any death on the show. :/

  • Brohoof 1


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It doesn't matter which pony that dies, i would still cry my eyes out. :(

This is probably going to sound horrible but i still actually like the idea of having some pony die in the series. I think it would be a nice contrast to the otherwise very happy and colorful show. Having a episode where the characters are dealing with the loss of a loved one and the sadness and sorrow that comes with it could bring a very deep and meaningful message that has not been touched upon in the show yet. Besides, if sadness didn't exist then i dont think happines would exist or atleast we wouldn't know what happiness is.


I am not saying that theres anything wrong with the otherwise happy and colorful theme of the show(we all still love it for what it is after all) and i dont know if this is the best thing for the show to do but i still think it could be a very beautifull, deep and emotional message for the show.

Edited by FlutterGoth
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think it's going to happen. They just couldn't kill any of the mane 6, it wouldn't make any sense, and I think the writers know there is no way they could reasonably pull that off. Also I would RAAAAAGE.


A background character would be a little more reasonable, but even if it taught a lesson it just seems to go against the nature of the series. I don't see how it would fit in.

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seems a House of Leaves
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Is it the show's responsibility to teach that kind of a lesson, though?


It may be an important lesson to teach, but you'd be doing so at the cost of the spirit of the series. It wold irrevocably change how I and probably a lot of other people view the show. Yes, you could say that the series already teaches life lessons and this would simply be a bigger one, but really the show at its core it's a lighthearted family oriented show. You can't deal with death unless it's done in a very specific and sensitive way (and I don't think it can be done at all with the main characters).


Odd. I thought I wrote something about how it's a parents job, not the show's, but I agree.


killing a character would add a great deal of emotional depth for one episode, but in the long run it would hurt the show, not to mention the big way it would hurt the show, damaging it's happy, lighthearted basis.


If any pony died... I'd be shocked. Then a little depressed. Then write fanfics with them alive, and re-watch old episodes... :(



Now, something like a minor character like Granny Smith would be more doable, but still, even then...

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Most people would cry if it was Fluttershy, due to how innocent she is.

Please, each pony is special in their own way.

Plus, you lose one element, and some uber-badflank antagonist shows up and wipes everyone out.

Not good. Not good at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most people would cry if it was Fluttershy, due to how innocent she is. Please, each pony is special in their own way. Plus, you lose one element, and some uber-badflank antagonist shows up and wipes everyone out. Not good. Not good at all.

Not to mention, you KNOW she would end up sacrificing herself in some spectacular fashion. Because that's how most of those kinds of characters kick the bucket.

Edited by SBaby

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Twilight: I'd lose my mind

Rarity: I wouldn't get out of bed

Applejack: I'd stop trying in life

Rainbow Dash: I would become fat and lazy

Pinkie Pie: I'd be depressed forever

Fluttershy: I'd become a cruel and heartless person


Ponies will not die. Ever.

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This is the truth...I would be like...OH SHIT!!!.....then i would wonder...how the hell they kill ponies on a kids show on hub?

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Twi: I'll shed manly tears in the corner

RD: I'll shed manly tears facing the wall

Pinkie: I'll shed manly tears facing the ground

Rarity: I'll facepalm myself while trying to hold back tears

Fluttershy: I'll she manly tears looking at the TV

Applejack: I'll cry looking at old Applejack pics and related content. Then I'll succomb (That how you spell it?) to depression and won't be happy for a loooong time. Then I'll remember that she is in a better place but then remember all her friends are very sad and will get sad once more before finally accepting the horrible truth.


But what do I have to worry? This is a kids show (Not exactly sure anymore though ;) ), and the creators would never try something so mature and hard-hitting as a canon death. All is good :)



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In all Honesty, I would take Applejack's death the hardest. Like I would think, "What did she do to deserve this?"




I died a little on the inside ^ . It was too sad for me.


In all seriousness, I don't think they would canonically kill off a Main character. They have, however, killed off that one pony in Hearts n' Hooves day...

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With out Rainbow Dash, I wouldn't be able to spread the word of My Little Pony around, which I have, but she's the only one that got me to be brave enough to do things in front of the kids in my high school, I probably would cry forever and might even consider locking myself from the world once more if she ever died in the show, just can't simply live without her.


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How did I miss this thread until now?


Like most of the others who've posted, I would be reacting with shock and significant amounts of horror. Considering how slack-jawed I was at Fluttershy's rant from Putting Your Hoof Down, I'm thinking something like this would be far beyond belief.


However, also as others have stated, odds are this will not happen at all in any sense. It's true that we had a brief acknowledgement that death does indeed occur in Equestria from that two second shot of a funeral during Sweetie Belle's song from Hearts and Hooves Day, but beyond that I'm not expecting the show to acknowledge the subject at all. It's not a subject that's easy to tackle nor would it be all that appropriate for the target demographic.


If they chose to approach the subject at all, they certainly wouldn't kill off any of the Mane Six. That's just not going to happen, not even during some kind of huge series finale where it's a final adventure and anything goes. No, the only way I can see it happening is through an elderly pony passing on, and the only pony who fits the bill on this is Granny Smith.


It could be heartfelt, touching, and teach a valuable lesson, but even there I don't think they'd be willing to write such an episode, nor would Hasbro allow them to do so. If my vague memory is not mistaken, no previous My Little Pony show has ever killed off any character except possibly villains, and I don't see Friendship is Magic being any different. Deaths of ponies will be, thankfully, confined to fanfiction and other fanworks. I'm willing to bet significantly on that.

  • Brohoof 2

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Despite the fact that the deaths of the mane 6 will never be canon, and even if the death scenes were really sincere and heartfelt (if they were canon), I would be a one man wrecking ball of tears and emotion.


If you wanna see, go on and tear it outta me!


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Unless it was like an older pony passing peacefully or some pony who hadn't been really well developed dying some honorable, well explained death, I would probably be very shocked and sad. I'd have to stop watching for a little while if it was one of the mane 6, I think, not forever, but for a while. :(

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